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Conservative-web-development.md (6187B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2018-09-04
  3. layout: post
  4. title: Conservative web development
  5. tags: ["philosophy", "web"]
  6. ---
  7. Today I turned off my ad blocker, enabled JavaScript, opened my network monitor,
  8. and clicked the first link on Hacker News - a New York Times article. It started
  9. by downloading a megabyte of data as it rendered the page over the course of
  10. eight full seconds. The page opens with an advertisement 281 pixels tall, placed
  11. before even the title of the article. As I scrolled down, more and more requests
  12. were made, downloading a total of 2.8 MB of data with 748 HTTP requests. An
  13. article was weaved between a grand total of 1419 vertical pixels of ad space,
  14. greater than the vertical resolution of my display. Another 153-pixel ad is
  15. shown at the bottom, after the article. Four of the ads were identical.
  16. I was reminded to subscribe three times, for $1/week (after one year this would
  17. become $3.75/week). One of these reminders attached itself to the bottom of my
  18. screen and followed along as I scrolled. If I scrolled up, it replaced this with
  19. a larger banner, which showed me three other articles and an ad. I was asked for
  20. my email address once, though I would have had to fill out a captcha to submit
  21. it. I took out my phone and repeated the experiment. It took 15 seconds to load,
  22. and I estimate the ads took up a vertical space equal to 4 times my phone's
  23. vertical resolution, each ad alone taking up half of my screen.
  24. The text of the article is a total of 9037 bytes, including the title, author,
  25. and date. I downloaded the images relevant to the article, including the
  26. 1477x1082[^1] title image. Before I ran them through an optimizer, they weighed
  27. 260 KB; after, 236 KB (using only lossless optimizations). 8% of the total
  28. download was dedicated to the content. 5 discrete external companies were
  29. informed of my visit to the page and given the opportunity to run artibrary
  30. JavaScript on it.
  31. [^1]: Greater than the vertical resolution of my desktop display.
  32. If these are the symptoms, what is the cure? My basic principles are these:
  33. - Use no, or very little, JavaScript
  34. - Use raster images sparingly, if at all, and optimize them
  35. - Provide interactivity with forms and clever CSS
  36. - Identify wasted bandwidth and CPU cycles and optimize them
  37. I've been building [sr.ht](https://meta.sr.ht) with these principles in mind,
  38. and I spent a few hours this optimizing it further. What do the results look
  39. like? The heaviest page, [the marketing page](https://meta.sr.ht), today weighs
  40. <strong class="text-info">110 KB</strong> with a cold cache, and <strong
  41. class="text-danger">4.6 KB</strong> warm. [A similar page](https://github.com/)
  42. on GitHub.com[^2] weighs <strong class="text-info">2900 KB</strong> cold,
  43. <strong class="text-danger">19.4 KB</strong> warm. [A more typical
  44. page][srht-main] on sr.ht weighs <strong class="text-info">56.8 KB</strong>
  45. cold and <strong class="text-danger">31.9 KB</strong> warm, after <strong
  46. class="text-warning">2</strong> HTTP requests; on GitHub [the same
  47. page][github-main] is <strong class="text-info">781 KB</strong> cold and
  48. <strong class="text-danger">57.4 KB</strong> warm, <strong
  49. class="text-warning">118</strong> requests. This file is 29.1 KB. The sr.ht
  50. overhead is <strong class="text-info">27.6 KB</strong> cold and <strong
  51. class="text-danger">2.7 KB</strong> warm. The GitHub overhead is respectively
  52. <strong class="text-info">751.9 KB</strong> and <strong class="text-danger">28.2
  53. KB</strong>. There's also a 174-pixel-tall ad on GitHub encouraging me to sign
  54. up for an account, shown before any of the content.
  55. [srht-main]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/linux/tree/master/init/main.c
  56. [github-main]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/init/main.c
  57. [^2]: You may have to log out to see this.
  58. To be fair, the GitHub page has more features. As far as I can tell, most of
  59. these aren't implemented *in* the page, though, and are rather links to other
  60. pages. Some of the features *in* the page include a dropdown for filtering
  61. branches and tags, popups that show detail when you hover over avatars, some
  62. basic interactivity in the search, all things that I can't imagine taking up
  63. much space. Does this justify an order of magnitude increase in resource usage?
  64. Honestly, GitHub does a pretty good job overall. Compared to our New York Times
  65. example, they're downright *great*. But they could be doing better, and so could
  66. we all. You can build beautiful, interactive websites with HTML and CSS alone,
  67. supported by a simple backend. Pushing the complexity of rendering your
  68. single-page app into the frontend might save you miniscule amounts of
  69. server-side performance, but you'd just be offloading the costs onto your
  70. visitor's phone and sucking their battery dry.
  71. There are easy changes you can make. Enable caching on your web server, with a
  72. generous expiry. Use a hash of your resources in the URL so that you can bust
  73. the cache when you need to. Enable gzip for text resources, and HTTP/2. Run your
  74. images through an optimizer, odds are they can be losslessly compressed. There
  75. are harder changes, too. Design your website to be usable without JavaScript,
  76. and use small amounts of it to enhance the experience - rather than to *be* the
  77. experience. Use CSS cleverly to provide interactivity[^3]. Find ways to offload
  78. work to the server where you can[^4]. Measure your pages to look for places to
  79. improve. Challenge yourself to find the simplest way of building the features
  80. you want.
  81. [^3]: For example, check out how I implemented the collapsable message details on the [lists.sr.ht archives](https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev/%3C20180830183221.32377-1-hilobakho%40gmail.com%3E)
  82. [^4]: I did this when I upgraded to Font Awesome 5 recently. They want you to include some JavaScript to make their SVG icons work, but instead I wrote a [dozen lines of Python](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/core.sr.ht/tree/70e75e96dc664a1b487ef02cb9936cb8f69105c0/srht/flask.py#L49) on the backend which gave me a macro to dump the desired SVG directly into the page.
  83. And if anyone at Google is reading, you should try recommending these strategies
  84. for speeding up pages instead of pushing self-serving faux standards like AMP.