- ---
- date: 2020-07-27
- layout: post
- title: The falsehoods of anti-AGPL propaganda
- tags: ["free software"]
- ---
- Google is well-known for [forbidding the use of][google agpl policy] software
- using the [GNU Affero General Public License][AGPL], commonly known as "AGPL".
- Google is also well-known for being the subject of cargo-culting by fad
- startups. Unfortunately, this means that they are susceptible to what is
- ultimately anti-AGPL propaganda from Google, with little to no basis in fact.
- *Obligatory: I'm not a lawyer; this is for informational purposes only.*
- [google agpl policy]:
- [AGPL]:
- In truth, the terms of the AGPL are pretty easy to comply with. The basic
- obligations of the AGPL which set it apart from other licenses are as follows:
- - Any derivative works of AGPL-licensed software must also use the AGPL.
- - Any users of such software are entitled to the source code under the terms of
- the AGPL, including users accessing it over the network such as with their web
- browser or via an API or internet protocol.
- If you're using AGPL-licensed software like a database engine or [my own
- AGPL-licensed works][sourcehut], and you haven't made any changes to the source
- code, all you have to do is provide a link to the upstream source code
- somewhere, and if users ask for it, direct them there. If you *have* modified
- the software, you simply have to publish your modifications. The easiest way to
- do this is to send it as a patch upstream, but you could use something as simple
- as providing a tarball to your users.
- [sourcehut]:
- The nuances are detailed and cover many edge cases to prevent abuse. But in
- general, just publish your modifications under the same AGPL terms and you'll
- be good to go. The license is usually present in the source code as a `COPYING`
- or `LICENSE` file, so if you just tar up your modified source code and drop a
- link on your website, that's good enough. If you want to go the extra mile and
- express your gratitude to the original software developers, consider submitting
- your changes for upstream inclusion. Generally, the feedback you'll receive will
- help to make your changes better for your use-case, too; and submitting your
- work upstream will prevent your copy from diverging from upstream.
- That's pretty easy, right? I'm positive that your business has to deal with much
- more onerous contracts than the AGPL. Then why does Google make a fuss about it?
- [The Google page about the AGPL][google agpl policy] details inaccurate (but
- common[^1]) misconceptions about the obligations of the AGPL that don't follow
- from the text. Google states that if, for example, Google Maps used PostGIS as
- its data store, and PostGIS used the AGPL, Google would be required to release
- the Google Maps code. This is not true. They would be required to release *their
- PostGIS patches* in this situation. AGPL does not extend the GPL in that it
- makes the Internet count as a form of linking which creates a derivative work,
- as Google implies, but rather that it makes anyone who uses the software via
- the Internet entitled to its source code. It does not update the "what counts
- as a 'derivative work'" algorithm, so to speak — it updates the "what
- counts as 'distributing' the software" algorithm.
- The reason they spread these misconceptions is straightforward: they want to
- discourage people from using the AGPL, because they cannot productize such
- software effectively. Google wants to be able to incorporate FOSS software into
- their products and sell it to users without the obligation to release their
- derivative works. Google is an Internet company, and they offer Internet
- services. The original GPL doesn't threaten their scheme because their software
- is accessed over the Internet, not distributed to end-users directly.
- By discouraging the use of AGPL in the broader community, Google hopes to create
- a larger set of free- and open-source software that they can take for their own
- needs without any obligations to upstream. Ask yourself: why is documentation of
- internal-facing decisions like what software licenses to use being published in
- a public place? The answer is straightforward: to influence the public. This is
- propaganda.
- There's a bizarre idea that software companies which eschew the AGPL in favor of
- something like MIT are doing so specifically because they want companies "like
- Google[^2]" to pay for their software, and they know that they have no chance if
- they use AGPL. In truth, Google was never going to buy your software. If you
- don't use the AGPL, they're just going to take your software and give nothing
- back. If you do use the AGPL, they're just going to develop a solution in-house.
- There's no outcome where Google pays you.
- [^1]: Likely common *because of this page*.
- [^2]: By the way, there are no more than 10 companies world-wide which are "like Google" by any measure.
- Don't be afraid to use the AGPL, and don't be afraid to use software which uses
- the AGPL. The obligations are not especially onerous or difficult, despite what
- Google would have you believe. The license isn't that long — read it and
- see for yourself.