

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

Status-update-September-2020.md (1650B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2020-09-15
  3. layout: post
  4. title: Status update, September 2020
  5. tags: ["status update"]
  6. ---
  7. A mercifully cool September is upon us, and after years of searching, I finally
  8. was able to secure Club Mate in the US. Let's decant a bottle and recant the
  9. story of this month's progress in free software development.
  10. First of all, I've been able to put a pin on operations work on SourceHut for
  11. the time being, and focus again on its software development. The GraphQL APIs
  12. are a major focus area here, and I've made a lot of progress towards OAuth 2.0
  13. support and writable GraphQL APIs. Additionally, I've laid out a number of
  14. prioritized tickets for the beta — with the "beta" label on todo.sr.ht
  15. — and have been picking items off of the list one at a time, mainly
  16. focusing on meta.sr.ht improvements at first. I'll go into more detail in the
  17. What's Cooking post for SourceHut later today, stay tuned.
  18. There has been some advancements in the little projects: a second Python
  19. implementation of BARE has appeared, another in Common Lisp, and one in PHP;
  20. bringing the total implementations to nine. We have a pretty decent spread of
  21. support among programming languages!
  22. Not much more news to share today. Been focusing in on SourceHut and a secret
  23. project, so check out the What's Cooking post for more details. Thanks for your
  24. support!
  25. <details>
  26. <summary>...</summary>
  27. <img
  28. src="https://cmpwn.com/system/media_attachments/files/000/970/411/original/f5d4c6f553a5a0ce.png?1599509919"
  29. alt="A screenshot of a programming language with a DRAFT watermark. The page shown describes the syntax and semantics of enum types."
  30. />
  31. </details>