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Hyprland-toxicity.md (10282B)

  1. ---
  2. title: Hyprland is a toxic community
  3. date: 2023-09-17
  4. ---
  5. [Hyprland][0] is an open source Wayland compositor based on [wlroots][1], a
  6. project I started back in 2017 to make it easier to build good Wayland
  7. compositors. It's a project which is loved by its users for its emphasis on
  8. customization and "eye candy" -- beautiful graphics and animations, each
  9. configuration tailored to the unique look and feel imagined by the user who
  10. creates it. It's a very exciting project!
  11. [0]: https://hyprland.org/
  12. [1]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots
  13. Unfortunately, the effect is spoilt by an incredibly toxic and hateful
  14. community. I cannot recommend Hyprland to anyone who is not prepared to steer
  15. well clear of its community spaces. Imagine a high school boys' locker room come
  16. to life on Discord and GitHub and you'll get an idea of what it's like.
  17. I became aware of the issues with Hyprland's community after details of numerous
  18. hateful incidents on their Discord came to my attention by way of the
  19. grapevine. Most of them stem from the community's tolerance of hate: community
  20. members are allowed to express hateful views with impunity, up to and including
  21. astonishing views such as endorsements of eugenics and calls for hate-motivated
  22. violence. Such comments are treated as another act in the one big inside joke
  23. that is the Hyprland community -- the community prefers not to take itself "too
  24. seriously". Hate is moderated only if it is "disruptive" (e.g. presents as
  25. spam), but hate presented with a veneer of decorum (or sarcasm) is tolerated,
  26. and when challenged, it's laughed off as a joke.
  27. In one particular incident, the moderators of the Discord server engaged in a
  28. harassment campaign against a transgender user, including using their moderator
  29. privileges to edit the pronouns in their username from "they/she" to
  30. "who/cares". These roles should be held by trusted community leaders, and it's
  31. from their behavior that the community's culture and norms stem -- they set an
  32. example for the community and define what behaviors are acceptable or expected.
  33. The problem comes from the top down.
  34. Someone recently pitched a code of conduct -- something that this project sorely
  35. needs -- in a [GitHub issue][2]. This thread does not have much overt hate, but
  36. it does clearly show how callous and just plain *mean* the community is,
  37. including its leadership (Vaxerski is the original author of Hyprland).
  38. Everything is a joke and anyone who wants to be "serious" about anything is
  39. mercilessly bullied and made fun of. Quoting this discussion:
  40. [2]: https://web.archive.org/web/20230917015135/https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/3209
  41. > I think [a Code of Conduct] is pretty discriminatory towards people that
  42. > prefer a close, hostile, homogeneous, exclusive, and unhealthy community.
  43. > First of all, why would I pledge to uphold any values? Seems like just
  44. > inconveniencing myself. [...] If I'd want to moderate, I'd spend 90% of the
  45. > time reading kids arguing about bullshit instead of coding.
  46. > If you don't know how to behave without a wall of text explaining how to
  47. > behave online then you shouldn't be online.
  48. I am not someone who believes all projects need a code of conduct, *if* there
  49. exists a reasonable standard of conduct in its absence -- and that means having
  50. a community that does not bully and harass others for expressing differing
  51. points of view, let alone for simply having a marginalized identity.
  52. I would have preferred to address these matters in private, so I reached out to
  53. Vaxry in February. He responded with a lack of critical awareness over how
  54. toxicity presents in his community. However, following my email, he put out a
  55. poll for the Discord community to see if the community members experienced
  56. harassment in the community -- apparently 40% of respondents reported such
  57. experiences. Vaxry et al implemented new moderation policies as a result. But
  58. these changes did not seem to work: the problems are still present, and the
  59. community is still a toxic place that facilitates bullying and hate, including
  60. from the community leaders.
  61. Following my email conversation with Vaxry, he appeared on [a podcast][3] to
  62. discuss toxicity in the Hyprland community. This quote from the interview
  63. clearly illustrates the attitude of the leadership:
  64. [3]: https://invidious.mnus.de/watch?v=nskemNa_Kn4
  65. > [A trans person] joined the Discord server and made a big deal out of their
  66. > pronouns [..] because they put their pronouns in their nickname and made a big
  67. > deal out of them because people were referring to them as "he" [misgendering
  68. > them], which, on the Internet, let's be real, is the default. And so, one
  69. > of the moderators changed the pronouns in their nickname to "who/cares". [...]
  70. > Let's be real, this isn't like, calling someone the N-word or something.
  71. Later he describes a more moderated community (the /r/unixporn discord server)
  72. as having an environment in which everyone is going to "lick your butthole just
  73. to be nice". He compared himself to [Terry Davis][4], the late operating system
  74. developer whose struggles with mental illness were broadcast for the world to
  75. see, citing a video in which he answers a phone call and refers to the person on
  76. the phone by the N-word "ten times" -- Vaxry compares this to his approach to
  77. answering "stupid questions".
