

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

sr.ht-general-availability.md (6720B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2018-11-15
  3. layout: post
  4. title: "sr.ht, the hacker's forge, now open for public alpha"
  5. tags: ["sourcehut", "announcement"]
  6. ---
  7. I'm happy to announce today that I'm opening [sr.ht](https://sr.ht) (pronounced
  8. "sir hat", or any other way you want) to the general public for the remainder of
  9. the alpha period. Though it's missing some of the features which will be
  10. available when it's completed, sr.ht today represents a very capable software
  11. forge which is already serving the needs of many projects in the free & open
  12. source software community. If you're familiar with the project and ready to
  13. register your account, you can head straight to [the sign up
  14. page](https://sr.ht).
  15. For those who are new, let me explain what makes sr.ht special. It provides many
  16. of the trimmings you're used to from sites like GitHub, Gitlab, BitBucket, and
  17. so on, including git repository hosting, bug tracking software, CI, wikis, and
  18. so on. However, the sr.ht model is different from these projects - where many
  19. forges attempt to replicate GitHub's success with a thinly veiled clone of the
  20. GitHub UI and workflow, sr.ht is fundamentally different in its approach.
  21. >The sr.ht platform excites me more than any project in recent memory. It’s a
  22. >fresh concept, not a Github wannabe like Gitlab. I always thought that if
  23. >something is going to replace Github it would have to be a paradigm change, and
  24. >I think that’s what we’re seeing here. Drew’s project blends the wisdom of the
  25. >kernel hackers with a tasteful web interface.
  26. <div style="margin-top: -1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem"><small>&mdash;<a href="https://lobste.rs/s/h1udkf/git_is_already_federated_decentralized#c_smnkic">begriffs on lobste.rs</a></small></div>
  27. The 500 foot view is that sr.ht is a [100% free and open
  28. source](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/?search=sr.ht) software forge, with a hosted
  29. version of the services running *at* [sr.ht](https://sr.ht) for your
  30. convenience. Unlike GitHub, which is almost entirely closed source, and Gitlab,
  31. which is mostly open source but with a proprietary premium offering, all of
  32. sr.ht is completely open source, with a copyleft license[^bsd]. You're welcome
  33. to install it on your own hardware, and [detailed
  34. instructions](https://man.sr.ht/installation.md) are available for those who
  35. want to do so. You can also send patches upstream, which are then integrated
  36. into the hosted version.
  37. [^bsd]: Some components use the 3-clause BSD license.
  38. sr.ht is special because it's extremely modular and flexible, designed with
  39. interoperability with the rest of the ecosystem in mind. On top of that, sr.ht
  40. is one of the most lightweight websites on the internet, with the average page
  41. weighing less than 10 KiB, with **no tracking** and **no JavaScript**. Each
  42. component - git hosting, continuous integration, etc - is a standalone piece of
  43. software that integrates deeply with the rest of sr.ht *and* with the rest of
  44. the ecosystem outside of sr.ht. For example, you can use builds.sr.ht to compile
  45. your GitHub pull requests, or you can keep your repos on git.sr.ht and host
  46. everything in one place. Unlike GitHub, which favors its own in-house pull
  47. request workflow[^github-prs], sr.ht embraces and improves upon the email-based
  48. workflow favored by git itself, along with many of the more hacker-oriented
  49. projects around the net. I've put a lot of work into making this powerful
  50. workflow more [accessible and
  51. comprehensible](https://man.sr.ht/git.sr.ht/send-email.md) to the average
  52. hacker.
  53. [^github-prs]: A model that many have replicated in their own GitHub alternatives.
  54. The flagship product from sr.ht is its continuous integration platform,
  55. builds.sr.ht, which is easily the most capable continuous integration system
  56. available today. It's so powerful that I've been working with multiple Linux
  57. distributions on bringing them onboard because it's the only platform which can
  58. scale to the automation needs of an entire Linux distribution. It's so powerful
  59. that I've been working with maintainers of *non-Linux* operating systems, from
  60. BSD to even Hurd, because it's the only platform which can even consider
  61. supporting their needs. Smaller users are loving it, too, many of whom are
  62. jumping ship from Travis and Jenkins in favor of the simplicity and power of
  63. builds.sr.ht.
  64. On builds.sr.ht, simple YAML-based [build
  65. manifests](https://man.sr.ht/builds.sr.ht/#build-manifests), similar to those
  66. you see on other platforms, are used to describe your builds. You can submit
  67. these through the web, the API, or various integrations. Within seconds, a
  68. virtual machine is booted with KVM, your build environment is sent to it, and
  69. your scripts start running. A diverse set of base images are supported on a
  70. variety of architectures, soon to include the first hardware-backed RISC-V
  71. cycles available to the general public. builds.sr.ht is used to automate
  72. everything from the deployment of this Jekyll-based blog, testing GitHub pull
  73. requests for [sway](https://swaywm.org), building and testing packages for
  74. [postmarketOS](https://postmarketos.org/), and deploying complex applications
  75. like builds.sr.ht itself. Our base images [build, test, and deploy
  76. themselves](https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/alpine/edge) every day.
  77. The lists.sr.ht service is another important part of sr.ht, and a large part of
  78. how sr.ht embraces the model used by major projects like Linux, Postgresql, git
  79. itself, and many more. lists.sr.ht finally modernizes mailing lists, with a
  80. powerful and elegant web interface for hacking on and talking about your
  81. projects. Take a look at the [sr.ht-dev][sr.ht-dev] list to see patches
  82. developed for sr.ht itself. Another good read is the [mrsh-dev][mrsh-dev] list,
  83. used for development on the [mrsh][mrsh] project, or my own [public
  84. inbox][public-inbox], where I take comments for this blog and grab-bag
  85. discussions for my smaller projects.
  86. [sr.ht-dev]: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
  87. [mrsh-dev]: https://lists.sr.ht/~emersion/mrsh-dev
  88. [mrsh]: https://git.sr.ht/~emersion/mrsh
  89. [public-inbox]: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/public-inbox
  90. I've just scratched the surface, and there's much more for you to discover. You
  91. could look at my [scdoc](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc) project to get an
  92. idea of how the git browser looks and feels. You could [browse tickets on my
  93. todo.sr.ht profile](https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn) to get a feel for the bug
  94. tracking software. Or you could check out the [detailed
  95. manual](https://man.sr.ht) on sr.ht's git-powered wiki service. You could also
  96. just [sign up for an account](https://sr.ht)!
  97. sr.ht isn't complete, but it's maturing fast and I think you'll love it. Give it
  98. a try, and I'm only [an email away](mailto:sir@cmpwn.com) to receive your
  99. feedback.