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  1. // anise bread with sweet pear sauce
  2. Recipe anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce = create_recipe("anise bread with sweet pear sauce", sweet, "2 mini loaves", 20150514, 40);
  3. set_description(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce, "<p>Since getting those mini silicone pans, we've been making mini everything. This time, we made some anise sweet bread topped with a sauce, and loaded with caramelized pear chunks.</p><p>My bag of anise seeds has been sitting in my pantry, for way too long, begging for purpose. We are happy to report that the taste of anise pairs very well with pears.</p>");
  4. RecipePart anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread = create_part("bread");
  5. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, "Preheat oven to <u>160°C (325°F)</u>.");
  6. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, "Put <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='ground_flax_seeds.html'>ground flax seeds</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, let thicken for <u>5 minutes</u> (this is your flax 'egg'). Mix in <i>50 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and stir until dissolved. Add <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_anise_seeds.html'>ground anise seeds</a>, and mix once more.");
  7. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, "Add <i>90 g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> to a bowl with <i>7 ml (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>. Mix.");
  8. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, "Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ones, while gradually adding a bit over <i>150 ml</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>.");
  9. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, "Transfer evenly, to 2 mini loaf pans.");
  10. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &flax_seeds, "7 g");
  11. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &water, "45 ml");
  12. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &granulated_sugar, "50 g");
  13. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &anise_seeds, "5 g, ground");
  14. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &all_purpose_flour, "90 g");
  15. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &baking_powder, "7 g");
  16. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread, &soy_milk, "150 ml");
  17. add_part(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce, &anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_bread);
  18. RecipePart anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  19. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, "Cut your <a href='bosc_pear.html'>bosc pear</a> into cubes.");
  20. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, "Heat a pan at medium to high heat, add <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>. Once melted, add <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a>.");
  21. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, "Once it starts to boil, add the cubed <a href='bosc_pear.html'>bosc pear</a> and lower the heat. Let it bathe in the sweet mixture for <u>3-5 minutes</u>.");
  22. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, "Pour the sauce over the 2 mini loaves, bake for <u>30 minutes</u>.");
  23. add_instruction(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, "Let cool and serve!");
  24. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, &bosc_pear, "1");
  25. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, &canola_oil, "15 ml");
  26. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, &granulated_sugar, "15 g");
  27. add_serving(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce, &maple_syrup, "15 ml");
  28. add_part(&anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce, &anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce_sauce);
  29. // arame soba
  30. Recipe arame_soba = create_recipe("arame soba", maindish, "2 portions", 20151212, 40);
  31. set_description(&arame_soba, "<p>We cook a lot of Japanese-style food, not just because we lived there for a few years, but because we appreciate the subtle flavors and aesthetics of Japanese cuisine.</p><p><b>Soba</b>: In this recipe we used pre-packaged buckwheat noodles (そば soba), but it is possible to prepare from scratch using a 1:0.5 mixture of buckwheat and whole wheat flour. Making juwari soba 十割そば (100% buckwheat noodles) is very difficult to master, and is best left to the patient and the experienced, qualities we do not yet possess.</p><p><b>Arame</b>: <a href='arame.html'>Arame</a> is a species of kelp of a dark brown color, it has a mild, semi-sweet flavor and a firm texture. Arame is reconstituted in about 5 minutes, and we like to add to many kinds of dishes. It is high in calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium and vitamin A. This recipe used to include <a href='dried_hijiki.html'>hijiki</a>, but we've since removed it because it contains potentially toxic quantities of inorganic arsenic. Japan is the only country that doesn't warn against its consumption. Arame seaweed doesn't share this toxicity, and is a good substitute in both texture and taste.</p>");
  32. RecipePart arame_soba_main = create_part("main");
  33. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Put <i>handful</i> of dried <a href='arame.html'>arame</a> in a bowl and cover with a cup of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Let re-hydrate for at least <u>5 minutes</u>, drain.");
  34. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "In a small bowl, mix the sauce ingredients together: <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>30 ml</i> of <a href='sake.html'>sake</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>. Keep aside.");
  35. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Bring a pot of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to a boil, add <i>2 portions</i> of soba (<a href='buckwheat_noodles.html'>buckwheat noodles</a>) and give them a quick stir so they go underwater. Reduce heat to medium and cook for <u>4-5 minutes</u>. Drain, rinse and transfer to a pot of cold water. Wash the noodles using your hands to remove the excess starch, drain and place in a bowl. Then, toss noodles with <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a>.");
  36. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Julienne <i>1</i> <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a>, chop <i>2 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> and cut <i>60g</i> of <a href='tempeh.html'>tempeh</a> into small cubes.");
  37. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Heat a pan with a drizzle of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> at medium heat and sautee the <i>2 minced</i> <a href='garlic.html'>garlic cloves</a> <u>for a minute</u> until fragrant. Add the <a href='tempeh.html'>tempeh</a> as well as the julienned <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a> and cook for <u>2-3 minutes</u>.");
  38. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Pour the sauce and cook for an additional <u>5 minutes</u> until the <a href='tempeh.html'>tempeh</a> and <a href='carrots.html'>carrots</a> are cooked, then turn off heat and add cooked <a href='buckwheat_noodles.html'>soba noodles</a> and the <a href='arame.html'>arame</a>. Stir until noodles are well-coated.");
  39. add_instruction(&arame_soba_main, "Season with some <a href='sichuan_pepper.html'>sichuan pepper</a>.");
  40. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &arame, "handful");
  41. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  42. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &sake, "30 ml");
  43. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &mirin, "30 ml");
  44. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &natural_brown_sugar, "5 g");
  45. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &buckwheat_noodles, "2 portions");
  46. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &sesame_oil, "2.5 ml");
  47. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &carrots, "1");
  48. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  49. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &tempeh, "60 g");
  50. add_serving(&arame_soba_main, &sichuan_peppercorns, "To taste");
  51. add_part(&arame_soba, &arame_soba_main);
  52. // balsamic banana ice cream
  53. Recipe balsamic_banana_ice_cream = create_recipe("balsamic banana ice cream", sweet, "2 servings", 20150805, 120);
  54. set_description(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream, "<p>Banana ice cream is a simple alternative to dairy or coconut based desserts. It's a no-fuss recipe that requires little preparation and waiting time.</p><p>Making it is easy, and only requires putting bananas in the freezer. While waiting for them to harden up, prepare your balsamic coulis. If you've ever boiled balsamic vinegar, you know that it can sting your eyes. Making a balsamic vinegar reduction makes it thick and syrupy, and works well as a topping. We like the contrast of the bananas and vinegar.</p>");
  55. RecipePart balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction = create_part("balsamic reduction");
  56. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction, "Put <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='balsamic_vinegar.html'>balsamic vinegar</a> in a non-stick pan.");
  57. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction, "Bring up to medium high heat, once it starts to boil bring down to medium low and let simmer until the vinegar has been reduced by a little more than half. Stir it on occasion. Make sure you have an open window or the overhead fan running because boiling vinegar has a really strong smell!");
  58. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction, "Transfer to a bowl and let cool completely, then store in the refrigerator. It will thicken when it gets cold. This recipe makes a lot of balsamic reduction, it's hard to make very little. It keeps in the refrigerator for a while so you can easily use it in other recipes. It's great when served over fruit.");
  59. add_serving(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction, &balsamic_vinegar, "250 ml");
  60. add_part(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream, &balsamic_banana_ice_cream_balsamic_reduction);
  61. RecipePart balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream = create_part("banana ice cream");
  62. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, "Peel and cut <i>2 whole</i> <a href='bananas.html'>bananas</a> into slices, lay slices flat onto a plate and put in the freezer for at least <u>2 hours</u>.");
  63. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, "When properly frozen, put the banana slices in a blender — or food processor — with <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> and <i>1/4 tsp</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>. Process until smooth.");
  64. add_instruction(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, "Serve in individual bowls, with <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> or more of balsamic reduction.");
  65. add_serving(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, &banana, "2");
  66. add_serving(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, &soy_milk, "60 ml");
  67. add_serving(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream, &vanilla_extract, "1.25 ml");
  68. add_part(&balsamic_banana_ice_cream, &balsamic_banana_ice_cream_banana_ice_cream);
  69. // bean chili
  70. Recipe bean_chili = create_recipe("bean chili", maindish, "6 portions", 20220221, 25);
  71. set_description(&bean_chili, "<p>A hearty, warm dish. The above photo is the day-after portion.</p><p>When making chili, we swap vegetables in and out depending on what we have. For instance, we might add only carrots, or two parsnips, or potatoes. Parnips, like carrots, are cheap and plentiful in winter. Celery is common in chili recipes, but we omit it because Devine isn't a fan.<p><p><b>Beans</b>. For beans, we try and use black beans as the bulk of the recipe, but we like to add chickpeas. Chickpeas in chili is not common, but it's a legume that we always have on hand and that we both love (we don't keep pinto, or kidney beans). Swapping chickpeas for lentils would also be delicious.</p><p><b>Canned beans?</b> It is possible to use canned beans, but buying dry beans is cheaper, and means less weight on the boat. For those who insist on using cans, <b>1 drained 425 g (15 oz) can of chickpeas</b> and <b>1 drained 425 g (15 oz) cans of black beans</b> is fine for this recipe.</p><p><b>Beer?</b> Beer provides a great flavorful medium for the beans and vegetables to simmer in, it adds depth of flavor. Dark, stouts and amber beer lend well to chili. You can omit the broth or beer and exchange for <b>350 ml</b> of extra tomatoes and their juices.</p><p><b>Chile powder</b>. This is different than chili powder. Chile powder refers to pure dried, crushed (and sometimes smoked) chipotle, habanero, ancho, guajillo, piri piri, kashmiri, etc. There are no other added ingredients. To make your own, see <a href='chile_powder.html'>this recipe</a>.</p><p><b>Cocoa powder</b>. Adding cocoa powder is a trick we learned from making Japanese curry roux. Japanese cooks like to add chocolate. It pairs well with chili. Like beer, it adds depth to the dish.</a>.</p><p><b>Pressure cooker</b>. We use our pressure cooker to prepare our chili because it helps us save on fuel (our boat uses LPG), and because we prepare beans from dry. Adjust cooking times for your altitude.</p><p><b>Fresh tomatoes</b>. If you have plenty of chopped fresh tomatoes available, or if you can your own, you can use <b>800 g</b> (roughly 10 to 12 whole, although it depends on the kind of tomato, e.g., cherry vs roma) of chopped fresh tomatoes instead of a can.</p>");
  72. RecipePart bean_chili_chili = create_part("chili");
  73. add_instruction(&bean_chili_chili, "Soak <i>125 g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpeas.html'>dry chickpeas</a> and <i>125 g (3/4 cup)</i> <a href='black_beans.html'>black beans</a> in water for <u>4-8 hours</u> (I soak them in separate bowls). Drain.");
  74. add_instruction(&bean_chili_chili, "In a small skillet, toast <i>6 g (1 tbsp)</i> of whole cumin seeds until fragrant. Using a mortar and pestle, grind to a powder. Set ground cumin aside.");
  75. add_instruction(&bean_chili_chili, "Bring pressure cooker pot (or regular pot if not using a pressure cooker) to <u>medium-high heat</u>, add <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, <i>1</i> chopped <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a>, <i>4</i> minced <a href='garlic.html'>garlic cloves</a>, <i>2</i> stemmed, seeded and chopped <a href='jalapeno_peppers.html'>jalapeños</a>, <i>10 g (2 tbsp)</i> of chile powder (I use either chipotle, ancho or habanero), the ground cumin powder and <i>3 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='oregano.html'>dried oregano</a>. Cook the mixture for <u>5-7 minutes</u>, or until onion is well-browned.");
  76. add_instruction(&bean_chili_chili, "Add the <i>1</i> chopped <a href='parsnip.html'>parsnip</a>, <i>1</i> chopped <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a>, the drained <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> and drained <a href='black_beans.html'>black beans</a>, <i>796 g (or 28 oz can, 10-12 whole tomatoes)</i> of <a href='tomato_can.html'>diced tomatoes</a>, <i>2.5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>cocoa powder</a> (or 1 chocolate square), <i>500 ml (2 cups)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> (or broth, also possible to sub 350 ml for beer). Cook in a pressure cooker for <u>7-8 minutes</u>, let pressure release naturally. If not using a pressure cooker, lower heat, and simmer for <u>1 1/2 hours</u>.");
  77. add_instruction(&bean_chili_chili, "Optionally, add <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>sugar</a> (or maple syrup), and a dash of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a> to help balance the sauce. Season with <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>. For a thicker chili, transfer half of the mixture into another bowl and mash it with a potato masher. Serve immediately or let cool. The chili tastes best the day after it is made. We usually have it on the same day, and then again for lunch the next day *chef's kiss*.");
  78. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &black_beans, "375 g, cooked");
  79. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &chickpeas, "250 g, cooked");
  80. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  81. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &yellow_onion, "1");
  82. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &carrots, "1");
  83. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &parsnips, "1");
  84. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &garlic, "4 cloves, minced");
  85. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &jalapeno_peppers, "2");
  86. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &chile_powder, "10 g");
  87. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &cumin_seeds, "6 g");
  88. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &oregano, "3 g, dry");
  89. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &tomato_can, "796 g");
  90. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &cocoa_powder, "2.5 g");
  91. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &water, "500 ml");
  92. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &natural_brown_sugar, "15 g");
  93. add_serving(&bean_chili_chili, &lemon_juice, "to taste");
  94. add_part(&bean_chili, &bean_chili_chili);
  95. // black sesame brittle
  96. Recipe black_sesame_brittle = create_recipe("black sesame brittle", sweet, "10 pieces", 20141106, 20);
  97. set_description(&black_sesame_brittle, "<p>Sesame brittle looks impressive when served over desserts, like small pieces of black coral.</p><p>It's simple to make, but requires all of your attention. The sugar syrup becomes solid when cool, so all steps must be done quickly. These are no-bake, and are ready to eat almost instantly.</p><p>These are best served over desserts that aren't too sweet, the sweet of the sesame brittle can be a bit overpowering, we suggest serving it with fruit, or <a href='#kanten_powder.html'>kanten</a> (agar agar based desserts).</p>");
  98. RecipePart black_sesame_brittle_brittle = create_part("brittle");
  99. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "Prepare baking sheet lined with a baking mat, keep a flat spatula close by.");
  100. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "Put the <i>45g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural brown sugar</a> and <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a> in a pot at medium heat.");
  101. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "Stir constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.");
  102. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "Add <i>35 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a>. Mix thoroughly.");
  103. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "This part is tricky, the mixture solidifies very quickly. You need to do this fast! Take the pot, and pour its contents out onto the baking sheet. With the spatula spread and flatten it out as much as you can.");
  104. add_instruction(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, "Cut the brittle while it's still warm, serve with fresh fruit!");
  105. add_serving(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, &natural_brown_sugar, "45 g");
  106. add_serving(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, &vanilla_extract, "1.25 ml");
  107. add_serving(&black_sesame_brittle_brittle, &black_sesame_seeds, "35 g");
  108. add_part(&black_sesame_brittle, &black_sesame_brittle_brittle);
  109. // black sesame rice pancakes
  110. Recipe black_sesame_rice_pancakes = create_recipe("black sesame rice pancakes", sidedish, "12 servings", 20150226, 20);
  111. set_description(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes, "<p>Black sesame rice pancakes, for those who share our love of sesame.</p><p>Photo is with a generous dollop of <a href='mango.html'>mango</a>, because sometimes we need a break from maple syrup—okay, no we don't, but here's something different anyway. The real reason we added mango, was because we enjoy the contrast in color. Most times, we top our pancakes with <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a>.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions:</b> For matcha pancakes, omit the black sesame seeds and add matcha powder.</p>");
  112. RecipePart black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes = create_part("pancakes");
  113. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Measure <i>300 ml (1 1/4 cups)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>, add <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a>. Let sit for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  114. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Heat <i>35 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a>, in a non-stick pan at medium heat. Remove once they start to pop. Let cool, then crush into a powder with a mortar and pestle or immersion blender.");
  115. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Mix the soured soy milk with <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a> and the ground <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a>. Blend until you get a smooth grey liquid.");
  116. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "In another bowl, mix <i>130 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='rice_flour.html'>rice flour</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> together.");
  117. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Pour wet ingredients into the dry ones, and mix until smooth. Make it as lump-free as you can.");
  118. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Heat up non-stick pan at medium heat, add <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>. Spoon about <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of batter into the pan. Flip once the bottoms have browned, and little bubbles appear at the top.");
  119. add_instruction(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, "Repeat for the rest of the pancake mix.");
  120. add_serving(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, &soy_milk, "300 ml");
  121. add_serving(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, &apple_cider_vinegar, "30 ml");
  122. add_serving(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, &rice_flour, "130 g");
  123. add_serving(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, &black_sesame_seeds, "35 g");
  124. add_serving(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes, &salt, "1.25 g");
  125. add_part(&black_sesame_rice_pancakes, &black_sesame_rice_pancakes_pancakes);
  126. // black sesame syrup
  127. Recipe black_sesame_syrup = create_recipe("black sesame syrup", toppings, "2 servings", 20150601, 120);
  128. set_description(&black_sesame_syrup, "<p>We like making syrups, or juice reductions a lot. It's simple, and you can use it in many other recipes afterwards. Reductions that aren't sweetened with sugar are great as an add-on to sauces, or when used alone as a 'glaze'.</p><p>We used a technique by the cook <a href='https://discoginferno.wordpress.com/tag/sesame-seed-syrup' target='_blank'>Mike Case</a>, he made a white sesame syrup to use in cocktails. We liked not requiring a blender to make it, blending sesame seeds into a smooth liquid is tough, my immersion blender can't grind seeds finely. Boiling the seeds, and then straining them out is simple, and since you can re-use the seeds afterwards, there's no waste. Toasting the seeds beforehand helps to bring out the nutty flavor, so don't skip that step.</p><p>This syrup pairs well with ice cream, especially those with subtle flavors like coconut and vanilla. It's delicious on fruit ice cream too. To make fruit ice cream, slice fruit of choice thinly. Lay a sheet of parchment paper over a plate, and lay your fruit overtop (this will keep the fruit from sticking). Let them freeze for a few hours, then run them through an immersion blender. You can use almost any fruit to make it, but it works especially well for <a href='mango.html'>mango</a> and <a href='bananas.html'>bananas</a>.</p><p>You can use the left-over seeds to bake into desserts, or to add as an extra topping.</p>");
  129. RecipePart black_sesame_syrup_syrup = create_part("syrup");
  130. add_instruction(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, "Put <i>140 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a> in a pan, bring to medium heat and toast them until they start to pop.");
  131. add_instruction(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, "In a pot, combine <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> with the <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a>. Bring to a boil and let simmer for <u>10-15 minutes</u>.");
  132. add_instruction(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, "Strain liquid from sesame seeds using a cheese cloth or a mesh strainer, squeezing out as much liquid as you can. Reserve sesame seeds for later use.");
  133. add_instruction(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, "Return liquid to pot, add <i>100 g(1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and bring to medium heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and let cool.");
  134. add_instruction(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, "Serve of fresh fruit, or fruit ice cream.");
  135. add_serving(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, &black_sesame_seeds, "140 g");
  136. add_serving(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, &water, "240 ml");
  137. add_serving(&black_sesame_syrup_syrup, &natural_brown_sugar, "100 g");
  138. add_part(&black_sesame_syrup, &black_sesame_syrup_syrup);
  139. // breaded veggie fingers
  140. Recipe breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers = create_recipe("breaded chickpea tofu fingers", sidedish, "24 servings", 20150330, 90);
  141. set_description(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers, "<p>Was in the mood for some baked veggie fingers, didn't have tofu, but what we did have was a jar full of chickpea flour. We prepared a batch of spicy, green scallion 'chickpea tofu' and coated it with breadcrumbs.</p><p>The lemon juice adds flavor to the crumbs, no need for eggs or flour.</p><p>We served these with sambal oelek, it's spicy but works well with the dish. We've been pairing this condiment with a lot of foods lately, we are sure these would also be good with a sweet mustard dip</p><p>Left-over breading will keep for weeks if stored in an airtight container.</p>");
  142. RecipePart breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu = create_part("chickpea tofu");
  143. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, "In a pot, add <i>360 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> and bring to a rolling boil.");
  144. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, "Mix <i>85 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a> with <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_turmeric.html'>ground turmeric</a> and <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a>. Add <i>360 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> and stir until the mixture is lump-free.");
  145. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, "Lower heat to medium, and pour in chickpea batter. Whisk continuously for <u>5-10 minutes</u> until the mixture has thickened.");
  146. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, "Remove from heat, add <i>2 stalks</i> of chopped <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a> and mix well. Pour into a 8x8 baking dish lined with a baking mat. Smooth out top with the back of a wooden spoon.");
  147. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, "Let cool and set for <u>1 hour</u>, then refrigerate for a little while longer before cutting. <i>Cut into 24 strips</i>.");
  148. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &vegetable_bouillon, "360 ml");
  149. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &chickpea_flour, "85 g");
  150. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &salt, "1.25 g");
  151. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &ground_turmeric, "2.5 g");
  152. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &chili_pepper_flakes, "15 g");
  153. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &water, "360 ml");
  154. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu, &scallions, "2 stalks");
  155. add_part(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers, &breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_chickpea_tofu);
  156. RecipePart breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading = create_part("breading");
  157. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading, "Take <i>5 slices</i> of bread, and tear them into small bits using your fingers. It's easier to do that with a food processor, but not necessary.");
  158. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading, "Preheat your oven at <u>150 °C (300 °F)</u>. Lay the crumbs down in a thin layer over a baking sheet, laying them out this way ensures even browning. Bake the bread bits for <u>5 minutes</u>. After that time, shake them around the tray, and bake them for an additional <u>5 minutes</u>. Keep an eye on me them to make sure they don't burn! Let cool.");
  159. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading, &fresh_bread, "5 slices");
  160. add_part(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers, &breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading);
  161. RecipePart breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix = create_part("breading mix");
  162. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Preheat oven to <u>220 °C (425 °F)</u>.");
  163. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Mix <i>150 g (1 cup)</i> of dried breadcrumbs with <i>15 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>. Spread out thinly onto a plate.");
  164. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Pour <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a> in a separate plate.");
  165. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Take a slice of the <a href='chickpea_tofu.html'>chickpea tofu</a> and dip into the <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a>, making sure all sides are covered, then dip into the breadming mix. Make sure all sides are well coated.");
  166. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Place on baking sheet lined a baking mat, season with <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a> and <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Spray lightly with <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>.");
  167. add_instruction(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, "Bake for <u>15 minutes</u>, flip, bake for another <u>15 minutes</u>. Serve with dipping sauce of choice!");
  168. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  169. add_serving(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix, &lemon_juice, "50 ml");
  170. add_part(&breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers, &breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers_breading_mix);
  171. // brownies
  172. Recipe brownies = create_recipe("brownies", basic, "24 servings", 20150324, 40);
  173. set_description(&brownies, "<p>To make great brownies, you need to pay a special attention to how you treat the eggs and sugar. These two ingredients need good whipping to add heft to the batter.</p><p>How do you know you've got the whipping right? If you lift your whisk after mixing, the eggs will dribble in thick ribbons which hold their shape on top of the batter for a few seconds. This is what bakers call the <b>ribbon stage</b>. This ability of eggs to swell is the basis of great pastries and desserts, for leavening they don't need baking powder or baking soda and instead rely on the air held in place by the whipped eggs.</p><p>These properties aren't unique to chicken eggs. It's possible to get good ribboning with both flax seeds and aquafaba (liquid from chickpeas), but aquafaba yields better results in baking.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p><b>Fat :</b> Use 90 ml of canola oil instead of vegan butter. To make your own vegan butter, look for the recipe in <b>The Homemade Vegan Pantry by Miyoko Schinner</b>. It's possible to use less fat, but you can only substitute half the amount of fat before it affects the texture. For example, you can use 45 ml (1/8th cup) of vegetable oil (canola, sunflower) with 60 g (45 ml) of pumpkin puree.</p><p><b>Chocolate : </b>Use <a href='unsweetened_cocoa_powder.html'>unsweetened cocoa powder</a> instead of bar chocolate, for every 30 g (1 oz) of chocolate add 15 g (3 tbsp) of cocoa powder plus 15 g (1 tbsp) of vegan butter.</p><p><b>Tip : </b>To prevent burning the bottom of your brownies, place the pan on a preheated cookie sheet. Brownie tips courtesy of <a href='http://www.kitchenproject.com/history/Brownies/BrownieTips.htm#Mixing' target='_blank'>the kitchen project</a><p>.");
  174. RecipePart brownies_brownies = create_part("brownies");
  175. add_instruction(&brownies_brownies, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  176. add_instruction(&brownies_brownies, "Combine <i>113 g (1/2 cup vegan butter)</i> (or <i>90 ml</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>) and <i>250 g</i> of coarsely chopped unsweetened <a href='dark_chocolate.html'>chocolate</a> (can use sweeter varieties if you don't like bitter chocolate) in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water. If you're an experienced baker, you can place the butter and chocolate directly in a saucepan over a low flame. Be sure to stir the mixture constantly. Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl and let cool.");
  177. add_instruction(&brownies_brownies, "Whip <i>135 ml (9 tbsp)</i> of <a href='aquafaba.html'>aquafaba</a> (see how to make <a href='aquafaba.html'>aquafaba</a>), <i>75 g (5 tbsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural brown sugar</a>, <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar'>granulated sugar</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> using an electric mixer on high speed, until tripled in size, 4-5 minutes. When you lift the whisk, the mixture should fall back on itself in thick ribbons and dissipate. It's possible to whip with a whisk, but it requires more energy.");
  178. add_instruction(&brownies_brownies, "Add a third of the aquafaba egg mixture into the chocolate and stir to combine. Fold in the rest of the aquafaba egg mixture in two batches. Sift in <i>120 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> in three parts, gently folding with spatula after each part.");
  179. add_instruction(&brownies_brownies, "Pour into a greased 8X8 baking dish. To improve the flavor of the brownies, place the unbaked batter in refrigerator <u>overnight (or a few hours)</u>. If you don't want to wait, place baking dish in oven and bake for <u>~20-25 minutes</u>. Rotate baking dish halfway through. Cook longer if using vegan butter. To check if it's ready, insert a toothpick into the center, if it comes out with a few moist crumbs attached to it, it's ready. Remove from oven and let cool. <i>Cut in 24 small squares</i>.");
  180. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &vegan_butter, "113 g");
  181. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &dark_chocolate, "250 g");
  182. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &aquafaba, "135 ml");
  183. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &water, "135 ml");
  184. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &natural_brown_sugar, "75 g");
  185. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &granulated_sugar, "100 g");
  186. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &salt, "1.25 g");
  187. add_serving(&brownies_brownies, &all_purpose_flour, "120 g");
  188. add_part(&brownies, &brownies_brownies);
  189. //buckwheat dumplings
  190. Recipe buckwheat_dumplings = create_recipe("buckwheat dumplings", maindish, "2 servings", 20210521, 30);
  191. set_description(&buckwheat_dumplings, "<p>A recipe for the March 2021 Merveilles Cooking Jam.</p><p>Our default buckwheat recipes include <a href='buckwheat_tea.html'>Buckwheat Tea</a> and <a href='arame_soba.html'>Soba</a>. We like making soba, but it is a long, and messy process. Buckwheat is difficult to work with, especially if the aim is to make 100% soba (most are cut with wheat flour). So this recipe is a way to eat more buckwheat in our diet without defaulting to soba.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p><b>Buckwheat:</b> It is possible to use pre-ground flour, I just like to grind my own because it keeps longer as groats. If buying flour, you'll notice a darker and lighter variety, using either is fine. The darker variety has the hull mixed in, and the lighter version doesn't. Hulled buckwheat has more nutrients.</p><p><b>Tomato:</b> tomato paste is a concentrate, it is useful on a boat as it helps save space (instead of carrying larger cans). When using tomato paste, use it with equal parts water. If using whole tomatoes from a can, be sure to crush the tomatoes to help release its juices, and don't add extra water. The cooking time might be longer to help reduce and thicken the liquid. Using fresh tomatoes is another obvious option. Cut, and crush them with a fork in the pan when cooking.</p>");
  192. RecipePart buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings = create_part("dumplings");
  193. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "In a pan, roast <i>150 g (1 cup)</i> (to yield 1 cup flour) of <a href='buckwheat_groats.html'>buckwheat groats</a> (the de-hulled kind) for <u>3-5 minutes</u>. Roasting groats in a pan lightly dries them out, and makes them easier to grind them afterwards.");
  194. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "Transfer 1/4 of the groats in a mortar and pestle, and grind into a fine powder. Repeat for the rest of the groats. We process a small amount at a time because of the size of our mortar.");
  195. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "Transfer the buckwheat flour into a bowl. Mix in <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>.");
  196. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "Bring <i>300 ml (1 1/4 cup)</i> of water to a boil. Pour hot water into flour, and mix until well incorporated.");
  197. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "Prepare a small bowl with <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> (melted vegan butter is also fine), and bring a pan to medium heat. Dip a spoon into the bowl of oil to coat it, and scoop up a chunk of dough. Form the dough with your fingers into a cohesive 'ball' and dump it into the hot pan. Continue until all the dough is used up.");
  198. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, "For extra heat, add more olive oil to the pan, and sauté the dumplings until lightly browned on all sides. Divide cooked dumplings into two bowls.");
  199. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, &buckwheat_groats, "1 cup");
  200. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, &salt, "2.5 g");
  201. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, &water, "300 ml");
  202. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  203. add_part(&buckwheat_dumplings, &buckwheat_dumplings_dumplings);
  204. RecipePart buckwheat_dumplings_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  205. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, "In a small pan, cook <i>1 small</i> diced <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a>, <i>2</i> minced <a href='garlic.html'>garlic cloves</a> in <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> over medium heat until the onion is just translucent.");
  206. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, "Add <i>90 g (1/2 of a 170g can)</i> of <a href='tomato_paste.html'>tomato paste</a> and <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of water (or 1/2 cup of tomato sauce) and mix until it's blended. Add to pan, along with a pinch of <a href='oregano.html'>dried oregano</a> and <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a>. Bring sauce to a simmer over medium-high heat, then lower heat to a simmer and cook for about <u>15-20 minutes</u>.");
  207. add_instruction(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, "Pour sauce over buckwheat dumplings, and season with salt and black pepper.");
  208. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &yellow_onion, "1, small");
  209. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  210. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  211. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &tomato_paste, "90 g");
  212. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &water, "120 ml");
