

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

Status-update-March-2021.md (2940B)

  1. ---
  2. title: Status update, March 2021
  3. date: 2021-03-15
  4. outputs: [html, gemtext]
  5. ---
  6. After the brief illusion of spring, this morning meets us with a cold apartment
  7. indoors and fierce winds outdoors. Today concludes a productive month, mainly
  8. for the secret project and for sourcehut, but also marked by progress in some
  9. smaller projects as well. I'll start with those smaller projects.
  10. I have written a feed reader for Gemini, which is (1) [free
  11. software](https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gemreader), and (2) [available as a free
  12. hosted service](gemini://feeds.drewdevault.com). Big thanks to adnano, the
  13. author of the [go-gemini](https://sr.ht/~adnano/go-gemini) library, which has
  14. been very helpful for many of my Gemini-related exploits, and who has been a
  15. great collaborator. I also used it to provide Gemini support for the new
  16. [pages.sr.ht](https://srht.site), which offers static web and gemini hosting for
  17. sr.ht users. I also updated [gmni](https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gmni) to use BearSSL
  18. instead of OpenSSL this month.
  19. [godocs.io](https://godocs.io) has been enjoying continued improvements, mainly
  20. thanks again to adnano. Heaps of obsolete interfaces and cruft have been
  21. excised, not only making it lighter for godocs.io, but also making our [gddo
  22. fork](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gddo) much easier for you to run yourself.
  23. Adnan hopes to have first-class support for Go modules working soon, which will
  24. bring us up to feature parity with pkg.go.dev.
  25. There's some sourcehut news as well, but I'll leave that for the "What's
  26. cooking" later today. Until next time!
  27. <details>
  28. <summary>...</summary>
  29. Progress on the secret project has been phenomenal. In the last month, the
  30. standard library has doubled in size, and this weekend, we finished the
  31. self-hosted build driver. We are about 1,000 lines of code shy of having more
  32. code written in <span style="background: black;">xxxx</span>
  33. than in C. Here's the build driver compiling and running itself several times:
  34. <pre>
  35. $ <span style="background: black;"> </span> run ./cmd/<span style="background: black;"> </span> run ./cmd/<span style="background: black;"> </span> run -h
  36. run: compiles and runs <span style="background: black;"> </span> programs
  37. Usage: run [-v]
  38. [-D &lt;ident:type=value&gt;]
  39. [-j &lt;jobs&gt;]
  40. [-l &lt;name&gt;]
  41. [-T &lt;tags...&gt;]
  42. [-X &lt;tags...&gt;]
  43. path args...
  44. -v: print executed commands
  45. -D &lt;ident:type=value&gt;: define a constant
  46. -j &lt;jobs&gt;: set parallelism for build
  47. -l &lt;name&gt;: link with a system library
  48. -T &lt;tags...&gt;: set build tags
  49. -X &lt;tags...&gt;: unset build tags</pre>
  50. The call for help last month was swiftly answered, and we have 7 or 8 new
  51. people working on the project now. We've completed enough work to unblock many
  52. workstreams, which will allow these new contributors to work in parallel on
  53. different areas of interest, which should substantially speed up progress.
  54. </details>