- ---
- title: Using io_uring to make a high-performance... finger server
- date: 2021-05-24
- outputs: [html, gemtext]
- ---
- I'm working on adding a wrapper for the [Linux io_uring interface][0] to my
- [secret programming language project][1]. To help learn more about io_uring and
- to test out the interface I was designing, I needed a small project whose design
- was well-suited for the value-add of io_uring. The [Finger protocol][2] is
- perfect for this! After being designed in the 70's and then completely forgotten
- about for 50 years, it's the perfect small and simple network protocol to test
- drive this new interface with.
- [0]:
- [1]:
- [2]:
- In short, finger will reach out to a remote server and ask for information about
- a user. It was used back in the day to find contact details like the user's
- phone number, office address, email address, sometimes their favorite piece of
- ASCII art, and, later, a summary of the things they were working on at the
- moment. The somewhat provocative name allegedly comes from an older usage of
- the word to mean "a snitch" or a member of the FBI. The last useful RFC related
- to Finger is [RFC 1288][3], circa 1999, which will be our reference for this
- server. If you want to give it a test drive, try this to ping the server we'll
- be discussing today:
- ```
- printf 'drew\r\n' | nc 79
- ```
- You might also have the finger command installed locally (try running "finger
- drew\"), and you can try out the [Castor][4] browser by sourcehut
- user ~julienxx for a graphical experience.
- [3]:
- [4]:
- And what is io_uring? It is the latest interface for async I/O on Linux, and
- it's pretty innovative and interesting. The basic idea is to set up some memory
- which is shared between the kernel and the userspace program, and stash a couple
- of ring buffers there that can be updated with atomic writes. Userspace appends
- submission queue entries (SQEs) to the submission queue (SQ), and the kernel
- processes the I/O requests they describe and then appends completion queue
- events (CQEs) to the completion queue (CQ). Interestingly, both sides can see
- this happening *without* entering the kernel with a syscall, which is a major
- performance boost. It more or less solves the async I/O problem for Linux, which
- Linux (and Unix at large) has struggled to do for a long time.
- With that the background in place, I'm going to walk you through my finger
- server's code. Given that this is written in an as-of-yet unreleased programming
- language, I'll do my best to help you decipher the alien code.
- <details>
- <summary>A quick disclaimer</summary>
- <p>
- This language, the standard library, and the interface provided by
- linux::io_uring, are all works in progress and are subject to change. In
- particular, this program will become obsolete when we design a portable I/O
- bus interface, which on Linux will be backed by io_uring but on other systems
- will use kqueue, poll, etc.
- <p>
- As a rule of thumb, anything which uses rt:: or linux:: is likely to change or
- be moved behind a portable abstraction in the future.
- </details>
- Let's start with the basics:
- <!--
- Yes, it's called Hare. Now keep that to yourself.
- -->
- ```hare
- use fmt;
- use getopt;
- use net::ip;
- use strconv;
- use unix::passwd;
- def MAX_CLIENTS: uint = 128;
- export fn main() void = {
- let addr: ip::addr = ip::ANY_V6;
- let port = 79u16;
- let group = "finger";
- const cmd = getopt::parse(os::args,
- "finger server",
- ('B', "addr", "address to bind to (default: all)"),
- ('P', "port", "port to bind to (default: 79)"),
- ('g', "group", "user group enabled for finger access (default: finger)"));
- defer getopt::finish(&cmd);
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(cmd.opts); i += 1) {
- const opt = cmd.opts[i];
- switch (opt.0) {
- 'B' => match (ip::parse(opt.1)) {
- a: ip::addr => addr = a,
- ip::invalid => fmt::fatal("Invalid IP address"),
- },
- 'P' => match (strconv::stou16(opt.1)) {
- u: u16 => port = u,
- strconv::invalid => fmt::fatal("Invalid port"),
- strconv::overflow => fmt::fatal("Port exceeds range"),
- },
- 'g' => group = opt.1,
- };
- };
- const grent = match (passwd::getgroup(group)) {
- void => fmt::fatal("No '{}' group available", group),
- gr: passwd::grent => gr,
- };
- defer passwd::grent_finish(grent);
- };
- ```
- None of this code is related to io_uring or finger, but just handling some
- initialization work. This is the daemon program, and it will accept some basic
- configuration via the command line. The getopt configuration shown here will
- produce the following help string:
- ```
- $ fingerd -h
- fingerd: finger server
- Usage: ./fingerd [-B <addr>] [-P <port>] [-g <group>]
- -B <addr>: address to bind to (default: all)
- -P <port>: port to bind to (default: 79)
- -g <group>: user group enabled for finger access (default: finger)
- ```
- The basic idea is to make finger access opt-in for a given Unix account by
- adding them to the "finger" group. The "passwd::getgroup" lookup fetches that
- entry from /etc/group to identify the list of users for whom we should be
- serving finger access.
