- ---
- title: Status update, April 2022
- date: 2022-04-15
- ---
- This month marked my first time filing taxes in two countries, and I can assure
- you it is the worst. I am now a single-issue voter in the US: stop taxing
- expats! You can get some insight into the financials of SourceHut in the
- recently-published [financial report]. But let's get right into the fun stuff:
- free software development news.
- [financial report]:
- There was some slowdown from me this month thanks to all of the business and
- financial crap I had to put up with, but I was able to get some cool stuff done
- and many other contributors have been keeping things moving. I'll start by
- introducing a new/old project: Himitsu.
- Essentially, Himitsu is a secret storage system whose intended use-case is to
- provide features like password storage and SSH agent functionality. It draws
- much of its inspiration from Plan 9's Factotum. You may have stumbled upon an
- [early prototype][0] on which introduces the basic idea and included
- the start of an implementation in C. Ultimately I shelved this project for want
- of a better programming language to implement it with, and then I made a better
- programming language to implement it with. Over the past two weeks, I have
- implemented something similar to where the C codebase was left, in fewer than
- half the lines of code and much less than half the time. Here's a little peek at
- what works now:
- [0]:
- ```
- [12:18:31] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ ./himitsud
- Please enter your passphrase to unlock the keyring:
- [2022-04-15 12:18:56] himitsud running
- ^Z[1]+ Stopped ./himitsud
- [12:18:57] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ bg
- [1] ./himitsud
- [12:18:58] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ nc -U ~/.local/state/himitsu/socket
- add proto=imap password!="Hello world!"
- ^C
- [12:19:12] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ ls ~/.local/share/himitsu/
- 2849c1d5-61b3-4803-98cf-fc57fe5f69a6 index key
- [12:19:14] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ cat ~/.local/share/himitsu/index
- YNfVlkORDX1GmXIfL8vOiiTgBJKh47biFsUaKrqzfMP2xfD4B9/lqSl2Y9OtIpVcYzrNjBBZOxcO81vNQdgnvxQ+xaCKaVpQS4Dh6DyaY0/lpq6rfowTY5GwcI155KkmTI4z1ABOVkL4z4XDsQ2DEiqClcQE5/+CxsQ/U/u9DthLJRjrjw==
- [12:19:19] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ fg
- ./himitsud
- ^C[2022-04-15 12:19:22] himitsud terminated
- [12:19:22] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ ./himitsud
- Please enter your passphrase to unlock the keyring:
- Loaded key proto=imap password!=2849c1d5-61b3-4803-98cf-fc57fe5f69a6
- [2022-04-15 12:19:29] himitsud running
- ^C[2022-04-15 12:19:31] himitsud terminated
- [12:19:33] taiga ~/s/himitsu $ find . -type f | xargs wc -l | tail -n1
- 895 total
- ```
- This project is progressing quite fast and I hope to have it working for some
- basic use-cases soon. I'll do a dedicated blog post explaining how it works and
- why it's important later on, though it will remain mostly under wraps until the
- language is released.
- Speaking of the language, there were a number of exciting developments this
- month. Two major standard library initiatives were merged: regex and datetime.
- The regex implementation is simple, small, and fast, targeting POSIX ERE as a
- reasonably sane conservative baseline regex dialect. The datetime implementation
- is quite interesting as well, and it provides a pretty comprehensive API which
- should address almost all use-cases for timekeeping in our language with a
- robust and easy-to-use API. As a bonus, and a little flex at how robust our
- design is, we've included support for Martian time. I'm very pleased with how
- both of these turned out.
- ```hare
- use datetime;
- use fmt;
- use os;
- use time::chrono;
- export fn main() void = {
- const now = datetime::in(chrono::MTC, datetime::now());
- fmt::printf("Current Martian coordinated time: ")!;
- datetime::format(os::stdout, datetime::STAMP, &now)!;
- fmt::println()!;
- };
- ```
- Other recent improvements include support for signal handling, glob, aes-ni, and
- net::uri. Work has slowed down on cryptography — please get in touch if
- you'd like to help. Many readers will be happy to know that there are rumblings
- about possibly going public soon; after a couple more milestones we'll be having
- a meeting to nail down the most urgent priorities before going public and then
- we'll get this language into your hands to play with.
- I also started a bittorrent daemon in this language, but it's temporarily
- blocked until we sort out HTTP/TLS. So, moving right along: SourceHut news?
- Naturally I will leave most of it for the "what's cooking" post, but I'll offer
- you a little tease of what we've been working on: GraphQL. We landed support
- this month for GraphQL-native webhooks in, as well as some new
- improvements to the GQL API. is also now starting to see
- some polish put on its GraphQL support, and some research is underway on GraphQL
- Federation. Very soon we will be able to put a bow on this work.
- That's all for today! Thanks again for reading and for your ongoing support. I
- appreciate you!