- ---
- title: "Notes from kernel hacking in Hare, part 3: serial driver"
- date: 2022-10-27
- ---
- Today I would like to show you the implementation of the first userspace driver
- for Helios: a simple serial driver. All of the code we're going to look at today
- runs in userspace, not in the kernel, so strictly speaking this should be "notes
- from OS hacking in Hare", but I won't snitch if you don't.
- *Note: In the [previous entry][prev] to this series, I promised to cover the
- userspace threading API in this post. I felt like covering this instead. Sorry!*
- [prev]: /2022/10/02/Kernel-hacking-with-Hare-part-2.html
- A serial port provides a simple protocol for transferring data between two
- systems. It generalizes a bit, but for our purposes we can just think of this as
- a terminal which you can use over a simple cable and a simple protocol. It's a
- standard x86\_64 feature (though one which has been out of style for a couple of
- decades now), and its simple design (and high utility) makes it a good choice
- for the first driver to write for [Helios][0]. We're going to look at the
- following details today:
- [0]:
- 1. The system's initramfs
- 2. The driver loader
- 3. The serial driver itself
- The initramfs used by Helios, for the time being, is just a tarball. I imported
- [format::tar][1] from the standard library, a module which I designed for this
- express purpose, and made a few minor tweaks to make it suitable for Helios'
- needs. I also implemented seeking within a tar entry to make it easier to write
- an ELF loader from it. The bootloader loads this tarball into memory, the kernel
- provides page capabilities to init for it, and then we can map it into memory
- and study it, something like this:
- [1]:
- ```hare
- let base = rt::map_range(rt::vspace, 0, 0, &desc.pages)!;
- let slice = (base: *[*]u8)[..desc.length];
- const buf = bufio::fixed(slice, io::mode::READ);
- const rd = tar::read(&buf);
- ```
- Pulling a specific driver out of it looks like this:
- ```hare
- // Loads a driver from the bootstrap tarball.
- fn earlyload(fs: *bootstrapfs, path: str) *process = {
- tar::reset(&fs.rd)!;
- path = strings::ltrim(path, '/');
- for (true) {
- const ent = match (tar::next(&fs.rd)) {
- case io::EOF =>
- break;
- case let ent: tar::entry =>
- yield ent;
- case let err: tar::error =>
- abort("Invalid bootstrap.tar file");
- };
- defer tar::skip(&ent)!;
- if ( == path) {
- // TODO: Better error handling here
- const proc = match (load_driver(&ent)) {
- case let err: io::error =>
- abort("Failed to load driver from boostrap");
- case let err: errors::error =>
- abort("Failed to load driver from boostrap");
- case let proc: *process =>
- yield proc;
- };
- helios::task_resume(proc.task)!;
- return proc;
- };
- };
- abort("Missing bootstrap driver");
- };
- ```
- This code finds a file in the tarball with the given path (e.g.
- `drivers/serial`), creates a process with the driver loader, then resumes the
- thread and the driver is running. Let's take a look at that driver loader next.
- The load\_driver entry point takes an I/O handle to an ELF file and loads it:
- ```hare
- fn load_driver(image: io::handle) (*process | io::error | errors::error) = {
- const loader = newloader(image);
- let earlyconf = driver_earlyconfig {
- cspace_radix = 12,
- };
- load_earlyconfig(&earlyconf, &loader)?;
- let proc = newprocess(earlyconf.cspace_radix)?;
- load(&loader, proc)?;
- load_config(proc, &loader)?;
- let regs = helios::context {
- rip = loader.header.e_entry,
- ...
- };
- helios::task_writeregisters(proc.task, ®s)?;
- return proc;
- };
- ```
- This is essentially a standard ELF loader, which it calls via the more general
- "newprocess" and "load" functions, but drivers have an extra concern: the driver
- manifest. The "load\_earlyconfig" processes manifest keys which are necessary to
- configure prior to loading the ELF image, and the "load\_config" function takes
- care of the rest of the driver configuration. The remainder of the code
- configures the initial thread.