  78. [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Davis
  79. It really disappoints me to see such an exciting project brought low by a
  80. horribly mismanaged community of hate and bullying. Part of what makes open
  81. source software great is that it's great for everyone. It's unfortunate that
  82. someone can discover this cool project, install it and play with it and get
  83. excited about it, then join the community to find themselves at the wrong end of
  84. this behavior. No one deserves that.
  85. I empathise with Vaxry. I remember being young, smart, productive... and mean. I
  86. did some cool stuff, but I deeply regret the way I treated people. It wasn't
  87. really my fault -- I was a product of my environment -- but it was my
  88. responsibility. Today, I'm proud to have built many welcoming communities, where
  89. people are rewarded for their involvement, rather than coming away from their
  90. experience hurt. What motivates us to build and give away free software if not
  91. bringing joy to ourselves and others? Can we be proud of a community which
  92. brings more suffering into the world?
  93. **My advice to the leadership** begins with taking a serious look in the mirror.
  94. This project needs a "come to Jesus" moment. Ask yourself what kind of community
  95. you can be proud of -- can you be proud of a community that people walk away
  96. from feeling dejected and hurt? Yours is not a community that brings people joy.
  97. What are you going to do about it?
  98. A good start will be to consider the code of conduct proposal seriously, but a
  99. change of attitude is also required. [My inbox][mail] is open to any of the
  100. leaders in this project (or any other project facing similar problems) if you
  101. want to talk. I'm happy to chat with you in good faith and help you understand
  102. what's needed and why it's important.
  103. [mail]: mailto:sir@cmpwn.com
  104. To members of the **Hyprland community**, I want each of you to personally step
  105. up to make the community better. If you see hate and bullying, don't stay
  106. silent. This is a community which proclaims to value radical free speech: test
  107. it by using your speech to argue against hate. Participate in the community as
  108. you think it should be, not as it necessarily is, and change will follow. If you
  109. are sensitive to hate, or a member of a marginalized group, however, I would
  110. just advise steering clear of Hyprland until the community improves.
  111. If the leadership fails to account for these problems, it will be up to the
  112. community to take their activity elsewhere. You could set up adjacent
  113. communities which are less toxic, or fork the software, or simply choose to use
  114. something else.
  115. To the **victims of harassment**, I offer my sincere condolences. I know how
  116. hard it is to be the subject of this kind of bullying. You don't deserve to be
  117. treated like this. There are many places in the free software community where
  118. you are welcome and celebrated -- Hyprland is *not* the norm. If you need
  119. support, I'm [always available][mail] to listen to your struggles.
  120. To everyone else: please share this post throughout the Hyprland community and
  121. adjacent communities. This is a serious problem and it's not going to change
  122. unless its clearly brought to light. The Hyprland maintainers need to be made
  123. aware that the broader open source community does not appreciate this kind of
  124. behavior.
  125. I sincerely hope that this project improves its community. A serious attitude
  126. shift is needed from the top-down, and I hope for the sake of Vaxry, the other
  127. leaders, and the community as a whole, that such change comes sooner rather than
  128. later. When Vaxry is older and wiser, I want him to look back on the project and
  129. community that he's built with pride and joy, not with regret and shame.
  130. ---
  131. Vaxry has published [a
  132. response](https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2023-hyprlandsCommunity) to this post.
  133. I was also privately provided some of the enusing discussion from the Hyprland
  134. Discord. Consider that this lacks context and apply your grain of salt
  135. accordingly.
  136. ![Screenshot of a Discord channel with the initial reaction to this post. A user
  137. called "slave labor" responds with "no way", "the computer reddit woke up"](https://l.sr.ht/1k-4.png)
  138. ![Screenshot of a Discord channel with Vaxry's initial reaction to this post.
  139. "Really, right as I wanted to take a day off because of health reasons I have to
  140. reply to this?". Another user responds "wow this is quite... shallow", "almost
  141. as if it recycles very limited context to get more clicks"](https://l.sr.ht/9hS_.png)
  142. I apologise to Vaxry for interrupting their rest, and wish them a speedy
  143. recovery.
  144. ![Screenshot of a Discord channel. Some notable quotes include "LGBTQ is fucking
  145. trash anyways" (someone else responds "fuck off" to this) and "for reclaiming
  146. polymc from the leftoids". The discussion as a whole lacks any sembelance of
  147. professionalism.](https://l.sr.ht/RwC-.png)
  148. [Here](https://paste.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/093af570609ec87e987af6cc69c59e9624c2b280)
  149. is a plain text log which includes some additional discussion.