- ```hare
- let serv = match (net::listen(addr, port,
- 256: net::backlog, net::reuseport)) {
- err: io::error => fmt::fatal("listen: {}", io::strerror(err)),
- l: *net::listener => l,
- };
- defer net::shutdown(serv);
- fmt::printfln("Server running on :{}", port)!;
- ```
- Following this, we set up a TCP listener. I went for a backlog of 256
- connections (overkill for a finger server, but hey), and set reuseport so you
- can achieve CLOUD SCALE by running several daemons at once.
- Next, I set up the io_uring that we'll be using:
- ```hare
- // The ring size is 2 for the accept and sigfd read, plus 2 SQEs for
- // each of up to MAX_CLIENTS: either read/write plus a timeout, or up to
- // two close SQEs during cleanup.
- static assert(MAX_CLIENTS * 2 + 2 <= io_uring::MAX_ENTRIES);
- let params = io_uring::params { ... };
- let ring = match (io_uring::setup(MAX_CLIENTS * 2 + 2, ¶ms)) {
- ring: io_uring::io_uring => ring,
- err: io_uring::error => fmt::fatal(io_uring::strerror(err)),
- };
- defer io_uring::finish(&ring);
- ```
- If we were running this as root (and we often are, given that fingerd binds to
- port 79 by default), we could go syscall-free by adding
- `io_uring::setup_flags::SQPOLL` to `params.flags`, but this requires more
- testing on my part so I have not added it yet. With this configuration, we'll
- need to use the `io_uring_enter` syscall to submit I/O requests.
- We also have to pick a queue size when setting up the uring. I planned this out
- so that we can have two SQEs in flight for every client at once — one for
- a read/write request and its corresponding timeout, or for the two "close"
- requests used when disconnecting the client — plus two extra entries, one
- for the "accept" call, and another to wait for signals from a signalfd.
- Speaking of signalfds:
- ```hare
- let mask = rt::sigset { ... };
- rt::sigaddset(&mask, rt::SIGINT)!;
- rt::sigaddset(&mask, rt::SIGTERM)!;
- rt::sigprocmask(rt::SIG_BLOCK, &mask, null)!;
- let sigfd = signalfd::signalfd(-1, &mask, 0)!;
- defer rt::close(sigfd)!;
- const files = [net::listenerfd(serv) as int, sigfd];
- io_uring::register_files(&ring, files)!;
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(&ring);
- io_uring::poll_add(sqe, 1, rt::POLLIN: uint, flags::FIXED_FILE);
- io_uring::set_user(sqe, &sigfd);
- ```
- We haven't implemented a high-level signal interface yet, so this is just using
- the syscall wrappers. I chose to use a signalfd here so I can monitor for SIGINT
- and SIGTERM with my primary I/O event loop, to (semi-)gracefully[^1] terminate
- the server.
