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Sway-1.0-released.md (5306B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2019-03-11
  3. layout: post
  4. title: Announcing the release of sway 1.0
  5. tags: ["wayland", "sway", "announcement"]
  6. ---
  7. 1,315 days after I started the [sway](https://swaywm.org) project, it's finally
  8. time for [sway 1.0](https://github.com/swaywm/sway/releases/tag/1.0)! I had no
  9. idea at the time how much work I was in for, or how many talented people would
  10. join and support the project with me. In order to complete this project, we have
  11. had to rewrite the entire Linux desktop nearly from scratch. Nearly 300 people
  12. worked together, together writing over 9,000 commits and almost 100,000 lines of
  13. code, to bring you this release.
  14. <small class="text-muted">Sway is an i3-compatible Wayland desktop for Linux and FreeBSD</small>
  15. 1.0 is the first stable release of sway and represents a consistent, flexible,
  16. and powerful desktop environment for Linux and FreeBSD. We hope you'll enjoy it!
  17. If the last sway release you used was 0.15 or earlier, you're in for a shock.
  18. 0.15 was a buggy, frustrating desktop to use, but sway 1.0 has been completely
  19. overhauled and represents a much more capable desktop. It's almost impossible to
  20. summarize all of the changes which makes 1.0 great. Sway 1.0 adds a huge variety
  21. of features which were sorely missed on 0.x, improves performance in every
  22. respect, offers a more faithful implementation of Wayland, and exists as a
  23. positive political force in the Wayland ecosystem pushing for standardization
  24. and cooperation among Wayland projects.
  25. When planning the future of sway, we realized that the Wayland ecosystem was
  26. sorely in need of a stable & flexible common base library to encapsulate all of
  27. the difficult and complex facets of building a desktop. To this end, I decided
  28. we would build [wlroots](https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots). It's been a
  29. smashing success. This project has become very important to the Linux desktop
  30. ecosystem, and the benefits we reap from it have been shared with the community
  31. at large. [Dozens of projects][project-list] are using it today, and soon you'll
  32. find it underneath most Linux desktops, on your phone, in your VR environment,
  33. and more. Its influence extends beyond its borders as well, as we develop and
  34. push for standards throughout Wayland.
  35. [project-list]: https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/wiki/Projects-which-use-wlroots
  36. Through this work we have also helped to build a broader ecosystem of tools
  37. built on interoperable standards which you may find useful in your new sway 1.0
  38. desktop. Here are a few of my favorites - each of which is compatible with many
  39. Wayland compositors:
  40. - [swayidle](https://github.com/swaywm/swayidle): idle management daemon
  41. - [swaylock](https://github.com/swaywm/swaylock): lock screen
  42. - [mako](https://github.com/emersion/mako): notification daemon
  43. - [grim](https://github.com/emersion/grim): screenshot tool
  44. - [slurp](https://github.com/emersion/slurp): interactive region selection
  45. - [wf-recorder](https://github.com/ammen99/wf-recorder): video capture tool
  46. - [waybar](https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar): alternative panel
  47. - [virtboard](https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/virtboard): on-screen keyboard
  48. - [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard): xclip replacement
  49. - [wallutils](https://github.com/xyproto/wallutils): fancy wallpaper manager
  50. ---
  51. None of this would be possible without the support of sway's and wlroots'
  52. talented contributors. Hundreds of people worked together on this. I'd like to
  53. give special thanks to our core contributors: Brian Ashworth, Ian Fan, Ryan
  54. Dwyer, Scott Anderson, and Simon Ser. Thanks are also in order for those who
  55. have helped wlroots fit into the broader ecosystem - thanks to Purism for their
  56. help on wlroots, KDE & Canonical for their help on protocol standardization. I
  57. also owe thanks to all of the other projects which use wlroots, particularly
  58. including Way Cooler, Wayfire, and Waymonad, who all have made substantial
  59. contributions to wlroots in their pursit of the best Wayland desktop.
  60. I'd also of course like to thank all of the users who have donated to support
  61. my work, which I now do full-time, which has had and I hope will continue to
  62. have a positive impact on the project and those around it. Please consider
  63. [donating](https://drewdevault.com/donate) to support the future of sway &
  64. wlroots if you haven't yet.
  65. Though sway today is already stable and powerful, we're not done yet. We plan to
  66. continue improving performance & stability, adding useful desktop features,
  67. taking advantage of better hardware, and bringing sway to more users. Here's
  68. some of what we have planned for future releases:
  69. - Better Wayland-native tools for internationalized input methods like CJK
  70. - Better accessibility tools including improved screen reader support,
  71. high-contrast mode, a magnifying glass tool, and so on
  72. - Integration with xdg-portal & pipewire for interoperable screen capture
  73. - Improved touch screen support for use on the [Librem
  74. 5](https://puri.sm/products/librem-5/) and on
  75. [postmarketOS](https://postmarketos.org/)
  76. - Better support for drawing tablets and additional hardware
  77. - Sandboxing and security features
  78. As with all sway features, we intend to have the best-in-class implementations
  79. of these features and set the bar as high as we can for everyone else. We're
  80. looking forward to your continued support!