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Supply-chain-when-will-we-learn.md (6088B)

  1. ---
  2. title: When will we learn?
  3. date: 2022-05-12
  4. ---
  5. Congratulations to Rust for its first (but not its last) supply-chain attack
  6. this week! They join a growing club of broken-by-design package managers which
  7. publish packages uploaded by vendors directly, with no review step, and ship
  8. those packages directly to users with no further scrutiny.
  9. ## Timeline of major incidents on npm/Crates/PyPI/etc
  10. - 2022-05-10: Cargo: [rustdecimal] ships with malicious code
  11. - 2022-05-09: npm: [foreach] is taken over via an expired email domain
  12. - 2022-03-17: npm: [node-ipc] ships malware targeting Russia and Belarus
  13. - 2022-01-09: npm: [colors and faker] are deliberately sabotaged
  14. - 2021-11-19: PyPI: [11 malicious packages] discovered
  15. - 2021-11-04: npm: [rc] ships malicious code
  16. - 2021-11-04: npm: [coa] steals your passwords
  17. - 2021-10-22: npm: [ua-parser-js] ships malicious code
  18. - 2021-10-11: PyPI: [mitmproxy2] typo-squats mitmproxy with an added RCE
  19. - 2021-07-30: PyPI: [8 malicious packages] discovered
  20. - 2020-12-16: RubyGems: [pretty\_color] (and one other) steals bitcoin from victims
  21. - 2020-09-11: npm: [dozens of packages] steal your user's credit card number
  22. - 2020-09-03: npm: [bb-builder] steals your password
  23. - 2020-04-16: RubyGems: [760+ malicious packages] found stealing bitcoin
  24. - 2018-11-28: npm: [event-stream] ships with a bitcoin theft kit
  25. - 2018-10-21: PyPI: [colourama] sneaks bitcoin addresses into your clipboard
  26. - 2018-10-13: PyPI: [more typo-squatting malware] attempts various attacks
  27. - 2018-07-12: npm: [eslint-scope] ships with malicious code
  28. - 2018-07-08: AUR: [acroread] is compromised
  29. - 2018-05-11: Snap: [a 2048 clone] ships a cryptocurrency miner
  30. - 2017-09-09: PyPI: [typo-squatted packages] published by researchers
  31. - 2016-07-22: npm: [left-pad] incident
  32. [rustdecimal]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2022/05/10/malicious-crate-rustdecimal.html
  33. [foreach]: https://mastodon.social/@lrvick/108274062191145538
  34. [eslint-scope]: https://github.com/eslint/eslint-scope/issues/39
  35. [event-stream]: https://blog.npmjs.org/post/180565383195/details-about-the-event-stream-incident
  36. [left-pad]: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3047177/how-one-yanked-javascript-package-wreaked-havoc.html
  37. [node-ipc]: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/big-sabotage-famous-npm-package-deletes-files-to-protest-ukraine-war/
  38. [colors and faker]: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/dev-corrupts-npm-libs-colors-and-faker-breaking-thousands-of-apps/
  39. [8 malicious packages]: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/07/malicious-pypi-packages-caught-stealing-developer-data-and-injecting-code/
  40. [11 malicious packages]: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/11/malware-downloaded-from-pypi-41000-times-was-surprisingly-stealthy/
  41. [typo-squatted packages]: https://www.nbu.gov.sk/skcsirt-sa-20170909-pypi/
  42. [mitmproxy2]: https://twitt.re/maximilianhils/status/1447525552370458625?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1447525552370458625%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bleepingcomputer.com%2Fnews%2Fsecurity%2Fpypi-removes-mitmproxy2-over-code-execution-concerns%2F
  43. [more typo-squatting malware]: https://scribe.rip/medium.com/@bertusk/detecting-cyber-attacks-in-the-python-package-index-pypi-61ab2b585c67
  44. [colourama]: https://scribe.rip/medium.com/@bertusk/cryptocurrency-clipboard-hijacker-discovered-in-pypi-repository-b66b8a534a8
  45. [a 2048 clone]: https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/snapcraft.io/issues/651
  46. [pretty\_color]: https://blog.sonatype.com/rubygems-laced-with-bitcoin-stealing-malware
  47. [bb-builder]: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-vm6v-w6q2-mrrq
  48. [coa]: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/popular-coa-npm-library-hijacked-to-steal-user-passwords/
  49. [rc]: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-g2q5-5433-rhrf
  50. [ua-parser-js]: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-pjwm-rvh2-c87w
  51. [760+ malicious packages]: https://blog.reversinglabs.com/blog/mining-for-malicious-ruby-gems
  52. [dozens of packages]: https://github.com/advisories?query=https%3A%2F%2Fjs-metrics.com%2Fminjs.php
  53. [acroread]: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2018-July/034151.html
  54. There are hundreds of additional examples. I had to leave many of them out.
  55. [Here's a good source](https://github.com/advisories?query=type%3Areviewed+malicious+package+severity%3Acritical)
  56. if you want to find more.
  57. ## Timeline of similar incidents in official Linux distribution repositories
  58. <div class="text-center" style="color: #777; margin: 3rem 0">
  59. (this space deliberately left blank)
  60. </div>
  61. ## Why is this happening?
  62. The correct way to ship packages is with your distribution's package manager.
  63. These have a separate review step, completely side-stepping typo-squatting,
  64. establishing a long-term relationship of trust between the vendor and the
  65. distribution packagers, and providing a dispassionate third-party to act as an
  66. intermediary between users and vendors. Furthermore, they offer stable
  67. distributions which can be relied upon for an extended period of time, provide
  68. cohesive whole-system integration testing, and unified patch distribution and
  69. CVE notifications for your entire system.
  70. For more details, see my previous post, [Developers: Let distros do their
  71. job](/2021/09/27/Let-distros-do-their-job.html).
  72. ## Can these package managers do it better?
  73. I generally feel that overlay package managers (a term I just made up for npm et
  74. al) are redundant. However, you may feel otherwise, and wonder what they could
  75. do better to avoid these problems.
  76. It's simple: they should organize themselves more like a system package manager.
  77. 1. Establish package maintainers independent of the vendors
  78. 2. Establish a review process for package updates
  79. There's many innovations that system package managers have been working on which
  80. overlay package managers could stand to learn from as well, such as:
  81. - Universal package signatures and verification
  82. - Reproducible builds
  83. - Mirrored package distribution
  84. For my part, I'll stick to the system package manager. But if you think that the
  85. overlay package manager can do it better: prove it.