- [^1]: Right now the implementation drops all in-flight requests during shutdown. If we wanted to be even more graceful, it would be pretty easy to stop accepting new connections and do a soft shutdown while we finish servicing any active clients. net::reuseport would allow us to provide zero downtime during reboots with this approach, since another daemon could continue servicing users while this one is shutting down.
- This also happens to show off our first SQE submission. "must_get_sqe" will
- fetch the next SQE, asserting that there is one available, which relies on the
- math I explained earlier when planning for our queue size. Then, we populate
- this SQE with a "poll_add" operation, which polls on the first fixed file
- descriptor. The "register" call above adds the socket and signal file
- descriptors to the io_uring's list of "fixed" file descriptors, and so with
- "flags::FIXED_FILE" this refers to the signalfd.
- We also set the user_data field of the SQE with "set_user". This will be copied
- to the CQE later, and it's necessary that we provide a unique value in order to
- correlate the CQE back to the SQE it refers to. We can use any value, and the
- address of the signalfd variable is a convenient number we can use for this
- purpose.
- There's one more step — submitting the SQE — but that'll wait until
- we set up more I/O. Next, I have set up a "context" structure which will store
- all of the state the server needs to work with, to be passed to functions
- throughout the program.
- ```hare
- type context = struct {
- users: []str,
- clients: []*client,
- uring: *io_uring::io_uring,
- };
- // ...
- const ctx = context {
- users = grent.userlist,
- uring = &ring,
- ...
- };
- ```
- The second "\..." towards the end is not for illustrative purposes - it sets all
- of the remaining fields to their default values (in this case, clients becomes
- an empty slice).
- Finally, this brings us to the main loop:
- ```hare
- let accept_waiting = false;
- for (true) {
- const peeraddr = rt::sockaddr { ... };
- const peeraddr_sz = size(rt::sockaddr): uint;
- if (!accept_waiting && len(ctx.clients) < MAX_CLIENTS) {
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::accept(sqe, 0, &peeraddr, &peeraddr_sz,
- 0, flags::FIXED_FILE);
- io_uring::set_user(sqe, &peeraddr);
- accept_waiting = true;
- };
- io_uring::submit(&ring)!;
- let cqe = match (io_uring::wait(ctx.uring)) {
- err: io_uring::error => fmt::fatal("Error: {}",
- io_uring::strerror(err)),
- cqe: *io_uring::cqe => cqe,
- };
- defer io_uring::cqe_seen(&ring, cqe);
- const user = io_uring::get_user(cqe);
- if (user == &peeraddr) {
- accept(&ctx, cqe, &peeraddr);
- accept_waiting = false;
- } else if (user == &sigfd) {
- let si = signalfd::siginfo { ... };
- rt::read(sigfd, &si, size(signalfd::siginfo))!;
- fmt::errorln("Caught signal, terminating")!;
- break;
- } else for (let i = 0z; i < len(ctx.clients); i += 1) {
- let client = ctx.clients[i];
- if (user == client) {
- dispatch(&ctx, client, cqe);
- break;
- };
- };
- };
- ```
- At each iteration, assuming we have room and aren't already waiting on a new
- connection, we submit an "accept" SQE to fetch the next incoming client. This
- SQE accepts an additional parameter to write the client's IP address to, which
- we provide via a pointer to our local peeraddr variable.
- We call "submit" at the heart of the loop to submit any SQEs we have pending
- (including both the signalfd poll and the accept call, but also anything our
- future client handling code will submit) to the io_uring, then wait the next CQE
- from the kernel.
