- ---
- date: 2016-08-18
- # vim: tw=80
- title: '[VIDEO] Arch Linux with full disk encryption in (about) 15 minutes'
- layout: post
- tags: [video, linux, encryption]
- ---
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- After my [blog post](/2016/06/29/Privacy-as-a-hobby.html) emphasizing the
- importance of taking control of your privacy, I've decided to make a few more
- posts going over detailed instructions on how to actually do so. Today we have a
- video that goes over the process of installing Arch Linux with full disk
- encryption.
- This is my first go at publishing videos on my blog, so please provide some
- feedback in the comments of this article. I'd prefer to use my blog instead of
- YouTube for publishing technical videos, since it's all open source, ad-free,
- and DRM-free. Let me know if you'd like to see more content like this on my
- blog and which topics you'd like covered - I intend to at least release another
- video going over this process for Ubuntu as well.
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- <a class="pull-right" href="">Download video (WEBM)</a>
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- The video goes into detail on each of these steps, but here's the high level
- overview of how to do this. Always check the latest version of the [Install
- Guide]( and the
- [dm-crypt]( page on the Arch Wiki
- for the latest procedure.
- 1. Partition your disks with gdisk and be sure to set aside a partition for
- /boot
- 1. Create a filesystem on /boot
- 1. (optional) Securely erase all of the existing data on your disks with `dd
- if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXY bs=4096` - *note: this is a correction from the
- command mentioned in the video*
- 1. Set up encryption for your encrypted partitions with `cryptsetup luksFormat
- /dev/sdXX`
- 1. Open the encrypted volumes with `cryptsetup open /dev/sdXX [name]`
- 1. Create filesystems on /dev/mapper/[names]
- 1. Mount all of the filesystems on /mnt
- 1. Perform the base install with `pacstrap /mnt base [extra packages...]`
- 1. `genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab`
- 1. `arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/bash`
- 1. `ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/[region]/[zone] /etc/localtime`
- 1. `hwclock --systohc --utc`
- 1. Edit /etc/locale.gen to your liking and run `locale-gen`
- 1. `locale > /etc/locale.conf` - note this only works for en_US users, adjust if
- necessary
- 1. Edit /etc/hostname to your liking
- 1. Reconfigure the network
- 1. Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and ensure that the `keyboard` and `encrypt` hooks
- run before the `filesystems` hook
- 1. `mkinitcpio -p linux`
- 1. Set the root password with `passwd`
- 1. Configure /etc/crypttab with any non-root encrypted disks you need. You can
- get partition UUIDs with `ls -l /dev/disk/by-partuuid`
- 1. Configure your kernel command line to include
- `cryptdevice=PARTUUID=[...]:[name] root=/dev/mapper/[name] rw`
- 1. Install your bootloader and reboot!