- The actual driver manifest is an INI file which is embedded in a special ELF
- section in driver binaries. The manifest for the serial driver looks like this:
- ```
- [driver]
- name=pcserial
- desc=Serial driver for x86_64 PCs
- [cspace]
- radix=12
- [capabilities]
- 0:serial =
- 1:note =
- 2:cspace = self
- 3:ioport = min=3F8, max=400
- 4:ioport = min=2E8, max=2F0
- 5:irq = irq=3, note=1
- 6:irq = irq=4, note=1
- ```
- Helios is a capability-oriented system, and in order to do anything useful, each
- process needs to have capabilities to work with. Each driver declares exactly
- what capabilities it needs and receives only these capabilities, and nothing
- else. This provides stronger isolation than Unix systems can offer (even with
- something like OpenBSD's pledge(2)) — this driver cannot even allocate
- memory.
- A standard x86\_64 ISA serial port uses two I/O port ranges, 0x3F8-0x400 and
- 0x2E8-0x2F0, as well as two IRQs, IRQ 3 and 4, together providing support for up
- to four serial ports. The driver first requests a "serial" capability, which is
- a temporary design for an IPC endpoint that the driver will use to actually
- process read or write requests. This will be replaced with a more sophisticated
- device manager system in the future. It also creates a notification capability,
- which is later used to deliver the IRQs, and requests a capability for its own
- cspace so that it can manage capability slots. This will be necessary later on.
- Following this it requests capabilities for the system resources it needs,
- namely the necessary I/O ports and IRQs, the latter configured to be delivered
- to the notification in capability slot 1.
- With the driver isolated in its own address space, running in user mode, and
- only able to invoke this set of capabilities, it's very limited in what kind of
- exploits it's vulnerable to. If there's a vulnerability here, the worst that
- could happen is that a malicious actor on the other end of the serial port could
- crash the driver, which would then be rebooted by the service manager. On Linux,
- a bug in the serial driver can be used to compromise the entire system.
- So, the driver loader parses this file and allocates the requested capabilities
- for the driver. I'll skip most of the code, it's just a boring INI file parser,
- but the important bit is the table for capability allocations:
- ```hare
- type capconfigfn = fn(
- proc: *process,
- addr: uint,
- config: const str,
- ) (void | errors::error);
- // Note: keep these tables alphabetized
- const capconfigtab: [_](const str, *capconfigfn) = [
- ("cspace", &cap_cspace),
- ("endpoint", &cap_endpoint),
- ("ioport", &cap_ioport),
- ("irq", &cap_irq),
- ("note", &cap_note),
- ("serial", &cap_serial),
- // TODO: More
- ];
- ```
- This table defines functions which, when a given INI key in the [capabilities]
- section is found, provisions the requested capabilities. This list is not
- complete; in the future all kernel objects will be added as well as
- userspace-defined interfaces (similar to serial) which implement various driver
- interfaces, such as 'fs' or 'gpu'. Let's start with the notification capability:
- ```hare
- fn cap_note(
- proc: *process,
- addr: uint,
- config: const str,
- ) (void | errors::error) = {
- if (config != "") {
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- const note = helios::newnote()?;
- defer helios::destroy(note)!;
- helios::copyto(proc.cspace, addr, note)?;
- };
- ```
- This capability takes no configuration arguments, so we first simply check that
- the value is empty. Then we create a notification, copy it into the driver's
- capability space at the requested capability address, then destroy our copy.
- Simple!
- The I/O port capability is a bit more involved: it does accept configuration
- parameters, namely what I/O port range the driver needs.
- ```hare
- fn cap_ioport(
- proc: *process,
- addr: uint,
- config: const str,
- ) (void | errors::error) = {
- let min = 0u16, max = 0u16;
- let have_min = false, have_max = false;
- const tok = strings::tokenize(config, ",");
- for (true) {
- let tok = match (strings::next_token(&tok)) {
- case void =>
- break;
- case let tok: str =>
- yield tok;
- };
- tok = strings::trim(tok);
- const (key, val) = strings::cut(tok, "=");
- let field = switch (key) {
- case "min" =>
- have_min = true;
- yield &min;
- case "max" =>
- have_max = true;
- yield &max;
- case =>
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- match (strconv::stou16b(val, base::HEX)) {
- case let u: u16 =>
- *field = u;
- case =>
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- };
- if (!have_min || !have_max) {
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- const ioport = helios::ioctl_issue(rt::INIT_CAP_IOCONTROL, min, max)?;
- defer helios::destroy(ioport)!;
- helios::copyto(proc.cspace, addr, ioport)?;
- };
- ```
- Here we split the configuration string on commas and parse each as a key/value
- pair delimited by an equal sign ("="), looking for a key called "min" and
- another called "max". At the moment the config parsing is just implemented in
- this function directly, but in the future it might make sense to write a small
- abstraction for capability configurations like this. Once we know the I/O port
- range the user wants, then we issue an I/O port capability for that range and
- copy it into the driver's cspace.