- When we get one, we defer a "cqe_seen", which will execute at the end of the
- current scope (i.e. the end of this loop iteration) to advance our end of the
- completion queue, then figure out what I/O request was completed. The code
- earlier sets up SQEs for the accept and signalfd, which we check here. If a
- signal comes in, we read the details to acknowledge it and then terminate the
- loop. We also check if the user data was set to the address of any client state
- data, which we'll use to dispatch for client-specific I/O later on. If a new
- connection comes in:
- ```hare
- fn accept(ctx: *context, cqe: *io_uring::cqe, peeraddr: *rt::sockaddr) void = {
- const fd = match (io_uring::result(cqe)) {
- err: io_uring::error => fmt::fatal("Error: accept: {}",
- io_uring::strerror(err)),
- fd: int => fd,
- };
- const peer = net::ip::from_native(*peeraddr);
- const now = time::now(time::clock::MONOTONIC);
- const client = alloc(client {
- state = state::READ_QUERY,
- deadline = time::add(now, 10 * time::SECOND),
- addr = peer.0,
- fd = fd,
- plan_fd = -1,
- ...
- });
- append(ctx.clients, client);
- submit_read(ctx, client, client.fd, 0);
- };
- ```
- This is fairly self-explanatory, but we do see the first example of how to
- determine the result from a CQE. The result field of the CQE structure the
- kernel fills in is set to what would normally be the return value of the
- equivalent syscall, and "linux::io_uring::result" is a convenience function
- which translates negative values (i.e. errno) into a more idiomatic result type.
- We choose a deadline here, 10 seconds from when the connection is established,
- for the entire exchange to be completed by. This helps to mitigate
- [Slowloris][loris] attacks, though there are more mitigations we could implement
- for this.
- [loris]:
- Our client state is handled by a state machine, which starts in the
- "READ_QUERY" state. Per the RFC, the client will be sending us a query, followed
- by a CRLF. Our initial state is prepared to handle this. The full client state
- structure is as follows:
- ```hare
- type state = enum {
- };
- type client = struct {
- state: state,
- deadline: time::instant,
- addr: ip::addr,
- fd: int,
- plan_fd: int,
- plan_path: *const char,
- xbuf: [2048]u8,
- buf: []u8,
- };
- ```
- Each field will be explained in due time. We add this to our list of active
- connections and call "submit_read".
- ```hare
- fn submit_read(ctx: *context, client: *client, fd: int, offs: size) void = {
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- const maxread = len(client.xbuf) / 2;
- io_uring::read(sqe, fd, client.xbuf[len(client.buf)..]: *[*]u8,
- maxread - len(client.buf), offs: u64, flags::IO_LINK);
- io_uring::set_user(sqe, client);
- let ts = rt::timespec { ... };
- time::instant_to_timespec(client.deadline, &ts);
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::link_timeout(sqe, &ts, timeout_flags::ABS);
- };
- ```
- I've prepared two SQEs here. The first is a read, which will fill half of the
- client buffer with whatever they send us over the network (why half? I'll
- explain later). It's configured with "flags::IO_LINK", which will link it to the
- following request: a timeout. This will cause the I/O to be cancelled if it
- doesn't complete before the deadline we set earlier. "timeout_flags::ABS"
- specifies that the timeout is an absolute timestamp rather than a duration
- computed from the time of I/O submission.
- I set the user data to the client state pointer, which will be used the next
- time we have a go-around in the main event loop (feel free to scroll back up if
- you want to re-read that bit). The event loop will send the CQE to the dispatch
- function, which will choose the appropriate action based on the current client
- state.
- ```hare
- fn dispatch(ctx: *context, client: *client, cqe: *io_uring::cqe) void = {
- match (switch (client.state) {
- state::READ_QUERY => client_query(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::OPEN_PLAN => client_open_plan(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::READ_PLAN => client_read_plan(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::WRITE_RESP, state::WRITE_ERROR =>
- client_write_resp(ctx, client, cqe),
- }) {
- err: error => disconnect_err(ctx, client, err),
- void => void,
- };
- };
- ```
- *What's the difference between match and switch? The former works with types,
- and switch works with values. We might attempt to merge these before the
- language's release, but for now the distinction simplifies our design.*
- I've structured the client state machine into four states based on the kind of
- I/O they handle, plus a special case for error handling:
- 1. Reading the query from the client
- 2. Opening the plan file for the requested user
- 3. Reading from the plan file
- 4. Forwarding its contents to the client
- 
- Each circle in this diagram represents a point where we will submit some I/O to
- our io_uring instance and return to the event loop. If any I/O resulted in an
- error, we'll follow the dotted line to the error path, which transmits the error
- to the user (and if an error occurs *during* error transmission, we'll
- immediately disconnect them, but that's not shown here).
