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State-of-Sway-August-2017.md (3014B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2017-08-09
  3. # vim: tw=80
  4. title: State of Sway August 2017
  5. layout: post
  6. tags: [sway]
  7. ---
  8. Is it already time to write another one of these? Phew, time flies. Sway marches
  9. ever forward. Sway 0.14.0 was recently released, adding much asked-after support
  10. for tray icons and fixing some long-standing bugs. As usual, we already have
  11. some exciting features slated for 0.15.0 as well, notably some cool improvements
  12. to clipboard support. Look forward to it!
  13. Today Sway has 24,123 lines of C (and 4,489 lines of header files) written by 94
  14. authors across 2,345 commits. These were written through 689 pull requests and
  15. 624 issues. Sway packages are available today in the repos of almost every Linux
  16. distribution.
  17. [![](https://sr.ht/ICd5.png)](https://sr.ht/ICd5.png)
  18. For those who are new to the project, [Sway](http://swaywm.org) is an
  19. i3-compatible Wayland compositor. That is, your existing [i3](http://i3wm.org/)
  20. configuration file will work as-is on Sway, and your keybindings and colors and
  21. fonts and for_window rules and so on will all be the same. It's i3, but for
  22. Wayland, plus it's got some bonus features. Here's a quick rundown of what's
  23. new since the [previous state of Sway](/2017/04/29/State-of-sway-April-2017.html):
  24. * Initial support for tray icons
  25. * X11/Wayland clipboard synchronization
  26. * nvidia proprietary driver support*
  27. * i3's marks
  28. * i3's mouse button bindings
  29. * Lots of i3 compatibility improvements
  30. * Lots of documentation improvements
  31. * Lots of bugfixes
  32. If this seems like a shorter list than usual, it's because we've also been
  33. making great progress on wlroots too - no doubt thanks to the help of the many
  34. contributors doing amazing work in there. For those unaware, wlroots is our
  35. project to replace wlc with a new set of libraries for Wayland compositor
  36. underpinnings (it fills a similar niche as libweston). We now have a working DRM
  37. backend (including output rotation and hardware cursors) and libinput backend
  38. (including touchscreen and drawing tablet support), and we're making headway now
  39. on drawing Wayland clients on screen. I'm very excited about our pace and
  40. direction - keep an eye on it
  41. [here](https://github.com/SirCmpwn/wlroots/issues/9). I have also taken over for
  42. Cloudef as the maintainer of [wlc](https://github.com/Cloudef/wlc) during the
  43. transition.
  44. In other news, our bounty program continues to go strong. Our [current
  45. pot](https://github.com/SirCmpwn/sway/issues/986) is $1200 and we've paid out
  46. $80 so far (and a $280 payout is on the horizon for tray icons). I've also
  47. started a [Patreon page](https://www.patreon.com/sircmpwn), where 26 patrons are
  48. generously supporting my work as maintainer of Sway and other projects. Many
  49. thanks to everyone who has contributed financially to Sway's success!
  50. That wraps up today's post. Thanks for using Sway!
  51. <small class="text-muted">* I hate this crappy driver. It works, but don't
  52. expect to receive much support for it. <a
  53. href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYWzMvlj2RQ">Linus said it
  54. best</a>.</small>