- IRQs are a bit more involved still. An IRQ capability must be configured to
- deliver IRQs to a notification object.
- ```hare
- fn cap_irq(
- proc: *process,
- addr: uint,
- config: const str,
- ) (void | errors::error) = {
- let irq = 0u8, note: helios::cap = 0;
- let have_irq = false, have_note = false;
- // ...config string parsing omitted...
- const _note = helios::copyfrom(proc.cspace, note, helios::CADDR_UNDEF)?;
- defer helios::destroy(_note)!;
- const (ct, _) = rt::identify(_note)!;
- if (ct != ctype::NOTIFICATION) {
- // TODO: More semantically meaningful errors would be nice
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- const irq = helios::irqctl_issue(rt::INIT_CAP_IRQCONTROL, _note, irq)?;
- defer helios::destroy(irq)!;
- helios::copyto(proc.cspace, addr, irq)?;
- };
- ```
- In order to do this, the driver loader copies the notification capability *from*
- the driver's cspace and into the loader's cspace, then creates an IRQ with that
- notification. It copies the new IRQ capability into the driver, then destroys
- its own copy of the IRQ and notification.
- In this manner, the driver can declaratively state which capabilities it needs,
- and the loader can prepare an environment for it with these capabilities
- prepared. Once these capabilities are present in the driver's cspace, the driver
- can invoke them by addressing the numbered capability slots in a send or receive
- syscall.
- To summarize, the loader takes an I/O object (which we know is sourced from the
- bootstrap tarball) from which an ELF file can be read, finds a driver manifest,
- then creates a process and fills the cspace with the requested capabilities,
- loads the program into its address space, and starts the process.
- Next, let's look at the serial driver that we just finished loading.
- Let me first note that this serial driver is a proof-of-concept at this time. A
- future serial driver will take a capability for a device manager object, then
- probe each serial port and provision serial devices for each working serial
- port. It will define an API which supports additional serial-specific features,
- such as configuring the baud rate. For now, it's pretty basic.
- This driver implements a simple event loop:
- 1. Configure the serial port
- 2. Wait for an interrupt or a read/write request from the user
- 3. On interrupt, process the interrupt, writing buffered data or buffering
- readable data
- 4. On a user request, buffer writes or unbuffer reads
- 5. GOTO 2
- The driver starts by defining some constants for the capability slots we set up
- in the manifest:
- ```hare
- def EP: helios::cap = 0;
- def IRQ: helios::cap = 1;
- def CSPACE: helios::cap = 2;
- def IRQ3: helios::cap = 5;
- def IRQ4: helios::cap = 6;
- ```
- It also defines some utility code for reading and writing to the COM registers,
- and constants for each of the registers defined by the interface.
- ```hare
- // COM1 port
- def COM1: u16 = 0x3F8;
- // COM2 port
- def COM2: u16 = 0x2E8;
- // Receive buffer register
- def RBR: u16 = 0;
- // Transmit holding regiser
- def THR: u16 = 0;
- // ...other registers omitted...
