

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

Status-update-January-2020.md (4195B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2020-01-15
  3. layout: post
  4. title: Status update, January 2020
  5. tags: ["status update"]
  6. ---
  7. I forgot to write this post this morning, and I'm on cup 3 of coffee while
  8. knee-deep in some arcane work with tarballs in Python. Forgive the brevity of
  9. this introduction. Let's get right into the status update.
  10. First of all, [FOSDEM 2020][fosdem] is taking place on February 1st and 2nd, and
  11. I'm planning on being there again this year. I hope to see you there! I'll be
  12. hosting another [small session][sourcehut session] for SourceHut and aerc users
  13. where I'll take questions, demo some new stuff, and give out stickers.
  14. [fosdem]: https://fosdem.org/2020/
  15. [sourcehut session]: https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/bof_sourcehut/
  16. In Wayland news, the upcoming Sway 1.3 release is getting very close - rc3 is
  17. planned to ship later today. We've confirmed that it'll ship with VNC support
  18. via [wayvnc](https://github.com/any1/wayvnc) and improvements to input latency.
  19. I haven't completed much extra work on Casa (and "Sway Mobile" alongside it),
  20. but there have been some small improvements. I did find some time to work on
  21. [Sedna](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sedna), however. We've decided to use it as
  22. a proving grounds for the new wlroots scene graph API, which plans to
  23. incorporate Simon Ser's [libliftoff][libliftoff] and put to rest the eternal
  24. debate over how wlroots renderer should take shape. This'll be *lots* of work
  25. but the result will be a remarkably good foundation on which we can run
  26. performant compositors on a huge variety of devices — and, if we're
  27. lucky, might help resolve the Nvidia problem. I also did a bit more work on the
  28. [Wayland Book](https://wayland-book.com), refactoring some of the chapter
  29. ordering to make more sense and getting started with the input chapter. More
  30. soon.
  31. [libliftoff]: https://github.com/emersion/libliftoff
  32. On SourceHut, lots of new developments have been underway. The latest round of
  33. performance improvements for git.sr.ht finally landed with the introduction of
  34. new server hardware, and it's finally competitive with its peers in terms of
  35. push and web performance. I've also overhauled our monitoring infrastructure
  36. [and made it public](https://metrics.sr.ht). Our [Q4 2019 financial
  37. report][financial report] was also published earlier this week. I'm currently
  38. working on pushing forward through the self-service data ownership goals, and
  39. we've already seen some improvements in that todo.sr.ht can now re-import
  40. tracker exports from itself or other todo.sr.ht instances.
  41. [financial report]: https://sourcehut.org/blog/2020-01-13-sourcehut-q4-2019-financial-report/
  42. I've also been working more on [himitsu](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/himitsu)
  43. recently, though I'm taking it pretty slowly because it's a security-sensitive
  44. project. Most of the crypto code has been written at this point - writing
  45. encrypted secrets to disk, reading and writing the key index - but reading
  46. encrypted secrets back from the disk remains to be implemented. I know there are
  47. some bugs in the current implementation, which I'll be sorting out before I
  48. write much more code. I also implemented most of the support code for the Unix
  49. socket RPC, and implemented a couple of basic commands which have been helpful
  50. with proving out the secret store code (proving that it's wrong, at least).
  51. Simon Ser's [mrsh](https://mrsh.sh) has also been going very well lately, and is
  52. now a nearly complete implementation of the POSIX shell. I've started working on
  53. something I've long planned to build on top of mrsh: a comfortable interactive
  54. shell, inspired by fish's interactive mode, but with a strictly POSIX syntax. I
  55. call the project [imrsh](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/imrsh), for interactive
  56. mrsh. I've already got it in somewhat good shape, but many of the features
  57. remain to be implemented. The bulk of the work was in Simon's mrsh, so it
  58. shouldn't be too hard to add a pretty interface on top. We'll see how it goes.
  59. That's all for today. In the coming month I hope to expand on each of these, and
  60. I'm also working on a new Secret Project which may start bearing fruits soon
  61. (but likely not). Thank you for your continued support! I'll see you at FOSDEM.