- I need to give a simplified introduction to error handling in this new
- programming language before we move on, so let's take a brief detour. In this
- language, we require the user to explicitly do *something* about errors.
- Generally speaking, there are three somethings that you will do:
- - Some context-appropriate response to an error condition
- - Bumping the error up to the caller to deal with
- - Asserting that the error will never happen in practice
- The latter two options have special operators ("?" and "!", respectively, used
- as postfix operators on expressions which can fail), and the first option is
- handled manually in each situation as appropriate. It's usually most convenient
- to use ? to pass errors up the stack, but the buck has got to stop somewhere. In
- the code we've seen so far, we're in or near the main function — the top
- of the call stack — and so have to handle these errors manually, usually
- by terminating the program with "!". But, when a client causes an error, we
- cannot terminate the program without creating a DoS vulnerability. This
- "dispatch" function sets up common client error handling accordingly, allowing
- later functions to use the "?" operator to pass errors up to it.
- To represent the errors themselves, we use a lightweight approach to tagged
- unions, similar to a result type. Each error type, optionally with some extra
- metadata, is enumerated, along with any possible successful types, as part of a
- function's return type. The only difference between an error type and a normal
- type is that the former is denoted with a "!" modifier — so you can store
- any representable state in an error type.
- I also wrote an "errors" file which provides uniform error handling for all of
- the various error conditions we can expect to occur in this program. This
- includes all of the error conditions that we define ourselves, as well as any
- errors we expect to encounter from modules we depend on. The result looks like
- this:
- ```hare
- use fs;
- use io;
- use linux::io_uring;
- type unexpected_eof = !void;
- type invalid_query = !void;
- type no_such_user = !void;
- type relay_denied = !void;
- type max_query = !void;
- type error = !(
- io::error |
- fs::error |
- io_uring::error |
- unexpected_eof |
- invalid_query |
- no_such_user |
- relay_denied |
- max_query
- );
- fn strerror(err: error) const str = {
- match (err) {
- err: io::error => io::strerror(err),
- err: fs::error => fs::strerror(err),
- err: io_uring::error => io_uring::strerror(err),
- unexpected_eof => "Unexpected EOF",
- invalid_query => "Invalid query",
- no_such_user => "No such user",
- relay_denied => "Relay access denied",
- max_query => "Maximum query length exceeded",
- };
- };
- ```
- With an understanding of error handling, we can re-read the dispatch function's
- common error handling for all client issues:
- ```hare
- fn dispatch(ctx: *context, client: *client, cqe: *io_uring::cqe) void = {
- match (switch (client.state) {
- state::READ_QUERY => client_query(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::OPEN_PLAN => client_open_plan(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::READ_PLAN => client_read_plan(ctx, client, cqe),
- state::WRITE_RESP, state::WRITE_ERROR =>
- client_write_resp(ctx, client, cqe),
- }) {
- err: error => disconnect_err(ctx, client, err),
- void => void,
- };
- };
- ```
- Each dispatched-to function returns a tagged union of (void | error), the latter
- being our common error type. If they return void, we do nothing, but if an error
- occurred, we call "disconnect_err".