- const ioports: [_](u16, helios::cap) = [
- (COM1, 3), // 3 is the I/O port capability address
- (COM2, 4),
- ];
- fn comin(port: u16, register: u16) u8 = {
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(ioports); i += 1) {
- const (base, cap) = ioports[i];
- if (base != port) {
- continue;
- };
- return helios::ioport_in8(cap, port + register)!;
- };
- abort("invalid port");
- };
- fn comout(port: u16, register: u16, val: u8) void = {
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(ioports); i += 1) {
- const (base, cap) = ioports[i];
- if (base != port) {
- continue;
- };
- helios::ioport_out8(cap, port + register, val)!;
- return;
- };
- abort("invalid port");
- };
- ```
- We also define some statically-allocated data structures to store state for each
- COM port, and a function to initialize the port:
- ```hare
- type comport = struct {
- port: u16,
- rbuf: [4096]u8,
- wbuf: [4096]u8,
- rpending: []u8,
- wpending: []u8,
- };
- let ports: [_]comport = [
- comport { port = COM1, ... },
- comport { port = COM2, ... },
- ];
- fn com_init(com: *comport) void = {
- com.rpending = com.rbuf[..0];
- com.wpending = com.wbuf[..0];
- comout(com.port, IER, 0x00); // Disable interrupts
- comout(com.port, LCR, 0x80); // Enable divisor mode
- comout(com.port, DL_LSB, 0x01); // Div Low: 01: 115200 bps
- comout(com.port, DL_MSB, 0x00); // Div High: 00
- comout(com.port, LCR, 0x03); // Disable divisor mode, set parity
- comout(com.port, FCR, 0xC7); // Enable FIFO and clear
- comout(com.port, IER, ERBFI); // Enable read interrupt
- };
- ```
- The basics are in place. Let's turn our attention to the event loop.
- ```hare
- export fn main() void = {
- com_init(&ports[0]);
- com_init(&ports[1]);
- helios::irq_ack(IRQ3)!;
- helios::irq_ack(IRQ4)!;
- let poll: [_]pollcap = [
- pollcap { cap = IRQ, events = pollflags::RECV },
- pollcap { cap = EP, events = pollflags::RECV },
- ];
- for (true) {
- helios::poll(poll)!;
- if (poll[0].events & pollflags::RECV != 0) {
- poll_irq();
- };
- if (poll[1].events & pollflags::RECV != 0) {
- poll_endpoint();
- };
- };
- };
- ```
- We initialize two COM ports first, using the function we were just reading. Then
- we ACK any IRQs that might have already been pending when the driver starts up,
- and we enter the event loop proper. Here we are polling on two capabilities,
- the notification to which IRQs are delivered, and the endpoint which provides
- the serial driver's external API.
- The state for each serial port includes a read buffer and a write buffer,
- defined in the comport struct shown earlier. We configure the COM port to
- interrupt when there's data available to read, then pull it into the read
- buffer. If we have pending data to write, we configure it to interrupt when it's
- ready to write more data, otherwise we leave this interrupt turned off. The
- "poll\_irq" function handles these interrupts:
- ```hare
- fn poll_irq() void = {
- helios::wait(IRQ)!;
- defer helios::irq_ack(IRQ3)!;
- defer helios::irq_ack(IRQ4)!;
- for (let i = 0z; i < len(ports); i += 1) {
- const iir = comin(ports[i].port, IIR);
- if (iir & 1 == 0) {
- port_irq(&ports[i], iir);
- };
- };
- };
- fn port_irq(com: *comport, iir: u8) void = {
- if (iir & (1 << 2) != 0) {
- com_read(com);
- };
- if (iir & (1 << 1) != 0) {
- com_write(com);
- };
- };
- ```
- The IIR register is the "interrupt identification register", which tells us why
- the interrupt occurred. If it was because the port is readable, we call
- "com\_read". If the interrupt occurred because the port is writable, we call
- "com\_write". Let's start with com\_read. This interrupt is always enabled so
- that we can immediately start buffering data as the user types it into the
- serial port.
- ```hare
- // Reads data from the serial port's RX FIFO.
- fn com_read(com: *comport) size = {
- let n: size = 0;
- for (comin(com.port, LSR) & RBF == RBF; n += 1) {
- const ch = comin(com.port, RBR);
- if (len(com.rpending) < len(com.rbuf)) {
- // If the buffer is full we just drop chars
- static append(com.rpending, ch);
- };
- };
- // This part will be explained later:
- if (pending_read.reply != 0) {
- const n = rconsume(com, pending_read.buf);
- helios::send(pending_read.reply, 0, n)!;
- pending_read.reply = 0;
- };
- return n;
- };
- ```
- This code is pretty simple. For as long as the COM port is readable, read a
- character from it. If there's room in the read buffer, append this character to
- it.
- How about writing? Well, we need some way to fill the write buffer first. This
- part is pretty straightforward:
- ```hare
- // Append data to a COM port read buffer, returning the number of bytes buffered
- // successfully.
