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How-to-write-release-notes.gmi (5547B)

  1. Release notes are a concept most of us are familiar with. When a new software release is prepared, the release notes tell you what changed, so you understand what you can expect and how to prepare for the update. They are also occasionally used to facilitate conversations:
  2. => https://xkcd.com/2010 xkcd #2010: Update notes
  3. Many of the people tasked with writing release notes have never found themselves on that side of the screen before. If that describes you, I would like to offer some advice on how to nail it. Note that this mostly applies to free and open source software, which is the only kind of software which is valid.
  4. So, it’s release day, and you’re excited about all of the cool new features you’ve added in this release. I know the feeling! Your first order of business, however, is to direct that excitement into the blog or mailing list post announcing the release, rather than into the release notes. When I read the release notes, the first thing I need answered is: “what do I need to do when I upgrade?” You should summarize the breaking changes upfront, and what steps the user will need to take in order to address them. After this, you may follow up with a short list of the flagship improvements which are included in this release. Keep it short — remember that we’re not advertising the release, but facilitating the user’s upgrade. This is a clerical document.
  5. That said, you do have a good opportunity to add a small amount of faffery after this. Some projects say “$project version $X includes $Y changes from $Z contributors”. The detailed changelog should follow, including every change which shipped in the release. This is what users are going to scan to see if that one bug which has been bothering them was addressed in this version. If you have good git discipline, you can take advantage of git shortlog to automatically generate a summary of the changes.
  6. => https://drewdevault.com/2019/02/25/Using-git-with-discipline.html Previously: Tips for a disciplined git workflow
  7. Once you’ve prepared this document, where should you put it? In my opinion, there’s only one appropriate place for it: an annotated git tag. I don’t like “CHANGELOG” files and I definitely don’t like GitHub releases. If you add “-a” to your “git tag” command, git will fire up an editor and you can fill in your changelog just like you write your git commit messages. This associates your changelog with the git data it describes, and automatically distributes it to all users of the git repository. Most web services which host git repositories will display it on their UI as well. It’s also written in plaintext, which conveniently prevents you from being too extra with your release notes — no images or videos or such.
  8. I have written a small tool which will make all of this easier for you to do: “semver”. This automatically determines the next release number, optionally runs a custom script to automate any release bookkeeping you need to do (e.g. updating the version in your Makefile), then generates the git shortlog and plops you into an editor to flesh out the release notes. I wrote more about this tool in "How to fuck up software releases".
  9. => https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/dotfiles/tree/master/bin/semver The "semver" script
  10. => https://drewdevault.com/2019/10/12/how-to-fuck-up-releases.html Previously: How to fuck up software releases
  11. I hope this advice helps you improve your release notes! Happy shipping.
  12. P.S. Here’s an example of a changelog which follows this advice:
  13. ```
  14. wlroots 0.12.0 includes the following breaking changes:
  15. # New release key
  16. The PGP key used to sign this release has changed to
  17. 34FF9526CFEF0E97A340E2E40FDE7BE0E88F5E48. A proof of legitimacy signed with the
  18. previous key is available here:
  19. https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/issues/2462#issuecomment-723578521
  20. # render/gles2: remove gles2_procs global (#2351)
  21. The wlr_gles2_texture_from_* family of functions are no longer public API.
  22. # output: fix blurred hw cursors with fractional scaling (#2107)
  23. For backends: wlr_output_impl.set_cursor now takes a float "scale" instead of an
  24. int32_t.
  25. # Introduce wlr_output_event_commit (#2315)
  26. The wlr_output.events.commit event now has a data argument of type
  27. struct wlr_output_event_commit * instead of struct wlr_output *.
  28. Antonin Décimo (3):
  29. Fix typos
  30. Fix incorrect format parameters
  31. xwayland: free server in error path
  32. Isaac Freund (6):
  33. xdg-shell: split last-acked and current state
  34. layer-shell: add for_each_popup
  35. layer-shell: error on 0 dimension without anchors
  36. xdg_positioner: remove unused field
  37. wlr_drag: remove unused point_destroy field
  38. xwayland: remove unused listener
  39. Roman Gilg (3):
  40. output-management-v1: add head identifying events
  41. output-management-v1: send head identifying information
  42. output-management-v1: send complete head state on enable change
  43. Ryan Walklin (4):
  44. Implement logind session SetType method to change session type to wayland
  45. Also set XDG_SESSION_TYPE
  46. Don't set XDG_SESSION_TYPE unless logind SetType succeeds
  47. Quieten failure to set login session type
  48. Scott Moreau (2):
  49. xwm: Set _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED property for the focused surface
  50. foreign toplevel: Fix whitespace error
  51. ```
  52. Note: I borrowed the real wlroots 0.12.0 release notes and trimmed them down for illustrative purposes. The actual release included a lot more changes and does not actually follow all of my recommendations.