- ---
- date: 2016-07-19
- # vim: tw=80
- title: Using -Wl,--wrap for mocking in C
- layout: post
- tags: [C]
- ---
- One of the comforts I've grown used to in higher level languages when testing
- my code is mocking. The idea is that in order to test some code in isolation,
- you should "mock" the behavior of things it depends on. Let's see a (contrived)
- example:
- ```c
- int read_to_end(FILE *f, char *buf) {
- int r = 0, l;
- while (!feof(f)) {
- l = fread(buf, 1, 256, f);
- r += l;
- buf += l;
- }
- return r;
- }
- ```
- If we want to test this function without mocking, we would need to actually open
- a specially crafted file and provide a `FILE*` to the function. However, with
- the linker `--wrap` flag, we can define a wrapper function. Using `-Wl,[flag]`
- in your C compiler command line will pass `[flag]` to the linker. Gold (GNU) and
- lld (LLVM) both support the wrap flag, which specifies a function to be
- "wrapped". If I use `-Wl,--wrap=fread`, then the code above will be compiled
- like so:
- ```c
- int read_to_end(FILE *f, char *buf) {
- int r = 0, l;
- while (!feof(f)) {
- l = __wrap_fread(buf, 1, 256, f);
- r += l;
- buf += l;
- }
- return r;
- }
- ```
- And if I add `-Wl,--wrap=feof` we'll get this:
- ```c
- int read_to_end(FILE *f, char *buf) {
- int r = 0, l;
- while (!__wrap_feof(f)) {
- l = __wrap_fread(buf, 1, 256, f);
- r += l;
- buf += l;
- }
- return r;
- }
- ```
- Now, we can define some functions that do the behavior we need to test instead
- of invoking fread directly:
- ```c
- int feof_return_value = 0;
- int __wrap_feof(FILE *f) {
- assert(f == (FILE *)0x1234);
- return feof_return_value;
- }
- void test_read_to_end_eof() {
- // ...
- feof_return_value = 1;
- read_to_end((FILE *)0x1234, buf);
- // ...
- }
- ```
- Using `--wrap` also conveniently defines `__real_feof` and `__real_fread` if we
- need them.
- Unfortunately, you can't have two different wrappers for the same function in
- an executable. This could lead to having to write several executables for each,
- or making your wrapper function smart enough to have several configurable
- outcomes.
- Eventually I intend to write my own test framework for C, which will use
- wrappers to support mocking. I want wrappers to be done automatically and have
- it behave something like this:
- ```c
- static int fake_fread(void *ptr, size_t size,
- size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) {
- const char *hello = "Hello world!";
- memcpy(ptr, hello, strlen(hello) + 1);
- return strlen(hello) + 1;
- }
- void test_read_to_end() {
- FILE *test = (FILE *)0x1234;
- char *buffer = char[1024];
- mock_t *mock_feof = configure_mock(feof, "p");
- mock_feof->call(0)->returns(0);
- mock_feof->returns(1);
- // pzzp is pointer, size_t, size_t, pointer
- // Tells us what the fread arguments look like
- mock_t *mock_fread = configure_mock(fread, "pzzp");
- mock_fread->exec(fake_fread);
- read_to_end(test, buffer);
- assert(mock_feof->call_count == 2);
- assert((FILE*)mock_feof->call(0)->args(0) == test);
- assert(mock_fread->call_count == 1);
- assert((FILE*)mock_fread->call(0)->args(0) == buffer);
- assert((FILE*)mock_fread->call(0)->args(3) == test);
- assert(strcmp(buffer, "Hello world!") == 0);
- }
- ```