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How-does-IRC-federate.md (4833B)

  1. ---
  2. title: How does IRC's federation model compare to ActivityPub?
  3. date: 2021-07-03
  4. outputs: [html, gemtext]
  5. ---
  6. Today's federated revolution is led by ActivityPub, leading to the rise of
  7. services like Mastodon, PeerTube, PixelFed, and more. These new technologies
  8. have a particular approach to federation, which is coloring perceptions on what
  9. it actually means for a system to be federated at all. Today's post will explain
  10. how [Internet Relay Chat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat)
  11. (IRC), a technology first introduced in the late 1980's, does federation
  12. differently, and why.
  13. As IRC has aged, many users today have only ever used a few networks, such as
  14. Liberachat (or Freenode, up until several weeks ago), which use a particular IRC
  15. model which does not, at first glance, appear to utilize federation. After all,
  16. everyone types "irc.libera.chat" into their client and they all end up on the
  17. same network and in the same namespace. However, this domain name is backed by a
  18. round-robin resolver which will connect you to any of [several dozen
  19. servers][0], which are connected to each other[^1] and exchange messages on
  20. behalf of the users who reside on each. This is why we call them IRC *networks*
  21. — each is composed of a network of servers that work together.
  22. [^1]: Each server is not necessarily connected to each other server, by the way. Messages can be relayed from one server to another repeatedly to reach the intended destination. This provides IRC with a greater degree of scalability when compared to ActivityPub, where each server must communicate directly with the servers whose users it needs to reach. It also makes IRC more vulnerable to outages partitioning the network; we call these incidents "netsplits".
  23. [0]: https://netsplit.de/servers/?net=Libera.Chat
  24. But why can't I send messages to users on [OFTC][1] from my Libera Chat session?
  25. Well, IRC networks are federated, but they are typically a *closed* federation,
  26. such that each network forms a discrete graph of servers, not interconnected
  27. with any of the others. In ActivityPub terms, imagine a version of Mastodon
  28. where, instead of automatically federating with new instances, server operators
  29. whitelisted each one, forming a closed graph of connected instances. Organize
  30. these servers under a single named entity ("Mastonet" or something), and the
  31. result is an "ActivityPub network" which operates in the same sense as a typical
  32. "IRC network".
  33. In contrast to Mastodon's open federation, allowing any server to peer with any
  34. others without prior agreement between their operators, most IRC networks are
  35. closed. The network's servers may have independent operators, but they operate
  36. together under a common agreement, rather than the laissez-faire approach
  37. typical of[^2] ActivityPub servers. The exact organizational and governance
  38. models vary, but many of these networks have discrete teams of staff which
  39. serve as moderators[^3], often unrelated to the people responsible for the
  40. servers. The social system can be designed independently of the technology.
  41. [1]: https://www.oftc.net
  42. [^2]: Typical, but not universal.
  43. [^3]: There are two classes of moderators on IRC: oppers and ops. The former is responsible for the network, and mainly concerns themselves with matters of spam, user registration, settling disputes, and supporting ops. The ops are responsible for specific channels (spaces for discussion) and can define and enforce further rules at their discretion, within any limits imposed by the host network.
  44. Among IRC networks, there are degrees of openness. Libera Chat, the largest
  45. network, is run by a single governing organization, using servers donated by
  46. (and in the possession of) independent sponsors. Many smaller networks are
  47. run on as few as one server, and some larger networks (particularly older ones)
  48. are run by many independent operators acting like more of a cooperative.
  49. [EFnet](http://efnet.org), the oldest network, is run in this manner — you
  50. can even [apply to become an operator][2] yourself.
  51. [2]: http://www.efnet.org/?module=docs&doc=16
  52. We can see from this that the idea of federation is flexible, allowing us to
  53. build a variety of social and operational structures. There's no single right
  54. answer — approaches like IRC are able to balance many different benefits
  55. and drawbacks of their approach, such as balancing a reduced level of user
  56. mobility with a stronger approach to moderation and abuse reduction, while
  57. simultaneously enjoying the cost and scalability benefits of a federated design.
  58. Other federations, like Matrix, email, and Usenet, have their own set of
  59. tradeoffs. What unifies them is the ability to scale to a large size without
  60. expensive infrastructure, under the social models which best suit their users'
  61. needs, without a centralizing capital motive.