  213. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &salt, "1.25 g");
  214. add_serving(&buckwheat_dumplings_sauce, &black_pepper, "1.25 g");
  215. add_part(&buckwheat_dumplings, &buckwheat_dumplings_sauce);
  216. // carrot kinpira onigirazu
  217. Recipe carrot_kinpira_onigirazu = create_recipe("carrot kinpira onigirazu", maindish, "4 servings", 20150731, 20);
  218. set_description(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu, "<p>An onigirazu is a Japanese rice ball sandwich, or a 'lazy onigiri'.</p><p>The word onigiri (or nigiru) means to press into shape using your hands, while \"razu\" means the opposite. Free form onigiri. This is perfect for people who have a hard time making rice balls. Onigirazu has the same great taste, without the fear of imperfection.</p><p>This recipe is perfect when you don't have the right type of rice available for onigiri. You can use just about any type, we tested it out a few different kinds. The seaweed wrapping will keep it together, yhus eliminating the need for sticky rice.</p><p>We seasoned the rice with miso for added flavor, and filled it with carrot kinpira—'kinpira' means \"sauteed\" (usually with a mixture of mirin soy sauce and chili peppers.) It's a sweet and spicy dish that the Japanese serve in bentos.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_2.jpg'/></p>");
  219. RecipePart carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot = create_part("kinpira carrot");
  220. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, "Peel and cut <i>2 large</i> <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a> into thin strips using a julienne peeler (a knife will do, but it will take longer).");
  221. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, "Stir these ingredients together to make the sauce for the kinpira: <i>10 ml (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a>, <i>10 ml (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a> and <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>.");
  222. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, "Heat <u>15 ml (1 tbsp)</u> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> in a pan at medium heat, add the carrot strips and cook for <u>2-3 minutes</u>. Stir in <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a> as well as the sauce prepared in the previous step.");
  223. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, "Cook until no liquid remains. Let cool.");
  224. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &carrots, "2");
  225. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &maple_syrup, "10 ml");
  226. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &mirin, "10 ml");
  227. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  228. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &sesame_oil, "15 ml");
  229. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot, &chili_pepper_flakes, "5 g");
  230. add_part(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu, &carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_kinpira_carrot);
  231. RecipePart carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice = create_part("rice");
  232. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, "Wash <i>190g (~1 cup)</i> of <a href='short_grain_white_rice.html'>short grain white rice</a> to release excess starch, until water runs clear. Soak for <u>30 min</u> (in summer) and <u>2h</u> (in winter).");
  233. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, "Add <i>350 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> into a pot, and add the rice. Bring pot contents to a boil, turn heat to low and cover pot with lid. Cook for <u>10 minutes</u>, turn heat off and let rest for <u>10 min</u> before uncovering.");
  234. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, "Fluff the rice with a fork, and mix in <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='white_miso.html'>white miso</a>.");
  235. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, &short_grain_white_rice, "1 cup");
  236. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, &water, "350 ml");
  237. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice, &white_miso, "15 g");
  238. add_part(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu, &carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_rice);
  239. RecipePart carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper = create_part("wrapper");
  240. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper, "Lay out <i>4 pieces</i> of <a href='nori_sheets.html'>nori sheets</a>, rough side up. Lay out some rice in the center of the 4 sheets, then divide the carrot kinpira into 4 portions and lay over the rice. Cover the carrots with the remaining rice.");
  241. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper, "Now, take one corner of the nori sheet and fold over into the middle, do the same for the opposing corner. Then, repeat for the other 2 corners. Press down gently.");
  242. add_instruction(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper, "Wait until the nori has softened and then cut into the middle! Serve as is.");
  243. add_serving(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper, &nori_sheets, "4");
  244. add_part(&carrot_kinpira_onigirazu, &carrot_kinpira_onigirazu_wrapper);
  245. // corn pone
  246. Recipe corn_pone = create_recipe("corn pone", maindish, "1 big corn cake", 20211211, 25);
  247. set_description(&corn_pone, "<p>Corn pone has been part of our diet since 2016, ever since our good friend Claudia from the sailboat Essencia made some for us.</p><p>Corn pone is a simple version of cornbread, it is heavy, crunchy and thick, rather than fluffy and light.</p><p>This recipe is versatile, we use whatever vegetables we have on hand for the topping. If we have kimchi, we put kimchi, but this recipe is also delicious with chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, or with the vegetables sautéed with dried chili pepper flakes. In the above photo, we added black olives because we had some.</p><p>Instead of making one big corn cake, you can divide it into 4, or 8 smaller cakes. It's possible to eat them as is, without a topping, with or without a dollop of vegan butter.</p><p><b>Oven version</b></p><p>To prepare corn pone in the oven, preheat oven to 190 °C (375 °F). Preheat cast iron skillet in oven, then spread mixture in skillet. Bake for 30 min, or until edges start to brown.</p>");
  248. RecipePart corn_pone_mix = create_part("mix");
  249. add_instruction(&corn_pone_mix, "Place <i>150 g (1 cup)</i> <a href='cornmeal.html'>yellow cornmeal</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> (or other neutral oil, like canola), and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> in a bowl. Pour <i>250 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>boiling water</a> over the cornmeal mix, stir well. The cornmeal mix should be wet, and easy to form into shapes. If it isn't, add more water.");
  250. add_instruction(&corn_pone_mix, "Cover bottom of a <u>20 cm (7 in)</u> cast-iron skillet with some <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, bring up to medium heat. When the oil is hot, press the cornmeal mix into the pan, and fry until bottom is browned. Put a plate over the top of the pan, keep your hand on the plate and flip the pan so that the corn cake ends up cooked side up on the plate. Then, slide the corn cake back into the pan (cooked side up).");
  251. add_instruction(&corn_pone_mix, "Brown bottom for an additional <u>4 to 6 minutes</u>, or until edges are browned and well-cooked. Cut corn cake into two, and slide into two bowls. Instead of making one big corn cake, you can divide it into 4, or 8 smaller cakes.");
  252. add_instruction(&corn_pone_mix, "As a topping, we like to add whatever vegetable we happen to have on hand. Green cabbage (or red), rutabaga, daikon, carrots or potatoes, all work well. The rule is to cut them small and even so they cook fast, and so they cook through. As flavoring, we sautée garlic and yellow onion in a pan first, along with either kimchi (we make kimchi often) or half of a 7oz can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. Then, we sautée everything together in a pan until well-cooked.");
  253. add_serving(&corn_pone_mix, &cornmeal, "150 g");
  254. add_serving(&corn_pone_mix, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  255. add_serving(&corn_pone_mix, &salt, "1.25 g");
  256. add_serving(&corn_pone_mix, &water, "boiling, 250 ml");
  257. add_part(&corn_pone, &corn_pone_mix);
  258. // quick cheese
  259. Recipe quick_cheese = create_recipe("quick cheese", basic, "2 servings", 20190609, 60);
  260. set_description(&quick_cheese, "<p>This is a quick, nut-free cheese recipe, that you can add onto if you want different flavors. It's simple to prepare, and ready under a few hours.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>In this recipe we use <a href='kanten.html'>kanten</a>, which is similar to <a href='agar_agar.html'>agar agar</a> except that it's made from a different type of red algae (tengusa). You can swap it 1:1 in a recipe, although the resulting texture will not be the same. Adding agar agar will soften the texture.</p><p>In this recipe, it's possible to replace 240 ml of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> with 240 ml of water instead, this will result in a cheese that is less creamy and less filling. We like to add <a href='ground_turmeric.html'>turmeric</a> to make it yellow, but it's totally optional.</p><p>It is also possible to the omit sunflower seeds, using mostly plant milk will still give good results. We make it this way if we forget to soak sunflower seeds. Another option, is to use soft tofu.</p>");
  261. RecipePart quick_cheese_cheese = create_part("cheese");
  262. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "Soak <i>140 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>raw unsalted sunflower seeds</a> in water for <u>2 hours</u>, or overnight.");
  263. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "Drain and rinse sunflower seeds, and blend with <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>unsweetened soy milk</a> (or water), <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>8 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='onion_powder.html'>onion powder</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_turmeric.html'>ground turmeric</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='white_miso.html'>white miso</a>.");
  264. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "In a small bowl, dissolve <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='arrowroot_starch.html'>arrowroot starch</a> (or 30 g of tapioca starch) with <i>30 ml (2 tbsp) of water</i>. Keep aside.");
  265. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "Heat a saucepan at medium heat, pour <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>unsweetened soy milk</a> (or water) and sprinkle <i>6 g (~1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='kanten_powder.html'>kanten powder</a> (or equal amount of <a href='agar_agar_powder.html'>agar agar powder</a>)</a>. Stir well.");
  266. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "When content starts to boil, lower to a simmer and pour the sunflower cheese mix into it. Stir, for <u>1-2 minutes</u>, then add the arrowroot starch mix. Continue whisking until mixture is thick and shiny. Pour contents of pan into container of choice (I like to use 2 small bowls).");
  267. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "Let mixture rest for <u>2 hours</u>.");
  268. add_instruction(&quick_cheese_cheese, "Flip bowls upside down, scoop out cheese and enjoy! This cheese can be grated onto pizza too!");
  269. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &sunflower_seeds, "140 g");
  270. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &soy_milk, "240 ml");
  271. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &salt, "1.25 g");
  272. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &nutritional_yeast, "8 g");
  273. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &onion_powder, "2.5 g");
  274. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &apple_cider_vinegar, "5 ml");
  275. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &ground_turmeric, "2.5 g");
  276. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &white_miso, "5 g");
  277. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &arrowroot_starch, "30 g");
  278. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &soy_milk, "120 ml");
  279. add_serving(&quick_cheese_cheese, &kanten_powder, "6 g");
  280. add_part(&quick_cheese, &quick_cheese_cheese);
  281. // cheese and spinach ravioli
  282. Recipe cheese_and_spinach_ravioli = create_recipe("cheese and spinach ravioli", maindish, "2 people", 20171610, 40);
  283. set_description(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli, "<p>We have arrived in New Zealand, the land of plenty. All of the foods that we like and miss are here. Foods like nutritional yeast, miso and soba (to name a few).<p><p>With a fully re-stocked pantry, we started to make faux-cheese again, a recipe from <a href='http://www.veganricha.com/2014/08/almond-milk-pepper-jack-cheese-vegan-glutenfree-recipe.html' target='_blank'>Vegan Richa</a> that is simple to make and that we love. The recipe is for a cheese that can be cut into wedges, or that can be grated over pizza. I had an idea to use this recipe to make filling for ravioli, the difference being that we won't add any agar agar (a seaweed based powder that makes liquids gellify)</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_1.jpg'/></p><p>Making the ravioli is easy, and requires laying out a thin sheet of dough, and adding bits of the spinach and cheese mix into separate small mounds across. Leaving enough space between each 'mound' is necessary, as another sheet of dough is laid overtop and that the space ensures that both sheets will stick together.</p>");
  284. RecipePart cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling = create_part("filling");
  285. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, "For the filling, mix all of the dry ingredients into a bowl, then add all the wet ones (including the chopped <a href='spinach.html'>spinach</a>) and stir well until evenly mixed.");
  286. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, "Heat a pan at medium heat, pour the filling into it. The mixture will thicken. When it does, transfer it back to a bowl and keep it aside for later.");
  287. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &chickpea_flour, "15 g");
  288. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  289. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &arrowroot_starch, "22 g");
  290. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &garlic_powder, "1.25 g");
  291. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &onion_powder, "1.25 g");
  292. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &chili_pepper_flakes, "1.25 g");
  293. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &spinach, "20 g");
  294. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &lemon_juice, "5 ml");
  295. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &apple_cider_vinegar, "2.5 ml");
  296. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling, &soy_milk, "180 ml");
  297. add_part(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli, &cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_filling);
  298. RecipePart cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli = create_part("ravioli");
  299. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "To make the dough, mix <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> with <i>120 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>. Add <i>160 ml</i> of water, knead the dough on a floured surface, working in extra flour if the dough is too sticky. Once you have a smooth ball of dough, wrap it up and let it rest for at least <u>10 minutes</u>.");
  300. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "Divide the dough into two pieces, and roll out the first half of the dough to make it as thin as possible — and as rectangular as possible. Roll out the second piece of dough into a similar size and thickess.");
  301. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "On the first sheet of pasta, place a mound of filling of the faux-cheese and spinach mixture every 5 cm across and down the pasta (spaced out to look like a checker board).");
  302. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "Dip your finger into a bowl of water, and make a line inbetween each row of filling (the water acts as a bond to hold the ravioli together).");
  303. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "Place the second sheet of rolled-out pasta on top of the first one, pressing down firmly around the filling and along the wetted lines.");
  304. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "With a knife (or ravioli cutter, if you feel fancy), cut the pasta into squares along the wetted lines. Keep separated pieces of ravioli aside.");
  305. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "Bring a pot of water to a boil, and add the ravioli. Stir them gently to keep them from sticking to another another or on the bottom of the pot. Cook for <u>7-8 minutes</u> or until fork tender.");
  306. add_instruction(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, "Serve with a light sauce, we made one with <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a>, fresh <a href='basil.html'>basil</a> and <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. A light tomato sauce would also be delicious.");
  307. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, &all_purpose_flour, "120 g");
  308. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, &water, "160 ml");
  309. add_serving(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli, &salt, "1.25 g");
  310. add_part(&cheese_and_spinach_ravioli, &cheese_and_spinach_ravioli_ravioli);
  311. // Choco peanut blondies
  312. Recipe choco_peanut_blondies = create_recipe("Choco peanut blondies", sweet, "24 squares", 20191102, 45);
  313. set_description(&choco_peanut_blondies, "<p>A recipe that's ideal when we have chickpea left-overs, which happens a lot when cooking from dry beans. Sometimes we'll prepare chickpeas for this recipe, and use the rest as part of another meal, something like a <a href='chickpea_salad_sandwich.html'>chickpea salad sandwich</a> or <a href='spicy_stirfry_chickpeas.html'>spicy stir-fried chickpeas</a>.</p><p>We re-use the cooking liquid from the chickpeas in the same recipe, it works as a binding and leavening agent. When whipped at high speeds, the chickpea cooking liquid (or <a href='aquafaba.html'>aquafaba</a>) triples in size, and acts as an egg replacer.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations</b></p><p>I don't recommend re-using the liquid from cans of chickpeas, as it's technically the soaking liquid which ought to be discarded. Substituting canned chickpeas from home-cooked beans is fine, but if you do this, discard the liquid and use either a <a href='flax_seed_eggs.html'>flax egg</a> or ground and soaked chia seeds. These two ingredients can help bind ingredients, but aren't effective when it comes to leavening.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>It's possible to omit the cocoa powder, or to use double the quantity of peanut butter to 135 g (1 cup) instead of adding chickpeas. If you decide not to use chickpeas, be sure to add an egg replacer (chia or flax egg, as suggested above).</p>");
  314. RecipePart choco_peanut_blondies_blondies = create_part("blondies");
  315. add_instruction(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, "Cook <i>170 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpeas.html'>dried chickpeas</a> (see <a href='chickpeas.html'>instructions</a>). When thoroughly cooked, turn heat off and let cool. Strain beans from cooking liquid through a sieve, collecting the liquid in a bowl underneath. Reserve liquid.");
  316. add_instruction(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, "Arrange rack at middle of oven. Preheat oven at <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>. Grease 8x8 baking dish with vegetable oil or vegan butter.");
  317. add_instruction(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, "In a big bowl, beat <i>180 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural brown sugar</a> with <i>113 g (1/2 cup)</i> of softened <a href='vegan_butter.html'>vegan butter</a>. Using an electric mixer at medium speed, beat in <i>135 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='peanut_butter.html'>peanut butter</a>, <i>120 g (~3/4 cup)</i> of cooked <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> and <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of the cooking liquid from the chickpeas (aquafaba) until light and fluffy and well blended.");
  318. add_instruction(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, "Stir in <i>20 g (~1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>cocoa powder</a>, <i>180 g (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>. Stir in <i>190 g (6.5 oz)</i> of roughly chopped bits of <a href='dark_chocolate.html'>unsweetened dark chocolate</a>. Spread in baking dish.");
  319. add_instruction(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, "Bake for <u>30-35 minutes</u>. Let cool before cutting. Slice into 24 squares.");
  320. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &natural_brown_sugar, "180 g");
  321. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &vegan_butter, "113 g");
  322. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &peanut_butter, "135 g");
  323. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &chickpeas, "120 g, cooked");
  324. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &cocoa_powder, "20 g");
  325. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &all_purpose_flour, "180 g");
  326. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &baking_powder, "5 g");
  327. add_serving(&choco_peanut_blondies_blondies, &dark_chocolate, "190 g");
  328. add_part(&choco_peanut_blondies, &choco_peanut_blondies_blondies);
  329. // basic black bread
  330. Recipe basic_black_bread = create_recipe("basic black bread", sidedish, "1 loaf", 20150111, 140);
  331. set_description(&basic_black_bread, "<p>This bread is super light and fluffy and great for morning toast or sandwiches.</p><p>We've been reading up a lot about bread, we wanted to understand how the ingredients we add can affect the texture. We also read about the differences in temperature, to knead or not to knead etc. Truth is, every choice depends on the desired end result.</p><p>We wanted to make a sandwich bread with a light crumb, the kind that bounces back when touched. This recipe has more fat, which in turn makes it softer and fluffier. The choice of fat will affect the texture/taste of the bread.</p><p>There are many things you can do to help soften your bread, like brushing the outside with a oil or some other fat as soon as we take it out of the oven. Brushing fat on the outside softens the crust.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>It's possible to substitute nut milk for water, for a richer taste.<p><b>Burger buns:</b> Repeat steps 1 to 6 in the recipe below. Instead of forming into a 'cigar' shape at step 7,divide into 8 pieces and shape into a tight ball. Sprinkle baking sheet with some cornmeal and put buns on top. Cover and let rise for another 45 minutes in the warmed oven. Take buns out of oven, brush lightly with 15 ml (1 tbsp) of coconut oil (for browning) and put white sesame seeds on top. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 180 °C (350 °F). Let cool on a pile of towels or cooling rack.</p><p><b>Hot dog buns:</b> Repeat steps 1 to 6. Divide through into 15 pieces and shape into small cylinders (or general elongated hot dog shape). Sprinkle baking sheet with some cornmeal and put buns on top. Cover and let rise for another 45 minutes in the warmed oven. Take buns out of oven, brush lightly with coconut oil. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes< at 180 °C (350 °F). Let cool on a pile of towels or cooling rack.</p>");
  332. RecipePart basic_black_bread_bread = create_part("bread");
  333. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "In a large bowl, stir <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> in <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='warm_water.html'>warm water</a> until dissolved. Sprinkle <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='active_dry_yeast.html'>active dry yeast</a>, let sit for <u>10 minutes</u>.");
  334. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Sift <i>180 g (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>180 g (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='whole_grain_flour.html'>whole grain flour</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='bamboo_charcoal_powder.html'>bamboo charcoal powder</a> together in a separate bowl. Once flours are mixed evenly enough.");
  335. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Add <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> to the water mix, then stir in <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of the flour mix with a wooden spoon. Keep adding flour a <u>60 g (1/2 cup)</u> at a time, until the dough stops sticking to the sides.");
  336. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Put ball of dough on lightly floured counter-top and start kneading, add a bit of flour everytime it starts to stick to your hands. Knead for <u>15 minutes</u>. You may not use up all of your flour, if there's still a lot left and your dough is nice smooth don't add any more. Don't want to risk drying it out.");
  337. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Heat up oven at the very lowest setting. This will be our warm place for bread rising.");
  338. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Grease up a bowl and put the dough, rolling it once to cover all sides. Cover with a cloth and place in oven. <i>Let rise for 45 minutes</i>.");
  339. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Your bread should have doubled in size. Take bread out of oven, knead a few times and shape into a 25-28 cm cigar-shape. Sprinkle some <a href='corn_semolina.html'>corn semolina</a> on a baking sheet and place bread on top - this will keep it from sticking. Slash the top of the bread in the middle with a knife, doing this will keep the ends of the bread from splitting. Mist top of bread lightly with <a href='water.html'>water</a>, then add <a href='white_sesame_seeds.html'>white sesame seeds</a>. Press lightly to make them stick. Cover loaf with a cloth, put back in oven to rise for an additional <u>45 minutes</u>. If you don't want a traditional bread shape, put bread in a greased loaf pan to rise.");
  340. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Turn oven up to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u> . Bake for <a href='30_minutes.html'>30 minutes</a>, or until it sounds hollow when tapped at the bottom.");
  341. add_instruction(&basic_black_bread_bread, "Brush sides lightly with <a href='coconut_oil.html'>coconut oil</a>, then let cool on a pile of towels or a cooling rack.");
  342. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &maple_syrup, "15 ml");
  343. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &water, "240 ml, warm");
  344. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &active_dry_yeast, "5 g");
  345. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  346. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &all_purpose_flour, "180 g");
  347. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &whole_wheat_flour, "180 g");
  348. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, "5 g");
  349. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &salt, "1.25 g");
  350. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &white_sesame_seeds, "5 g");
  351. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &corn_semolina, "15 g");
  352. add_serving(&basic_black_bread_bread, &coconut_oil, "15 ml");
  353. add_part(&basic_black_bread, &basic_black_bread_bread);
  354. // basic toothpaste
  355. Recipe basic_toothpaste = create_recipe("basic toothpaste", lifestyle, "1 jar", 20161105, 5);
  356. set_description(&basic_toothpaste, "<p>In the last couple of years, we've removed most pre-made cleaning and hygiene products from our lives. In fact, we don't use shampoo at all anymore. We make our own toilet cleaner, kitchen cleaner, and we also make our own toothpaste.</p><p>Chances are you already have all of the ingredients at home to make it. The recipe consists of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a>, <a href='coconut_oil.html'>coconut oil</a> and <a href='peppermint_oil.html'>peppermint oil</a> (food grade).</p><p>You can also brush your teeth with a simple baking soda and water mix (mix 1 tsp of baking soda with a small amount of water). Baking soda's relatively low abrasivity is enough to remove accumulations on teeth, and it rinses clear leaving a lightly salty taste. It's important to dilute the baking soda, as too much can be damaging. For those who dislike brushing with a salty taste, adding peppermint oil helps to smooth down both the taste and texture, although this ingredient is for taste, and it <a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4606594/' target='_blank'>isn't yet known</a> if is truly effective against oral diseases.</p><p>As for the use of coconut oil, it is thought <a href='https://www.healthline.com/health/homemade-toothpaste#recipes' target='_blank'>to reduce plaque</a> after continued use. A downside to using coconut oil, is that it becomes solid in cold climates, and it's necessary to melt it down before using it. We like to put the jar near a source of heat for 5 minutes or so. Another detail to consider, is that the oil may clog your drain in cold weather. We've noticed this on our boat, and so we spit in a glass and pour it overboard.</p><p>The ingredients in homemade toothpaste vary, some add bentonite clay and other essential oils, we opted for the simplest recipe possible. Homemade toothpaste is controversial, as recipes lack fluoride, an ingredient that reduces cavities and that addresses other oral health conditions, but we believe that toothpaste is only as good as your brushing (which should last for a min of 2 min). It is more important to brush your teeth thoroughly than to use toothpaste, especially after eating sweets. In all, we prefer to avoid packaging and make our own, it works for us and it might work for you too.</p><p><b class='head'>Abrasion properties of baking soda</b></p><p>Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but some brands of abrasive toothpaste can wear it down, exposing the dentin lying beneath. To help quantify the abrasivity of dentifrices, researchers established a standardized scale called <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrasion_(dental)#Relative_dentin_abrasivity' target='_blank'>Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA)</a>. This scale assigns toothpaste an abrasivity value, relative to a standard reference abrasive that is arbitrarily given an RDA value of 100. All dentifrices at or below 2.5 times the reference value, or 250 RDA, are considered safe and effective [1]. In fact, clinical evidence supports that lifetime use of proper brushing technique with a toothbrush and toothpaste at an RDA of 250 or less produces limited wear to dentin and virtually no wear to enamel [2]. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has a <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohs_scale_of_mineral_hardness' target='_blank'>Mohs hardness</a> value of 2.5 and an RDA value of 7.</p><p><b class='head'>Sources</b></p><p>[1] St John S, White DJ. History of the Development of Abrasivity Limits for Dentifrices. J Clin Dent 2015;26(2):50-4.</p><p>[2] Hunter ML, Addy M, Pickles MJ, Joiner A. The Role of Toothpastes and Toothbrushes in the Aetiology of Tooth Wear. Int Dent J 2002;52:399-405.</p>");
  357. RecipePart basic_toothpaste_toothpaste = create_part("toothpaste");
  358. add_instruction(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, "Mix <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a> with <i>45 ml</i> of <a href='coconut_oil.html'>extra virgin coconut oil</a>. If the coconut oil is hard, melt it down and mix it with the dry ingredients");
  359. add_instruction(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, "Add <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp, 10 drops)</i> of food grade <a href='peppermint_oil.html'>peppermint oil</a>.");
  360. add_instruction(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, "Mix everything up and brush your teeth. Evidently, like regular toothpaste, don't swallow it.");
  361. add_serving(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, &baking_soda, "15 g");
  362. add_serving(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, &coconut_oil, "45 ml");
  363. add_serving(&basic_toothpaste_toothpaste, &peppermint_oil, "2.5 ml");
  364. add_part(&basic_toothpaste, &basic_toothpaste_toothpaste);
  365. // beer bread
  366. Recipe beer_bread = create_recipe("beer bread", sidedish, "1 loaf", 20160920, 60);
  367. set_description(&beer_bread, "<p>The idea of making beer bread came from a book written by Lin Pardey called \"The Care and Feeding of the Offshore Crew\". In this book, Lin talks about cooking at sea, and has an entire chapter dedicated to baking onboard. In this chapter, the author talks about the many ways to make fresh bread while sailing, including a quickbread recipe that uses 3 basic ingredients: flour, sugar and beer.</p><p>Beer bread you say? Right up our alley. The next day we gave it a try, the result was fantastic.</p><p>The amazing thing about beer bread is that using different beer, will change the flavor and color of the bread. We tried baking with an IPA (21st amendment), a Hefeweizen (Sunriver brewing co) and a brown ale (Hobgoblin).</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>If you have self-rising flour, you can omit the baking powder and salt. Also, you can omit the leavening agent if you have a craft beer that has live yeast sediment at the bottom of the bottle, although most manufacturers filter it out. </p><p>To make a sandwich bread-style loaf, add a tbsp of fat (vegan butter or olive oil).</p><p>We made a video of the beer bread-making process, check it out <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppASJRVcXmM' target='_blank'>here</a>.</p>");
  368. RecipePart beer_bread_beer_bread = create_part("beer bread");
  369. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "Preheat your oven at <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  370. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "In a large bowl, mix <i>240 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>7 g (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>, <i>45 g (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and <i>330 ml (1 can)</i> of <a href='beer.html'>beer</a>. Mix well, and add extra flour if the dough is too sticky. No kneading is required.");
  371. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "Coat the bottom of your bread pan with <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>vegetable oil</a>, make sure to spread it out evenly, and thinly. Sprinkle <i>~20 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='corn_meal.html'>corn meal</a> in your bread pan, or tray, shake the cornmeal around so it covers the entire bottom.");
  372. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "Transfer the bread dough into the pan. Sprinkle <i>30 g (~3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='oats.html'>oats</a> on top of the bread, press them down into the dough lightly.");
  373. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "Bake for <u>1 hour</u>.");
  374. add_instruction(&beer_bread_beer_bread, "Let cool on a dish towel, or rack.");
  375. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &all_purpose_flour, "240 g");
  376. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &salt, "1.25 g");
  377. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &baking_powder, "7 g");
  378. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &granulated_sugar, "45 g");
  379. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &beer, "330 ml (1 can)");
  380. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &cornmeal, "20 g");
  381. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &canola_oil, "15 ml");
  382. add_serving(&beer_bread_beer_bread, &rolled_oats, "30 g");
  383. add_part(&beer_bread, &beer_bread_beer_bread);
  384. /*// borscht with tofu sour cream
  385. Recipe borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream = create_recipe("borscht with tofu sour cream", sidedish, "4 quarts", 20141116, 60);
  386. set_description(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream, "Devine has been taking russian classes every week, and he comes back from his lessons with new words to teach me. Last week, he not only returned with new words, he also brought back a Borscht recipe.</p><p>Borscht is traditionally served with sour cream. A lot of vegan sour cream recipes have cashews, because of my tree nut allergy, i had to opt for something different. soft tofu does the job well, the mix of that plus lemon and apple cider vinegar gives a perfect sour taste!</p><p>");
  387. RecipePart borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream = create_part("sour cream");
  388. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, "Drain <i>349g (1 pack)</i> of <a href='soft_tofu.html'>soft tofu</a>, press it lightly with a cloth or paper towels to remove some of the water.");
  389. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, "Put the <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='natural_natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> and <i>25 ml (5 tsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a> in a bowl. Blend until smooth.");
  390. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, "Put in the refrigerator for <u>1 hour</u> to give it time to thicken.");
  391. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, &soft_tofu, "349 g");
  392. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, &natural_brown_sugar, "5 g");
  393. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, &apple_cider_vinegar, "15 ml");
  394. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream, &lemon_juice, "5 tsp");
  395. add_part(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream, &borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_sour_cream);
  396. RecipePart borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht = create_part("borscht");
  397. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "Bring <i>950 ml (4 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> to a boil, add <i>2 peeled medium-sized</i> <a href='red_beets.html'>red beets</a>. Boil until softened.");
  398. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "Peel and slice <i>1 medium-sized</i> <a href='sweet_potato.html'>sweet potato</a>. Add to pot and let boil for <u>15 minutes</u>.");
  399. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "While the potatoes are cooking, peel and julienne <i>2 carrots</i>, cut <i>1/2</i> a <a href='red_onion.html'>red onion</a> and mince <i>3 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>. Add it all to a pan and fry until fragrant. Near the end add <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='tomato_paste.html'>tomato paste</a>, then toss in the pot.");
  400. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "Cut <i>1/2 head</i> of a small <a href='red_cabbage.html'>red cabbage</a> into thin strips, add to pot.");
  401. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "Put <i>1</i> <a href='bay_leaf.html'>bay leaf</a>, season with <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <a href='pepper.html'>pepper</a> and let it simmer for <u>10 minutes</u> or until all the veggies are nice and soft.");
  402. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "At the end, take pot off heat and stir in <i>10 ml (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a>. Remove the <a href='bay_leaf.html'>bay leaf</a>." );
  403. add_instruction(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, "You can serve as is if you like a chunkier soup, otherwise purée it with a handblender. Serve hot with tofu sour cream! For thicker and tastier Borscht, cook the soup the day before you plan to eat it. Let it cool and refrigerate it. It tastes better the next day, just re-heat it. Trust me, it'll be delicious.");
  404. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &vegetable_bouillon, "950 ml");
  405. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &red_beets, "2");
  406. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &sweet_potatoes, "1");
  407. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &carrots, "2");
  408. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &red_onion, "1/2");
  409. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &garlic, "3");
  410. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &tomato_paste, "30 g");
