Porting-an-entire-toolchain-to-the-browser-with-emscripten.md (15538B)
- ---
- date: 2014-11-30
- # vim: tw=80
- layout: post_toolchain
- title: Porting an assembler, debugger, and more to WebAssembly
- tags: [wasm, javascript, KnightOS]
- ---
- WebAssembly is pretty cool! It lets you write portable C and cross-compile it to
- JavaScript so it'll run in a web browser. As the maintainer of
- [KnightOS](http://www.knightos.org), I looked to WASM as a potential means
- of reducing the cost of entry for new developers hoping to target the OS.
- <noscript>
- Note: this article uses JavaScript to run all of this stuff in your web browser.
- I don't use any third-party scripts, tracking, or anything else icky.
- </noscript>
- ## Rationale for WASM
- There are several pieces of software in the toolchain that are required to write
- and test software for KnightOS:
- * [scas](https://github.com/KnightOS/scas) - a z80 assembler
- * [genkfs](https://github.com/KnightOS/genkfs) - generates KFS filesystem images
- * [kpack](https://github.com/KnightOS/kpack) - packaging tool, like makepkg on Arch Linux
- * [z80e](https://github.com/KnightOS/z80e) - a z80 calculator emulator
- You also need a copy of the latest kernel and any of your dependencies from
- [packages.knightos.org](https://packages.knightos.org). Getting all of this is
- not straightforward. On Linux and Mac, there are no official packages for any of
- these tools. On Windows, there are still no official packages, and you have to
- use Cygwin on top of that. The first step to writing KnightOS programs is to
- manually compile and install several tools, which is a lot to ask of someone who
- just wants to experiment.
- All of the tools in our toolchain are written in C. We saw WASM as an
- opportunity to reduce all of this effort into simply firing up your web browser.
- It works, too! Here's what was involved.
- >**Note**: Click the screen on the emulator to the left to give it your
- >keyboard. Click away to take it back. You can use your arrow keys, F1-F5,
- >enter, and escape (as MODE).
- ## The final product
- Let's start by showing you what we've accomplished. It's now possible for
- curious developers to try out KnightOS programming in their web browser. Of
- course, they still have to do it in assembly, but we're [working on
- that](https://github.com/KnightOS/kcc) 😉. Here's a "hello world" you can run in
- your web browser:
- <div class="demo">
- <div class="editor"
- data-source="/sources/helloworld.asm"
- data-file="main.asm"></div>
- <div class="calculator-wrapper">
- <div class="calculator">
- <canvas width="385" height="256" class="emulator-screen"></canvas>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- We can also install new dependencies on the fly and use them in our programs.
- Here's another program that draws the "hello world" message in a window. You
- should install `core/corelib` first:
- <input type="text" id="package-name" value="core/corelib" />
- <input type="button" id="install-package" value="Install" />
- <div class="demo">
- <div class="editor" data-source="/sources/corelib-hello.asm" data-file="main.asm"></div>
- <div class="calculator-wrapper">
- <div class="calculator">
- <canvas width="385" height="256" class="emulator-screen"></canvas>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- You can find more packages to try out on
- [packages.knightos.org](https://packages.knightos.org). Here's another example,
- this one launches the file manager. You'll have to install a few packages for it
- to work:
- Install:
- <input type="button" class="install-package-button" data-package="extra/fileman" value="extra/fileman" />
- <input type="button" class="install-package-button" data-package="core/configlib" value="core/configlib" />
- <input type="button" class="install-package-button" data-package="core/corelib" value="core/corelib" />
- <div class="demo">
- <div class="editor" data-source="/sources/fileman.asm" data-file="main.asm"></div>
- <div class="calculator-wrapper">
- <div class="calculator">
- <canvas width="385" height="256" class="emulator-screen"></canvas>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- Feel free to edit any of these examples! You can run them again with the Run
- button. These resources might be useful if you want to play with this some more:
- [z80 instruction set](http://www.z80.info/z80-op.txt) - [z80 assembly tutorial](http://tutorials.eeems.ca/ASMin28Days/lesson/toc.html) - [KnightOS reference documentation](http://www.knightos.org/documentation/reference)
- Note: our toolchain has some memory leaks, so eventually WASM is going to
- run out of memory and then you'll have to refresh. Sorry!
- ## How all of the pieces fit together
- When you
- loaded this page, a bunch of things happened. First, the [latest
- release](https://github.com/KnightOS/kernel/releases) of the [KnightOS
- kernel](https://github.com/KnightOS/kernel) was downloaded. Then all of the
- WASM ports of the toolchain were downloaded and loaded. Some virtual filesystems
- were set up, and two KnightOS packages were downloaded and installed:
- [`core/init`](https://packages.knightos.org/core/init), and
- [`core/kernel-headers`](https://packages.knightos.org/core/kernel-headers),
- respectively necessary for booting the system and compiling code against the
- kernel API. Extracting those packages involves copying them into kpack's
- virtual filesystem and running `kpack -e path/to/package root/`.