- ```hare
- fn disconnect_err(ctx: *context, client: *client, err: error) void = {
- fmt::errorfln("{}: Disconnecting with error: {}",
- ip::string(client.addr), strerror(err))!;
- const forward = match (err) {
- (unexpected_eof | invalid_query | no_such_user
- | relay_denied | max_query) => true,
- * => false,
- };
- if (!forward) {
- disconnect(ctx, client);
- return;
- };
- client.buf = client.xbuf[..];
- const s = fmt::bsprintf(client.buf, "Error: {}\r\n", strerror(err));
- client.buf = client.buf[..len(s)];
- client.state = state::WRITE_ERROR;
- submit_write(ctx, client, client.fd);
- };
- fn disconnect(ctx: *context, client: *client) void = {
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::close(sqe, client.fd);
- if (client.plan_fd != -1) {
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::close(sqe, client.plan_fd);
- };
- let i = 0z;
- for (i < len(ctx.clients); i += 1) {
- if (ctx.clients[i] == client) {
- break;
- };
- };
- delete(ctx.clients[i]);
- free(client);
- };
- ```
- We log the error here, and for certain kinds of errors, we "forward" them to the
- client by writing them to our client buffer and going into the "WRITE_RESP"
- state. For other errors, we just drop the connection.
- The disconnect function, which disconnects the client immediately, queues
- io_uring submissions to close the open file descriptors associated with it, and
- then removes it from the list of clients.
- Let's get back to the happy path. Remember the read SQE we submitted when the
- client established the connection? When the CQE comes in, the state machine
- directs us into this function:
- ```hare
- fn client_query(ctx: *context, client: *client, cqe: *io_uring::cqe) (void | error) = {
- const r = io_uring::result(cqe)?;
- if (r <= 0) {
- return unexpected_eof;
- };
- const r = r: size;
- if (len(client.buf) + r > len(client.xbuf) / 2) {
- return max_query;
- };
- client.buf = client.xbuf[..len(client.buf) + r];
- // The RFC requires queries to use CRLF, but it is also one of the few
- // RFCs which explicitly reminds you to, quote, "as with anything in the
- // IP protocol suite, 'be liberal in what you accept'", so we accept LF
- // as well.
- let lf = match (bytes::index(client.buf, '\n')) {
- z: size => z,
- void => {
- if (len(client.buf) == len(client.xbuf) / 2) {
- return max_query;
- };
- submit_read(ctx, client, client.fd, 0);
- return;
- },
- };
- if (lf > 0 && client.buf[lf - 1] == '\r': u8) {
- lf -= 1; // CRLF
- };
- const query = match (strings::try_fromutf8(client.buf[..lf])) {
- * => return invalid_query,
- q: str => q,
- };
- fmt::printfln("{}: finger {}", ip::string(client.addr), query)!;
- const plan = process_query(ctx, query)?;
- defer free(plan);
- client.plan_path = strings::to_c(plan);
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::openat(sqe, rt::AT_FDCWD, client.plan_path, rt::O_RDONLY, 0);
- io_uring::set_user(sqe, client);
- client.state = state::OPEN_PLAN;
- };
- ```
- The first half of this function figures out if we've received a full line,
- including CRLF. The second half parses this line as a finger query and prepares
- to fulfill the enclosed request.
- The read operation behaves like the read(2) syscall, which returns 0 on EOF. We
- aren't expecting an EOF in this state, so if we see this, we boot them out. We
- also have a cap on our buffer length, so we return the max_query error if it's
- been exceeded. Otherwise, we look for a line feed. If there isn't one, we submit
- another read to get more from the client, but if a line feed is there, we trim
- off a carriage return (if present) and decode the completed query as a UTF-8
- string.
- We call "process_query" (using the error propagation operator to bubble up
- errors), which returns the path to the requested user's ~/.plan file. We'll look
- at the guts of that function in a moment. The return value is heap allocated, so
- we defer a free for later.
- Strings in our language are not null terminated, but io_uring expects them to
- be. This is another case which will be addressed transparently once we build a
- higher-level, portable interface. For now, though, we need to call
- "strings::to_c" ourselves, and stash it on the client struct. It's heap
- allocated, so we'll free it in the next state when the I/O submission completes.
- Speaking of which, we finish this process after preparing the next I/O operation
- — opening the plan file — and setting the client state to the next
- step in the state machine.