  411. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &red_cabbage, "1.5, medium");
  412. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &bay_leaf, "1");
  413. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &sea_salt, "2.5 g");
  414. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &black_pepper, "2.5 g");
  415. add_serving(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht, &lemon_juice, "10 ml");
  416. add_part(&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream, &borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream_borscht);*/
  417. // breadfruit gnocchi
  418. Recipe breadfruit_gnocchi = create_recipe("breadfruit gnocchi", tropical, "4 people", 20171610, 90);
  419. set_description(&breadfruit_gnocchi, "<p>We are about to leave Tonga, the tropics and the land of bountiful <a href='breadfruit.html'>breadfruit</a>. This versatile fruit can be cooked into fries, eaten with <a href='coconut_milk.html'>coconut milk</a>, made into chips, or like this recipe suggests, it makes good gnocchi.</p><p>Breadfruit has a taste and texture that resembles that of <a href='potato.html'>potato</a>, and so it makes sense that it too can be made into gnocchi. The flesh of the fruit can be kneaded with ease, especially if the fruit is very ripe. I have tried to knead it when half-ripe, it works too, but requires added moisture and more kneading, not to mention that it doesn't have as much flavor. Ripe breadfruit develops a sweet taste. It can be difficult to catch it at the right moment, like avocados they have a tendency to overripen overnight. Because we like it so much, we've bought many and have had time to better tell when it can be eaten. The outside becomes soft to the touch, but only just.</p><p>We serve these with a light sauce, to better taste the gnocchi. A sauce that we enjoy, is minced garlic and chili peppers cooked in olive oil. The sauce is poured overtop and sprinkled with bits of shredded nori.</p>");
  420. RecipePart breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi = create_part("gnocchi");
  421. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Wait until your <a href='breadfruit.html'>breadfruit</a> is very ripe, soft to the touch. A softer breadfruit will be easier to knead, and will taste sweeter.");
  422. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Preheat oven to <u>200 °C (425 °F)</u>. Rub outside of breadfruit with <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, and wrap with aluminium foil. Cook for <u>1 hour</u>.");
  423. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Remove foil, peel skin away, cut in half, and remove the seed.");
  424. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Let cool, and mash with your hands into a cohesive dough. Add <a href='flour.html'>flour</a>, <i>30 g (1/4 cup)</i> at a time, until the <a href='breadfruit.html'>breadfruit</a> flesh stops sticking to your fingers. You may need more, or less, depending on the size of your fruit.");
  425. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Sprinkle your work surface with <a href='flour.html'>flour</a>, take a golf-sized ball of dough, and roll it into a thin, finger-sized log. Cut the log into bite-sized pieces (around 2cm long) and repeat for the rest of the dough.");
  426. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "At this point, you can choose to freeze the gnocchi, or to prepare them straight away. To cook them, bring a pot of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to a boil, add the gnocchi, and cook for <u>5 minutes</u> or so, or <i>until they start to rise to the surface</i>.");
  427. add_instruction(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Serve with a light sauce, to better taste the subtle, but sweet flavor of the breadfruit gnocchi.");
  428. add_serving(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, &breadfruit, "1 small");
  429. add_serving(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, &olive_oil, "5 ml");
  430. add_serving(&breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi, &all_purpose_flour, "150 g");
  431. add_part(&breadfruit_gnocchi, &breadfruit_gnocchi_gnocchi);
  432. // breadfruit pasta
  433. Recipe breadfruit_pasta = create_recipe("breadfruit pasta", tropical, "4 people", 20181110, 20);
  434. set_description(&breadfruit_pasta, "<p>Yes, another <a href='breadfruit.html'>breadfruit</a> recipe! This fruit is one of the most versatile ingredients we've ever cooked with, it's cheap and pairs well with just about anything. When we returned to the south pacific last June, you can be sure that the first thing we went looking for at the market was this lovely green wonder. It's become a staple for us, a treat and food we are excited to cook and eat.</p><p>While in a grocery store in Fiji, we spotted breadfruit flour! A company called <b><a href='http://friendfiji.com' target='_blank'>Friend's Fiji style</a></b> sells it in bags of 300g. It's a good alternative if the fresh kind can't be found. It's something we'll stock up on when we leave, so we continue to have breadfruit in our diet (in some form).</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/breadfruit_pasta_1.jpg'/></p><p>Making pasta from scratch requires your hands, a knife and a rolling pin (or bottle, whatever works). Making pasta by hand that is even and thin is a challenge, it's easier to opt for thicker 'udon-style' noodles. Expert soba chefs in Japan can cut noodles thinly, but this requires experienced hands. We have a good blade, but lack the patience as well as the desire to cut even noodles. We're very okay with imperfect noodles.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/breadfruit_pasta_2.jpg'/></p><p><b>Tricks for cutting pasta evenly:</b> Roll the flattened piece of dough and cutting it cross-wise is the key, the details on how to do this are in the recipe instructions below.</p><p>If you come to Fiji and like to make pasta from scratch, try and find some breadfruit flour. That same company also produces cassava flour.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/breadfruit_pasta_3.jpg'/></p><p>We like to eat breadfruit pasta with garlic, chilis and bitter melon, sauteed in olive oil with some shredded nori on top- simple, and tasty. Alternatively, to make regular pasta, just sub the breadfruit flour for 85 g of <a href='whole_wheat_flour.html'>whole wheat flour</a> or 75 g <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>.</p>");
  435. RecipePart breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta = create_part("breadfruit pasta");
  436. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "In a large bowl, mix <i>90g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> with <i>80g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='breadfruit_flour.html'>breadfruit flour</a>.");
  437. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Add <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, mix well.");
  438. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Add <i>180 ml (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, mix until it starts to clump up, then knead with your hands until you have a smooth dough. Let rest for <u>20 mins</u> (this will make it easier to roll).");
  439. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Separate dough in two, put one half aside. Separating the dough makes it easier to roll if you have limited counter space (like I do).");
  440. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Sprinkle flour on your working surface, flatten the ball out from the center to the outer edge. Continue to roll, flipping the dough over once or twice and dusting it with flour to prevent it sticking. Roll to desired thickness.");
  441. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Fold the sheet of dough into a flat roll, then cut into it cross-wise into 0.5cm strips.");
  442. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Repeat all the steps for the other half of the dough.");
  443. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Carefully unroll each coil with your fingers, then transfer to a floured surface.");
  444. add_instruction(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, "Bring water to a boil. Add pasta. Cook for a minute or so, and serve with a light sauce!");
  445. add_serving(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, &breadfruit_flour, "80 g");
  446. add_serving(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, &all_purpose_flour, "90 g");
  447. add_serving(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, &salt, "1.25 g");
  448. add_serving(&breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta, &water, "180 ml");
  449. add_part(&breadfruit_pasta, &breadfruit_pasta_breadfruit_pasta);
  450. // buckwheat tea
  451. Recipe buckwheat_tea = create_recipe("buckwheat tea", sidedish, "1 teapot", 20191206, 15);
  452. set_description(&buckwheat_tea, "<p>A friend from Japan gave us some soba cha <b>そば茶</b> last month, it's something we've had before but that we never thought of making ourselves. It's a type of tea that is served in some soba shops, as a companion drink to buckwheat noodles. It has a subtle nutty flavor, and is perfect to drink after dinner, or later at night as it doesn't have any caffeine.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/buckwheat_tea_1.jpg'></p><p> We roast the groats as we need them, but it's possible to prepare a larger batch ahead of time. The roasted buckwheat groats will store for a few months if kept in a cool and dry place. </p><p><b>Roasting a larger batch:</b> When roasting a larger batch, use a larger pan so that the groats don't sit atop of each other. The groats must be in a single layer so they can cook evenly.</p><p> <b>Re-using the softened groats:</b> It's possible to re-use the softened groats by pouring more water onto them, although the flavor will not be as strong. If you like to minimize food waste, it's possible to incorporate the soft groats in other meals for bulk. For example, you can mix it into rice, cookies, breads etc.</p><p> <b>Cooking groats using oven:</b> You can roast your buckwheat groats in your oven. Roast them at 180 °C (350 °F) for 50 minutes, while stirring on occasion.</p>");
  453. RecipePart buckwheat_tea_roasting = create_part("roasting");
  454. add_instruction(&buckwheat_tea_roasting, "Bring a pan to medium heat, add <i>20 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='buckwheat_groats'>raw buckwheat groats</a> (I used the de-hulled variety, I've never tried the hulled version as it's not available where I am). ");
  455. add_instruction(&buckwheat_tea_roasting, "Toast the buckwheat groats until they're fragrant and lightly browned, all while stirring constantly. Do this for about <u>5 minutes</u>. Then, lower the heat and continue to toast the groats until they turn a deep brown color (~5 minutes, depending on the temperature of the pan). Continue stirring, and watch them so they don't burn. ");
  456. add_instruction(&buckwheat_tea_roasting, "Transfer to a bowl, let cool. ");
  457. add_serving(&buckwheat_tea_roasting, &buckwheat_groats, "30 g");
  458. add_part(&buckwheat_tea, &buckwheat_tea_roasting);
  459. RecipePart buckwheat_tea_infusion = create_part("infusion");
  460. add_instruction(&buckwheat_tea_infusion, "Add <i>20 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='buckwheat_groats'>roasted buckwheat groats</a> into the tea strainer of a teapot, and pour <i>800 ml (3 cups)</i> of hot water overtop. Let tea infuse for <u>5-10 minutes</u>.");
  461. add_instruction(&buckwheat_tea_infusion, "The used buckwheat groats can be re-used in other meals. You can add it to cooked rice, pasta, or in baked goods. I like to use it to replace the oats in <a href='crackers.html'>this cracker</a> recipe.");
  462. add_serving(&buckwheat_tea_infusion, &buckwheat_groats, "20 g, roasted");
  463. add_serving(&buckwheat_tea_infusion, &water, "800 ml, hot");
  464. add_part(&buckwheat_tea, &buckwheat_tea_infusion);
  465. // chickpea salad sandwich
  466. Recipe chickpea_salad_sandwich = create_recipe("chickpea salad sandwich", maindish, "4 portions", 20160118, 20);
  467. set_description(&chickpea_salad_sandwich, "<p>We ordered ingredients from BC Kelp, a company in northern Canada that grows their own seaweed. A lot of the food we make these days has either nori, wakame, bull kelp or bladderwack whole tips in it.</p><p>We'd like to see more people cooking with sea vegetables. You can snack on dried seaweed, or add it to soups and salads. The powdered version we're using in this recipe adds a lot of umami and color to meals.</p><p>You can order your own bull kelp powder from the <a href='http://www.bckelp.com/index.html' target='_blank'>BC Kelp website</a>, they have a wide range of quality seaweed to choose from.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations</b></p><p>Adding a bay leaf, a bit of onion or a clove or two of garlic to the cooking water add a subtle seasoning to the chickpeas and boost flavor.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>If you don't have access to <a href='bull_kelp_powder.html'>bull kelp powder</a>, you can use 5 ml capers or dulse flakes. They will impart a delicious, briny, no-tuna taste.</p>");
  468. RecipePart chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad = create_part("chickpea salad");
  469. add_instruction(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, "For veganaise, see the <a href='veganaise.html'>recipe</a>.");
  470. add_instruction(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, "Cook <i>125 g (3/4 cup)</i> of dried <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> (see <a href='#chickpeas.html'>instructions</a>), or use 1 can (15oz). Mash chickpeas down with a fork.");
  471. add_instruction(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, "Mix the mashed <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> with <i>60 g (3-4 tbsp)</i> of <a href='veganaise.html'>venagaise</a>, <i>15 g (1 tsp)</i> <a href='bull_kelp_powder.html'>bull kelp powder</a>, <i>2 chopped</i> <a href='pickled_cucumbers.html'>pickles</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='cayenne_pepper_powder.html'>cayenne pepper powder</a>.");
  472. add_instruction(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, "Season with <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a> and serve over toasted bread with tomatoes, salad etc.");
  473. add_serving(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, &chickpeas, "250 g, cooked");
  474. add_serving(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, &prepared_veganaise, "60 g");
  475. add_serving(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, &bull_kelp_powder, "5 g");
  476. add_serving(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, &pickled_cucumbers, "2");
  477. add_serving(&chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad, &cayenne_pepper_powder, "1.25 g");
  478. add_part(&chickpea_salad_sandwich, &chickpea_salad_sandwich_chickpea_salad);
  479. // chocolate chip cookies
  480. Recipe chocolate_chip_cookies = create_recipe("chocolate chip cookies", basic, "12 cookies", 20191206, 20);
  481. set_description(&chocolate_chip_cookies, "<p>We've been making chocolate chips cookies for a while, but never thought it worthy of a recipe because there are so many online already. In the interest of posting absolute basic recipes though, we felt it deserved to be written down, especially because cookie chemistry is difficult. Slight differences in moisture content, altitude, fat content and sugar content can alter the look and texture of a cookie. There are reasons for the quantities and choice of each ingredient, all interact with each other to give cookies their sweet and soft texture.</p><p>This recipe is a good base. Substitutions are possible, but changing ingredients—depending on the ingredient—can mess up your recipe. In our suggestions we give examples of good substitutions, and how to modify the recipe to get a good result.<b class='head'>Substitutions</b> <b>Flour:</b> If you choose to use spelt flour, a more nutritious alternative, add 5 ml (5 ml) of baking powder to help it rise.</p><p><b>Fat:</b> The fat in cookies is a big part of their structure. We've added vegan butter as it behaves like actual butter, it helps create baked goods that are more tender by shortening gluten strands. When fat coats flour, it slows down the process of gluten formation creating a more tender product <a href='https://bakerbettie.com/function-of-butter-in-baking/#The_Function_of_Butter_in_Baking'>ref</a>. To make your own vegan butter, look for the recipe in <b>The Homemade Vegan Pantry by Miyoko Schinner</b>.</p><p><b>Sugar:</b> Sugar is important in cookies, it helps with the flavor, color and texture. The oven temperature causes the sugar to react with the proteins, this is what gives baked goods their brown color. Natural brown sugar is important in this recipe, as it adds moisture to the dough. If you use 100% granulated white sugar the cookie won't spread as well, not unless you add more moisture.</p><p><b>Add-ins:</b> If you have a sensitivity to caffeine use <a href='carob_chips.html'>carob chips</a> instead of chocolate chips. Switching to carob won't affect the cookies. <b class='head'>Troubleshooting</b>\"I followed the recipe, but my cookies don't look the same as yours!\" The quirkiness of different ovens makes it difficult to give accurate cooking times. Having a thermometer in your oven is the best way to read the temperature accurately.</p><p><b>Help! Cookie spreading too much!</b> If your cookie is spreading too much, you may have added too much sugar. Sugar is hygroscopic, it absorbs liquid but once it bakes it releases that and if there's too much, then it keeps spreading. Oven temperature is another factor. The hotter the oven, the more quickly the fat melts before the cookies have time to set. Depending on your oven, you may need to bake cookies longer but at a lower temperature.</p><p><b>Help! Cookie not spreading!</b> One of the most common reasons why cookies don't spread is because there's too much flour in the dough. Try using less, and consider increasing the commercial brown sugar by a few tablespoons. This will add slightly more moisture and help the cookies spread. Be sure you're also using room temperature ingredients, especially butter, to promote the best spread and texture.</p><p>Read more about <a href='https://www.kingarthurflour.com/blog/2016/03/14/cookie-chemistry-2'>cookie chemistry</a>. Recipe inspired from <a href='https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe'>this one</a>.</p>");
  482. RecipePart cookie_mix = create_part("cookie mix");
  483. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Measure <i>113 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegan_butter.html'>vegan butter</a>. It should be slightly cooler than room temp.");
  484. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Heat oven to <u>190 °C (375 °F)</u>.");
  485. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "In a small bowl, mix <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='flax_seeds'>ground flax seeds</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water'>water</a>. This is your flax 'egg', let it thicken for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  486. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Mix <i>120 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour'>all purpose flour</a> with <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda'>baking soda</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>.");
  487. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "In a bowl, cream <i>75 g (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar'>granulated sugar</a>, <i>90 g (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='brown_sugar'>natural brown sugar</a> with <i>113 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegan_butter'>vegan butter</a> until well incorporated. Then add <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>, <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> and the flax egg. Mix again until smooth and creamy.");
  488. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Add the wet ingredients to the dry, and mix well (but don't over do it).");
  489. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Add <i>170 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='chocolate_chips.html'>chocolate chips</a>, distribute evenly.");
  490. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Scoop up generous balls of dough and lay on a baking sheet, leave plenty of room inbetween. ");
  491. add_instruction(&cookie_mix, "Bake cookies until they start to brown and crisp at the edges, depending on your oven this may take <u>10-15 minutes</u>. My oven is old and bakes at lower temperatures so I need to bake them for the longer time. See notes in above description.");
  492. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &all_purpose_flour, "120 g");
  493. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &baking_soda, "2.5 g");
  494. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &salt, "1.25 g");
  495. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &granulated_sugar, "75 g");
  496. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &natural_brown_sugar, "92 g");
  497. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &vegan_butter, "113 g");
  498. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &soy_milk, "45 ml");
  499. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &apple_cider_vinegar, "2.5 ml");
  500. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &flax_seeds, "7 g, ground");
  501. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &water, "45 ml");
  502. add_serving(&cookie_mix, &chocolate_chips, "170 g");
  503. add_part(&chocolate_chip_cookies, &cookie_mix);
  504. //chunky apple jam
  505. Recipe chunky_apple_jam = create_recipe("chunky apple jam", sweet, "2-3 230g jars", 20211016, 50);
  506. set_description(&chunky_apple_jam, "<p>Every fall we volunteer with a <a href='https://lifecyclesproject.ca/' target='_blank'>local organization</a> to pick apples on private property that would normally go to waste. This year we got a lot of fruit so we decided to process some. We are not huge fans of compote, but we do like chunky-style jams.</p><p><b>Apples</b></p><p>We can't say for certain what kind of apple we picked, they looked like spartans or fujis, either way they are sweet and crisp and lend well to jams.</p><p><b>Botulism?</b> In the word of <a href='https://www.splendidtable.org/story/2013/08/02/in-jams-and-jellies-acidity-is-the-key-to-avoiding-botulism' target='_blank'>Kevin West</a>, acidity is the enemy of botulism. Foods that have a pH below 4.6, high-acid foods like apples, blueberries, strawberries (and many more) are completely safe, they have sufficient natural acidity to safeguard us against the risk of botulism. Despite this, it is still necessary to process the clean jars after filling them with jam.</p><p><b>Jam doneness</b><br><p> Apples normally have enough natural pectin to gel. Is my jam ready to take off the heat? There are three methods:</p><p><b>Temperature Test:</b> Take the temperature of the jelly with a candy or jelly thermometer. When done, the temperature of the jelly should be 100°C if you are at sea level. NOTE: For each 305 m of altitude above sea level, subtract 2 degrees. For instance, at 305 m of altitude, the jelly is done at 100°C; at 610 m, 102°C, etc<p><b>Spoon or Sheet Test</b>. Dip a cool metal spoon into the boiling jelly mixture and lift the spoon out of the steam so the syrup runs off the side. When the mixture first starts to boil, the drops will be light and syrupy. As the syrup continues to boil, the drops will become heavier and will drop off the spoon two at a time. When the two drops form together and sheet off the spoon, the jellying point has been reached.</p><p><b>Refrigerator/Freezer Test</b>. Pour a small amount of boiling jelly on a plate, and put it in the freezing compartment of a refrigerator for a few minutes. If the mixture gels, it should be done. During this test, the rest of the jelly mixture should be removed from the heat <a href='https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/can_07/jelly_point.html' target='_blank'>[ref]</a>.</p><p><b>Sugar.</b> Adding too little sugar may cause the jam to ferment. In this recipe, we added demerara sugar (it's what we had on hand) so this why the jam is dark. We like it because it has plenty of molasses in it, lending the jam a deep and pleasant toffee-esque flavor. Feel free to use other varieties of sugar, especially if you prefer a lighter-colored jam, or if you don't like the flavor of molasses.</p><p><b>Recommended Process Time</b></p><p>When processing jars in a boiler canner, the time varies depending on the altitude where you live. For this recipe (hot pack) the recommended time for those living from 0 - 305 m (0 - 1,000 ft) is 10 minutes, but the <a href='https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/can_07/apple_preserves.html' target='_blank'>National Center for Food Preservation</a> recommends 5 minutes, I do the longer time to avoid having to pre-boil the jars. For 305 m - 1829 m (1,001 - 6,000 ft) the time is 10 minutes, and 15 minutes for anyone above 1829 m (6,000 ft).</p><p><b>Sterilizing Empty Jars</b></p><p>It is unnecessary to presterilize jars for fruits, tomatoes, and pickled or fermented foods that will be processed 10 minutes or longer in a boiling-water canner.");
  507. RecipePart chunky_apple_jam_jam = create_part("jam");
  508. add_instruction(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, "Prepare clean <i>2-3 230 g (8 oz, 1/2 pint)</i> glass canning jars. It not necessary to pre-sterilize the jars since they'll be processed for 10 minutes or longer in a boiling-water canner afterwards.");
  509. add_instruction(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, "Peel, and cut the <a href='apple.html'>apples</a> into cubes, around <i>900 g (or 8 cups)</i>'s worth. Toss the apples cubes into a bowl with <i>60 ml (4 tbsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a>. Add <i>(2 cups)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural brown sugar</a> (we used demerara, but feel free to use the sugar of your choice) and mix well. Cover bowl, and let the mixture sit in a cool place for a minimum of 4 hours, or overnight. This rest period will allow the liquid to be pulled from the apples, and will ensure that the apples keep their shape to get a chunky-style jam.");
  510. add_instruction(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, "There should be plenty of liquid in the bowl with the apples. Strain apples from the liquid. This is your syrup. Reserve the apples. Pour the syrup into your jam pot, and bring it a boil. Add the cut apples to the pot, along with <i>4</i> crushed <a href='cardamom.html'>cardamom pods</a> (optional, but delicious). Reduce heat to medium-high and cover the pot, cook for <u>30 minutes</u>. Stir mixture often to prevent scorching.");
  511. add_instruction(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, "Jam will thicken, and apples will soften. After the <u>30 minute</u> mark, I like to squish the apples with a potato masher a bit if they haven't softened enough. Once mixture is thick enough, turn off heat and transfer to jam jars (see instructions in above text to see how to check for jam doneness). Leave 6 mm (1/4 in) of space at top of jar, and using the tip of a knife, or a chopstick, pop out as many air bubbles as you can.");
  512. add_instruction(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, "It's possible to refrigerate and eat the jam right away, but if you want the jar to last longer it is necessary to process the jars in a boiling water canner. To do this, bring a large pot of water to a boil, add the jam jars with enough water to cover them, and those living at 0 - 305 m (0 - 1,000 ft) ought to boil the jars for <u>10 minutes</u> (see above notes for altitude adjustments). Turn heat off, but leave jars in pot for an extra <u>5 minutes</u>. Transfer jars to counter-top over a dishtowel, let cool. Once cooled, they're ready to store. Ideally, eat within 12 months.");
  513. add_serving(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, &apple, "900 g");
  514. add_serving(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, &lemon_juice, "60 ml");
  515. add_serving(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, &natural_brown_sugar, "900 g");
  516. add_serving(&chunky_apple_jam_jam, &cardamom, "4 pods");
  517. add_part(&chunky_apple_jam, &chunky_apple_jam_jam);
  518. // coffee jelly
  519. Recipe coffee_jelly = create_recipe("coffee jelly", sweet, "2 servings", 20190225, 40);
  520. set_description(&coffee_jelly, "<p>Coffee jelly is a popular dessert and drink (you could say) that is served in coffee shops in Japan. It is very simple to make, it doesn't require refrigeration to become jelly and it is delicious!</p><p>The key ingredient in this recipe is kanten, or agar agar, a gelling agent that is algae based and that is widely available in asia. It is available in powder form, and also in sheets. Sheets can be melted in a liquid the same way as the powder form. Agar agar has no calories, and imparts no flavor.</p><p>You can use instant coffee as well for this recipe, using 30 ml of instant coffee per cup.</p><p>On Pino, we sometimes make the mix without a sweetener, and pour a spoonful on top afterwards.</p><p><b class='head'>Quick soy pudding</b></p><p>You can eat the coffee jelly as is, or you can add the cubes in another recipe like a coconut or soy milk pudding. It can also be used as a garnish for other desserts.</p><p>Also, we sometimes make a quick 'soy pudding' by heating some soy milk in a pan with some arrowroot starch. The mixture will thicken, it becomes pudding-like and is delicious over coffee jelly.</p>");
  521. RecipePart coffee_jelly_jelly = create_part("jelly");
  522. add_instruction(&coffee_jelly_jelly, "Brew a pot of <a href='coffee.html'>coffee</a>.");
  523. add_instruction(&coffee_jelly_jelly, "Pour 350ml of coffee into a saucepan, add <i>30 ml</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> and bring to a boil,");
  524. add_instruction(&coffee_jelly_jelly, "Lower heat, then add <i>4 g</i> (around <i>10 ml</i>) of <a href='agar_agar_powder.html'>agar agar powder</a>. Stir constantly for <u>2 minutes</u>.");
  525. add_instruction(&coffee_jelly_jelly, "Pour the mixture into two small bowls, or cups. Let stand for <u>30 minutes and up to 1 hour</u>. It doesn't need to be refrigerated to solidify, but you can do that if you prefer it cold.");
  526. add_serving(&coffee_jelly_jelly, &coffee, "350 ml");
  527. add_serving(&coffee_jelly_jelly, &agar_agar_powder, "4 g");
  528. add_serving(&coffee_jelly_jelly, &maple_syrup, "30 ml");
  529. add_part(&coffee_jelly, &coffee_jelly_jelly);
  530. // corn dumplings
  531. Recipe corn_dumplings = create_recipe("corn dumplings", sidedish, "2 people", 20171408, 40);
  532. set_description(&corn_dumplings, "<p>We found an old vegetarian cookbook in a book-sharing shelf. We must have spent an hour reading through it, the recipes were fantastic, the title read \"The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook\". The cookbook had an entire section dedicated to cooking with corn. It's in there that we found a recipe for masa dumplings.</p><p>Masa is corn that is simmered and ground into a paste and is the base for many recipes. You can make Mexican-style tortillas with it, that, or you can use it to make dumplings! We don't have access to fresh corn, nor do we have the space or the time to make my own masa, but we used <a href='cornmeal.html'>corn meal</a> instead and it worked! The only difference is that you need to add boiling water so you can roll the mixture into balls. If you were to use masa, you wouldn't need the added moisture.</p><p>The texture of the dumplings is fun and chewy. The outside is soft, but the inside is like that of dense cornbread.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations:</b></p><p>We enjoy eating it with tomato sauce or with a spicy apricot sauce. Instead of apricot jam, you can add apricot juice to the mix (orange will taste wonderful too). We added jam because I didn't have any juice on the boat, and besides, it works well in this recipe.</p><p>Adding extra spices, like cumin, chili flakes and turmeric will add a nice flavor to the dumpling mix.</p>");
  533. RecipePart corn_dumplings_dumplings = create_part("dumplings");
  534. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, "Mix <i>160g (1 cup)</i> <a href='cornmeal.html'>corn meal</a>, <i>30 g (1/4 cup)</i> <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>, and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Stir until well mixed.");
  535. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, "Bring <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to a boil, pour into dry ingredients and mix well. When the dough is wet and sticky, form <b>roughly 13mm balls</b> with your hands. You can make larger or smaller balls - note that cooking time will change if the diameter is bigger.");
  536. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, "Bring a big pot of water to a boil, add corn balls and boil for <u>10-15 minutes</u>.");
  537. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, "Drain, let cool.");
  538. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &cornmeal, "160 g");
  539. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &all_purpose_flour, "30 g");
  540. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &baking_soda, "2.5 g");
  541. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &baking_powder, "5 g");
  542. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &salt, "1.25 g");
  543. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_dumplings, &water, "250 ml, boiled");
  544. add_part(&corn_dumplings, &corn_dumplings_dumplings);
  545. RecipePart corn_dumplings_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  546. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_sauce, "Mix all sauce ingredients together (all, except the arrowroot starch).");
  547. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_sauce, "Put <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='arrowroot_starch.html'>arrowroot starch</a> in a bowl, and dissolve in <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Set aside.");
  548. add_instruction(&corn_dumplings_sauce, "Pour sauce into a pan, and bring to medium heat. Once the sauce starts to boil, add a few spoonfuls of the arrowroot starch mix to thicken the sauce. Once thickened, divide corn dumplings into bowls and pour sauce overtop.");
  549. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &apricot_jam, "15 g");
  550. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  551. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "30 ml");
  552. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &lemon_juice, "15 ml");
  553. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  554. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &water, "60 ml");
  555. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &chili_pepper_flakes, "15 g");
  556. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &ginger_root, "5 ml");
  557. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &garlic, "2, minced");
  558. add_serving(&corn_dumplings_sauce, &arrowroot_starch, "5 g");
  559. add_part(&corn_dumplings, &corn_dumplings_sauce);
  560. // crackers
  561. Recipe crackers = create_recipe("crackers", basic, "40 crackers", 20181229, 25);
  562. set_description(&crackers, "<p>Making crackers is simple. There are no downsides to knowing, and in a bind it's a useful skill. What's great about a basic recipe is that you can swap ingredients with little consequence (most times) and you can add to it to suit your needs and cravings.</p><p>We love to eat crackers as snacks, usually between breakfast and lunch, a cracker with some peanut butter to quiet our stomachs. We rely on crackers a lot during long passages at sea.</p><p>You can make these crackers without extras with just the 'cracker' portion of the recipe. They're just as delicious that way, but you can add seeds and spices for added flavor and nutrition. We like to add seeds to ours, like <a href='pumpkin_seeds.html'>pumpkin seeds</a>, <a href='flax_seeds.html'>flax seeds</a>, <a href='sesame_seeds.html'>sesame seeds</a>, or <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a>. We recommend adding <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>, or <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a>, these are also delicious if you sprinkle some salt over the top of them.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions :</b></p><p><b>Oats : </b> Instead of oats processed into powder, you can use 20 g (1/4 cup) of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a> or 30 g of <a href='buckwheat_flour.html'>buckwheat flour</a>. Sometimes we make crackers that use spelt flour.</p><p><b>Buckwheat groats reuse: </b> Whenever we brew a batch of <a href='buckwheat_tea.html'> buckwheat tea</a>, we end up with some wet groats which we use in this cracker recipe. The groats will add extra moisture to the recipe, so be careful when adding water, you'll need a lot less.</p><p><b>Oil :</b> You can use any kind of oil, but prioritize mid-neutral oils like olive (like in the recipe) or aromatic oils like sesame and chili oil. Adding sunflower oil or canola is fine, but since these crackers are very basic, adding an strongly-flavored oils will improve the taste. If you're adding plenty of spices, adding aromatic oils isn't as crucial.</p>");
  563. RecipePart crackers_crackers = create_part("crackers");
  564. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "Preheat oven to <u>200 °C (400 °F)</u>.");
  565. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "In a mortar, grind <i>30 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a> into a fine powder.");
  566. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "Mix the powdered <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a> (rough-ish grind is fine) with <i>75 g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>. Add <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a> as well as <i>25 ml (1 1/2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>extra virgin olive oil</a>.");
  567. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "If you want to add extras, add them now, and stir well.");
  568. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "Add <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Add an <i>extra 15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of water (sparingly!) if more moisture is needed and knead into a smooth ball.");
  569. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "Split dough in two. Set your first ball of dough onto a baking mat, or parchment paper, and roll the dough into a <i>thin (~3mm) sheet</i> with a rolling pin.");
  570. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "<i>Score the dough</i> into cracker-sized squares, so they will be easier to separate afterwards. Repeat for the second ball of dough.");
  571. add_instruction(&crackers_crackers, "Bake for <u>10-12 minutes</u>, keeping an eye on them to make sure they don't burn. Let cool, and enjoy!");
  572. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &rolled_oats, "30 g");
  573. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &spelt_flour, "75 g");
  574. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &salt, "1.25 g");
  575. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &natural_brown_sugar, "15 g");
  576. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &olive_oil, "25 ml");
  577. add_serving(&crackers_crackers, &water, "60 ml");
  578. add_part(&crackers, &crackers_crackers);
  579. RecipePart crackers_extras = create_part("extras");
  580. add_instruction(&crackers_extras, "For more bulk, add pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds and flax seeds!");
  581. add_serving(&crackers_extras, &pumpkin_seeds, "30 g");
  582. add_serving(&crackers_extras, &black_sesame_seeds, "15 g");
  583. add_serving(&crackers_extras, &flax_seeds, "10 g");
  584. add_part(&crackers, &crackers_extras);
  585. // // dark gyoza
  586. // Recipe dark_gyoza = create_recipe("dark gyoza", sidedish, "40 wrappers", 20141217, 60);
  587. // set_description(&dark_gyoza, "We made homemade gyoza dough with some friends a few weeks back, and it took FOREVER. Devine had the amazing idea of using our pasta maker to do it. We still needed to do a bit of kneading, to get it through the machine the first time. After that, it's easy and sweat-free!</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/dark_gyoza_1.jpg'/></p><p>We didn't have any round cookie cutters, the last time we tried I was using upside down glasses. Didn't work well because the rims aren't sharp and smooshes the dough down instead. Again, Devine had a stroke of genius: Cans! I had an empty chickpea pan lying around, it was about the size of a gyoza wrapper so we used that to poke holes through the dough.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/dark_gyoza_2.jpg'/></p><p>I know not everyone has a pasta maker, you don't need one to make wrappers. You can just use a rolling pin.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/dark_gyoza_4.jpg'></p><p>Gyoza wrapper techniques and ratios were based on the recipe from <a href='http://www.justonecookbook.com/recipes/gyoza-wrappers/' target='_blank'>Just one cookbook</a>. She explains it really well too on her blog it's worth taking a look. I learned a lot from her even if our techniques differ slightly. While I preferred not to knead by hand, or with a rolling pin, i did do it her way the first time.</p><p>");