- fn com_wbuffer(com: *comport, data: []u8) size = {
- let z = len(data);
- if (z + len(com.wpending) > len(com.wbuf)) {
- z = len(com.wbuf) - len(com.wpending);
- };
- static append(com.wpending, data[..z]...);
- com_write(com);
- return z;
- };
- ```
- This code just adds data to the write buffer, making sure not to exceed the
- buffer length (note that in Hare this would cause an assertion, not a buffer
- overflow). Then we call "com\_write", which does the actual writing to the COM
- port.
- ```hare
- // Writes data to the serial port's TX FIFO.
- fn com_write(com: *comport) size = {
- if (comin(com.port, LSR) & THRE != THRE) {
- const ier = comin(com.port, IER);
- comout(com.port, IER, ier | ETBEI);
- return 0;
- };
- let i = 0z;
- for (i < 16 && len(com.wpending) != 0; i += 1) {
- comout(com.port, THR, com.wpending[0]);
- static delete(com.wpending[0]);
- };
- const ier = comin(com.port, IER);
- if (len(com.wpending) == 0) {
- comout(com.port, IER, ier & ~ETBEI);
- } else {
- comout(com.port, IER, ier | ETBEI);
- };
- return i;
- };
- ```
- If the COM port is not ready to write data, we enable an interrupt which will
- tell us when it is and return. Otherwise, we write up to 16 bytes — the
- size of the COM port's FIFO — and remove them from the write buffer. If
- there's more data to write, we enable the write interrupt, or we disable it if
- there's nothing left. When enabled, this will cause an interrupt to fire when
- (1) we have data to write and (2) the serial port is ready to write it, and our
- event loop will call this function again.
- That covers all of the code for driving the actual serial port. What about the
- interface for someone to actually use this driver?
- The "serial" capability defined in the manifest earlier is a temporary construct
- to provision some means of communicating with the driver. It provisions an
- endpoint capability (which is an IPC primitive on Helios) and stashes it away
- somewhere in the init process so that I can write some temporary test code to
- actually read or write to the serial port. Either request is done by "call"ing
- the endpoint with the desired parameters, which will cause the poll in the event
- loop to wake as the endpoint becomes receivable, calling "poll\_endpoint".
- ```hare
- fn poll_endpoint() void = {
- let addr = 0u64, amt = 0u64;
- const tag = helios::recv(EP, &addr, &amt);
- const label = rt::label(tag);
- switch (label) {
- case 0 =>
- const addr = addr: uintptr: *[*]u8;
- const buf = addr[..amt];
- const z = com_wbuffer(&ports[0], buf);
- helios::reply(0, z)!;
- case 1 =>
- const addr = addr: uintptr: *[*]u8;
- const buf = addr[..amt];
- if (len(ports[0].rpending) == 0) {
- const reply = helios::store_reply(helios::CADDR_UNDEF)!;
- pending_read = read {
- reply = reply,
- buf = buf,
- };
- } else {
- const n = rconsume(&ports[0], buf);
- helios::reply(0, n)!;
- };
- case =>
- abort(); // TODO: error
- };
- };
- ```
- "Calls" in Helios work similarly to seL4. Essentially, when you "call" an
- endpoint, the calling thread blocks to receive the reply and places a reply
- capability in the receiver's thread state. The receiver then processes their
- message and "replies" to the reply capability to wake up the calling thread and
- deliver the reply.
- The message label is used to define the requested operation. For now, 0 is read
- and 1 is write. For writes, we append the provided data to the write buffer and
- reply with the number of bytes we buffered, easy breezy.
- Reads are a bit more involved. If we don't immediately have any data in the read
- buffer, we have to wait until we do to reply. We copy the reply from its special
- slot in our thread state into our capability space, so we can use it later. This
- operation is why our manifest requires cspace = self. Then we store the reply
- capability and buffer in a variable and move on, waiting for a read interrupt.
- On the other hand, if there *is* data buffered, we consume it and reply
- immediately.
- ```hare
- fn rconsume(com: *comport, buf: []u8) size = {
- let amt = len(buf);
- if (amt > len(ports[0].rpending)) {
- amt = len(ports[0].rpending);
- };
- buf[..amt] = ports[0].rpending[..amt];
- static delete(ports[0].rpending[..amt]);
- return amt;
- };
- ```
- Makes sense?