- Before we move on, though, I promised that we'd talk about the process_query
- function. Here it is in all of its crappy glory:
- ```hare
- use path;
- use strings;
- use unix::passwd;
- fn process_query(ctx: *context, q: str) (str | error) = {
- if (strings::has_prefix(q, "/W") || strings::has_prefix(q, "/w")) {
- q = strings::sub(q, 2, strings::end);
- for (strings::has_prefix(q, " ") || strings::has_prefix(q, "\t")) {
- q = strings::sub(q, 1, strings::end);
- };
- };
- if (strings::contains(q, '@')) {
- return relay_denied;
- };
- const user = q;
- const pwent = match (passwd::getuser(user)) {
- void => return no_such_user,
- p: passwd::pwent => p,
- };
- defer passwd::pwent_finish(pwent);
- let enabled = false;
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(ctx.users); i += 1) {
- if (user == ctx.users[i]) {
- enabled = true;
- break;
- };
- };
- if (!enabled) {
- return no_such_user;
- };
- return path::join(pwent.homedir, ".plan");
- };
- ```
- The [grammar described in RFC 1288][grammar] is pretty confusing, but most of it
- is to support features I'm not interested in for this simple implementation,
- like relaying to other finger hosts or requesting additional information. I
- think I've "parsed" most of the useful bits here, and ultimately I'm aiming to
- end up with a single string: the username whose details we want. I grab the
- user's passwd entry and check if they're a member of the "finger" group we
- populated way up there in the first code sample. If so, we pull the path to
- their homedir out of the passwd entry, join it with ".plan", and send it up the
- chain.
- [grammar]:
- At this point we've received, validated, and parsed the client's query, and
- looked up the plan file we need. The next step is to open the plan file, which
- is where we left off at the end of the last function. The I/O we prepared there
- takes us here when it completes:
- ```hare
- fn client_open_plan(
- ctx: *context,
- client: *client,
- cqe: *io_uring::cqe,
- ) (void | error) = {
- free(client.plan_path);
- client.plan_fd = io_uring::result(cqe)?;
- client.buf = client.xbuf[..0];
- client.state = state::READ_PLAN;
- submit_read(ctx, client, client.plan_fd, -1);
- };
- ```
- By now, this should be pretty comprehensible. I will clarify what the "[..0]"
- syntax does here, though. This language has slices, which store a pointer to an
- array, a length, and a capacity. In our client state, xbuf is a fixed-length
- array which provides the actual storage, and "buf" is a slice of that array,
- which acts as a kind of cursor, telling us what portion of the buffer is valid.
- The result of this expression is to take a slice up to, but not including, the
- 0th item of that array — in other words, an empty slice. The address and
- capacity of the slice still reflect the traits of the underlying array, however,
- which is what we want.
- We're now ready to read data out of the user's plan file. We submit a read
- operation for that file descriptor, and when it completes, we'll end up here:
- ```hare
- fn client_read_plan(
- ctx: *context,
- client: *client,
- cqe: *io_uring::cqe,
- ) (void | error) = {
- const r = io_uring::result(cqe)?;
- if (r == 0) {
- disconnect(ctx, client);
- return;
- };
- client.buf = client.xbuf[..r];
- // Convert LF to CRLF
- //
- // We always read a maximum of the length of xbuf over two so that we
- // have room to insert these.
- let seencrlf = false;
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(client.buf); i += 1) {
- switch (client.buf[i]) {
- '\r' => seencrlf = true,
- '\n' => if (!seencrlf) {
- static insert(client.buf[i], '\r');
- i += 1;
- },
- * => seencrlf = false,
- };
- };
- client.state = state::WRITE_RESP;
- submit_write(ctx, client, client.fd);
- };
- ```
- Again, the read operation for io_uring behaves similarly to the read(2) syscall,
- so it returns the number of bytes read. If this is zero, or EOF, we can
- terminate the state machine and disconnect the client (this is a nominal
- disconnect, so we don't use disconnect_err here). If it's nonzero, we set our
- buffer slice to the subset of the buffer which represents the data io_uring has
- read.