  588. // RecipePart dark_gyoza_dough = create_part("dough");
  589. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Mix <i>240 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> with <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='bamboo_charcoal_powder.html'>bamboo charcoal powder</a> in a bowl.");
  590. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Dissolve <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> in <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='just-boiled_water.html'>just-boiled water</a>, and pour into the flour little by little while mixing.");
  591. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Knead the dough on a clean flat surface for a few minutes until it becomes smooth. If your dough is too dry, add 15 ml (1 tbsp) of hot water and repeat as needed.");
  592. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "<i>Separate the dough in 3</i>. Roll into balls and wrap them up with a bag or place in a lidded bowl, refrigerate for at least <u>30 minutes</u>. Leaving it to rest in the refrigerator makes the dough easier to manipulate afterwards.");
  593. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Flatten each piece out with a rolling pin into a rough rectangle, thin enough so that you can run it through the pasta maker. Pass it through your pasta maker a few times, incrementing down to the thinnest setting gradually. You can use a rolling pin instead, it works but it takes a lot more effort. Both techniques work, this one just happens to be quicker and easier on your body. Note that depending on your pasta maker, the dough will come out a bit thicker than a traditional gyoza. If you want it thinner you can flatten it a bit more with a rolling pin.");
  594. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Put the thin sheet of dough onto a clean flat surface. Take a can (with about a 7.6 cm diameter) and start to poke holes into it, these are your gyoza wrappers! You can use cookie cutters if you have some. I used an old chickpea can I had.");
  595. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dough, "Pile the wrappers, sprinkle some <a href='cornstarch.html'>cornstarch</a> (or potato starch) inbetween each piece so they don't stick together. Put a damp towel over your wrappers so they don't dry out. Repeat this process for the other 2 portions of dough, and you can re-use the scraps and make new dough to run through the pasta maker.");
  596. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dough, &all_purpose_flour, "240 g");
  597. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dough, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, "5 g");
  598. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dough, &salt, "5 g");
  599. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dough, &water, "120 ml");
  600. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dough, &cornstarch, "7 g");
  601. // add_part(&dark_gyoza, &dark_gyoza_dough);
  602. // RecipePart dark_gyoza_filling = create_part("filling");
  603. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_filling, "Cut stems off of <i>3</i> of dried <a href='shiitake.html'>shiitake mushrooms</a>, rehydrate by pouring boiling water over them. Keep them submerged for <u>30 min or up to 1 hour</u>. It's better to rehydrate them <u>overnight (minimum of 8H)</u>. If you do this, the flavor will be stronger, but if you're in a rush, boiling water is fine. If you have fresh shiitake, you can also skip this step.");
  604. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_filling, "Cut <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a> and <a href='shiitake.html'>shiitake mushrooms</a> into small pieces. Do the same for the <a href='green_cabbage.html'>green cabbage</a>, but make sure to remove the core of the cabbage leaves first. Add to a big bowl.");
  605. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_filling, "Grate <i>227 g 91/2 pack</i> of firm tofu and <i>2</i> <a href='carrots.html'>carrots</a>. Add to the bowl.");
  606. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_filling, "Finally, add <i>2 cloves</i> of minced <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> and <i>2.5 cm (1 inch)</i> of grated <a href='ginger_root.html'>ginger root</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sake.html'>sake</a>, <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> to the bowl. Knead bowl contents with your hands until the mixture is well incorporated.");
  607. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &tofu, "227 g, grated");
  608. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &shiitake, "3");
  609. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &green_cabbage, "140 g");
  610. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &carrots, "2, grated");
  611. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &garlic, "2 cloves, minced");
  612. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &ginger_root, "2.5 cm, grated");
  613. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &soy_sauce, "5 ml");
  614. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  615. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &sake, "5 ml");
  616. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &black_pepper, "1.25 g");
  617. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_filling, &salt, "1.25 g");
  618. // add_part(&dark_gyoza, &dark_gyoza_filling);
  619. // RecipePart dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce = create_part("dipping sauce");
  620. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce, "Combine <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='japanese_rice_vinegar.html'>Japanese rice vinegar</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>dried chili flakes</a>.");
  621. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "45 ml");
  622. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce, &soy_sauce, "45 ml");
  623. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  624. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce, &chili_pepper_flakes, "5 g");
  625. // add_part(&dark_gyoza, &dark_gyoza_dipping_sauce);
  626. // RecipePart dark_gyoza_pan_fry = create_part("pan fry");
  627. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Take 1 gyoza wrapper, wet all around the edge with water using your fingers. Keep a bowl of water close to dip your fingers in.");
  628. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Put a spoonful of filling in the middle.");
  629. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Close it. Make little folds with the flap that is facing you using both hands, leaving the back part smooth. Make sure it's sealed tight. Repeat for the rest of the gyoza skins, alternate between fillings. Cover with a damp towel while you work so they don't dry up.");
  630. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Put some vegetable oil in a pan on medium heat. Add gyoza in 2 rows of 3 in the pan. Cook until bottom becomes golden.");
  631. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Add <i>80 ml (1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> and put a lid on. Let steam until all the water evaporates.");
  632. // add_instruction(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, "Add a bit of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> and cook until crispy.");
  633. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, &water, "80 ml");
  634. // add_serving(&dark_gyoza_pan_fry, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  635. // add_part(&dark_gyoza, &dark_gyoza_pan_fry);
  636. // fresh pesto pasta
  637. Recipe fresh_pesto_pasta = create_recipe("fresh pesto pasta", maindish, "2 servings", 20150922, 20);
  638. set_description(&fresh_pesto_pasta, "<p>The combination of carrots and zucchinis look beautiful on a plate. To complete the dish, we added some roasted pumpkin seeds, and topped it off with cherry tomatoes. For bulk, we added cavatappi pasta to this dish. Cavatappi pasta (or scoobi-doo) happens to be our favorite pasta cut (we're a sucker for shapes)</p><p>See how to roast your own <a href='roasted_pumpkin_seeds.html'>pumpkin seeds</a>.</p>");
  639. RecipePart fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto = create_part("pesto");
  640. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, "Blend the following ingredients in a food processor or blender: <i>~400 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='fresh_basil.html'>fresh basil</a>, <i>2 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, <i>15 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and a dash of <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>. For a cheezier pesto, add an extra 25 g (1/4 cup) of <a href='quick_sunflower_seed_parmesan.html'>sunflower seed parmesan</a>.");
  641. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, "Add <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> and blend again until smooth. Set aside.");
  642. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, &basil, "400 g");
  643. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  644. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, &olive_oil, "60 ml");
  645. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  646. add_part(&fresh_pesto_pasta, &fresh_pesto_pasta_pesto);
  647. RecipePart fresh_pesto_pasta_main = create_part("main");
  648. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, "Bring a pot of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to a boil, add <i>150 g (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='cavatappi.html'>cavatappi</a> pasta and cook until tender. While the pasta is cooking julienne <i>2</i> <a href='carrots.html'>carrots</a> and <i>1</i> <a href='zucchini.html'>zucchini</a>.");
  649. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, "Drizzle some <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> in a pan and bring up to medium heat. Add the vegetable strips and cook for <u>2-3 minutes</u>.");
  650. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, "Remove from heat, add the cooked pasta as well as a few tablespoons of pesto! The recipe makes about 1 cup of pesto, which you can keep and use for future meals.");
  651. add_instruction(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, "Season pasta with <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>. Finally, top it all off with <a href='roasted_pumpkin_seeds.html'>roasted pumpkin seeds</a> and <a href='small_heirloom_tomatoes.html'>small heirloom tomatoes</a>!");
  652. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, &carrots, "2");
  653. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, &cavatappi, "150 g");
  654. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, &zucchini, "1 large");
  655. add_serving(&fresh_pesto_pasta_main, &small_heirloom_tomatoes, "6");
  656. add_part(&fresh_pesto_pasta, &fresh_pesto_pasta_main);
  657. // golden bread
  658. Recipe golden_bread = create_recipe("golden bread", sweet, "2 servings", 20200214, 15);
  659. set_description(&golden_bread, "<p>In Quebec we call french toast 'pain doré', which translates to 'golden bread'. A fitting name. Pain doré is best made with older, and softer bread. Rekka's family recipe differs in the way that it requires dairy and eggs. Substituting eggs in recipes is never easy, but not impossible. We've tried many alternatives over the years and finally ended up using chickpea flour. It's an ingredient we already use in many recipes to mimic eggs, like in <a href='okonomiyaki.html'>okonomiyaki</a> and <a href='scrambled_chickpea_flour.html'>scrambled chickpea flour</a>. When heated, chickpea flour thickens and crisps up while keeping its yellow color. We don't recommend using bananas as an egg replacer in this recipe. It's what we used to do, but it imparts too much flavor and makes it too sweet.</p><p><b>Oven version :</b> Preheat oven at 180°C. Grease a baking dish, add sliced bread and pour the left-over milk mixture overtop. Cook until golden.</p><p><b>Bread :</b> In this recipe I used some spelt sandwich bread.</p><p><b>Milk : </b> Adding vinegar to plant milk makes it curdle and taste sour, it's a simple trick used to make dairy-free buttermilk. In recipes, buttermilk adds sharpness and flavor. You're welcome to use other types of plant milk, but some varieties (like rice milk) won't curdle as well.</p>");
  660. RecipePart golden_bread_dipping_mix = create_part("dipping mix");
  661. add_instruction(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, "In a bowl, add <i>15 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> to <i>125 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>. Let rest for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  662. add_instruction(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, "With a whisk, beat in <i>20 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>, <i>4 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a> and <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='brown_sugar.html'>natural brown sugar</a>. Whisk until the mixture is clump-free, then pour into a shallow plate.");
  663. add_instruction(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, "Heat a non-stick pan at medium heat. Melt <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='vegan_butter.html'>vegan butter</a> (or vegetable oil). Dip one slice of bread into the milk mix, for 30 seconds each side and transfer to the hot pan. Cook until golden brown, for <u>2-3 minutes</u> each side. Repeat for the rest of the bread. Serve with some <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a>. Optionally, keep ready pieces of golden bread warm in the oven at <u>150 °C (300 °F)</u>, or at a low heat in a second pan.");
  664. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &apple_cider_vinegar, "15 ml");
  665. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &soy_milk, "125 ml");
  666. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &chickpea_flour, "20 g");
  667. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &nutritional_yeast, "4 g");
  668. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &natural_brown_sugar, "15 g");
  669. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &vegan_butter, "15 ml");
  670. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &fresh_bread, "4 slices");
  671. add_serving(&golden_bread_dipping_mix, &maple_syrup, "to taste");
  672. add_part(&golden_bread, &golden_bread_dipping_mix);
  673. // veganaise
  674. Recipe veganaise = create_recipe("veganaise", toppings, "1.5 cup", 20191206, 5);
  675. set_description(&veganaise, "<p>Making mayo is easy. This is a basic recipe that doesn't take long to prepare, and that requires few tools.</p><p>It's possible to add other spices and ingredients to augment the flavor, like smoked paprika, garlic or fresh herbs. This recipe lends well to substitutions:</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p><b>Oil :</b> It's possible to use other neutral oils like sunflower oil, but we wouldn't recommend using olive oil as it will impart too much flavor.</p><p><b>Traditional mayo :</b> This recipe uses less oil than the average mayo recipe. We used soft tofu to have a thicker mixture to avoid adding extra oil, for a richer veganaise you can use soy milk or other plant milks. To do this, mix your ingredients in the order listed in the recipe (switching the tofu for 250 ml or 1 cup plant milk), then pour 350 ml to 595 ml (1 1/2 to 2 1/2 cups) of oil in a slow, and steady stream with the blender running. The mayo will thicken after ~4-5 minutes of blending.</p><p><b>Mustard : </b>Instead of using <a href='dijon_mustard.html'>prepared mustard</a>, you can sub with 5 g (1 tsp) of mustard powder. If you have a spice grinder or a coffee grinder, you can grind your own mustard powder from whole mustard seeds. In this recipe, we used old style <a href='dijon_mustard.html'>dijon mustard</a> with mustard seeds, which explains the texture present in the veganaise. If you want to know how to make old-style dijon mustard, check out <a href='#mustard_from_seed.html'>my recipe</a>.</p><p><b>Sweetener : </b>If you prefer sweeter venagaise, add 5 g (1 tsp) of a sweetener.</p><p><b>Vinegar :</b> Substitute lemon for apple cider vinegar, using equal amounts.</p>");
  676. RecipePart veganaise_veganaise = create_part("veganaise");
  677. add_instruction(&veganaise_veganaise, "Place the <i>250 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='soft_tofu.html'>soft tofu</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a>, <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='dijon_mustard.html'>dijon mustard</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> in a blender and process until smooth. Add <i>60 ml (4 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>, and continue to blend for <u>1-2 minutes</ul>.");
  678. add_serving(&veganaise_veganaise, &soft_tofu, "250 g");
  679. add_serving(&veganaise_veganaise, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  680. add_serving(&veganaise_veganaise, &apple_cider_vinegar, "15 ml");
  681. add_serving(&veganaise_veganaise, &dijon_mustard, "30 g");
  682. add_serving(&veganaise_veganaise, &salt, "1.25 g");
  683. add_part(&veganaise, &veganaise_veganaise);
  684. // soybean hummus with jalapenos
  685. Recipe soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos = create_recipe("soybean hummus with jalapenos", sidedish, "3 servings", 20200210, 5);
  686. set_description(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos, "<p>While in Japan, we didn't have access to chickpeas and so we started to make hummus with soybeans. The result is amazing, and both of us now prefer this version. Soybeans have a rich, creamy texture, and a neutral flavor.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations:</b></p><p><b>Acid:</b> We sometimes add lime, or apple cider vinegar if we don't have access to lemon. Doing this doesn't alter the flavor.</p><p><b>Soybeans</b>: It is possible to make hummus with any bean, but the taste and texture will differ. We have a preference for chickpeas and red lentils. If using chickpeas, if you want a very smooth hummus take the skins off prior to blending.</p><p><b>Miso:</b> We used a miso (米こうじみそ) that is characterized by the mellow sweetness of the rice. Using a darker variety would overwhelm the dish. If sensitive to soy, try and find chickpea miso.</p><p><b>Toppings:</b> Jalapeno peppers add kick, it makes this dish rather spicy and can be omitted. If you're not a fan of spicy, try adding roasted red peppers instead.</p><p><b>Garlic:</b> We like to put raw nira (Japanese garlic chives) as a topping, or instead of garlic. Nira is very mild, and pairs well with soybeans.</p>");
  687. RecipePart soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus = create_part("hummus");
  688. add_instruction(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, "Soak <i>150 g</i> of <a href='soybeans.html'>dry soybeans</a> (yields 300 g cooked beans) <u>overnight</u>, or for a minimum of <u>8 h</u>. Then, cook in a pressure cooker for <u>15 minutes</u>. Strain beans, rinse and transfer to a bowl.");
  689. add_instruction(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, "In this bowl, puree the <a href='soybeans.html'>cooked soybeans</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> <a href='tahini.html'>tahini</a>, the juice of <i>1/2</i> a <a href='lemon.html'>lemon</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='white_miso.html'>white miso</a> and <i>30 ml (2-3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. I used a potato masher, but any blending tool will do.");
  690. add_instruction(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, "Bring a pan to medium heat, add <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, then add <i>4 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>chopped garlic</a>. Pan-fry for <u>2-3 minutes</u>, then add <i>2 chopped</i> <a href='jalapeno_peppers.html'>jalapeno peppers</a> and continue to pan-fry for an additional <u>5 minutes</u> or until well-cooked. Add mixture overtop of soybean hummus, and season with black pepper.");
  691. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &soy_beans, "150 g, dry");
  692. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &tahini, "45 ml");
  693. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &lemon, "1/2, juiced");
  694. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &white_miso, "15 ml");
  695. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  696. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &garlic, "4 cloves");
  697. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &jalapeno_peppers, "2");
  698. add_serving(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus, &black_pepper, "5 g");
  699. add_part(&soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos, &soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos_hummus);
  700. // hop ice cream
  701. Recipe hop_ice_cream = create_recipe("hop ice cream", sweet, "1 L", 20150628, 600);
  702. set_description(&hop_ice_cream, "<p>We like craft beer a lot. To help satisfy our evergrowing craving, we decided to try and make hop flavored ice cream.</p><p>This ice cream is definitely for people who love the smell and taste of hops (as well as cold summer dairy-free treats).</p><p>We weren't sure how to 'infuse' the hops into the ice cream base, we tried making hop tea by infusing it overnight in the fridge, but the taste wasn't strong enough. Felt we would get better results and better flavor if the hops were heated. The pouch method worked pretty well, the ice cream base was perfect! Full of delicious bitterness! We may try making a concentrate with the hops first to mix into the base next time.</p><p>The hops used in this recipe are an American variety called \"Colombus\". We got them from <a href='http://www.choppeabarrock.com' target='_blank'>La Choppe a Barrock</a> on Villeneuve and Coloniale in Montreal. Every time we make home brews, we pick up the ingredients there! You can buy a wide variety of hop buds there, you can even get the pellet kind.</p><p>It was our second time using an ice cream maker, we got it for free. It looks like a little red pail—super cute. The woman I got it from even had the manual! You can make ice cream without a machine, although having one helps with the churning process. It saves a lot of time and effort. If we hadn't gotten that ice cream maker for free, we don't think we'd have one now, but since it's here might as well use it!</p><p>If you too, are having too many beers these days, try and cook with hops instead. Same taste, different format!</p>");
  703. RecipePart hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream = create_part("hop ice cream");
  704. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Roughly chop 7 hop buds (may want to use less if you want it less hoppy). Place leaves into the center of a cheese cloth and make a little loose pouch with it, tying the end. Reserve for later.");
  705. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Shake <i>two 378ml cans</i> of <a href='coconut_milk.html'>coconut milk</a> before opening them, full-fat coconut milk separates over time and shaking will help to mix it up again. Reserve a <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='coconut_milk.html'>coconut milk</a> for later, put the rest in a pan with <i>156 g (120 ml)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>.");
  706. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Bring up to medium-low heat, stir until the <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> has dissolved completely.");
  707. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Stir <i>10 g (1 1/2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='cornstarch.html'>cornstarch</a> into the <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='coconut_milk.html'>coconut milk</a> that was set aside. When dissolved, pour into the pan with the rest of the coconut milk, while whisking slowly.");
  708. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Increase the heat to medium and add your hop pouch! Let the mixture cook for about <u>8 minutes</u>. Don't let it come to a boil! Reduce the heat if necessary. Move the pouch around once in a while, pinching it down lightly with a wooden spoon to get some of that nice hop flavor out into your ice cream base.");
  709. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Remove from heat, stir in <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>. Leave it to cool — don't remove the hop pouch!");
  710. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "When cool, take the pouch out and squeeze out all of the 'hop juice' into the pan using your hands. Mix one last time and pour into a container. Place a sheet of parchment paper over the top so you don't get a skin forming on the surface. Refrigerate for a minimum of <u>4 hours</u> (or overnight!).");
  711. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Pull your ice cream out of the fridge. It should have a thick pudding-like texture. Pour into your ice cream maker and churn it to desired consistency (I let it run for <u>~23 minutes</u>).");
  712. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "If you don't have an ice cream maker, please refer to any these <a href='http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-ice-cream-without-an-ice-cream-machine-171060' target='_blank'>6 methods</a> from the Kitchn.");
  713. add_instruction(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, "Transfer to a container and press a sheet of parchment paper over the top to keep ice crystals from forming. Your ice cream should be ready to eat in <u>5 hours</u> or so! If you want harder ice cream wait until the next day to eat it. Enjoy!");
  714. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &hops, "7 buds");
  715. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &coconut_milk, "2 X 378ml cans");
  716. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &maple_syrup, "156 g");
  717. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &sea_salt, "1.25 g");
  718. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &cornstarch, "10 g");
  719. add_serving(&hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream, &vanilla_extract, "5 ml");
  720. add_part(&hop_ice_cream, &hop_ice_cream_hop_ice_cream);
  721. // houjicha overnight oatmeal
  722. Recipe houjicha_overnight_oatmeal = create_recipe("houjicha overnight oatmeal", sidedish, "2 servings", 20140904, 10);
  723. set_description(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal, "<p>Oats are great when combined with the nutty and earthy flavor of houjicha. If you're not familiar with houjicha, visit a tea shop and ask for it, it's a Japanese roasted tea that is often served with sweet and savoury dishes. It's a good low-caffeine alternative to most teas, and adds just the right amount of flavor to oatmeal without overpowering it.</p><p><b class='head'>Suggestions</b></p><p>If your nut milk is sweetened, you may not need an added sweetener. It's also possible to use a tea strainer instead of a cloth bag by putting the loose leaves in it, and letting it sit in a shallow pan. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't tip!</p>");
  724. RecipePart houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal = create_part("oatmeal");
  725. add_instruction(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, "Put <i>20 g (4 tsp)</i> of <a href='houjicha_leaves.html'>houjicha leaves</a> in a thin cloth bag, or in a thin cloth with the four corners tied into a bundle. Keep aside.");
  726. add_instruction(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, "In a small pot, bring <i>370 ml (1 1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> to a boil. Reduce heat, place cloth bag and and let tea infuse for <u>5 min</u>, or longer, it depends how strong you like your tea to be. The longer you brew houjicha the nuttier it'll taste.");
  727. add_instruction(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, "Remove cloth bag, and press all liquid out of it and into the pot below using your hands. Stir <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> (or other sweetener) , <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and stir until well mixed.");
  728. add_instruction(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, "Stir in <i>100 g (~1 cup)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a>, cover and let sit for <u>4-5 hours or overnight</u>. Enjoy the next day with toppings like fresh fruit, ground flax seeds or other nuts and seeds.");
  729. add_serving(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, &soy_milk, "370 ml");
  730. add_serving(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, &houjicha, "20 g");
  731. add_serving(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, &maple_syrup, "30 ml");
  732. add_serving(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, &salt, "1.25 g");
  733. add_serving(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal, &rolled_oats, "100 g");
  734. add_part(&houjicha_overnight_oatmeal, &houjicha_overnight_oatmeal_oatmeal);
  735. // halloween pumpkin cookies
  736. Recipe halloween_pumpkin_cookies = create_recipe("halloween pumpkin cookies", sweet, "15 cookies", 20151010, 30);
  737. set_description(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies, "<p>Been a while since we've baked cookies. It being pumpkin season, the choice was obvious.</p><p>These are not very sweet, namely because of the addition of coconut sugar which has a subtle and more complex taste. Coconut sugar will make your cookies a darker shade of orange, almost brown, and we think it fits nicely with the toned-down color of the pumpkin seeds. If you want a bold orange color, use white cane sugar instead.</p><p><b>Left over chocolate:</b> This recipe makes more chocolate than is needed for the recipe. If you want to keep it for later, pour it in a chocolate mold or shallow container and put it in the freezer. It will become solid and you'll have delicious homemade chocolate on the side for later times! Once it's solid, pop it out of the mold and put it in a closed container. Keep it in the freezer until you're ready to eat it!</p><p>Pumpkin puree how-to: Remove seeds and stringy flesh from pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin into large chunks and place on a baking sheet. Preheat oven at 180 °C (350 ºF). Roast pumpkin for 45 minutes until pumpkin is soft and tender. Let cool. Remove skin, and process into a food processor or use a handstick blender. If pumpkin puree is too wet, strain liquid through cheese cloth, if too dry, add a bit of water. The puree keeps for 3 days in the fridge, and up to 3 months frozen.</p>");
  738. RecipePart halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough = create_part("cookie dough");
  739. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  740. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "Stir <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>50 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a> and <i>7 g (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a> together in a bowl.");
  741. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "See above description to make your own pumpkin puree.");
  742. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "In another bowl, add <i>122g (1/2 cup)</i> of pureed <a href='pumpkin.html'>pumpkin</a>, <i>(3 tbsp) 45 ml</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> and <i>70 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='coconut_sugar.html'>coconut sugar</a>. Stir everything together until smooth and well incorporated.");
  743. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "Add the wet to the dry ingredients, mix with a wooden spoon until you get a soft and consistent dough. It will be sticky, but that's fine, if it's too sticky add extra flour. Let the dough rest for <u>10 minutes</u>.");
  744. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "Line a baking sheet with a baking mat. Make little balls of dough, as round as you can make them, and flatten each one gently. Bake for <u>15 minutes</u>.");
  745. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, "Decorate each cookie with <i>3</i> <a href='pumpkin_seeds.html'>pumpkin seeds</a>, sticking them at the top (pointy end in).");
  746. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &all_purpose_flour, "60 g");
  747. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &spelt_flour, "50 g");
  748. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &baking_powder, "7 g");
  749. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &coconut_sugar, "70 g");
  750. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &canola_oil, "45 ml");
  751. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &pumpkin, "122 g, pureed");
  752. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough, &pumpkin_seeds, "45 seeds");
  753. add_part(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies, &halloween_pumpkin_cookies_cookie_dough);
  754. RecipePart halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate = create_part("chocolate");
  755. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, "Mix <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>, <i>20 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>cocoa powder</a>, <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp)</i> <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>, <i>20 ml (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> and a pinch of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> together in a glass bowl.");
  756. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, "Put a bit of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to boil in a pot (large enough to fit your bowl, or to have it hanging overtop).");
  757. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, "Lower the heat to a simmer, add the glass bowl with the chocolate into the pot, stir with a spoon until the chocolate is smooth and runny.");
  758. add_instruction(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, "Remove from heat. Take a toothpick and dip into the chocolate, draw pumpkin faces on your cookies and serve as is!");
  759. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  760. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, &cocoa_powder, "20 g");
  761. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, &vanilla_extract, "1.25 ml");
  762. add_serving(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate, &maple_syrup, "20 ml");
  763. add_part(&halloween_pumpkin_cookies, &halloween_pumpkin_cookies_chocolate);
  764. // lentils with roasted beet sauce
  765. Recipe lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce = create_recipe("lentils with roasted beet sauce", maindish, "2 servings", 20150202, 60);
  766. set_description(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce, "<p>This recipe is especially good and filling with lentils, but it's also possible to serve it on other grains or even pasta. We used beluga lentils, because they hold their shape better than <a href='brown_lentils.html'>brown lentils</a>.</p><p>Beets make any dish beautiful, but it can stain your skin. Not to worry though, it doesn't stay, you'll just look like you've just killed something.</p><p>Fresh mint is key in this recipe, don't omit it. If you have a fresh supply at home, that is perfect, otherwise store-bought stalks are fine. You can keep store-bought stalks longer if you do these simple steps: first, tear off any wilted leaves, wash the mint gently, and then put the stalks in a glass with a bit of water and a bag over the top. Then, store it in a cool space.</p>");
  767. RecipePart lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils = create_part("lentils");
  768. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils, "Wash <i>115g (1/2 cup)</i> of dry <a href='beluga_lentils.html'>beluga lentils</a>. Put <i>375 ml (~1 1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> in a pot and add the <a href='lentils.html'>lentils</a>, bring to a boil.");
  769. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils, "Reduce heat to <u>medium</u> and simmer for <u>25 minutes</u>. Don't let them cook for too long or they'll get too mushy. If the lentils seem cooked but haven't absorbed all of the water, strain it out.");
  770. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils, &beluga_lentils, "115 g");
  771. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils, &vegetable_bouillon, "375 ml");
  772. add_part(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce, &lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_lentils);
  773. RecipePart lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  774. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Preheat oven to <u>200 °C (400 °F)</u>.");
  775. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Peel and cut <i>3 medium-sized</i> <a href='red_beets.html'>red beets</a> into cubes. Toss with <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='thyme.html'>thyme</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and some <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>.");
  776. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Put chopped <a href='red_beets.html'>red beets</a> on a baking sheet and roast for <u>30 minutes</u>.");
  777. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Cook <i>3 minced cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> in a pan with a bit of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, for a <u>2 minutes</u> at high heat. Transfer to a food processor along with <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='balsamic_vinegar.html'>balsamic vinegar</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a> and a <i>15 g (~1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>.");
  778. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Once the red beets are ready, add them in with the rest and then purée everything until smooth.");
  779. add_instruction(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, "Transfer the sauce to a pan, bring to medium heat and cook for <u>10 minutes</u>. Stir in <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>. Cook for an additional <u>5 minutes</u> and then serve over the lentils with <i>5 g</i> of chopped <a href='peppermint.html'>peppermint</a>.");
  780. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &red_beets, "3");
  781. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  782. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &thyme, "5 g");
  783. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &sea_salt, "1.25 g");
  784. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &black_pepper, "1.25 g");
  785. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &garlic, "3 cloves");
  786. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &vegetable_bouillon, "120 ml");
  787. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &balsamic_vinegar, "15 ml");
  788. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &lemon_juice, "15 ml");
  789. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  790. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &soy_milk, "60 ml");
  791. add_serving(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce, &peppermint, "5 g");
  792. add_part(&lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce, &lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce_sauce);
  793. // red lentil stew
  794. Recipe red_lentil_stew = create_recipe("red lentil stew", maindish, "2 servings", 20200918, 20);
  795. set_description(&red_lentil_stew, "<p>A recipe we've prepared several times on long ocean passages, it's a one-pot recipe that is very versatile, filling and quick to prepare.</p><p><b class='head'>How to serve</b></p><p>We sometimes just eat it as is, or serve it on top of pasta (as a sauce) or <a href='basmati_rice.html'>basmati rice</a>. We also like to serve it with <a href='quick_flat_bread.html'>flat bread</a>.</p><p>This dish is also delicious with <a href='chili_pepper_flakes'>chili pepper flakes</a>.</p><p>Another alternative is to serve it as a side dish, to omit the lentils, add more vegetables and to cook them with the same spices in a pan. </p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>The recipe works well with most vegetables, it's easy to adapt and won't affect the taste or cooking time of the dish. Take note that adding red cabbage instead of green will alter the colour of the dish. Cooking the lentils with water instead of vegetable broth is possible, the spices add enough flavor. I also sometimes add konbu dashi as a more neutral base.</p><p>For a more complex taste, add cardamom, fenugreek seeds and cinnamon.</p><p>Only use shelled lentils, as whole lentils take longer to cook and the vegetables will soften too much. An alternative is to use <a href='sprouting.html#garbanzo' target='_blank'>sprouted whole brown lentils</a>, they'll cook as quickly as red lentils and are more nutritious.</p>");