- When you click "Run" on one of these text boxes, the contents of the text box is
- written to `/main.asm` in the assembler's virtual filesystem. The package
- installation process extracts headers to `/include/`, and scas itself is run
- with `/main.asm -I/include -o /executable`, which assembles the program and
- writes the output to `/executable`.
- Then we copy the executable into the genkfs filesystem (this is the tool that
- generates filesystem images). We also copy the empty kernel into this
- filesystem, as well as any of the packages we've installed. We then run `genkfs
- /kernel.rom /root`, which creates a filesystem image from `/root` and bakes it
- into `kernel.rom`. This produces a ready-to-emulate ROM image that we can load
- into the z80e emulator on the left.
- ## The WASM details
- Porting all this stuff to WASM wasn't straightforward. The easiest part
- was cross-compiling all of them to JavaScript:
- cd build
- emconfigure cmake ..
- emmake make
- The process was basically that simple for each piece of software. There were
- [a](https://github.com/KnightOS/genkfs/commit/c4eefa87a3b5bdbafcc6d971654608c594f779a1)
- [few](https://github.com/KnightOS/scas/commit/d2044e7d7586a946422ce6493cc6dff01127d1c2)
- [changes](https://github.com/KnightOS/scas/commit/8bc31af28e8419a9fa6c421147ea522935bd0df4)
- made to some of the tools to fix a few problems. The hard part
- came when I wanted to run all of them on the same page. WASM compiled code
- assumes that it will be the only WASM module on the page at any given
- time, so this was a bit challenging and involved editing the generated JS.
- The first thing I did was wrap all of the modules in isolated AMD loaders[^1].
- You can see how some of this ended up looking by visiting the actual scripts
- (warning, big files):
- [^1]: AMD was an early means of using modules with JavaScript, which was popular at the time this article was written (2014). Today, a different form of modules has become part of the JavaScript language standard.
- * [scas.js](/tools/scas.js)
- * [kpack.js](/tools/kpack.js)
- * [genkfs.js](/tools/genkfs.js)
- That was enough to make it so that they could all run. These are part of a
- toolchain, though, so somehow they needed to share files. Emscripten's [FS
- object](http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/api_reference/Filesystem-API.html)
- cannot be shared between modules, so the solution was to write a little JS:
- ```coffeescript
- copy_between_systems = (fs1, fs2, from, to, encoding) ->
- for f in fs1.readdir(from)
- continue if f in ['.', '..']
- fs1p = from + '/' + f
- fs2p = to + '/' + f
- s = fs1.stat(fs1p)
- log("Writing #{fs1p} to #{fs2p}")
- if fs1.isDir(s.mode)
- try
- fs2.mkdir(fs2p)
- catch
- # pass
- copy_between_systems(fs1, fs2, fs1p, fs2p, encoding)
- else
- fs2.writeFile(fs2p, fs1.readFile(fs1p, { encoding: encoding }), { encoding: encoding })
- ```
- With this, we can extract packages in the kpack filesystem and copy them to the
- genkfs filesystem:
- ```coffeescript
- install_package = (repo, name, callback) ->
- full_name = repo + '/' + name
- log("Downloading " + full_name)
- xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
- xhr.open('GET', "https://packages.knightos.org/" + full_name + "/download")
- xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
- xhr.onload = () ->
- log("Installing " + full_name)
- file_name = '/packages/' + repo + '-' + name + '.pkg'
- data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response)
- toolchain.kpack.FS.writeFile(file_name, data, { encoding: 'binary' })
- toolchain.kpack.Module.callMain(['-e', file_name, '/pkgroot'])
- copy_between_systems(toolchain.kpack.FS, toolchain.scas.FS, "/pkgroot/include", "/include", "utf8")
- copy_between_systems(toolchain.kpack.FS, toolchain.genkfs.FS, "/pkgroot", "/root", "binary")
- log("Package installed.")
- callback() if callback?
- xhr.send()
- ```
- And this puts all the pieces in place for us to actually pass an assembly file
- through our toolchain:
- ```coffeescript
- run_project = (main) ->
- # Assemble
- window.toolchain.scas.FS.writeFile('/main.asm', main)
- log("Calling assembler...")
- ret = window.toolchain.scas.Module.callMain(['/main.asm', '-I/include/', '-o', 'executable'])
- return ret if ret != 0
- log("Assembly done!")
- # Build filesystem
- executable = window.toolchain.scas.FS.readFile("/executable", { encoding: 'binary' })
- window.toolchain.genkfs.FS.writeFile("/root/bin/executable", executable, { encoding: 'binary' })
- window.toolchain.genkfs.FS.writeFile("/root/etc/inittab", "/bin/executable")
- window.toolchain.genkfs.FS.writeFile("/kernel.rom", new Uint8Array(toolchain.kernel_rom), { encoding: 'binary' })
- window.toolchain.genkfs.Module.callMain(["/kernel.rom", "/root"])
- rom = window.toolchain.genkfs.FS.readFile("/kernel.rom", { encoding: 'binary' })
- log("Loading your program into the emulator!")