- The Finger RFC requires all data to use CRLF for line endings, and this is where
- we deal with it. Remember earlier when I noted that we only ever used half of
- the read buffer? This is why: if we read 1024 newlines from the plan file, we
- will need another 1024 bytes to insert carriage returns. Because we've planned
- for and measured out our memory requirements in advance, we can use "static
- insert" here. This built-in works similarly to how insert normally works, but it
- will never re-allocate the underlying array. Instead, it asserts that the
- insertion would not require a re-allocation, and if it turns out that you did
- the math wrong, it aborts the program instead of buffer overflowing. But, we did
- the math and it works out, so it saves us from an extra allocation.
- Capping this off, we submit a write to transmit this buffer to the client.
- "submit_write" is quite similar to submit_read:
- ```hare
- fn submit_write(ctx: *context, client: *client, fd: int) void = {
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::write(sqe, fd, client.buf: *[*]u8, len(client.buf),
- 0, flags::IO_LINK);
- io_uring::set_user(sqe, client);
- let ts = rt::timespec { ... };
- time::instant_to_timespec(client.deadline, &ts);
- const sqe = io_uring::must_get_sqe(ctx.uring);
- io_uring::link_timeout(sqe, &ts, timeout_flags::ABS);
- };
- ```
- Ideally, this should not require explanation. From here we transition to the
- WRITE_RESP state, so when the I/O completes we end up here:
- ```hare
- fn client_write_resp(
- ctx: *context,
- client: *client,
- cqe: *io_uring::cqe,
- ) (void | error) = {
- const r = io_uring::result(cqe)?: size;
- if (r < len(client.buf)) {
- client.buf = client.buf[r..];
- submit_write(ctx, client, client.fd);
- return;
- };
- if (client.state == state::WRITE_ERROR) {
- disconnect(ctx, client);
- return;
- };
- client.buf = client.xbuf[..0];
- client.state = state::READ_PLAN;
- submit_read(ctx, client, client.plan_fd, -1);
- };
- ```
- First, we check if we need to repeat this process: if we have written less than
- the size of the buffer, then we advance the slice by that much and submit
- another write.
- We can arrive at the next bit for two reasons: because "client.buf" includes a
- fragment of a plan file which has been transmitted to the client, which we just
- covered, or because it is the error message buffer prepared by "disconnect_err",
- which we discussed earlier. The dispatch function will bring us here for both
- the normal and error states, and we distinguish between them with this second if
- statement. If we're sending the plan file, we submit a read for the next
- buffer-ful of plan. But, our error messages always fit into one buffer, so if we
- ran out of buffer then we can just disconnect in the error case.
- And that's it! That completes our state machine, and I'm pretty sure we've read
- the entire program's source code by this point. Pretty neat, huh? io_uring is
- quite interesting. I plan on using this as a little platform upon which I can
- further test our io_uring implementation and develop a portable async I/O
- abstraction. We haven't implemented a DNS resolver for the stdlib yet, but I'll
- also be writing a finger client (using synchronous I/O this time) once we do.
- If you really wanted to max out the performance for a CLOUD SCALE WEB 8.0 XTREME
- PERFORMANCE finger server, we could try a few additional improvements:
- - Adding an internal queue for clients until we have room for their I/O in the SQ
- - Using a shared buffer pool with the kernel, with io_uring ops like READ_FIXED
- - Batching requests for the same plan file by only answering requests for it
- every Nth millisecond (known to some as the "data loader" pattern)
- - More slow loris mitigations, such as limiting open connections per IP address
- It would also be cool to handle SIGHUP to reload our finger group membership
- list without rebooting the daemon. I would say "patches welcome", but I won't
- share the git repo until the language is ready. And the code is GPL'd, but not
- AGPL'd, so you aren't entitled to it if you finger me!