  796. RecipePart red_lentil_stew_lentils = create_part("lentils");
  797. add_instruction(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, "Heat a pot at medium heat, then coat bottom with <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. Add <i>113 g (1 small, diced)</i> <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a>, sautée for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  798. add_instruction(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, "Add <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>, <i>2 g (1/2 tsp)</i> <a href='cumin_seeds.html'>whole cumin seeds</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_turmeric.html'>turmeric powder</a>.");
  799. add_instruction(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, "Add <i>60 g (1 medium, diced)</i> <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a>, <i>290 g (2 medium, chopped into small cubes)</i> <a href='potatoes.html'>potatoes</a> and <i>230 g (1/4 head, chopped)</i> of <a href='green_cabbage.html'>green cabbage</a>. Mix well, lower heat, cover and cook for <u>5-7 minutes</u>. Add water if vegetables are sticking to the bottom.");
  800. add_instruction(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, "Mix in <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='red_lentils.html'>red lentils</a> and <i>350 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a>. Mix well, and bring to a boil. Lower heat to a simmer, cover and cook for <u>10 minutes</u>. When ready, season with <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>.");
  801. add_instruction(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, "Eat as is, or serve over <a href='basmati_rice.html'>basmati rice</a> or <a href='quick_flat_bread.html'>flat bread</a>.");
  802. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  803. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &yellow_onion, "1 medium");
  804. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &black_pepper, "1.25 g");
  805. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &cumin_seeds, "2 g");
  806. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &ground_turmeric, "1.25 g");
  807. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &carrots, "1 medium");
  808. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &potatoes, "2, medium");
  809. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &green_cabbage, "230 g");
  810. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &salt, "1.25 g");
  811. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &red_lentils, "100 g");
  812. add_serving(&red_lentil_stew_lentils, &vegetable_bouillon, "350 ml");
  813. add_part(&red_lentil_stew, &red_lentil_stew_lentils);
  814. // mason jar bread pudding
  815. Recipe mason_jar_bread_pudding = create_recipe("mason jar bread pudding", sweet, "1 serving", 20150108, 30);
  816. set_description(&mason_jar_bread_pudding, "<p>Growing up bread pudding was Rekka's favorite dessert. Rekka's mom used bread crusts left over from christmas dinner (from making no-crust sandwiches) to make bread pudding. Rekka's mom cooks by feel, always has. She never writes anything down. Rekkas stood by her as she made it, taking notes of the approximate quantities and various steps.</p><p>Rekka's mom comes from a family of 7 girls, she grew up cooking for the family. When cooking for the family, she'd always prepare a basin-load of food. Her bread pudding recipe is no different. Rekka's dad has no trouble going through all of it.</p><p>We are good eaters, but there's no way we can eat that much dessert, so we reduced and reduced, until it fit a wide-mouth 1/4 l(1 cup) mason jar.</p><p>If ever you have some leftover crusts try and make this, it's easy, delicious and comforting, and scales well enough. A Rekka's mom would say, 'do it by eye'.</p>");
  817. RecipePart mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding = create_part("bread pudding");
  818. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Preheat oven at <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>");
  819. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Combine <i>90g (~1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='tofu.html'>soft tofu</a>, <i>80 ml (1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> and <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>. Blend until smooth.");
  820. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Take a <i>250 ml (1/2 pint)</i> wide-mouthed mason jar. Fill it up halfway with <a href='bread_crusts.html'>bread crusts</a>. Cut <i>1 <a href='apple.html'>apple</a> into two</i>, then slice the half into tiny cubes, add to the jar. Then add <i>9 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='dried_raisins.html'>dried raisins</a>. Pour liquid to cover until it's level with the bread crusts");
  821. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Cover with more bread crusts and dried raisins. Pour more liquid onto it, until the jar is about 3/4 full.");
  822. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Sprinkle <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>commercial brown sugar</a> on top, decorate with apple slices (use the other half of the <a href='apple.html'>apple</a>), add <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i>, <a href='cinnamon.html'>cinnamon</a> and <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup'>maple syrup</a> overtop.");
  823. add_instruction(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, "Cook for <u>20-25 minutes</u>, or until top is browned. Let cool, drizzle with some <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> and enjoy!");
  824. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &soft_tofu, "90 g");
  825. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &soy_milk, "80 ml");
  826. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &vanilla_extract, "1.25 ml");
  827. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &bread_crusts, "20 g, packed");
  828. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &dried_raisins, "9 g");
  829. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &apple, "1, small");
  830. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &natural_brown_sugar, "5 g");
  831. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &cinnamon, "1.25 g");
  832. add_serving(&mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding, &maple_syrup, "15 ml");
  833. add_part(&mason_jar_bread_pudding, &mason_jar_bread_pudding_bread_pudding);
  834. // // mushroom zucchini pasta
  835. // Recipe mushroom_zucchini_pasta = create_recipe("mushroom zucchini pasta", pasta, "4 servings", 20150303, 20);
  836. // set_description(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta, "As much as I love pasta, i like to vary my food a lot day to day. Once in a while, I like to make zucchini noodles! They're ready in an instant, and are delicious when topped with a two-mushroom velouté sauce.</p><p>This meal is also green on green, most of the ingredients are different shades of the same colour. Fun.</p><p>What other green things can I add to this? Wakame! I don't always have fresh greens in my fridge, when I don't, I use wakame. It's handy to have around, it keeps for a long time and doesn't require a lot of prep. Wakame is also a good source of <b>Iodine</b>.</p><p>Edamame is another green food that I like. I have the frozen, de-shelled kind in my fridge. It saves a lot of time.</p><p>Mushrooms aren't green but they do add a TON of flavor to sauces. Shiitake mushrooms have a lot of flavor, shimeji mushrooms have a subtle taste but look nice in a dish.</p><p>");
  837. // RecipePart mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings = create_part("veggie noodles and toppings");
  838. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, "Rehydrate <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='wakame.html'>wakame</a> in water, drain and set aside.");
  839. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, "Cut stems off of <i>5-6</i> of dried <a href='shiitake_mushrooms.html'>shiitake mushrooms</a>, rehydrate by pouring boiling water over them. Keep them submerged for <u>30 min</u>, or up to <u>1 hour</u>. It's better to rehydrate them overnight, for <u>a minimum of 8 hours</u>. If you do this, the flavor will be stronger, but if you're in a rush, boiling water is fine. If you have fresh <a href='shiitake.html'>shiitake</a>, you can also skip this step.");
  840. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, "Cut <i>4 medium-sized</i> <a href='zucchinis.html'>zucchinis</a> thinly using a julienne peeler or knife. Place in bowls. I don't always cook my zucchini, but if you prefer a warm version sauté them in a pan.");
  841. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, &wakame, "30 g");
  842. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, &shiitake, "5-6");
  843. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings, &zucchini, "4");
  844. // add_part(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta, &mushroom_zucchini_pasta_veggie_noodles_and_toppings);
  845. // RecipePart mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  846. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, "Put <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> in a saucepan over medium heat, whisk in <i>15 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>. Stir until it's completely absorbed by the oil. Let roux cook for a minute or so.");
  847. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, "Stir in <i>475 ml (2 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a>, bring heat up to a boil and then lower to a simmer. Add a <i>5-6</i> of <a href='shiitake_mushrooms.html'>shiitake mushrooms</a>, a <i>50 g</i> of <a href='shimeji_mushrooms.html'>shimeji mushrooms</a> and a <i>50 g (~1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='edamame.html'>shelled edamame</a> to the sauce.");
  848. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, "Let cook for <u>10 minutes</u>.");
  849. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, "When cooked, season sauce with salt and black pepper.");
  850. // add_instruction(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, "Add the re-hydrated wakame and serve over zucchini pasta. Season with shijimi togarashi!");
  851. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  852. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &all_purpose_flour, "15 g");
  853. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &vegetable_bouillon, "475 molds");
  854. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &shimeji, "50 g");
  855. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &edamame, "50 g");
  856. // add_serving(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce, &shichimi_togarashi, "5 g");
  857. // add_part(&mushroom_zucchini_pasta, &mushroom_zucchini_pasta_sauce);
  858. // mustard from seed
  859. Recipe mustard_from_seed = create_recipe("mustard from seed", basic, "1 quarter pint (150ml)", 20181221, 20);
  860. set_description(&mustard_from_seed, "<p>We always try our hardest to buy as few packaged foods as we can, and if we do buy pre-made goods we aim for glass, this too through isn't always possible.</p><p>We ran out of mustard the other day, and couldn't find any at the store that wasn't packaged in plastic. We decided then that it was better to make our own. It requires few ingredients, little time to prepare (25 min for prep, few days for soaking), and is inexpensive.</p><p>First, you need some mustard seeds. You can choose between yellow, brown and black seeds, the color affects the 'heat' of the mustard. A dark seed imparts more flavor than the lighter variety, and is what we used in this recipe. The seeds are then soaked in a mixture of water and <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a>, although you can also use beer and white wine as a base. The water should be room temperature or cold, because using hot liquids denatures the enzymes that create the 'heat' in mustard.</p><p>We don't have <a href='tools.html'>tools</a> onboard that require electricity, so to grind and crush seeds and herbs we use a <b>heavy ceramic mortar and pestle</b>.</p><p>After the mustard is ground, it is stored in a glass jar at room temperature. Because of its antibacterial properties, mustard <b>does not require refrigeration</b>.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/mustard_from_seed_1.jpg'/></p><p>The best thing about making it yourself is that you can vary the quantities and base ingredients according to your personal preferences. If you don't like having a strong vinegar taste, you can lessen the amount of apple cider vinegar and add more water instead. You can also add spices and sweeteners. For traditional 'yellow mustard', all you need to do is add turmeric (for color) and a sweetener.</p>");
  861. RecipePart mustard_from_seed_mustard = create_part("mustard");
  862. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "Soak <i>60 g (60ml)</i> of <a href='mustard_seeds.html'>mustard seeds</a> in a mixture of <i>45ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> and <i>20ml</i> of water.");
  863. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "Let soak for a few days, or until seeds have expanded 3 times their size (from 3 to 7 days). If the seeds have soaked up all of the liquids, add more water.");
  864. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "Drain the seeds from the liquids. Reserve liquids for later.");
  865. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "If you've got a blender or food processor, purée the seeds until smooth. Otherwise, add a small quantity of seeds in your mortar and grind them down with your pestle. Repeat until the seeds are crushed and puréed - the mixture doesn't need to be perfectly smooth.");
  866. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "Add the reserved liquid from before, bit by bit, until you get a nice smooth consistency.");
  867. add_instruction(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, "Store into a glass jar at room temperature, and enjoy!");
  868. add_serving(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, &mustard_seeds, "60 g");
  869. add_serving(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, &apple_cider_vinegar, "45 ml");
  870. add_serving(&mustard_from_seed_mustard, &water, "20 ml");
  871. add_part(&mustard_from_seed, &mustard_from_seed_mustard);
  872. // no knead bread
  873. Recipe no_knead_bread = create_recipe("no knead bread", basic, "1 loaf", 20190112, 60);
  874. set_description(&no_knead_bread, "<p><b>No knead bread</b> is the easiest kind of artisan-style bread you can make at home, it requires little effort and absolutely no kneading what-so-ever.</p><p>This forgiving recipe allows for substitutions and additions of ingredients without altering the final texture of the bread. If you bake a whole wheat loaf, you might want to add 5 g of <a href='gluten_flour.html'>gluten flour</a> to help it rise.</p><p>The bread can be left to rise overnight. I usually mix it at around 2100, and bake it early the next morning at 0800. Unlike a lot of bread recipes, there is no second rise, and you don't need to knead or monitor it at all, because the gluten develops on its own. It's a recipe that is very hard to fail at, and you'll get good bread every time!</p><p>We sometimes add spices to the dough, like <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili</a> and <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, or we make a more hearty bread by adding <a href='pumpkin_seeds.html'>pumpkin seeds</a> or <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a>. Experiment with it!</p><p><b>Baking without a dutch oven</b></p><p>If you don't have a cast-iron container with a lid, you can use a baking pan with foil. This is the method I use, because I lack a good lid. While the bread doesn't have a hard top crust, the result is still great (the bottom will be tougher than the top). Coat the bread pan with <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, and sprinkle the inside of the pan with some <a href='cornmeal.html'>cornmeal</a> (enough to cover it all in a thin coat). The cornmeal will keep the dough from sticking to the pan. Bread pans don't keep their temperature as well as cast-iron cookware, so the bread will stick due to lack of heat. Oiling the pan is necessary.</p><p><b>Sourdough version</b></p><p>To make sourdough no-knead bread, replace the commercial yeast with a little less than 170 g (3/4 cup) of healthy, well-fed <a href='sourdough_starter.html'>sourdough starter</a>. Give the dough an extra long rise and then transfer the proofed dough into a hot cast-iron pot with a lid.</p>");
  875. RecipePart no_knead_bread_bread_preparation = create_part("bread preparation");
  876. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "In a large bowl, mix <i>240 g (2 cups)</i> of all purpose flour, <i>100 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a> (whole wheat works too), <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, and <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='active_dry_yeast.html'>active dry yeast</a>. Mix well.");
  877. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "Add <i>350 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> gradually, stirring it with a spoon into a cohesive dough. The dough will be wet - that's okay, there is no need to add extra flour.");
  878. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "Put a bag or cloth over the bowl, and let the dough rest <u>anywhere from 9 to 24 hours</u>. Ideally, prepare the dough in the evening and let it rest overnight.");
  879. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "<u>Next morning:</u>, turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface, and form it into a round loaf. Let dough rest for 1 h.");
  880. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "Add your dutch oven on the lowest oven rack and then preheat your oven to <u>230 °C (450 °F)</u>. Pre-heat your container for <u>30 minutes</u>. (To bake <b>without a dutch oven</b>, I have a mini-tutorial in the recipe description above.)");
  881. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "Place the wet dough on a lightly floured surface. Shape the dough into a rough ball. If too wet to handle, put some flour on your hands.");
  882. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "After 30 minutes has passed, carefully take out the dutch oven with oven mitts — careful, it's hot! Lay the dutch oven over a neutral surface (wooden board, kitchen towel etc). Place your bread into the dutch oven. At this point, you can add some seeds overtop of the bread. In this recipe, I used <a href='sesame_seeds.html'>sesame seeds</a>, but <a href='poppy_seeds.html'>poppy seeds</a> or quick oats would also be good. Cover with lid and place back inside oven.");
  883. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "Bake for <u>30 minutes</u>.");
  884. add_instruction(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, "After <u>30 minutes</u>, take the lid off, and let it cook uncovered for <u>another 7 minutes</u>. Let cool completely before slicing.");
  885. add_serving(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, &all_purpose_flour, "240 g");
  886. add_serving(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, &spelt_flour, "100 g");
  887. add_serving(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, &salt, "2.5 g");
  888. add_serving(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, &water, "350 ml");
  889. add_serving(&no_knead_bread_bread_preparation, &active_dry_yeast, "2.5 g");
  890. add_part(&no_knead_bread, &no_knead_bread_bread_preparation);
  891. // okonomiyaki
  892. Recipe okonomiyaki = create_recipe("okonomiyaki", maindish, "4 servings", 20190221, 20);
  893. set_description(&okonomiyaki, "<p><b>Okonomiyaki</b> (meaning, 'grilled as you like it') is a Japanese dish, similar to the American omelette, but the main difference is the variation of ingredients. Typical okonomiyaki are made with eggs, and often include meat or fish. Making it without meat is simple enough, but without eggs? Back when we lived in Tokyo, our experience in cooking with plants was limited, but now we've been doing it long enough that we can think of alternatives with ease.</p><p>The key ingredient? <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>Chickpea flour</a>. We make chickpea pancakes, and <a href='scrambled_chickpea_flour.html'>scrambled chickpea flour</a> (resembles scrambled eggs) at home all the time. Chickpea flour is a staple on Pino, and works very well for okonomiyaki.</p><p><b>Nagaimo:</b> If you're in a place were nagaimo (or yamaimo) is available, we highly reccommend adding it to the dish. It makes a fluffier pancake. Although we've made okonomiyaki without nagaimo before, so if you can't find it know that it will work and be very delicious anyway. It imparts little flavor, all it does is add nutrition and texture. Nagaimo, unlike most potatoes, can be eaten raw. However, it is best to handle the nagaimo with gloves, or to soak the peeled tuber in a vinegar-water solution to neutralize irritant <b>oxalate crystals</b> found on their skin. Nagaimo are low-calorie, high in protein, and have potassium, zinc, vitamin C and more. The texture of grated nagaimo can be off-putting, it looks like a regular tuber when whole, but when grated it becomes slime, almost liquid. This sort of texture is well-liked in Japan and referred to as being 'neba neba' (slimy). This texture present in many other foods like okra and nattou. This texture makes it an ideal egg alternative, it can be used to make deserts when baking.</p><p><b>Aonori:</b> Aonori is another obscure ingredient, but again, it can be omitted, although it tastes really amazing with it. We made okonomiyaki without it when we were in Majuro, because it simply wasn't available, so we used finely cut nori instead. Obviously, this isn't a perfect substitution, because aonori is sweet and tastes nothing like nori. However, nori is still very delicious and pairs well enough with the okonomiyaki.</p><p><b class='head'>Okonomi sauce</b></p><p>In this recipe, we don't use true 'okonomi sauce'. Why? Because we don't use many pre-made sauces, we prefer to make my own. Okonomi sauce requires many ingredients, and honestly, the sauce we've made works really well in this recipe and makes a good okonomi sauce alternative.</p><p>If you want to make your own, you can mix 7g (1 1/2 tsp) <a href='#whole_can_sugar.html'>sugar</a>, 45g (3 tbsp) <b>ketchup</b> and 45g (3 tbsp) of vegan <b>worcestershire sauce</b>. If you are like us, and don't care to buy pre-made sauces but want to avoid buying both ketchup and worcestershire sauce, you can make these too:</p><p><b>Worcestershire sauce:</b> combine <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a>, water, <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <a href='#natural_brown_sugar.html'>sugar</a>, <a href='#mustard_seeds.html'>mustard powder</a>, onion powder, garlic powder, <a href='cinnamon.html'>cinnamon</a> and <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a> in pan, bring to a boil and cook for a minute, then let cool.</p><p><b>Ketchup:</b> Using some <b>fresh tomato sauce</b> may be enough, otherwise add a bit of <a href='#natural_brown_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> to it.</p>");
  894. RecipePart okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki = create_part("okonomiyaki");
  895. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "Peel the <a href='nagaimo.html'>nagaimo</a>, then soak it in a water and vinegar solution (doing this helps to remove irritants). Dry the nagaimo, then grate <i>160 g (6-8cm)</i> of <a href='nagaimo.html'>nagaimo</a> with a fine grater. Do this over a bowl, as the grated nagaimo is very slimy. Keep aside.");
  896. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "Mince <i>500 g (1 small head)</i> <a href='green_cabbage.html'>green cabbage</a>, keep aside.");
  897. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "In a bowl, mix <i>85 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>, <i>15 g (1/4 cup)</i> <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>, the grated <a href='nagaimo.html'>nagaimo</a>, the minced <a href='green_cabbage.html'>green cabbage</a> and <i>1.25g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Then, add <i>320 ml (1 1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, or <a href='shiitake.html'>shiitake</a> dashi. (for shiitake dashi, soak 5-6 shiitake in 320 ml of hot water for <u>15 minutes</u>, or <u>overnight</u> in cold water.)");
  898. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "Heat a non-stick pan at high heat, add <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a>. If you throw some water on and it starts to sizzle, the pan is hot and you can add <i>1/4</i> of the batter. Alternatively, you can add 1/2, although this makes two very large portions.");
  899. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "Let okonomiyaki cook for <u>5 minutes</u>, shaking the pan every now and then so the batter doesn't stick.");
  900. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "After <u>5 minutes</u>, it's time to give the other side some grilling time. Put a plate on top of the pancake, keep your hand on the plate and flip the pan so that the pancake ends up cooked side up on the plate. Then, slide the pancake back into the pan (cooked side up). You can also just flip it with a spatula, but we rather like the plate method :).");
  901. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, "Cook for another <u>5 minutes</u>, then slide onto a plate, repeat process for the rest of the batter.");
  902. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &nagaimo, "160 g, grated");
  903. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &green_cabbage, "500 g, minced");
  904. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &chickpea_flour, "85 g");
  905. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  906. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &salt, "1.25 g");
  907. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &shiitake, "6");
  908. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &water, "320 ml");
  909. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki, &sesame_oil, "10 ml");
  910. add_part(&okonomiyaki, &okonomiyaki_okonomiyaki);
  911. RecipePart okonomiyaki_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  912. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_sauce, "In a small bowl, mix <i>60 ml (4 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>60 ml (4 tbsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> and <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='arrowroot_starch.html'>arrowroot starch</a>. Stir well.");
  913. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_sauce, "Heat a pan at high heat, when hot, add sauce and cook for <u>2-3 minutes</u> until it thickens. Then, divide onto your okonomiyaki.");
  914. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_sauce, &soy_sauce, "60 ml");
  915. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_sauce, &mirin, "60 ml");
  916. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_sauce, &granulated_sugar, "15 g");
  917. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_sauce, &arrowroot_starch, "15 g");
  918. add_part(&okonomiyaki, &okonomiyaki_sauce);
  919. RecipePart okonomiyaki_topping = create_part("topping");
  920. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_topping, "First, add about <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> (per okonomiyaki) of <a href='aonori.html'>aonori</a> on top of the sauce.");
  921. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_topping, "Then, add some <a href='beni_shouga.html'>beni shouga</a> (pickled red ginger).");
  922. add_instruction(&okonomiyaki_topping, "Finally, top off with some finely chopped <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a>.");
  923. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_topping, &ao_nori, "30 g");
  924. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_topping, &beni_shouga, "to taste");
  925. add_serving(&okonomiyaki_topping, &scallions, "4 stalks");
  926. add_part(&okonomiyaki, &okonomiyaki_topping);
  927. // pandanus fruit bread
  928. Recipe pandanus_fruit_bread = create_recipe("pandanus fruit bread", tropical, "20 pieces", 20181110, 40);
  929. set_description(&pandanus_fruit_bread, "<p>We arrived in the <a href='https://100r.co/pages/the_promise_of_pancakes.html' target='_blank'>Marshall Islands 3 weeks ago</a>. We are settled in, but one thing remains difficult for us: finding fresh produce. The vegetables in Majuro are imported from either Guam, or Hawaii by cargo ship, and because they spend much time at sea they are frozen. Freezing fresh whole vegetables is never a good idea, the vegetables rot before they make it onto the shelves. When possible, we opt for local produce. Majuro has few native fresh vegetables, but they do have some fruit and among these is <b>the pandanus fruit</b>.</p><p>Pandanus, or <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandanus_tectorius' target='_blank'>Pandanus tectorius</a>, bears a fruit that look like a giant pinecone, it is made up of little wedge-like phalanges, commonly referred to as 'keys'. Each fruit has about 40-80 keys, the part of the keys that is attached to the core is soft, and a bright orange colour. In the Marshall Islands, people suck on the orange part which is sweet and tastes of cane sugar. The soft part can also be cut, and processed into juice. It is possible to make the juice yourself, this <b><a href='http://www.cuisinivity.com/globalfeast/pacific/Marshall_Islands/2012/Pandanus.php' target='_blank'>blog post</a></b> explains the process at length.</p><p>I don't have the space, nor the tools to prepare pandanus juice, but a store in Majuro sells frozen purée. This is what I used to prepare this pandanus fruit cake and the topping that goes with it. What does it taste like? It is similar to mango, sweet, but also bitter.</p><p>I bought a generous portion of frozen pandanus purée, and couldn't use most of it in the bread so we used the rest to make a topping. The chia seeds don't act as a thickener and can be omitted, but they add nutritional value to the meal.</p><p>If you ever come across some pandanus fruit, please try it! Making pandanus juice from scratch requires some muscle and serious dedication, but in places where it grows, chances are you'll also find a 'processed' version.</p><p>Pandanus Tectorius photo credit: U. S. Geological Survey, USGS /Forest & Kim Starr.</p>");
  930. RecipePart pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread = create_part("pandanus bread");
  931. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  932. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "Mix <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> in <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>, this will make the milk curdle.");
  933. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "In a bowl, combine <i>180 g (1 1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>50 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>, <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Mix well.");
  934. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "In yet, another bowl, cream <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> with <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>. Stir in <i>350 ml</i> of <a href='pandanus.html'>pandanus puree</a> and the curdled <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk mixture</a>.");
  935. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "Add the wet to the dry ingredients and stir until evenly mixed.");
  936. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "Pour the batter into an oiled square baking pan.");
  937. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, "Bake for <u>45 minutes</u>.");
  938. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &soy_milk, "60 ml");
  939. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &apple_cider_vinegar, "2.5 ml");
  940. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &all_purpose_flour, "180 g");
  941. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &spelt_flour, "50 g");
  942. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &baking_powder, "5 g");
  943. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &baking_soda, "1.25 g");
  944. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &salt, "2.5 g");
  945. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  946. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &natural_brown_sugar, "100 g");
  947. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread, &pandanus_fruit, "350 ml");
  948. add_part(&pandanus_fruit_bread, &pandanus_fruit_bread_pandanus_bread);
  949. RecipePart pandanus_fruit_bread_topping = create_part("topping");
  950. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, "In a saucepan, add <i>250 ml (1 cup)</i> of puréed <a href='pandanus.html'>pandanus</a> (add some water if too thick), <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='chili_flakes.html'>chili flakes</a> and <i>30 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>. Stir well and bring to a boil.");
  951. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, "Reduce heat, cook for <u>5 minutes</u>, then remove from heat.");
  952. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, "When cool, stir in <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='chia_seeds.html'>chia seeds</a>.");
  953. add_instruction(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, "Serve with the pandanus bread!");
  954. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, &pandanus_fruit, "250 ml");
  955. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, &chili_pepper_flakes, "5 g");
  956. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, &natural_brown_sugar, "30 g");
  957. add_serving(&pandanus_fruit_bread_topping, &chia_seeds, "30 g");
  958. add_part(&pandanus_fruit_bread, &pandanus_fruit_bread_topping);
  959. // pan fried breadfruit
  960. Recipe pan_fried_breadfruit = create_recipe("pan fried breadfruit", tropical, "4 people", 20170703, 90);
  961. set_description(&pan_fried_breadfruit, "<p>Breadfruit trees are everywhere in French Polynesia, but sometimes the fruit aren’t mature enough to pick. To make things more difficult, grocery stores don’t sell them (they don’t sell fruit at all). The Polynesians don't buy fruit, they don't have to, they have plenty growing on their property. Getting our hands on a breadfruit was no simple task, on every island we would ask the locals, but again the fruit weren’t ready to pick off just yet.</p><p>We had breadfruit when we first arrived in Nuku Hiva, the owner of Snack Vaeki prepared some for us. The chef cooked it outside, over hot coals. The taste is hard to describe, it tastes like potato, but sweeter. We had the cooked breadfruit with some fresh coconut milk, extracted from a fresh coconut before our very eyes. Since then, we’ve been looking to cook it ourselves.</p><p>Then finally we got our chance! We bought a breadfruit at the Fare street market in Huahine. The seller at the fruit stand gave it a few knocks, and told us it was ready to eat! It was delicious with coconut milk, but we wanted to try something different. We cut the breadfruit into wedges and pan-fried it. We then served it with some button mushrooms, coated with sweetened soy sauce.</p>");
  962. RecipePart pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit = create_part("breadfruit");
  963. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "Preheat oven to <u>220 °C (425 °F)</u>.");
  964. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "Brush outside of <a href='breadfruit.html'>breadfruit</a> with <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>.");
  965. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "Wrap in aluminum foil, and bake for <u>1 hour</u>.");
  966. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "To check if it is ready, poke a knife through. If it is soft, it is ready.");
  967. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "Remove foil, and peel skin away. Then, cut in half and scoop out the seed in the middle.");
  968. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, "Cut into wedges, and sautée in a pan with a bit of oil. Cook both sides until crispy and golden. Season with some salt and pepper.");
  969. add_serving(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, &breadfruit, "1, medium");
  970. add_serving(&pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  971. add_part(&pan_fried_breadfruit, &pan_fried_breadfruit_breadfruit);
  972. RecipePart pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings = create_part("toppings");
  973. add_instruction(&pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings, "Mix <i>60 ml (4 tbsp)</i> <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a> and <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> in a pan, stir, and cook on medium-heat for a few minutes. Add <i>230g</i> of <a href='button_mushrooms.html'>button mushrooms</a>, and stir to coat them with the sauce. Serve over breadfruit wedges.");
  974. add_serving(&pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings, &button_mushrooms, "230g");
  975. add_serving(&pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings, &soy_sauce, "50 ml");
  976. add_serving(&pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings, &granulated_sugar, "10 g");
  977. add_part(&pan_fried_breadfruit, &pan_fried_breadfruit_toppings);
  978. // papaya bruschetta topping
  979. Recipe papaya_bruschetta_topping = create_recipe("papaya bruschetta topping", tropical, "2-3 people", 20171920, 5);
  980. set_description(&papaya_bruschetta_topping, "<p>Before we arrived in the Marquesas, people made a point of telling us how difficult it was to find vegetables there. We heard that if we wanted tomatoes, we would need to get up at 0400 to get them at the market. We are early risers, but we lack the will to take the dinghy to shore in the dark. It's just as well, because others we met who had tried, came back empty-handed. In the Marquesas, most vegetables are brought in by supply ships, you can never be certain of what you're going to get. Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbages and eggplants we had plenty of, but vegetables like tomatoes, pumpkins, bok choy and salad greens were like rare pokemon.</p><p>We'd only ever made bruschetta topping with tomatoes, never thought of changing it for anything else. But then we thought, what looks like tomatoes? Papaya, sort of? They have a similar reddish tint, comparable texture too. Papaya is something Nuku Hiva has plenty of, and as it turns out, we prefer it over tomatoes now. Papaya is more firm and sweet, and pairs well with balsamic vinegar. We imagine it would taste great with mangoes too, it's something we may try when we get a craving again.</p><p>If something isn't available, or is too expensive where you are (hunting for raspberries in Japan comes to mind), swap it out for something else. Not every ingredient will work, but it's fun to try.</p>");
  981. RecipePart papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta = create_part("bruschetta");
  982. add_instruction(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, "Peep skin from <a href='papaya.html'>papaya</a>, scoop out the seeds insides and cut the flesh into small cubes. NOTE: You can wash and dry the papaya seeds to make pepper! Or process them into juice with other fruits.");
  983. add_instruction(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, "Mix <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='balsamic_vinegar.html'>balsamic vinegar</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='dried_basil.html'>dried basil</a> and a pinch of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> together.");
  984. add_instruction(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, "Pour over cubed papaya and serve with homemade <a href='crackers.html'>crackers</a>.");
  985. add_serving(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, &papaya, "1");
  986. add_serving(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  987. add_serving(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, &balsamic_vinegar, "30 ml");
  988. add_serving(&papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta, &dried_basil, "15 g");
  989. add_part(&papaya_bruschetta_topping, &papaya_bruschetta_topping_bruschetta);
  990. //shepherd's pie
  991. Recipe shepherds_pie = create_recipe("shepherds pie", maindish, "4 servings", 20150310, 40);
  992. set_description(&shepherds_pie, "<p>Shepherd's pie is one of our favorite childhood meals. It's a super versatile dish, our recipe has layers consisting of tofu and burmese tofu, green peas, sweet potato and cauliflower.</p><p>Shepherd's pie is very much like Pâté Chinois, everyone in Quebec refers to this dish as such, but because I suspect it has racist origins (no one is entirely sure where the name comes from) I'm going to refrain from using that term.</p><p>Families in Quebec make this all the time, but the traditional version includes meat and creamed corn. This recipe is different, but inspires the same kind of comfort.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions:</b></p><p>We've made versions of this dish with just cauliflower, or just using tofu, or just potatoes too. We've made it so often we've gone through every possibility. All in all, it consists of a <b>protein layer</b> (tofu, burmese tofu, lentils etc) <b>veggie layer</b> (corn or peas), and topped with a <b>root or hearty vegetable layer</b> (potatoes, pumpkin, parnisps, cauliflower etc).</p><p>I've also made a version which consists of cubed, cooked potatoes (or pumpkin), with scrambled chickpea flour and corn.</p>");