- That basically covers the entire serial driver. Let's take a quick peek at the
- other side: the process which wants to read from or write to the serial port.
- For the time being this is all temporary code to test the driver with, and not
- the long-term solution for passing out devices to programs. The init process
- keeps a list of serial devices configured on the system:
- ```hare
- type serial = struct {
- proc: *process,
- ep: helios::cap,
- };
- let serials: []serial = [];
- fn register_serial(proc: *process, ep: helios::cap) void = {
- append(serials, serial {
- proc = proc,
- ep = ep,
- });
- };
- ```
- This function is called by the driver manifest parser like so:
- ```hare
- fn cap_serial(
- proc: *process,
- addr: uint,
- config: const str,
- ) (void | errors::error) = {
- if (config != "") {
- return errors::invalid;
- };
- const ep = helios::newendpoint()?;
- helios::copyto(proc.cspace, addr, ep)?;
- register_serial(proc, ep);
- };
- ```
- We make use of the serial port in the init process's main function with a little
- test loop to echo reads back to writes:
- ```hare
- export fn main(bi: *rt::bootinfo) void = {
- log::println("[init] Hello from Mercury!");
- const bootstrap = bootstrapfs_init(&bi.modules[0]);
- defer bootstrapfs_finish(&bootstrap);
- earlyload(&bootstrap, "/drivers/serial");
- log::println("[init] begin echo serial port");
- for (true) {
- let buf: [1024]u8 = [0...];
- const n = serial_read(buf);
- serial_write(buf[..n]);
- };
- };
- ```
- The "serial\_read" and "serial\_write" functions are:
- ```hare
- fn serial_write(data: []u8) size = {
- assert(len(data) <= rt::PAGESIZE);
- const page = helios::newpage()!;
- defer helios::destroy(page)!;
- let buf = helios::map(rt::vspace, 0, map_flags::W, page)!: *[*]u8;
- buf[..len(data)] = data[..];
- helios::page_unmap(page)!;
- // TODO: Multiple serial ports
- const port = &serials[0];
- const addr: uintptr = 0x7fff70000000; // XXX arbitrary address
- helios::map(port.proc.vspace, addr, 0, page)!;
- const reply = helios::call(port.ep, 0, addr, len(data));
- return rt::ipcbuf.params[0]: size;
- };
- fn serial_read(buf: []u8) size = {
- assert(len(buf) <= rt::PAGESIZE);
- const page = helios::newpage()!;
- defer helios::destroy(page)!;
- // TODO: Multiple serial ports
- const port = &serials[0];
- const addr: uintptr = 0x7fff70000000; // XXX arbitrary address
- helios::map(port.proc.vspace, addr, map_flags::W, page)!;
- const (label, n) = helios::call(port.ep, 1, addr, len(buf));
- helios::page_unmap(page)!;
- let out = helios::map(rt::vspace, 0, 0, page)!: *[*]u8;
- buf[..n] = out[..n];
- return n;
- };
- ```
- There is something interesting going on here. Part of this code is fairly
- obvious — we just invoke the IPC endpoint using helios::call,
- corresponding nicely to the other end's use of helios::reply, with the buffer
- address and size. However, the buffer address presents a problem: this buffer is
- in the init process's address space, so the serial port cannot read or write to
- it!
- In the long term, a more sophisticated approach to shared memory management will
- be developed, but for testing purposes I came up with this solution. For writes,
- we allocate a new page, map it into our address space, and copy the data we want
- to write to it. Then we unmap it, map it into the serial driver's address space
- instead, and perform the call. For reads, we allocate a page, map it into the
- serial driver, call the IPC endpoint, then unmap it from the serial driver, map
- it into our address space, and copy the data back out of it. In both cases, we
- destroy the page upon leaving this function, which frees the memory and
- automatically unmaps the page from any address space. Inefficient, but it works
- for demonstration purposes.
- And that's really all there is to it! Helios officially has its first driver.
- The next step is to develop a more robust solution for describing capability
- interfaces and device APIs, then build a PS/2 keyboard driver and a BIOS VGA
- mode 3 driver for driving the BIOS console, and combine these plus the serial
- driver into a tty on which we can run a simple shell.