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Announcing-first-class-hg-support-on-sourcehut.md (2297B)

  1. ---
  2. date: 2019-04-15
  3. layout: post
  4. title: Announcing first-class Mercurial support on Sourcehut
  5. tags: ["sourcehut", "mercurial"]
  6. ---
  7. I'm pleased to announce that the final pieces have fallen into place for
  8. [Mercurial](https://www.mercurial-scm.org/) support on
  9. [SourceHut](https://sourcehut.org), which is now on-par with our git offering.
  10. Special thanks are owed to SourceHut contributor Ludovic Chabant, who has been
  11. instrumental in adding Mercurial support to SourceHut. You may have heard about
  12. it while this was still experimental - but I'm happy to tell you that we have
  13. now completely integrated Mercurial support into SourceHut! Want to try it out?
  14. Check out [the tutorial](https://man.sr.ht/tutorials/set-up-account-and-hg.md).
  15. Mercurial support on SourceHut includes all of the trimmings, including CI
  16. support via [builds.sr.ht](https://builds.sr.ht) and email-driven collaboration
  17. on [lists.sr.ht](https://lists.sr.ht). Of course, it's also 100%
  18. free-as-in-freedom, open source software ([hosted on
  19. itself](https://hg.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hg.sr.ht)) that you can [deploy on your own
  20. servers](https://man.sr.ht/hg.sr.ht/installation.md). We've tested hg.sr.ht
  21. on some of the largest Mercurial repositories out there, including
  22. mozilla-central and NetBSD src. The NetBSD project in particular has been very
  23. helpful, walking us through their CVS to Hg conversion and stress-testing
  24. hg.sr.ht with the resulting giant repositories. I'm looking forward to working
  25. more with them in the future!
  26. The Mercurial community is actively innovating their software, and we'll be
  27. right behind them. I'm excited to provide a platform for elevating the Mercurial
  28. community. There weren't a lot of good options for Mercurial fans before
  29. SourceHut. Let's fix that together! SourceHut will be taking a more active role
  30. in the Hg community, just like we have for git, and together we'll build a great
  31. platform for software development.
  32. I'll see you in Paris in May, at the [inaugural Mercurial
  33. conference](https://www.mercurial-scm.org/pipermail/mercurial/2019-April/051196.html)!
  34. ---
  35. Hg support on SourceHut was largely written by members of the Mercurial
  36. community. If there are other version control communities interested in
  37. SourceHut support, please [reach out](mailto:~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev@lists.sr.ht)!