  993. RecipePart shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie = create_part("Shepherds pie");
  994. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Preheat oven to <u>190 °C (375 °F)</u>.");
  995. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Cut <i>1 large</i> <a href='sweet_potato.html'>sweet potato</a> into cubes, and chop <i>1 head</i> <a href='white_cauliflower.html'>white cauliflower</a> into bite-sized pieces. Bring a pot of <a href='water.html'>water</a> (or <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> for added flavor) to a boil, add chopped sweet potato and cauliflower and cook until tender.");
  996. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Drain, mix with <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='smoked_paprika.html'>smoked paprika</a>, and purée with an immersion blender. Season with <i>1.25 g</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>. Set aside.");
  997. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Take <i>454 g (1 block)</i> of firm <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a>, cut it into fours, then mash it down using your hands. I like to squish the tofu down with my fingers to get a crumbly texture. You can also grate the tofu with a grater. (For a soy-free Pâté Chinois you can also use <a href='Sweet_Mock_Eel_Nigiri.html'>burmese tofu</a>.)");
  998. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "In a large pan, brown <i>1 small</i> <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a> with <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. Add the <a href='tofu.html'>crumbled tofu</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a> and <i>1 drop</i> of <a href='liquid_smoke.html'>liquid smoke</a>. Cook for a few minutes. Season with black pepper and sea salt.");
  999. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "When cooked, press tofu mix into bottom of an ~8x8 baking dish.");
  1000. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Cover tofu mix with the contents of <i>400 g (1 can)</i> of of <a href='green_peas.html'>green peas</a> (reserve a few for the top) and top with the puréed cauliflower/sweet potato mixture.");
  1001. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Smooth with a spatula, decorate with some <a href='green_peas.html'>green peas</a> and sprinkle with <a href='smoked_paprika.html'>smoked paprika</a>.");
  1002. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Bake for <u>30 minutes</u>, then broil on high for <u>3-5 minutes</u> to brown the top. Let rest for <u>10 minutes</u> before serving.");
  1003. add_instruction(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, "Serve with some sambal oelek or some other spicy condiment! Keeps in the fridge for 5 days or can be frozen for 2-3 months.");
  1004. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &white_cauliflower, "1 head, small");
  1005. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &sweet_potatoes, "1, large");
  1006. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &green_peas, "400 g");
  1007. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &tofu, "454 g, firm");
  1008. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  1009. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &yellow_onion, "1, small");
  1010. add_serving(&shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie, &smoked_paprika, "5 g");
  1011. add_part(&shepherds_pie, &shepherds_pie_shepherds_pie);
  1012. /*// persimmon curry
  1013. Recipe persimmon_curry = create_recipe("persimmon curry", maindish, "2 servings", 20150103, 30);
  1014. set_description(&persimmon_curry, "I've been looking for ways to incorporate persimmon into savoury recipes. I always thought it could make a great sauce for pasta or rice meals. If puréed, it will taste very sweet, but if you mix in curry powder and other spices and ingredients it becomes less of a dessert.</p><p>Be careful when selecting your persimmon, there are two varieties. Hachiya persimmon are more elongated and you need to wait for it to soften down before attempting to eat it. Fuyu persimmon, have a tomato-like shape and you can eat it like an apple.</p><p>There are many different varieties of curry powders it's just a pre-mixed combination of different ground spices. If you're in a hurry, buying a mix is best. But if you have a full stocked spice rack, it may be better and more fun to do it yourself. Typically curry mixes have turmeric, coriander, cumin, black and red bell pepper, cinnamon cloves, fennel seeds, cardamom, ginger and fenugreek. There can be as much as 20 different spices, but you can probably omit a few and it'll still taste pretty great.</p><p>Enjoy over some basmasti rice.</p><p>");
  1015. RecipePart persimmon_curry_rice = create_part("rice");
  1016. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_rice, "Rinse <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='basmati_rice.html'>basmati rice</a> under cold water, transfer to pot.");
  1017. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_rice, "Boil some water, pour <i>180 ml</i> of it over the rice. Bring pot to a boil. Add <i>1</i> <a href='bay_leaf.html'>bay leaf</a>, lower heat and cover. Simmer for <u>15 minutes</u>, remove from heat and let steam for an additional <u>5 minutes</u> with the lid on.");
  1018. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_rice, "Remove <a href='bay_leaf.html'>bay leaf</a> and serve.");
  1019. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_rice, &basmati_rice, "100 g");
  1020. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_rice, &water, "180 ml");
  1021. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_rice, &bay_leaf, "1");
  1022. add_part(&persimmon_curry, &persimmon_curry_rice);
  1023. RecipePart persimmon_curry_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1024. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_sauce, "Scoop the flesh out of <i>2 ripe</i> <a href='hachiya_persimmons.html'>hachiya persimmons</a>, purée with a hand blender.");
  1025. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_sauce, "Sauté <i>1 chopped</i> <a href='onion.html'>yellow onion</a>, <i>2 minced</i> <a href='garlic.html'>garlic cloves</a>, <i>2.5 cm (1 inch)</i> of minced <a href='ginger_root.html'>ginger root</a> with a bit of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> in a pan over medium heat. Cook until onions become translucent.");
  1026. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_sauce, "Add <i>2 diced</i> <a href='carrots.html'>carrots</a>,<i>15 g (handful)</i> of <a href='spinach.html'>spinach</a>. Stir for <u>2 minutes</u>, then add <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='curry_powder.html'>curry powder</a>. Cook for an additional minute.");
  1027. add_instruction(&persimmon_curry_sauce, "Add puréed persimmon, cook for <u>5 minutes</u> and then season with <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp) of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Serve over <a href='rice.html'>basmati rice</a>.");
  1028. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &hachiya_persimmon, "2");
  1029. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &curry_powder, "15 g");
  1030. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &ginger_root, "2.5 cm, minced");
  1031. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  1032. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &carrots, "2");
  1033. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1034. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &yellow_onion, "1");
  1035. add_serving(&persimmon_curry_sauce, &spinach, "15 g");
  1036. add_part(&persimmon_curry, &persimmon_curry_sauce);*/
  1037. // // potato gnocchi
  1038. // Recipe potato_gnocchi = create_recipe("potato gnocchi", pasta, "6 servings", 20150121, 60);
  1039. // set_description(&potato_gnocchi, "A few weeks ago, I asked people what they wanted to see me cook. Some asked for gnocchi, so here they are! Made from scratch, beautiful and black (just because). Topped with a light and sweet sauce, fresh scallions and daikon!</p><p>As it turns out, making gnocchi is long. It's well worth the effort, but if you're planning on making some, clear your afternoon!</p><p>Every step takes time. You have to wait for the potatoes to bake, wait for them to cool, you need to remove the skins etc. Skipping any of those steps will result in a gnocchi disaster.</p><p>These turned out perfect! This is a large recipe, so if you're only two you'll have plenty left-over that you can let dry, freeze and eat later.</p><p>Because the sauce and toppings are light and simple, you can focus on the texture of the gnocchi.</p><p>");
  1040. // RecipePart potato_gnocchi_gnocchi = create_part("gnocchi");
  1041. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Preheat oven to <u>200 °C (400 °F)</u>.");
  1042. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Bake potatoes until fork tender. Peel skins off and mash them up with a fork or food processor. Let cool completely (you can also boil them until fork tender).");
  1043. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Sift <i>140 g (1 1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='whole_wheat_flour.html'>whole wheat flour</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='bamboo_charcoal_powder.html'>bamboo charcoal powder</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> together in a bowl.");
  1044. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Mix the potatoes in gradually, and knead until you get a consistent dough.");
  1045. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Sprinkle flour on your working surface, and divide your ball of dough into 4. Roll each section into a long rope with an approximate <i>2 cm diameter</i>.");
  1046. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Proceed to cutting up the ropes into <i>2 cm sections</i>.");
  1047. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "To make the little lines over the gnocchis (optional, but fun), take each piece and make a ball with it. Press it up against the backside of a fork and slide it down all the way to the ends with your finger. Your ball will be left with sets of lines on top and will take its signature elongated shape.");
  1048. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, "Cook gnocchi in a pot of boiling water with salt, the bits that are ready will float back to the surface.");
  1049. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, &russet_potatoes, "3 medium");
  1050. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, &whole_wheat_flour, "140 g");
  1051. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, "15 g");
  1052. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_gnocchi, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1053. // add_part(&potato_gnocchi, &potato_gnocchi_gnocchi);
  1054. // RecipePart potato_gnocchi_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1055. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_sauce, "Mix <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a> and <i>20 g (4 tsp)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>sugar</a> in a bowl.");
  1056. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_sauce, &soy_sauce, "90 ml");
  1057. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_sauce, &mirin, "45 ml");
  1058. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_sauce, &granulated_sugar, "20 g");
  1059. // add_part(&potato_gnocchi, &potato_gnocchi_sauce);
  1060. // RecipePart potato_gnocchi_toppings = create_part("toppings");
  1061. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, "Rehydrate <i>45 g (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='wakame.html'>wakame</a> as well in a separate cup. Let stand for <u>5 minutes</u>, drain, rinse and cut into smaller pieces.");
  1062. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, "Chop up <i>5 </i> <a href='scallions.html'>scallion stalks</a> and grate <i>5 cm</i> of <a href='daikon.html'>daikon</a>. Squeeze water out of daikon, and set aside.");
  1063. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, "When gnocchi are cooked, sauté in a pan with the sauce and <i>5</i> shiitake for <u>4-5 minutes</u>.");
  1064. // add_instruction(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, "Serve enough gnocchi in two separate bowls (the top recipe makes it for more than 2 ppl), and top first with wakame, then scallions, followed by a dollop of grated daikon. Sprinkle some <a href='shichimi_togarashi.html'>shichimi togarashi</a> on top!");
  1065. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, &shiitake, "5");
  1066. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, &scallions, "5 branches");
  1067. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, &daikon, "1/3 cup");
  1068. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, &wakame, "45 g");
  1069. // add_serving(&potato_gnocchi_toppings, &shichimi_togarashi, "To taste");
  1070. // add_part(&potato_gnocchi, &potato_gnocchi_toppings);
  1071. // quick flat bread
  1072. Recipe quick_flat_bread = create_recipe("quick flat bread", basic, "8 small", 20200304, 15);
  1073. set_description(&quick_flat_bread, "<p>A quick no-yeast flat bread recipe, ideal when you want bread but don't want to wait. The flat bread is ready in under 45 minutes (includes resting time), and it's possible to prepare under 15 minutes—we do this a lot—if necessary (without the resting time).</p><p>Allowing the dough to relax after kneading makes it easier to work with, but if you skip that step it's still possible to roll it out, it'll just be a bit harder to do.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions:</b></p><p><b>Flour:</b> Switching whole wheat flour for spelt, or all-purpose won't affect the dough.</p><p><b>Fat:</b> Fat is necessary in this recipe, it helps to create a smooth, rich and pliable dough. Using other types of oil, like canola or sunflower oil, is fine. It's possible to use vegan butter, but it's important to soften and mix it in with other liquids first. If using vegan butter, measure out 50 g.</p><p><b>Liquid:</b> For an even richer, and even MORE pliable dough, substitute water for plant milk. I recommend using soy, as it is richer than rice or oat milk. On the boat, we tend not to use milk because we rarely keep any (lacking a fridge).</p><p><b>Add-ins:</b> We sometimes like to add seeds, like sesame, flax or sunflower, to my breads. Add the seeds after adding water, folding them into the dough.</p><p><b>Sourdough discard:</b> to make this recipe with <a href='sourdough_starter.html'>sourdough discard</a>, measure 190 g (1 1/4 cups) of whole wheat flour and 113 g (1/2 cup) of the discard. You'll have to reduce the water, depending on the hydration level of your starter. We only added 130 ml of water instead of the full 180 ml. The sourdough won't provide much leavening or taste, this is just a way to add extra nutrition and to use discard.</p>");
  1074. RecipePart quick_flat_bread_bread_mix = create_part("bread mix");
  1075. add_instruction(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, "In a bowl, measure <i>225 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='whole_wheat_flour.html'>whole wheat flour</a>, mix into a bowl with <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> and <i>180 ml (3/4 cup)</i> of water.");
  1076. add_instruction(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, "Knead until smooth and not sticky, add extra flour if too wet, and extra water if too dry. Cover dough, and it rest for <u>30 minutes</u>. If you do this, the dough will be easier to work with. (You can skip the resting period, it'll just be a tiny bit harder to roll.)");
  1077. add_instruction(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, "Cut the dough into 8 even pieces. Roll out into thin circles.");
  1078. add_instruction(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, "Heat a cast-iron pan at medium heat, and add <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. When oil is hot, add one flat bread. Bubbles will form on the surface. Cook on each side for <u>a minute or so</u>. The edges will puff up and darken, giving a good indication that it's ready to flip.");
  1079. add_instruction(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, "When flat bread is thoroughly cooked, transfer to plate and cover with a damp towel (to keep moist). Cook the rest of the flat breads.");
  1080. add_serving(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, &whole_wheat_flour, "225 g");
  1081. add_serving(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, &salt, "2.5 g");
  1082. add_serving(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, &olive_oil, "45 ml");
  1083. add_serving(&quick_flat_bread_bread_mix, &water, "180 ml");
  1084. add_part(&quick_flat_bread, &quick_flat_bread_bread_mix);
  1085. // quick sunflower seed parmesan
  1086. Recipe quick_sunflower_seed_parmesan = create_recipe("quick sunflower seed parmesan", toppings, "100 g", 20200111, 5);
  1087. set_description(&quick_sunflower_seed_parmesan, "<p>A simple recipe, for people with an allergy to tree nuts. Sunflower seeds come apart well, and like cashews or other nuts, create a pleasant texture and taste.</p><p>We made this parmesan to use over lasagna, it adds a bit of crunch to the top layer. It would also be delicious if sprinkled over pasta.</p>");
  1088. RecipePart quick_parmesan_mix = create_part("quick parmesan mix");
  1089. add_instruction(&quick_parmesan_mix, "Add <i>100 g (3/4 cup)</i> of unsalted and raw <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a> with <i>12 g (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>, <i>5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='garlic_powder.html'>garlic powder</a> and a dash of salt to a food processor (you can also use a handstick blender).");
  1090. add_instruction(&quick_parmesan_mix, "Blend until mixture develops a grainy texture. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.");
  1091. add_serving(&quick_parmesan_mix, &sunflower_seeds, "100 g");
  1092. add_serving(&quick_parmesan_mix, &nutritional_yeast, "12 g");
  1093. add_serving(&quick_parmesan_mix, &garlic_powder, "5 g");
  1094. add_serving(&quick_parmesan_mix, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1095. add_part(&quick_sunflower_seed_parmesan, &quick_parmesan_mix);
  1096. // raisin beet bread
  1097. Recipe raisin_beet_bread = create_recipe("raisin beet bread", sweet, "1 loaf", 20141220, 60);
  1098. set_description(&raisin_beet_bread, "<p>If like Rekka's dad you like raisin bread, you will love this sweet raisin beet bread. It's halfway between a cake and bread. Adapted from an old cookbook by Margo Oliver <b>les menus de margo oliver</b>.</p><p>It's simple to make, and you can replace the raisins with currants or cranberries. If you make this recipe, just be sure to add plenty of raisins on top, we emptied a bag on it, without regret. They raisins get super crispy, and will develop a sweet crispy caramelized taste.</p>");
  1099. RecipePart raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread = create_part("sweet bread");
  1100. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>. Grease a baking pan with vegetable oil and set aside.");
  1101. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Put <i>150 g (1 cup)</i> of loosely packed <a href='dried_raisins.html'>dried raisins</a> in a bowl, cover with <i>240 ml (1 cup)</i> of <a href='warm_water.html'>warm water</a>. Let cool, then add <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>.");
  1102. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Peel and cut <i>2 small</i> <a href='red_beets.html'>red beets</a> into cubes, purée in food processor, set aside.");
  1103. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Mix <i>15 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='ground_flax_seeds.html'>ground flax seeds</a> with <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, let thicken. In a separate bowl, measure out <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>. Add <i>65 g (1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>, gradually, mixing at the same time. In that same bowl, add the <a href='flax_seeds.html'>flax seeds</a> and the <a href='puréed_beets.html'>puréed beets</a>. This is the sweet part of our bread: the cream.");
  1104. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Mix your dry ingredients together, <i>270 g (2 1/4 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, the <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>7 g (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>.");
  1105. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Take your wet raisins and the bowl of flour, and add both in small gradual batches to the bowl of cream.");
  1106. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Add spoonfuls of the wet dough to your greased pan, add the remaining <i>40 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='dried_raisins.html'>dried raisins</a> on the top of the dough. Push down gently to make sure they stick.");
  1107. add_instruction(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, "Bake in a conventional oven for <u>45 minutes</u>. Let cool, before serving.");
  1108. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &dried_raisins, "150 g, total");
  1109. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &water, "240 ml, warm");
  1110. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &vanilla_extract, "2.5 ml");
  1111. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &red_beets, "2 small, puréed");
  1112. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &flax_seeds, "15 g");
  1113. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &water, "90 ml");
  1114. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  1115. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &natural_brown_sugar, "65 g");
  1116. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &all_purpose_flour, "270 g");
  1117. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &salt, "2.5 g");
  1118. add_serving(&raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread, &baking_powder, "7 g");
  1119. add_part(&raisin_beet_bread, &raisin_beet_bread_sweet_bread);
  1120. // roasted carrots with beluga lentils
  1121. Recipe roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils = create_recipe("roasted carrots with beluga lentils", maindish, "2 servings", 20141025, 30);
  1122. set_description(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils, "<p>Our oven has been working overtime these days, we've been baking and roasting food almost everyday. We picked up a pack of heirloom carrots at the market last weekend, threw them in the oven with a bit of oil, and served them over a bed of beluga lentils, topped it with a spicy peanut butter sauce.</p><p>Roasted carrots are sweet, a nice change from eating them raw.</p><p>Beluga lentils aren't the cheapest kind you can get, but we like them because they hold their shape well.</p><p><b>Credits:</b> The idea to make a recipe with beluga lentils was inspired by Meike Peters' <a href='https://eatinmykitchen.meikepeters.com/beluga-lentil-salad-with-pear-blue-cheese-and-thyme/' target='_blank'>beluga lentil salad recipe</a>.</p>");
  1123. RecipePart roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots = create_part("carrots");
  1124. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, "Preheat oven to <u>200 °C (400 °F)</u>");
  1125. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, "Wash <i>8</i> organic <a href='heirloom_carrots.html'>heirloom carrots</a>, but do not peel them. Dry the carrots, and then toss them with <i>15 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='thyme.html'>dried thyme</a>.");
  1126. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, "Lay on a baking sheet and sprinkle with <i>1.25g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and some <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a>. Bake for <u>25 minutes</u>, making sure to flip the carrots halfway through.");
  1127. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, &heirloom_carrots, "8");
  1128. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  1129. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, &thyme, "5 g");
  1130. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, &sea_salt, "5 g");
  1131. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots, &black_pepper, "pinch");
  1132. add_part(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils, &roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_carrots);
  1133. RecipePart roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1134. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce, "Mix <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='sriracha.html'>sriracha</a>, <i>33 g (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='peanut_butter.html'>peanut butter</a>, <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a> and <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='japanese_rice_vinegar.html'>Japanese rice vinegar</a> in a small bowl.");
  1135. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce, &sriracha, "30 ml");
  1136. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce, &peanut_butter, "33 g");
  1137. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce, &soy_sauce, "60 ml");
  1138. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "30 ml");
  1139. add_part(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils, &roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_sauce);
  1140. RecipePart roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils = create_part("lentils");
  1141. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils, "Wash <i>115 g (1/2 cup)</i> of dry <a href='beluga_lentils.html'>beluga lentils</a>. Put <i>375 ml (~1 1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> in a pot and add the <a href='lentils.html'>lentils</a>, bring to a boil.");
  1142. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils, "Reduce heat to <u>medium</u> and simmer for <u>25 minutes</u> — don't let them cook for too long or they'll get too mushy. If the lentils seem cooked but haven't absorbed all of the water, strain them out.");
  1143. add_instruction(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils, "Set the beluga lentils on a plate with a bit of sauce and top with 4 roasted carrots!");
  1144. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils, &beluga_lentils, "115 g");
  1145. add_serving(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils, &vegetable_bouillon, "375 ml");
  1146. add_part(&roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils, &roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils_lentils);
  1147. // roasted eggplant dip
  1148. Recipe roasted_eggplant_dip = create_recipe("roasted eggplant dip", sidedish, "4 servings", 20090206, 50);
  1149. set_description(&roasted_eggplant_dip, "<p>A simple roasted eggplant dip recipe. Roasting the garlic is optional, but it gives the dip a deeper, more complex flavor, while diminishing the pungency of the garlic.</p><p>This recipe is ideal when served with flat bread or raw vegetables, it's also good if served with <a href='crackers.html'>crackers</a>. Optionally, you can add roasted green peppers and other vegetables to further augment the flavor and nutrition of the dip.</p><p><b>Add-ins: </b> Add 20 g (~1/2 cup) of chopped parsley and/or 2 diced tomatoes for extra texture and flavor. For a more complex (and sweet) taste, add 45 ml (~3 tbsp) of pomegranate molasses. You can also use grape molasses.</p><p><b>Garlic: </b> The garlic doesn't need to be roasted, you can use it fresh. If you do this, you will have to use ~4-5 cloves instead of the whole head. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the peeled garlic into a paste before adding it to the rest of the ingredients.</p>");
  1150. RecipePart roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic = create_part("roasted garlic");
  1151. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic, "Preheat oven to <u>240 °C (460 °F)</u>.");
  1152. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic, "Remove outer leaves of whole garlic head, keep the inner skins on and don't pick the cloves apart. Slice off the tip of each garlic clove, so that some flesh is exposed, and rub the tops and sides with some <a href='olive_oil.html'>vegetable oil</a>.");
  1153. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic, "Wrap garlic head in tin foil. Keep aside.");
  1154. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic, &garlic, "1, whole head");
  1155. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic, &olive_oil, "5 ml");
  1156. add_part(&roasted_eggplant_dip, &roasted_eggplant_dip_garlic);
  1157. RecipePart roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip = create_part("eggplant dip");
  1158. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, "With a fork or knife, poke some holes in <i>2</i> large <a href='eggplant.html'>eggplants</a>, and lay them over a baking tray along with the garlic head in tin foil. Roast garlic head for <u>45 minutes</u>, eggplant may require an additional <u>10 minutes</u> (depending on your oven).");
  1159. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, "Allow the eggplant and the garlic to cool.");
  1160. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, "Remove the flesh from the skins of both the roasted garlic cloves and eggplants. Transfer them to a food processor. Add <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='tahini.html'>tahini</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a> (or juice of 1 fresh lemon) and <i>2.5 g (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='cumin_seeds.html'>ground cumin seeds</a> and process into a smooth puree.");
  1161. add_instruction(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, "Season with <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <a href='black_pepper.html'>black pepper</a> and some <a href='smoked_paprika.html'>smoked paprika</a>.");
  1162. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &eggplant, "2 large");
  1163. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &tahini, "30 g");
  1164. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  1165. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &lemon_juice, "45 ml");
  1166. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &cumin_seeds, "2.5 g, ground");
  1167. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1168. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &black_pepper, "1.25 g");
  1169. add_serving(&roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip, &smoked_paprika, "15 g");
  1170. add_part(&roasted_eggplant_dip, &roasted_eggplant_dip_eggplant_dip);
  1171. // roasted pumpkin seeds
  1172. Recipe roasted_pumpkin_seeds = create_recipe("roasted pumpkin seeds", toppings, "6 servings", 20150118, 30);
  1173. set_description(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds, "<p>Our favorite way to eat pumpkin seeds, is to roast them with spices, it makes a nice snack or add-on to soups or other meals.</p><p>Roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious with almost anything, the sweet of the maple syrup with the spicy taste of the paprika is perfect, it is subtle, but very good.</p>");
  1174. RecipePart roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds = create_part("pumpkin seeds");
  1175. add_instruction(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, "Preheat oven to <u>150 °C (300 °F)</u>.");
  1176. add_instruction(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, "Mix <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='smoked_paprika.html'>smoked paprika</a>, <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_cumin.html'>ground cumin</a>, <i>1.25 g</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> together. Add <i>32 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='raw_pumpkin_seeds.html'>raw pumpkin seeds</a>.");
  1177. add_instruction(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, "Line baking sheet with parchment paper, spread seeds out as flat and as apart from each other as you can on the sheet.");
  1178. add_instruction(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, "Bake for <u>20 minutes</u>, at the 10 minute mark stir seeds around and then bake for another <u>10 minutes</u>.");
  1179. add_instruction(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, "Eat as a snack or add as a topping in soups!");
  1180. add_serving(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, &pumpkin_seeds, "32 g");
  1181. add_serving(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, &smoked_paprika, "10 g");
  1182. add_serving(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, &cumin_seeds, "10 g");
  1183. add_serving(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, &maple_syrup, "5 ml");
  1184. add_serving(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1185. add_part(&roasted_pumpkin_seeds, &roasted_pumpkin_seeds_pumpkin_seeds);
  1186. // scrambled chickpea flour
  1187. Recipe scrambled_chickpea_flour = create_recipe("scrambled chickpea flour", sidedish, "2 servings", 20190625, 15);
  1188. set_description(&scrambled_chickpea_flour, "<p>An ingredient that is important in our galley, is <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>, also known as garbanzo flour, gram flour and besan flour. It is not an essential ingredient, but we really love it. It helps to give our meals variety, plus it has a long shelf life due to the low-moisture and low-fat content.</p><p>Chickpea flour has a texture and taste that is ideal for savoury pancakes or faux-omelettes. As this recipe suggests, it also makes a very good alternative to scrambled tofu.</p><p><b class='head'>Flavors</b></p><p>You can add extra flavorings, like chili pepper flakes, curry powder, cumin, smoked paprika or liquid smoke for an extra kick.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations:</b></p><p>I like to eat scrambled chickpea flour with a side of sliced avocado, topped with a drizzle of sambal oelek or <a href='sriracha.html'>sriracha</a>. Sometimes when we make meal salads, we add it for bulk. Another meal we enjoy with this recipe is a sort of ovenless deconstructed <a href='shepherds_pie.html'>shepherd's pie</a> (Quebec-style), we eat it with mashed potatoes, corn and sambal oelek.</p><p>You can also make this with cooked chickpeas by smashing them with a fork and mixing them up with nutritional yeast, salt and other flavorings.</p>");
  1189. RecipePart scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour = create_part("scrambled chickpea flour");
  1190. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "In a bowl, mix <i>40 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>, <i>15 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='tahini.html'>tahini</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>160 ml (2/3 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>.");
  1191. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "Bring a non-stick pan to medium heat. Sprinkle a bit water in the pan, if it sizzles pour the contents of the bowl into the pan. (this will make it stick less)");
  1192. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "Let mixture heat for <u>3-5 minutes</u>.");
  1193. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "When the edges start to cook, flip it and start to break it apart with the side of the spatula.");
  1194. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "Let it cook <u>for a minute</u>, then continue to break it apart further. You'll need to do this repeatedly, until the mixture is broken up into smaller bits and until it has become dry and crisp for <u>8-10 minutes or so</u>. When cooking, it's important to stir often, and to constantly break it up into smaller bits so all sides can can cook.");
  1195. add_instruction(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, "NOTE: I like to use a spatula and a fork to break it up, and also to brush some of the batter off the spatula (it is very wet in the beginning and is a bit sticky). Serve into salads, or as a side for other dishes.");
  1196. add_serving(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, &chickpea_flour, "40 g");
  1197. add_serving(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  1198. add_serving(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, &tahini, "15 g");
  1199. add_serving(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1200. add_serving(&scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour, &water, "160 ml");
  1201. add_part(&scrambled_chickpea_flour, &scrambled_chickpea_flour_scrambled_chickpea_flour);
  1202. // soy flour tofu
  1203. Recipe soy_flour_tofu = create_recipe("Soy flour tofu", basic, "400 g", 20211102, 60);
  1204. set_description(&soy_flour_tofu, "<p>Over the years, we've experimented with various ways of making tofu, our favourite recipe is made from milling, and then soaking, the ground soy beans for a short time. We prefer making our own soy flour with a grain mill. It's possible to buy pre-ground flour, but make sure it isn't de-fatted.</p><p>Tofu is cheap to make. In Canada, 400g of soy beans costs about 0.35$ in bulk and makes a brick of tofu, the store bought equivalent 400g brick is 3.65$.</p><img src='../media/recipes/soy_flour_tofu_4.jpg'/><p>Making tofu from the flour is faster, there is no need to pre-soak the whole beans overnight, it also makes it easier for us to extract more milk.</p><p><b>Nigari</b> is our preferred coagulant, as it imparts less flavor than lemon juice, vinegar or epsom salt.</p><p>We got the idea to make this kind of tofu from <b>The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook</b> by Louise Hagler, and found general tofu-making tips from <b>Cooking With Tofu</b> by Yoshiko Takeuchi.</p><img src='../media/recipes/soy_flour_tofu_1.jpg'/><p>Making tofu on a boat is great, we use the hand-rail to suspend the nylon bag when pressing the milk out of the soy pulp.</p><img src='../media/recipes/soy_flour_tofu_2.jpg'/><p>It is always exciting to see the tofu curds separate from the whey.</p><img src='../media/recipes/soy_flour_tofu_3.jpg'/><p>Making tofu in a bag only is a no-fuss option. You don't need a mold to make tofu. The tofu has little bumps on it because of the perforated surface we drained it on.</p>");
  1205. RecipePart soy_flour_tofu_main = create_part("main");
  1206. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "Measure <i>400 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='soy_beans.html'>whole soybeans</a>, and grind into flour. As fine as you can manage. We use our grain mill to do this. This amount of whole soy beans yields about 2 1/2 cups of flour.");
  1207. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "Transfer flour to a bowl and mix in <i>2.2 liters (8 3/4 cups)</i> of water. Let soak for <u>30 minutes</u>.");
  1208. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "Line a large pot with a lightweight nylon of cotton bag, and strain the liquid through the bag and into the pot. Pick up the bag and squeeze the milk out, pressing hard with your hands. Then, transfer bag with the okara (the soy flour) to the bowl used previously in the recipe, and add <i>375 ml (1 1/2 cup)</i> of water. Knead the okara in the water through the bag to extract as much of the leftover milk as possible. Then transfer the okara into another bowl and reserve (it's possible to make other recipes with it, don't toss it). Clean the nylon or cotton bag, we'll use it again later in the recipe.");
  1209. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "Add the strained soy milk to the pot, and bring liquid to <u>medium-high heat</u>. In the meantime, prepare a solution of <i>7 g (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='nigari.html'>nigari</a> into <i>250 ml (1 cup)</i> of hot water. Reserve.");
  1210. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "When boiling, reduce heat and swirl in half of the nigari mixture. Stir slowly to push the nigari to the bottom of the pot. Add the second half of the solution, stirring on the surface, drawing a cross. The soy milk will start to coagulate. Cover, and simmer for <u>20 minutes</u>. Turn off heat, and if tofu hasn't curdled enough, let rest for another <u>15 minutes</u>.");
  1211. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "When all the soy milk has formed into curds and there is only clear yellow whey left, the tofu is ready to be pressed. Using a slotted spoon, pick out the curds and transfer to a nylon bag, or into a tofu mold. If using a bag, twist the top of the bag to compress the tofu. We like to lay the bag over a slanted surface, like a cutting board at an angle that drains into the sink, and to place the bag there with a plate and weight overtop. The heavier the weight, and the longer you wait, the denser the tofu. For a softer tofu, don't weigh it down.");