- if current_emulator != null
- current_emulator.cleanup()
- current_emulator = new toolchain.ide_emu(document.getElementById('screen'))
- current_emulator.load_rom(rom.buffer)
- return 0
- ```
- This was fairly easy to put together once we got all the tools to cooperate.
- After all, these are all command-line tools. Invoking them is as simple as
- calling `main` and then fiddling with the files that come out. Porting z80e, on
- the other hand, was not nearly as simple.
- ## Porting z80e to the browser
- [z80e](https://github.com/KnightOS/z80e) is our calculator emulator. It's also
- written in C, but needs to interact much more closely with the user. We need to
- be able to render the display to a canvas, and to receive input from the user.
- This isn't nearly as simple as just calling `main` and playing with some files.
- To accomplish this, we've put together
- [OpenTI](https://github.com/KnightOS/OpenTI), a set of JavaScript bindings to
- z80e. This is mostly the work of my friend puckipedia, but I can explain a bit
- of what is involved. The short of it is that we needed to map native structs to
- JavaScript objects and pass JavaScript code as function pointers to z80e's
- hooks. So far as I know, the KnightOS team is the only group to have attempted
- something with this deep of integration between WASM and JavaScript - because we
- had to do a ton of the work ourselves.
- OpenTI contains a
- [wrap](https://github.com/KnightOS/OpenTI/blob/master/webui/js/OpenTI/wrap.js)
- module that is capable of wrapping structs and pointers in JavaScript objects.
- This is a tedious procedure, because we have to know the offset and size of each
- field in native code. An example of a wrapped object is given here:
- ```javascript
- define(["../wrap"], function(Wrap) {
- var Registers = function(pointer) {
- if (!pointer) {
- throw "This object can only be instantiated with a memory region predefined!";
- }
- this.pointer = pointer;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "AF", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "F", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "A", pointer + 1);
- this.flags = {};
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "C", pointer, 128, 7);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "N", pointer, 64, 6);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "PV", pointer, 32, 5);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "3", pointer, 16, 4);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "H", pointer, 8, 3);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "5", pointer, 4, 2);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "Z", pointer, 2, 1);
- Wrap.UInt8(this.flags, "S", pointer, 1, 0);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "BC", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "C", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "B", pointer + 1);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "DE", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "E", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "D", pointer + 1);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "HL", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "L", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "H", pointer + 1);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "_AF", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "_BC", pointer + 2);
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "_DE", pointer + 4);
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "_HL", pointer + 6);
- pointer += 8;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "PC", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "SP", pointer + 2);
- pointer += 4;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "IX", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "IXL", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "IXH", pointer + 1);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt16(this, "IY", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "IYL", pointer);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "IYH", pointer + 1);
- pointer += 2;
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "I", pointer++);
- Wrap.UInt8(this, "R", pointer++);
- // 2 dummy bytes needed for 4-byte alignment
- }
- Registers.sizeOf = function() {
- return 26;
- }
- return Registers;
- });
- ```
- The result of that effort is that you can find out what the current value of a
- register is from some nice clean JavaScript: `asic.cpu.registers.PC` (it's <code
- id="register-pc"></code>, by the way). Pop open your JavaScript console and play
- around with the `current_asic` global!
- ## Conclusions
- I've put all of this together on [try.knightos.org](http://try.knightos.org).
- The source is available on
- [GitHub](https://github.com/KnightOS/try.knightos.org). It's entirely
- client-side, so it can be hosted on GitHub Pages. I'm hopeful that this will
- make it easier for people to get interested in KnightOS development, but it'll
- be a lot better once I can get more documentation and tutorials written. It'd be
- pretty cool if we could have interactive tutorials like this!
- If you, reader, are interested in working on some pretty cool shit, there's a
- place for you! We have things to do in Assembly, C, JavaScript, Python, and a
- handful of other things. Maybe you have a knack for design and want to help
- improve it. Whatever the case may be, if you have interest in this stuff, come
- hang out with us on IRC: [#knightos on
- irc.freenode.net](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=knightos&uio=d4).
- ---
- 
- **2018-08-31**: This article was updated to fix some long-broken scripts and
- adjust everything to fit into the since-updated blog theme. The title was also
- changed from "Porting an entire desktop toolchain to the browser with
- Emscripten" and some minor editorial corrections were made. References to
- Emscripten were replaced with WebAssembly - WASM is the standard API that
- browsers have implemented to replace asm.js, and the Emscripten toolchain and
- JavaScript API remained compatible throughout the process.