  1212. add_instruction(&soy_flour_tofu_main, "Eat as is, or cover with water and keep in a cool place.");
  1213. add_serving(&soy_flour_tofu_main, &soy_beans, "whole, 400 g");
  1214. add_serving(&soy_flour_tofu_main, &water, "2.2 liter");
  1215. add_serving(&soy_flour_tofu_main, &nigari, "7 g");
  1216. add_serving(&soy_flour_tofu_main, &water, "250 ml");
  1217. add_part(&soy_flour_tofu, &soy_flour_tofu_main);
  1218. // sourdough starter
  1219. Recipe sourdough_starter = create_recipe("sourdough starter", basic, "1 serving", 20200416, 15);
  1220. set_description(&sourdough_starter, "<p>Sourdough bread has been arounds for a long time. People are still making it today, even with the existence of baker's yeast.</p><p>The fermentation required to prepare it improves the flavor of the dough, and makes it easier for the body to absorb the <a href='nutrition.html#zinc'>dietary minerals</a> present in the grains.</p><p>Making sourdough bread begins with a sourdough starter. The starter is a fermenting mixture of flour and water containing microorganisms which include wild yeast and lactobacilli. The yeast produces carbon dioxide which leavens the dough, and the lactobacilli produce lactic acid which contribute flavor. The process is simple, it requires more waiting than active cooking time. We've made a summary of common questions and concerns when it comes to making a starter.</p><p><b><a id='discard'>WHY DISCARD?</a></b></p><p>Discarding starter is necessary as it quickly builds up in a jar and becomes difficult to manage. The discard works well in a variety of baked goods.</p><p><b>ADAPTING YEAST RECIPES</b></p><p>There are some key aspects to converting yeast recipes to sourdough, like hydration level and yeast. <a href='https://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/sourdough/hydration-sourdough-starter/' target='_blank'>Hydration level</a> is the ratio of water to flour in a starter. You can maintain or adjust the hydration level with each feeding based on the ratio of water to flour you feed your starter. Aiming for 100% hydration, or equal weights of flour and water, is recommended.</p><p>To calculate how much added yeast is necessary, first you have to know that the rising power of 7 g of yeast (1 packet) is roughly equivalent to 226 g (1 cup) of sourdough starter.</p><p>With this information it's easy to approximate the amount of added water, flour and yeast in a recipe.</p><p><b>FEEDINGS</b></p><p>The starter needs feedings at <b>12 h intervals daily</b> in the first week, and <b>once a day afterwards</b>. As long as this starter culture is fed flour and water regularly it will remain active.</p><p><b>I forgot to feed my starter!</b> Forgetting to feed the starter isn't a big deal, feed it as soon as you remember. Feedings of longer than three days acidify the dough and may change the microbial ecosystem.<br /><b>Did i feed my starter too much?</b> Feeding the wrong amount won't kill it, but it may make it appear too dry or too wet and may not rise as expected. You can correct the feeding by adding either more flour or water, it will right itself.<br /><b>What's the liquid on top of my starter?</b> This liquid is the alcohol given off as the wild yeast ferments. This doesn't mean it's going bad, it indicates that your starter is hungry.</p><p><b>FLOUR</b></p><p>Using wholemeal instead of processed flour for your starter is a good idea because it provides a variety of organisms and minerals.</p><p><b>FILTERED WATER</b></p><p>Using filtered (carbon filter) or distilled water instead of plain tap ensures good fermentation, as sourdough relies on microorganisms that chlorine inhibits. Leaving tap water uncovered for 24 h will allow the chlorine to dissipate.</p><p><b>Can my starter go bad?</b> Starters require more attention on the initial 6-10 days it takes to create a healthy mature starter. It hasn't yet developed defenses that characterize a mature starter. Mature starter cultures are stable because of their pH level and the presence of antibacterial agents, this helps prevent colonization by unwanted yeasts and bacteria. Sourdough breads keep fresh longer than regular bread for this reason too. The ideal temperature for starters is 21 °C, but a bit higher and lower won't hurt it. Yeast dies at 60 °C. If you see an pink or orange streak on your starter, this is a sure sign it's gone bad, discard and start over.</p><p>Good luck with your starter, and be sure to give it a name! Ours is called Teki, after a tern in Miyazaki's Future Boy Conan.</p>");
  1221. RecipePart sourdough_starter_starter = create_part("starter");
  1222. add_instruction(&sourdough_starter_starter, "Day 1. Come morning, mix <i>28 g (~1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='whole_wheat_flour.html'>whole wheat flour</a> with <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>filtered water</a> in a jar. Stir well, and cover with a loosely-fitted lid. Allow to rest for 12 hours, then stir in the same quantities of flour and water.");
  1223. add_instruction(&sourdough_starter_starter, "Day 2-3. Continue to feed starter in mornings and evenings. By day 3, bubbles will have formed and the starter will give off a sour smell.");
  1224. add_instruction(&sourdough_starter_starter, "Day 4-6. Continue to feed morning and evenings. Start discarding all but <i>113 g (~1/2 cup)</i> of the starter. Only discard before you feed it, not after. Why discard? Read the <a href='#discard'>notes</a> in the description above. More bubbles will appear, and the starter will start to grow in volume between feedings.");
  1225. add_instruction(&sourdough_starter_starter, "Day 7-9. The starter will be very airy, especially a few hours after a feed. Continue to feed twice a day.");
  1226. add_instruction(&sourdough_starter_starter, "Day 10. Feed once per day if kept at room temperature. It's now possible to start using the starter to make sourdough recipes.");
  1227. add_serving(&sourdough_starter_starter, &whole_wheat_flour, "28 g");
  1228. add_serving(&sourdough_starter_starter, &water, "60 ml");
  1229. add_part(&sourdough_starter, &sourdough_starter_starter);
  1230. // spicy brownies with pomegranate syrup
  1231. Recipe spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup = create_recipe("spicy brownies with pomegranate syrup", sweet, "24 servings", 20150324, 30);
  1232. set_description(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup, "<p>A brownie recipe with a kick, topped with a chili-infused pomegranate syrup.</p><p>We put a LOT of chili pepper flakes in these. You can omit the chilis in the batter, but we recommend keeping it in the pomegranate syrup. It's delicious and won't be the same without it.</p><p>You can vary the fruit juice for the topping. Making reductions of fruit juices is very easy, it adds a 'touch of fancy'.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p><b>Fat :</b> Use 60 g (~1/4 cup) vegan butter instead of oil. If you do this, you'll have to heat the cocoa powder, butter, salt, sugar and spices in a double boiler or any small pan placed over a pot of gently simmering water. When you mix the chocolate/butter mix with the flour, beat vigorously (40-50 strokes) with a spatula so that the fat doesn't separate when baking. Alternatively, you can use coconut oil, but it will alter the base flavor of the brownies in a big way. It's better to use neutral oils, like sunflower. A final option is to use 100% vegan butter, if you want to do this add 145 g (~10 tbsp) to your recipe instead of the canola oil and pumpkin.</p><p>Final tip: To prevent burning the bottom of your brownies, place the pan on a preheated cookie sheet. Brownie tips courtesy of <a href='http://www.kitchenproject.com/history/Brownies/BrownieTips.htm#Mixing'>the kitchen project</a>.</p>");
  1233. RecipePart spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies = create_part("brownies");
  1234. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, "Position oven rack on lower-third of oven, and preheat it to <u>160 °C (325 °F)</u>.");
  1235. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, "In a small bowl add <i>15 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='ground_flax_seeds.html'>ground flax seeds</a> with <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Let thicken for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  1236. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, "In a bowl, combine <i>75 ml (5 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> with <i>45 g (1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='pumpkin.html'>pumpkin purée</a>, <i>200 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar'>granulated sugar</a>, <i>60 g (~3/4 cup)</i> <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>unsweetened cocoa powder</a> and a <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Stir until contents are well mixed.");
  1237. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, "Stir in the flax 'egg', as well as the <i>30 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>red pepper flakes</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='cayenned.html'>cayenne powder</a>. Add <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a> and mix well. Mixture should be thick.");
  1238. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, "Grease a 8X8 baking dish with vegetable oil, pour batter and spread evenly. Bake for <u>20-25 minutes</u>, or until knife comes out with a few moist crumbs. Let cool. Cut in 24 or 16 squares.");
  1239. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &flax_seeds, "15 g, ground");
  1240. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &canola_oil, "75 ml");
  1241. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &pumpkin, "45 g");
  1242. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &granulated_sugar, "200 g");
  1243. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &cocoa_powder, "60 g");
  1244. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1245. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &chili_pepper_flakes, "30 g");
  1246. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &cayenne_pepper_powder, "5 g");
  1247. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies, &all_purpose_flour, "60 g");
  1248. add_part(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup, &spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_brownies);
  1249. RecipePart spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup = create_part("syrup");
  1250. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup, "Pour <i>475 ml (2 cups)</i> of <a href='pomegranate_juice.html'>unsweetened pomegranate juice</a> into a pot with <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> <a href='cayenne_pepper_powder.html'>cayenne pepper powder</a>. Bring to a boil, lower to medium-high heat and leave for up to <u>1h</u> or until liquid has been reduced to half.");
  1251. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup, "Let cool, the syrup will thicken when cooled.");
  1252. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup, &chili_pepper_flakes, "5 g");
  1253. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup, &cayenne_pepper_powder, "5 g");
  1254. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup, &pomegranate_juice, "475 ml");
  1255. add_part(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup, &spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_syrup);
  1256. RecipePart spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_topping = create_part("topping");
  1257. add_instruction(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_topping, "Top brownies with the <a href='pomegranate_seeds.html'>seeds</a>, of two fresh <a href='pomegranate.html'>pomegranates</a> (read about <a href='pomegranate_seeds.html'>a technique</a> on how to remove the seeds) and drizzle with the chili-infused syrup!");
  1258. add_serving(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_topping, &pomegranate, "2");
  1259. add_part(&spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup, &spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup_topping);
  1260. // stovetop blackberry cake
  1261. Recipe stovetop_blackberry_cake = create_recipe("stovetop blackberry cake", sweet, "20 pieces", 20210729, 40);
  1262. set_description(&stovetop_blackberry_cake, "<p>In British Columbia, we like to walk around to pick blackberries in the summer. There are blackberry bushes everywhere. We brought a bowl with us, and filled it up in one short hour! We made a cake with the berries that same night.</p><p><b>Substitutions:</b></p><p><b>Milk:</b> Oat milk works well as a substitute.<br><b>Flour:</b> You're welcome to use all purpose flour, or a mixture cut with spelt. We used 100% whole wheat because we're trying to get used to carrying one type of flour. The cake rose well.</br><b>Oil:</b> Can substitute for any other neutral oil, like sunflower and grapeseed. The fat in this recipe was already reduced, I don't recommend using less.<br><b>Fruit:</b> This recipe works well with other berries, or fruit like banana, apples etc.</p><p><b>Haybox:</b></p><p>A haybox is a cooker that utilizes the heat of the food being cooked to complete the cooking process. Food items to be cooked are heated to boiling point, and then insulated.</p><p>After pan off the stove, we transfer it to a bin with clothing. We layer a dish cloth underneath and overtop, and then bury it with clothes, or a sleeping bag. The cast iron retains its heat well, and the layers of fabric help to retain it even further. It's a way to save fuel when cooking. We also like to use our pressure cooker to retain heat, but we can only ever do that when we use our cast iron pot (it fits inside, the pan doesn't). <b>NOTE: Although, a half recipe works better than full, because it is more difficult to heat a thicker cake all the way through</b>. As soon as we take it off the heat, we put it in the pressure cooker, add the lid and plug up the top. It stayed warm for an entire hour. In winter, these systems may not retain the heat as well, more insulation may be necessary.</p><p><b>If you prefer to bake this cake in the oven</b>, see the instructions at the bottom of the recipe.</p>");
  1263. RecipePart stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake = create_part("cake");
  1264. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "Rinse black berries, set aside. Let them dry a little, so they don't add extra moisture to the cake.");
  1265. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "Mix <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='apple_cider_vinegar.html'>apple cider vinegar</a> in <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>, this will make the milk curdle.");
  1266. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "In a bowl, combine <i>230 g (2 cups)</i> of <a href='whole_wheat_flour'>wholewheat flour</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>, <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Mix well.");
  1267. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "In yet, another bowl, cream <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>(or other neutral oil) with <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>. Stir in <i>300 g (around 2 cups)</i> of <a href='blackberries.html'>blackberries</a> and the curdled <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk mixture</a>.");
  1268. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "Add the wet to the dry ingredients and stir until evenly mixed.");
  1269. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "Oil a large cast iron pan with vegetable oil, and preheat it until the pan is hot. We used two smaller 20 cm (7 in) pans, because our large pan doesn't have a lid. One large one is more efficient.");
  1270. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "Pour the batter into the pan, spread it in the pan using a spatula. Add cover, and lower the heat. Let cook for <u>15-20 minutes</u> at low heat.");
  1271. add_instruction(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, "I like to slow cook my cakes, so I transfer the pan to a haybox and leave it there for an hour. This works well with shallow pans, since there is more contact with the pan. A cake in a small narrow pot may not cook all the way through. See text above for notes. <b>If you prefer to cook it in the oven</b>, pour the batter into an oiled square baking pan, preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u> and bake for <u>45 minutes</u>.");
  1272. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &soy_milk, "60 ml");
  1273. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &apple_cider_vinegar, "2.5 ml");
  1274. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &whole_wheat_flour, "230 g");
  1275. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &baking_powder, "5 g");
  1276. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &baking_soda, "1.25 g");
  1277. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &salt, "2.5 g");
  1278. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  1279. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &natural_brown_sugar, "100 g");
  1280. add_serving(&stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake, &blackberries, "300 g");
  1281. add_part(&stovetop_blackberry_cake, &stovetop_blackberry_cake_cake);
  1282. // stovetop choco oat cookies
  1283. Recipe stovetop_choco_oat_cookies = create_recipe("stovetop choco oat cookies", sweet, "15 cookies", 20201010, 10);
  1284. set_description(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies, "<p>These days, I've been experimenting with baking without an oven. This limits what recipes we can make, but also gives us plenty of opportunities for learning how to do things differently.</p><p>We prepared the 'dough' on the stovetop, using a cast-iron pan. Any kind of pan will do, we just really like cast iron. The resulting texture is very moist compared to a traditional cookie, but it is very delicious and requires few tools to prepare.</p><p><b class='head'>Recipe notes:</b></p><p><b>Oats:</b> Only use quick-cooking oats, as <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a> or steel-cut oats will not absorb moisture as quickly, and the 'dough' won't bind. Making your own quick-oats is easy, just pop some rolled oats in a blender, or pulverize with a mortar and pestle. Don't overblend, as you'll end up with oat powder.</p><p><b>Vegan butter:</b> Vegan butter adds flavor. It's possible to substitute with coconut oil, but it will alter the flavor. To make your own vegan butter, look for the recipe in The Homemade Vegan Pantry by Miyoko Schinner. It's possible to omit the butter entirely and to double the quantity of peanut butter.</p><p><b>Cocoa powder:</b> If you have a sensitivity to caffeine use <a href='carob.html'>carob powder</a> instead. Switching to carob will alter the flavor of the cookie — in a good way.</p><p><b>Sugar:</b> You can substitute with any other kind of sugar, but if you choose to add commercial brown sugar reduce the added water content (a little).</p><p><b>Soy milk:</b> We make this recipe with just water often, but adding soy milk (or any other nut milk) makes for a richer flavor.</p><p><b>Peanut butter:</b> We like peanut butter a lot, so we add it in everything. We use 100% peanut butter. If you use a sweetened variety, you can use less sugar.</p>");
  1285. RecipePart stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1286. add_instruction(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, "In a pan, combine <i>110 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='vegan_butter.html'>vegan butter</a>, <i>240 g (~1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='peanut_butter.html'>creamy peanut butter</a>, <i>125 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> (or water), <i>200 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='granulated_sugar.html'>granulated sugar</a>, <i>20 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>cocoa powder</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>. Mix ingredients well.)");
  1287. add_instruction(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, "Bring to medium heat, until mixture starts to boil. Stir for <u>4-5 minutes</u>. Reduce heat to low, add <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a> and <i>300 g (~3 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='oats.html'>quick-cooking oats</a>. Mix until well incorporated.");
  1288. add_instruction(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, "If you don't mind getting messy, pick up bits of cookie dough with your hands, shape into a puck and transfer to a baking sheet, or baking mat (a surface that is easy to wash). Alternatively, you can scoop up an amount with a large spoon and transfer it to a baking sheet, but I prefer to shape the dough with my hands, as it helps to compress the oats into a proper cookie shape.");
  1289. add_instruction(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, "Let cookies cool, they'll be easier to handle if you wait.");
  1290. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &vegan_butter, "110 g");
  1291. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &peanut_butter, "120 g");
  1292. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &soy_milk, "125 ml");
  1293. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &granulated_sugar, "200 g");
  1294. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &cocoa_powder, "20 g");
  1295. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1296. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &vanilla_extract, "5 ml");
  1297. add_serving(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies, &quick_oats, "300 g");
  1298. add_part(&stovetop_choco_oat_cookies, &stovetop_choco_oat_cookies_cookies);
  1299. // cheesy sunflower seed sauce
  1300. Recipe cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce = create_recipe("cheesy sunflower seed sauce", toppings, "2 servings", 20150716, 20);
  1301. set_description(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce, "<p>Rekka is allergic to tree nuts, but this doesn't mean that our choices of 'vegan cheeses' are limited. Seeds and treenuts are interchangeable in many recipes and produce similar results, while being just as creamy and just as nutritious.</p><p>To soften the seeds, it's possible to quick-boil them. This makes it easier to grind down into a sauce. If you've got the time, soaking them for 1-2h is a better option (<a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4325021/' target='_blank'>ref</a>).</p><p><a href='sprouting.html#otherseeds'>Sprouting sunflower seeds</a> is another good nutritious option, but I haven't had much luck sprouting mine.</p>");
  1302. RecipePart cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce = create_part("sunflower sauce");
  1303. add_instruction(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, "Soak <i>70 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a> in water, for <u>1-2 hours</u>. Rinse and strain, keep aside.");
  1304. add_instruction(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, "Sautee <i>1 chopped</i> <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a> and <i>2 minced</i> <a href='garlic_cloves.html'>garlic cloves</a> in a pan with <i>5 ml</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. Cook until onion is translucent.");
  1305. add_instruction(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, "Purée <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a> in a blender with the cooked garlic and onion, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='smoked_paprika.html'>smoked paprika</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='white_miso.html'>white miso</a>, <i>8 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast.html'>nutritional yeast</a> and <i>120 ml (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Blend until smooth.");
  1306. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &sunflower_seeds, "70 g");
  1307. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &water, "120 ml");
  1308. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &soy_sauce, "15 ml");
  1309. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &smoked_paprika, "5 g");
  1310. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &yellow_onion, "1");
  1311. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  1312. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &white_miso, "5 g");
  1313. add_serving(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce, &nutritional_yeast, "8 g");
  1314. add_part(&cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce, &cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce_sunflower_sauce);
  1315. // sweet mock eel nigiri
  1316. Recipe sweet_mock_eel_nigiri = create_recipe("sweet mock eel nigiri", maindish, "2 servings", 20150224, 50);
  1317. set_description(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri, "<p>Burmese tofu is not really tofu—we know it's confusing. Burmese tofu is made with chickpea flour, one of our staple foods. It takes 10 minutes to make and sets under 1 hour. It's a great soy-free alternative, and the texture is comparable to that of soft tofu.</p><p>The original recipe for chickpea tofu was sourced from a book called The Burmese Kitchen by Aung Thein. This recipe will use up about half of the burmese tofu, which means you'll have a whole other half to use in other meals.</p><p>We thought the chickpea tofu would be well-suited as a 'mock unagi kabayaki', and that it would look especially striking atop some black rice.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_2.jpg'/></p><p>The sauce served over unagi (eel) kabayaki is sweet, with hints of caramel. Most Japanese sauces are easy to make, and usually require around 3-4 ingredients, these almost always include: soy sauce, sake, mirin, or Japanese rice vinegar. If you want to cook Japanese food, having these around is a must.</p>");
  1318. RecipePart sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice = create_part("rice");
  1319. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, "Soak <i>140 g (~3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='black_glutinous_rice.html'>black glutinous rice</a> <u>overnight</u>.");
  1320. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, "Drain the rice. Add water to a pot, superimpose steam basket and add rice in it, cover with lid and steam for <u>40 min</u>. After that time, pour <i>240 ml (~ 1 cup)</i> of hot water over the rice. Shake the rice, and let it steam for another <i>10 min</i>. Remove from heat, keep covered until serving time.");
  1321. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, "Put <i>7 ml (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='japanese_rice_vinegar.html'>Japanese rice vinegar</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a> in a sauce pan. Stir over low heat, until sugar crystals dissolve. Let cool.");
  1322. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, "Once rice is cooked, transfer to a flat tray, and pour sushi dressing over it. Mix dressing into rice with a spatula, using a sideways cutting motion. Cover with a damp towel, and let cool.");
  1323. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, &black_glutinous_rice, "140 g");
  1324. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "7 ml");
  1325. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, &natural_brown_sugar, "15 g");
  1326. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice, &nori_sheets, "1 sheet");
  1327. add_part(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri, &sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_rice);
  1328. RecipePart sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1329. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, "Mix <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a> and <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='sake.html'>sake</a>.");
  1330. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, "Bring to a boil in a pan, lower heat and let thicken for a few minutes.");
  1331. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  1332. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, &mirin, "30 ml");
  1333. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, &natural_brown_sugar, "15 g");
  1334. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce, &sake, "15 ml");
  1335. add_part(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri, &sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_sauce);
  1336. RecipePart sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu = create_part("chickpea tofu");
  1337. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Bring <i>350 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a> to a rolling boil in a pot.");
  1338. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Mix <i>85 g (1 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a> with <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='ground_turmeric.html'>ground turmeric</a>. Add an additional <i>350 ml (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a>. Stir until the mixture is lump-free.");
  1339. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Lower to medium heat, and pour in chickpea batter. Whisk continuously for <u>5-10 minutes</u>, until thickened.");
  1340. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Pour into a 8x8 baking dish lined with a baking mat. Smooth out top with the back of a spoon.");
  1341. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Let cool and set for <u>1 hour</u>, then refrigerate for a little while longer before cutting. This will give the 'tofu' time to set.");
  1342. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "After 1 hour, <i>cut into 12 pieces</i>, and then cut in 2 again lenghtwise to make them fit over nigiri.");
  1343. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  1344. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Line backing sheet with a baking mat, line up pieces of chickpea tofu.");
  1345. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Bake for <u>15 minutes</u>. Remove from oven, brush chickpea tofu with unagi sauce and bake for an additional <u>15 minutes</u>.");
  1346. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Shape tablespoons of black rice into oblongs, smear tops with a bit of <a href='wasabi.html'>wasabi</a>, lay a nori strip texture-side up, place strip of chickpea tofu as well as the rice ball (wasabi side facing downwards) and finally fold nori over bottom of rice (cut off excess, you can wet the edges with a bit of water if ever it isn't sticking).");
  1347. add_instruction(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, "Makes about <i>12 nigiri</i>. If you have nigiri molds, shaping the rice into ovals will be very easy. Otherwise use your hands, keep them moist so the rice doesn't stick.");
  1348. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, &vegetable_bouillon, "700 ml");
  1349. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, &chickpea_flour, "85 g");
  1350. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, &sea_salt, "1.25 g");
  1351. add_serving(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu, &ground_turmeric, "5 g");
  1352. add_part(&sweet_mock_eel_nigiri, &sweet_mock_eel_nigiri_chickpea_tofu);
  1353. // // teriyaki carrot patties
  1354. // Recipe teriyaki_veggie_patties = create_recipe("teriyaki veggie patties", sidedish, "2 servings", 20150217, 40);
  1355. // set_description(&teriyaki_veggie_patties, "<p>Taking the time to cook good food is important, someone said this to us ages ago, and we never forgot it. It took us a while to understand, we didn't always care about what we ate. We now take the time, because food matters.</p><p>Cooking isn't just about getting your hunger pangs to go away, it's also a time to be creative.</p><p>With this recipe, I wanted to make something nutritious that would look nice on a plate. I didn't have to go out to get special ingredients, I just looked in my fridge and used items I had on hand. The result was fantastic!</p>");
  1356. // RecipePart teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties = create_part("patties");
  1357. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, "Peel, and grate <i>2</i> <a href='carrots.html'>carrots</a> into pieces, mince <i>2 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, chop <i>1/2</i> a <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a> finely, grind <i>30 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a> into powder, and grate <i>150 g (~1 cup)</i> of <a href='pumpkin.html'>raw pumpkin</a>.");
  1358. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, "Mix in <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='curry_powder.html'>curry powder</a> and pulse in a food processor.");
  1359. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, "Separate into <i>6 patties</i>, cook 3 at a time in a pan with a bit of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>. Flatten the balls with a spatula and cook until lightly browned, flip and repeat.");
  1360. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &carrots, "2");
  1361. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &curry_powder, "5 g");
  1362. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &yellow_onion, "1/2");
  1363. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  1364. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &rolled_oats, "30 g");
  1365. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties, &pumpkin, "150 g");
  1366. // add_part(&teriyaki_veggie_patties, &teriyaki_veggie_patties_patties);
  1367. // RecipePart teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1368. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, "Mix <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>30 ml</i> of <a href='sake.html'>sake</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='mirin.html'>mirin</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a>.");
  1369. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, "Pour in a pan, bring to medium-heat and cook for <u>5 minutes</u> or until thickened.");
  1370. // add_instruction(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, "Put patties in a plate, drizzle with the teriyaki sauce and your veggies of choice!");
  1371. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  1372. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, &sake, "30 ml");
  1373. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, &mirin, "30 ml");
  1374. // add_serving(&teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce, &natural_brown_sugar, "5 g");
  1375. // add_part(&teriyaki_veggie_patties, &teriyaki_veggie_patties_sauce);
  1376. /*// turmeric cookies
  1377. Recipe turmeric_cookies = create_recipe("turmeric cookies", dessert, "16 servings", 20150219, 30);
  1378. set_description(&turmeric_cookies, "These yellow treats will help brighten up cold, and grey winter days. Turmeric powder has a subtle taste, and will also do a good job of making your baked goods yellow!</p><p>In these cookies, I use <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a> because it's more nutritious than wheat flour. Cookies aren't exactly high on the 'health food' scale though, that I know, but it's a way of sneaking in whole grains which can contribute to good health. When it comes to sugar, there are no true 'healthy' alternatives. Desserts are rare treats, and should be eaten in moderation. The same goes for oil. I used canola oil because it imparts little flavor, and because it's a source of <a href='#nutrition.html'>omega3</a>.</p><p>It's possible to use chocolate chips, but I like to use <a href='carob_chips.html'>Carob chips</a> because they lack bitterness and contain no caffeine. I'm a coffee drinker, I enjoy a good cup of coffee, but because an excess of caffeine can worsen my anxiety I try and limit my intake, and this includes chocolate products because they contain <b>theobromine</b>.</p><p>");
  1379. RecipePart turmeric_cookies_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1380. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  1381. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "Mix <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>50 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a>, <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='turmeric_powder.html'>turmeric powder</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of ground <a href='dried_orange_peels.html'>dried orange peels</a> in a bowl. Stir well to mix.");
  1382. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "NOTE: You can make your own dried orange peels by keeping the peels of organic navel oranges, slicing then thinly, then drying them in an oven at <u>90 °C (200 °F)</u> for <u>25-30 minutes</u>. They keep <u>3 months</u> in the refrigerator. You can grind them with a mortar and pestle for this recipe.");
  1383. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "Cream <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> with <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a> in a separate bowl. Then. mix with the dry ingredients, gradually adding <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> (<i>15 ml at a time</i>) until you get a soft and consistent dough.");
  1384. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "Line a baking sheet with a baking mat, make <i>16 little balls of dough</i> and flatten each one gently. Add a <a href='carob_chips.html'>carob chips</a> at the center of each cookie.");
  1385. add_instruction(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, "Bake for <u>15-20 minutes</u>. Let cool, and serve with some tea!");
  1386. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &all_purpose_flour, "60 g");
  1387. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &spelt_flour, "50 g");
  1388. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &baking_powder, "5 g");
  1389. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &ground_turmeric, "10 g");
  1390. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &dried_orange_peel, "5 g");
  1391. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &canola_oil, "90 ml");
  1392. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &natural_brown_sugar, "100 g");
  1393. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &soy_milk, "90 mold");
  1394. add_serving(&turmeric_cookies_cookies, &carob_chips, "20");
  1395. add_part(&turmeric_cookies, &turmeric_cookies_cookies);*/
  1396. // tzatziki
  1397. Recipe tzatziki = create_recipe("tzatziki", toppings, "8 servings", 20191206, 10);
  1398. set_description(&tzatziki, "<p>Making tzatziki is easy. This is a basic recipe that works well enough with all kinds of substitutions, depending on dietary restrictions.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>It is possible to use <a href='sunflower_seeds.html'>sunflower seeds</a> and <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a> to replace the hemp seeds. In this recipe, we used half hemp and half soy, because hemp, while being nutritious, is not cheap. Using just <a href='shelled_hemp_seeds.html'>shelled hemp seeds</a> is very possible.</p><p>If using sunflower seeds, it is better to pre-soak them for 1-2h prior to blending. If using only tofu, you may not require extra water in the recipe.</p>");
  1399. RecipePart tzatziki_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1400. add_instruction(&tzatziki_sauce, "Blend <i>170 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='shelled_hemp_seeds_.html'>shelled hemp seeds </a> with <i>225 g</i> of <a href='soft_tofu.html'>soft tofu</a>, <i>3 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> and the juice of <i>1</i> <a href='lemon.html'>lemon</a>.");
  1401. add_instruction(&tzatziki_sauce, "Mince the <a href='fresh_dill.html'>fresh dill</a> and <a href='peppermint.html'>peppermint</a>, set aside.");
  1402. add_instruction(&tzatziki_sauce, "Cut <i>1</i> cucumber into small cubes.");
  1403. add_instruction(&tzatziki_sauce, "Add <a href='fresh_dill.html'>fresh dill</a>, <a href='peppermint.html'>peppermint</a>, the cubed <a href='persian_cucumbers.html'>persian cucumbers</a> and <i>1 pinch</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> to the rest of the ingredients and mix well.");
  1404. add_instruction(&tzatziki_sauce, "Garnish with some <a href='peppermint.html'>peppermint</a> and <a href='fresh_dill.html'>fresh dill</a> leaves.");
  1405. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &shelled_hemp_seeds, "170 g");
  1406. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &soft_tofu, "250 g");
  1407. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  1408. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &water, "60 ml");
  1409. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &lemon, "1, juiced");
  1410. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &fresh_dill, "15 g");
  1411. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &peppermint, "15 g");
  1412. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &persian_cucumbers, "2");
  1413. add_serving(&tzatziki_sauce, &salt, "pinch");
  1414. add_part(&tzatziki, &tzatziki_sauce);
  1415. /*// salted caramel carob chip cookies
  1416. Recipe salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies = create_recipe("salted caramel carob chip cookies", sweet, "20 cookies", 20151115, 20);
  1417. set_description(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies, "<b>Recipe location:</b> Montreal, QC. Canada</p><p>Einkorn was one of the first domesticated and cultivated plants in the world. It has a higher percentage of protein than regular wheat, and a number of nutrients.</p><p>It has a strong nutty taste, making it more flavorful than regular wheat, and pairs well with the caramel taste of carob chips and date caramel.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_1.jpg'/></p><p>");
  1418. RecipePart salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel = create_part("date caramel");
  1419. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel, "To make date caramel, soak <i>75 g (1/2 cup)</i> of chopped <a href='deglet_noor_dates.html'>deglet noor dates</a> in boiling water for <u>5-10 minutes</u>. Drain, purée using a hand blender or food processor with <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> and <i>2.5 ml (1/2 tsp)</i> <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>. Set aside.");
  1420. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel, &deglet_noor_dates, "75 g");
  1421. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel, &lemon_juice, "2.5 ml");
  1422. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel, &soy_milk, "30 ml");
  1423. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel, &vanilla_extract, "2.5 ml");
  1424. add_part(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies, &salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_date_caramel);
  1425. RecipePart salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1426. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, "Pre-heat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  1427. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, "Make your flax egg - put <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> of ground-up <a href='flax_seeds.html'>flax seeds</a> with <i>45 ml</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, let thicken for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  1428. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, "In a large bowl, mix <i>165 g (1 1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='einkorn_wheat_flour.html'>einkorn wheat flour</a> with <i>4 g (3/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a>.");
  1429. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, "In a separate bowl, cream <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> with <i>110 g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='coconut_sugar.html'>coconut sugar</a>, a <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of date caramel and the flax egg. Then add to the dry ingredients and mix well. Add <i>85g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='unsweetened_carob_chips.html'>unsweetened carob chips</a> and stir until evenly distributed.");
  1430. add_instruction(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, "Line a baking sheet with a baking mat, and scoop out tablespoon-sized portions of cookie dough. Roll them out with your hands and place them on the baking sheet, making sure there's enough space between each one. Sprinkle some <a href='fleur_de_sel.html'>fleur de sel</a> on top and bake for <u>10 minutes</u>, repeat until you run out of cookie dough. Let cool on baking sheet before transfering to a cooling rack. Makes about <b>20 cookies</b>.");
  1431. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &flax_seeds, "7 g, ground");
  1432. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &einkorn_wheat_flour, "165 g");
  1433. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  1434. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &coconut_sugar, "110 g");
  1435. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &date_caramel, "60 ml");
  1436. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &baking_soda, "4 g");
  1437. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &carob_chips, "85 g");
  1438. add_serving(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies, &fleur_de_sel, "to taste");
  1439. add_part(&salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies, &salted_caramel_carob_chip_cookies_cookies);*/
  1440. // seitan
  1441. Recipe seitan = create_recipe("seitan", basic, "2 servings", 20190108, 60);
  1442. set_description(&seitan, "<p><b>Seitan</b> (say-tan) or <b>wheat meat</b>, is very meat-like, it's prepared using a variation of spices and other seasonings. It is the base of Buddhist vegetarian cooking, and has been documented in China since the 6th century. It's an ingredient that is also present in Japanese cuisine, for <b>Shojin Ryori</b> (vegetarian cooking)—an important term to remember if you don't eat meat and are traveling there. Seitan takes on a different name there, it is known as <b>Fu</b>, and can be found in two forms: raw (nama-fu) or dry-baked (yaki-fu, which looks like bread).</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/seitan_2.jpg'/></p><p>Seitan, or Fu, can be produced at home, but it's very labor intensive. Making it requires kneading wheat flour with water to rinse out the starch from the wheat, what remains is a sticky mass of pure gluten protein. If your plan is to make it from scratch, good on you, but otherwise, <a href='gluten_flour.html'>gluten flour</a> (or vital wheat gluten) is your best bet. The basic ingredients for seitan are gluten flour and water, but it's best to flavor it with other ingredients as it is rather bland on its own. The amount of liquid that you use to make your dough will also affect the chewiness of your seitan, less waters means more chewy with a harder texture, and more will make it tender.</p><p>In this recipe, we added chickpea flour for added nutrition. Wheat gluten proteins are deficient in lysine (an essential amino acid for good health), adding a lysine-rich food like chickpea flour to the mix makes up for this deficiency.</p><p>When preparing seitan, it's important to flavor both the inside and outside of the dough. Adding a variation of ingredients to the dough mix such as <a href='ginger.html'>ginger</a>, <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, <a href='onion_powder.html'>onion powder</a>, <a href='tomato_sauce.html'>tomato sauce</a>, <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a> and so on will make it extra flavorful, the same goes for the broth. Adding vegetable broth and <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a> as a base, and roughly chopped <a href='onions.html'>onions</a>, <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> and <a href='ginger.html'>ginger</a> will season the outside of the dough.</p><p><img src='../media/recipes/seitan_4.jpg'/></p><p>There are <b>3 ways</b> to cook seitan: <b>boiling, steaming or baking</b>. In this recipe, we used the boiling method. Steaming requires wrapping the dough in foil or some other wrapper to help it keep its shape, then steaming it in a steamer basket over a pot of boiling water for 30 minutes or so. Baking the seitan, means flattening or stretching the dough to fit the baking dish, adding seasonings overtop, and baking it for an hour. All methods are good, but some are better for certain kinds of meals.</p>");
  1443. RecipePart seitan_seitan = create_part("seitan");
  1444. add_instruction(&seitan_seitan, "In a bowl, stir <i>70 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='gluten_flour.html'>gluten flour</a> with <i>20 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>.");
  1445. add_instruction(&seitan_seitan, "In another bowl, mix <i>80 ml</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> (or vegetable broth) and <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>. Pour into dry ingredients.");
  1446. add_instruction(&seitan_seitan, "Knead for <u>2-3 minutes</u>. If dough is too sticky, add more flour. Let rest for <u>10 minutes</u>, and knead for another set of <u>2-3 minutes</u>.");
  1447. add_instruction(&seitan_seitan, "<i>Separate dough in two</i> - optional, but it creates more surface area that can inbibe flavor. Also, the seitan expands quite a bit and having smaller pieces makes it more manageable.");
  1448. add_serving(&seitan_seitan, &gluten_flour, "70 g");
  1449. add_serving(&seitan_seitan, &chickpea_flour, "20 g");
  1450. add_serving(&seitan_seitan, &soy_sauce, "15 ml");
  1451. add_serving(&seitan_seitan, &water, "80 ml");
  1452. add_part(&seitan, &seitan_seitan);
  1453. RecipePart seitan_broth = create_part("broth");
  1454. add_instruction(&seitan_broth, "Cut the following ingredients into smaller pieces: <i>2 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, a <i>1</i> <a href='yellow_onion.html'>yellow onion</a> and <i>1 palm-sized knob</i> of <a href='ginger.html'>ginger</a>.");
  1455. add_instruction(&seitan_broth, "Add the cut ingredients to a pot, add <i>700 ml</i> of <a href='vegetable_broth.html'>vegetable broth</a> (or 15 g (1 tbsp) of vegetable broth powder in 700 ml of water) and <i>30 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>. Bring to a boil.");
  1456. add_instruction(&seitan_broth, "Add the seitan cutlets, reduce heat to low, and cover.");
  1457. add_instruction(&seitan_broth, "Let the seitan simmer for <u>1 hour</u>.");
  1458. add_instruction(&seitan_broth, "Cut into slices, and sautee them in a pan with seasonings - you can also add a glaze for extra flavor. Usually we drink the broth as a sidedish too, it's very good - if not a bit salty.");
  1459. add_serving(&seitan_broth, &garlic, "2 cloves");
  1460. add_serving(&seitan_broth, &ginger_root, "1 knob");
  1461. add_serving(&seitan_broth, &vegetable_bouillon, "700 ml");
  1462. add_serving(&seitan_broth, &yellow_onion, "1");
  1463. add_part(&seitan, &seitan_broth);
  1464. // shichimi togarashi crackers
  1465. Recipe shichimi_togarashi_crackers = create_recipe("shichimi togarashi crackers", snack, "30 crackers", 20150114, 40);
  1466. set_description(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers, "<p>We like making our own crackers, and to play around with different flavors. We enjoy the taste of the Japanese spice mix <b>Shichimi Togarashi</b>, which translates to '7-flavor chili pepper'.</p><p><b>How to make your own spice mix:</b></p><p>If you have a well-stocked spice rack, you can easily make it yourself. Mix together: 30 g chili flakes, 15 g sanshou (sichuan peppercorns), 15 g <a href='dried_orange_peel.html'>dried orange peel</a>, 5 g <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a>, 5 g <a href='white_sesame_seeds.html'>white sesame seeds</a>, 10 g ground ginger and 10 g <a href='aonori.html'>aonori</a>.</p><p>Some people substitute sichuan peppercorns for black peppercorns, we don't reccommend doing that, as they're not interchangeable, sichuan peppercorns are what makes it taste awesome. It's a numbing pepper, with a really distinctive taste and aroma. If you eat one peppercorn, you'll notice right away that it numbs your tongue and alters your sense of taste.</p>");
  1467. RecipePart shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers = create_part("crackers");
  1468. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  1469. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "In a bowl, combine <i>85 g (1 cup)</i> <a href='chickpea_flour.html'>chickpea flour</a>, <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='ground_flax_seeds.html'>ground flax seeds</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_soda.html'>baking soda</a>, <i>7 ml (1 1/2 tsp)</i> <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>15 g (3 tsp)</i> <a href='shichimi_togarashi.html'>shichimi togarashi</a>. Stir in <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>, mix until well combined and form into a ball. Add extra chickpea flour if the dough is too sticky, 15 g at a time.");
  1470. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "Flatten ball of dough in-between two sheets of parchment paper with a rolling pin, get it into a <i>0.7 cm thick rectangle</i>.");
  1471. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "Cut about 1.2 cm wide strips of nori and line on top of flattened dough, leaving some space between each piece. If the nori doesn't stick you can brush the top with a bit of soy sauce (or water).");
  1472. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "Slice the dough into squares and poke holes in with a toothpick so the crackers so they don't puff up. Place on a baking sheet and bake for <u>15-20 minutes</u> or until golden brown.");
  1473. add_instruction(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, "Let cool, snap pieces apart and enjoy!");
  1474. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &chickpea_flour, "85 g");
  1475. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &flax_seeds, "7 g, ground");
  1476. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &baking_soda, "1.25 g");
  1477. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &sesame_oil, "7 ml");
  1478. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &shichimi_togarashi, "15 g");
  1479. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &salt, "1.25 g");
  1480. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &water, "60 ml");
  1481. add_serving(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers, &nori_sheets, "1 sheet");
  1482. add_part(&shichimi_togarashi_crackers, &shichimi_togarashi_crackers_crackers);
  1483. // sourdough spelt flatbread
  1484. Recipe sourdough_spelt_flatbread = create_recipe("sourdough spelt flatbread", sidedish, "12 flatbreads", 20210329, 30);
  1485. set_description(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread, "<p>Sourdough flatbreads are the more complex version of my <a href='quick_flat_bread.html'>quick flat bread</a> recipe. The added complexity is a small price to pay for a delicious, sour pita.</p><p>I like to use 100% spelt flour, but for a better rise add up to 2 cups of all purpose and 1 cup of spelt flour (note: my starter is also 100% spelt). Spelt has more gluten than some other ancient grains, like <a href='einkorn_wheat_flour.html'>einkorn</a>. It's also higher in protein than <a href='whole_wheat_flour.html'>whole wheat flour</a>, and has a pleasant, nutty flavor. Substitute spelt 1:1 with whole wheat flour.</p><p><b class='head'>Sourdough starter</b></p><p>I've already written detailed instructions on how to make a sourdough starter, read about the process <a href='sourdough_starter.html'>here</a>. The starter used in this recipe is 100% hydration, which means it is equal parts of water to flour by weight.</p><p><b class='head'>Changing flour ratios:</b></p><p>If you want to change the quantity of flour, to make more or fewer flatbreads, use the 3-2-1 (flour-water-starter) plan to measure out the amount of water and starter:</p><p>3 parts flour: 2 parts water: 1 part starter at 100% hydration.</p><p>For example, say I'm starting with 450g of flour, then I'll need...<br />450 / 1.5 = 300 g water<br />450 / 3 = 150 g starter</p>");
  1486. RecipePart sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough = create_part("dough");
  1487. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "In a large bowl, mix <i>340 g (3 cups)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>110 g</i> (1 cup) of ripe (fed) sourdough starter, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> and <i>220 ml (bit less than 1 cup)</i> of lukewarm water. Stir into a cohesive dough. Add extra flour if the dough is too sticky, or more water if too dry.");
  1488. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "Cover the bowl, and let the dough rest <u>anywhere from 8 hours+</u>. Ideally, prepare the dough in the evening and let it rest overnight.");
  1489. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "<u>Next morning:</u>, turn the dough onto a well-floured surface, and divide into 12 balls. To get equal pieces, cut the dough into a pie and roll each wedge into a ball. Allow the balls of dough to rest for 10 minutes.");
  1490. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "In the meantime, preheat a cast iron pan at medium-heat.");
  1491. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "Sprinkle a lot of flour on your working surface, and roll out your first ball to a thickness of about <i>6 mm (1/4 in)</i>. If dough sticks to your rolling pin, add a light coat of oil over its surface.");
  1492. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "Transfer dough to hot cast iron pan, and cook on each side for <u>1-2 minutes</u>.");
  1493. add_instruction(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, "Transfer cooked flatbread to a cooling rack, or towel, and repeat for the rest of the dough balls. When cool, cover flatbreads so they don't dry out.");
  1494. add_serving(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, &spelt_flour, "340 g");
  1495. add_serving(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, &salt, "5 g");
  1496. add_serving(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, &starter, "110 g");
  1497. add_serving(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, &olive_oil, "15 ml");
  1498. add_serving(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough, &water, "220 ml");
  1499. add_part(&sourdough_spelt_flatbread, &sourdough_spelt_flatbread_dough);
  1500. // spicy stirfry chickpeas
  1501. Recipe spicy_stirfry_chickpeas = create_recipe("spicy stirfry chickpeas", maindish, "2 servings", 20190625, 15);
  1502. set_description(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas, "<p>If someone was to ask us which food we could eat forever without stopping, we'd answer chickpeas. There's a TON of different ways to prepare them, and all of these ways are delicious. Chickpeas are delicious when baked, squished, pureed, ground and sprouted. Their versatility make our lives easier, we can eat them everyday and it doesn't ever get boring.</p><p><b>Nutrition</b>: Legumes is an important part of the diet, and one of the best plant sources of <b>lysine</b>, one of 9 essential amino acids required for good health. Protein is necessary for muscles, bones, hormones, digestive enzymes, to absorb nutrients and to rebuild cells. If you eat 1/2 cup dry beans a day, your daily protein needs are covered.</p><p>Another plus is that dry chickpeas keep a long, long time. If you keep them in air-tight containers they will last even longer, because moisture and oxygen is the enemy of all beans. Oxygen makes the bean oils rancid overtime. You can store them for 5+ yrs if you add oxygen absorbers (packet consisting of powdered iron oxide) to the containers. We like to buy them in bulk and cook them as needed. An advantage of buying them dry is that it is cheap, and they taste better (honest). Read about <a href='https://extension.usu.edu/foodstorage/howdoi/dry_beans' target='_blank'>storing dry beans</a>.</p><p><b class='head'>Recommendations:</b></p><p>Adding a <a href='bay_leaf.html'>bay leaf</a>, a bit of <a href='onion.html'>onion</a> or a clove or two of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> to the cooking water add a subtle seasoning to the <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> and boost flavor.</p>");
  1503. RecipePart spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade = create_part("marinade");
  1504. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, "Cook <i>125 g (3/4 cup)</i> of dried <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> (see <a href='#chickpeas.html'>instructions</a>), or use 1 can (15oz).");
  1505. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, "Mix the marinade ingredients together in a wide bowl, and add the <i>250 g</i> of cooked <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> (or 15-19 oz can) and <i>150 g (1/3 pack firm tofu)</i> of cubed <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a>. Leave to marinate <u>at least a few hours</u>. <u>Overnight</u> is even better.");
  1506. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &chickpeas, "250 g, cooked");
  1507. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &tofu, "150g cubed, firm");
  1508. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &soy_sauce, "10 ml");
  1509. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &balsamic_vinegar, "5 ml");
  1510. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &arrowroot_starch, "15 ml");
  1511. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &salt, "pinch");
  1512. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade, &black_pepper, "pinch");
  1513. add_part(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas, &spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_marinade);
  1514. RecipePart spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1515. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, "In a small bowl, combine the ingredients for the sauce: mix <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a>, <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='balsamic_vinegar.html'>balsamic vinegar</a>, <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> <a href='arrowroot_starch.html'>arrowroot starch</a> and <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a>.");
  1516. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, &maple_syrup, "15 ml");
  1517. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, &soy_sauce, "15 ml");
  1518. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, &balsamic_vinegar, "30 ml");
  1519. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, &arrowroot_starch, "15 g");
  1520. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  1521. add_part(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas, &spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_sauce);
  1522. RecipePart spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry = create_part("stir fry");
  1523. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, "Peel and slice <i>3 cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> and <i>equal amounts</i> of <a href='ginger.html'>ginger</a> thinly, and chop <i>2 stalks</i> of <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a> in a size matching their diameter. Cut <i>1</i> <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a> (peel carrot) and <i>~40 g</i> of <a href='red_cabbage.html'>red cabbage</a> into bite-sized bits.");
  1524. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, "Add <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of vegetable oil, then warm pan to high heat. When oil is hot, add <i>~15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a> and <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sichuan_peppercorns.html'>sichuan peppercorns</a>. Stir-fry until they're crisp and that the mixture is spicy and fragrant. Careful not to burn the spices, remove from heat for a bit if overheating.");
  1525. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, "Add the <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a>, <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a>, <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a> and <a href='red_cabbage.html'>red cabbage</a> and fry over high heat, stirring constantly. <u>After a minute</u>, add the <a href='ginger_root.html'>ginger root</a>, <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> and <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a> and stir-fry for <u>a few more minutes</u>.");
  1526. add_instruction(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, "Stir the sauce, and add it to the pan while stirring and tossing. When the sauce starts to thicken, remove from heat and serve.");
  1527. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &carrots, "1");
  1528. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &red_cabbage, "40 g");
  1529. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &scallions, "2 stalks");
  1530. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &garlic, "3 cloves");
  1531. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &ginger_root, "equal to garlic");
  1532. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &chili_pepper_flakes, "15 g");
  1533. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &sichuan_peppercorns, "5g, whole");
  1534. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &salt, "pinch");
  1535. add_serving(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry, &black_pepper, "pinch");
  1536. add_part(&spicy_stirfry_chickpeas, &spicy_stirfry_chickpeas_stir_fry);
  1537. // sweet and sour lentils
  1538. Recipe sweet_and_sour_lentils = create_recipe("sweet and sour lentils", maindish, "2 servings", 20190602, 30);
  1539. set_description(&sweet_and_sour_lentils, "<p>In our galley we have a few recipes that we consider staples, that we're always in the mood to eat. We usually rotate these throughout the week, adding maybe a new recipe or two to change things up. This sweet and sour lentils recipe is one of our favorites.</p><p>You can eat the lentils as is, or scoop it up with crackers. We enjoy eating it wrapped in salad or cabbage leaves.</p><p>We've cooked sweet and sour lentils often on long passages, it's a simple one-pot meal. It's also our go-to recipe during pot lucks—even people who don't like lentils will enjoy it (we've never had any complaints).</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>It's a versatile recipe, so if we don't have any carrots or daikon we'll sometimes put brocoli or fresh green peas instead. For a heartier meal, adding sweet potatoes is also delicious. Sometimes, if we're out of peanut butter, we'll use sesame paste instead, the flavor is very similar and doesn't change much in the recipe (also nice for those with peanut allergies). This recipe only works with whole lentils, because there's still a bite to them, halved lentils will soften too much and the resulting texture won't be as pleasant.</p><p>Enjoy this humble, but delicious recipe.</p><p><b class='head'>Sprouted lentils</b></p><p>If you use sprouted lentils, the cooking time is reduced by more than half. It can help you save on both time, and fuel, while making the lentils more digestible. For sprouting techniques, refer to <a href='sprouting.html#garbanzo'>lentils</a> in the sprouting guide.</p><p>The directions for the recipes will differ a bit. For this version of the recipe, cut the vegetables real small (tiny cubes) so they cook fast, then brown them in a pan with oil. When the veggies are done, add the sprouted lentils, and cook the mixture for 2-3 min. Finally, add the sauce, mixing well and cooking the mixture for another minute or so to allow the sauce to thicken. Top with some chives.</p>");
  1540. RecipePart sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce = create_part("sauce");
  1541. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, "Mix all liquid ingredients together in a bowl, add <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='peanut_butter.html'>peanut butter</a> and stir until dissolved.");
  1542. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, "Stir in <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='arrowroot_starch.html'>arrowroot starch</a> (to help thicken sauce).");
  1543. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, "Add <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='chili_pepper_flakes.html'>chili pepper flakes</a>, <i>3</i> minced <a href='garlic_cloves.html'>garlic cloves</a> and roughly the garlic equivalent of minced <a href='ginger_root.html'>ginger root</a>.");
  1544. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  1545. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "30 ml");
  1546. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &chili_pepper_flakes, "10 g");
  1547. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &peanut_butter, "15 g");
  1548. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &maple_syrup, "30 ml");
  1549. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &sesame_oil, "5 ml");
  1550. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &garlic, "3 cloves, minced");
  1551. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &ginger_root, "15 g");
  1552. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce, &arrowroot_starch, "15 g");
  1553. add_part(&sweet_and_sour_lentils, &sweet_and_sour_lentils_sauce);
  1554. RecipePart sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils = create_part("lentils");
  1555. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, "Rinse <i>100 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='brown_lentils.html'>brown lentils</a>. Transfer rinsed lentils to a pot and add <i>350 ml</i> of <a href='vegetable_bouillon.html'>vegetable bouillon</a>.");
  1556. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, "Bring water to a rapid simmer, then reduce heat to medium.");
  1557. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, "Simmer uncovered. After <u>10 minutes</u> add <i>1</i> chopped <a href='carrot.html'>carrot</a>. Cut <i>~4 cm</i> of <a href='daikon.html'>daikon</a>, chopped into small pieces and add to the pot.");
  1558. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, "Let mixture simmer for an additional <u>10-20 minutes</u>, add extra water as needed.");
  1559. add_instruction(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, "If lentils are tender, they are ready. Strain lentils and return them to the pot. Pour sauce onto lentils, mix well. Serve into two bowls with some <a href='chives.html'>chives</a>. Eat wrapped in salad or cabbage leaves, or with <a href='crackers.html'>crackers</a>.");
  1560. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, &brown_lentils, "100g");
  1561. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, &vegetable_bouillon, "350 ml");
  1562. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, &carrots, "1, cubed");
  1563. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, &daikon, "4 cm, cubed");
  1564. add_serving(&sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils, &chives, "3 stalks");
  1565. add_part(&sweet_and_sour_lentils, &sweet_and_sour_lentils_lentils);
  1566. // vege pate
  1567. Recipe vege_pate = create_recipe("vege pate", sidedish, "4 blocks", 20191220, 60);
  1568. set_description(&vege_pate, "<p>Végé pâté is Quebec staple food. It's great with veggies, on crackers and in sandwiches. My recipe is grainy because of the use of rolled oats, but don't worry, it still holds itself well together.</p><p>Purchasing it pre-made can be expensive, and not all brands are good. Making your own is no trouble, and if frozen, it can keep for a long, long time.</p><p><b class='head'>Substitutions</b></p><p>A lot of végé pâté recipes call for whole wheat flour, we've made pâté with it before with great results. Using flour will result in a smoother pâté. If you don't have oats, you can use whole wheat flour, or other wholegrain flours instead.</p><p>It's also possible to use regular potatoes, or pumpkin instead of sweet potatoes.</p>");
  1569. RecipePart vege_pate_preparation = create_part("preparation");
  1570. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Soak <i>140 g (1 cup)</i> of raw unsalted <a href='sunflower_seeds'>sunflower seeds</a> in water for <u>2 hours</u>. Then, drain, rinse well and transfer to a big bowl. Puree the seeds using an immersion blender. Set aside.");
  1571. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Preheat oven to <u>190 °C (375 °F)</u>.");
  1572. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Skin, and grate <i>1 large</i> <a href='sweet_potatoes.html'>potatoes</a>. Also, grate <i>1</i> large <a href='carrots.html'>carrot</a>. Then transfer both the grated carrot and potatoes into the big bowl with the sunflower seeds.");
  1573. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Chop <i>1 medium</i> <a href=yellow.onion.html'>yellow onion</a> and <i>3</i> <a href='garlic.html'>garlic cloves</a>. Bring a pan to medium heat, add some vegetable oil and the chopped yellow onion. Sautée until browned, then add the minced garlic and cook for another minute. Pour contents of pan into the big bowl.");
  1574. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Pulse <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats'>rolled oats</a> into a fine powder using an immersion blender or mortar and pestle. Add oat powder into the big bowl.");
  1575. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Add <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>, <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice'>lemon juice</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='oregano.html'>dried oregano</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='thyme.html'>dried thyme</a> and <i>80 ml (1/3 cup)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to the rest of the ingredients. Blend everything using an immersion blender, then add <i>a pinch</i> of <a href='black pepper'>black pepper</a> and <i>15 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='nutritional_yeast'>nutritional yeast</a>. Mix it in with a spoon. ");
  1576. add_instruction(&vege_pate_preparation, "Pour mixture into a greased 8x8 baking dish, and bake for <u>50 minutes</u>. Let cool before serving. Keeps for a week in the fridge, and even longer if frozen.");
  1577. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &sunflower_seeds, "140 g");
  1578. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &sweet_potatoes, "1 large, grated");
  1579. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &carrots, "1 large, grated");
  1580. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  1581. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &yellow_onion, "1");
  1582. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &garlic, "3 cloves");
  1583. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &rolled_oats, "60 g");
  1584. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &soy_sauce, "45 ml");
  1585. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &lemon_juice, "5 ml");
  1586. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &thyme, "5 g");
  1587. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &oregano, "5 g");
  1588. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &water, "80 ml");
  1589. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &black_pepper, "to taste");
  1590. add_serving(&vege_pate_preparation, &nutritional_yeast, "15 g");
  1591. add_part(&vege_pate, &vege_pate_preparation);
  1592. // spinach oatmeal cookies
  1593. Recipe spinach_oatmeal_cookies = create_recipe("spinach oatmeal cookies", sweet, "5 pieces", 20141113, 20);
  1594. set_description(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies, "<p>When making green cookies, spinach is an obvious choice, it adds colour, nutrition, and doesn't alter the flavor of the food.</p><p>This recipe also doesn't take very long to make and does not require flour. It makes 5 small cookies, it's easy and doesn't make a mess. We never bake huge batches of desserts, but if you want more you can double or triple the recipe.</p>");
  1595. RecipePart spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1596. add_instruction(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>");
  1597. add_instruction(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, "Purée <i>15 g (~1 handful)</i> of <a href='spinach_leaves.html'>spinach leaves</a> with <i>1 whole</i> <a href='banana.html'>banana</a>.");
  1598. add_instruction(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, "Stir in <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a> and <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a>.");
  1599. add_instruction(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, "Put 5 balls of dough onto a baking sheet lined with a baking mat (or parchment paper). Flatten the balls down into desired thickness.");
  1600. add_instruction(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, "Bake for <u>12-15 minutes</u>, let cool for <u>10 minutes</u> before you move them off the baking mat.");
  1601. add_serving(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, &spinach, "15 g");
  1602. add_serving(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, &banana, "1");
  1603. add_serving(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, &vanilla_extract, "1.25 ml");
  1604. add_serving(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies, &rolled_oats, "60 g");
  1605. add_part(&spinach_oatmeal_cookies, &spinach_oatmeal_cookies_cookies);
  1606. // spinach pajeon
  1607. /*Recipe spinach_pajeon = create_recipe("spinach pajeon", maindish, "1 pancake", 20140819, 15);
  1608. set_description(&spinach_pajeon, "A dish of korean inspiration! A delicious scallion pancake coloured green with spinach. This is a great way to add an extra portion of vegetables to your meal.</p><p>");
  1609. RecipePart spinach_pajeon_pancake = create_part("pancake");
  1610. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "Blend <i>15 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spinach.html'>spinach</a> with <i>120 ml</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> until smooth. Set aside.");
  1611. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "In a bowl, whisk together <i>50 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a>, <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> and the blended spinach.");
  1612. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "Heat a large pan with <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='sesame_oil.html'>sesame oil</a> over <i>medium heat</i>.");
  1613. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "Put the <i>2</i> chopped <a href='scallions.html'>scallions</a> in the pan and pour the batter onto it. With a spatula, press down on the pancake to flatten it out.");
  1614. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "Cook for <u>3-4 minutes</u> until the sides come off the pan and the bottom is cooked. Flip, cook for a a few extra minutes and transfer to a plate.");
  1615. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, "Cut it into pieces to make it easier to dip into the sauce!");
  1616. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, &spinach, "15 g");
  1617. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, &water, "120 ml");
  1618. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, &spelt_flour, "50 g");
  1619. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, &sesame_oil, "10 ml");
  1620. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_pancake, &scallions, "2 stalks");
  1621. add_part(&spinach_pajeon, &spinach_pajeon_pancake);
  1622. RecipePart spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce = create_part("dipping sauce");
  1623. add_instruction(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, "Put the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and mix!");
  1624. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &soy_sauce, "30 ml");
  1625. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &japanese_rice_vinegar, "15 ml");
  1626. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &chili_pepper_flakes, "5 g");
  1627. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &black_sesame_seeds, "5 g");
  1628. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &maple_syrup, "5 ml");
  1629. add_serving(&spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce, &garlic, "1 clove");
  1630. add_part(&spinach_pajeon, &spinach_pajeon_dipping_sauce);*/
  1631. // stovetop popcorn
  1632. Recipe stovetop_popcorn = create_recipe("stovetop popcorn", basic, "20 cups", 20171108, 5);
  1633. set_description(&stovetop_popcorn, "<p>Making popcorn on the stovetop is not a recipe perse, it's a reminder that it's easy to do and that it doesn't require any specialized tools or ingredients. It doesn't require a microwave, just a pot and source of heat (stove).</p><p>When Rekka was a kid their family used Jiffy Pop, unpopped kernels, oil, and flavoring agents that come in a heavy-gauge aluminum foil pan. Rekka enjoyed seeing the foil rise up into a dome as the kernels started to pop. Then later, their family adopted microwavable bags. These products—while easy and fun—cost more and create unecessary waste. Because we grew up with packaged popcorn, the idea of trying to pop our own kernels only occurred to us MUCH later in life.</p><p>So, again, this is a reminder that there are conveniences in life that we just don't need.</p>");
  1634. RecipePart stovetop_popcorn_popcorn = create_part("popcorn");
  1635. add_instruction(&stovetop_popcorn_popcorn, "Put <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> in a deep pot, bring to a high heat.");
  1636. add_instruction(&stovetop_popcorn_popcorn, "Add a few corn kernels into the pot. Once they start to pop, add <i>120 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='dry_corn_kernels.html'>dry corn kernels</a> and cover pot with a lid.");
  1637. add_instruction(&stovetop_popcorn_popcorn, "Shake pot for 10 seconds, let rest for 10 seconds. Do this until the popping sounds begin to lessen.");
  1638. add_serving(&stovetop_popcorn_popcorn, &dry_corn_kernels, "120 g");
  1639. add_serving(&stovetop_popcorn_popcorn, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  1640. add_part(&stovetop_popcorn, &stovetop_popcorn_popcorn);
  1641. RecipePart stovetop_popcorn_toppings = create_part("toppings");
  1642. add_instruction(&stovetop_popcorn_toppings, "Add desired toppings like nutritional yeast, smoked paprika or salt.");
  1643. add_serving(&stovetop_popcorn_toppings, &nutritional_yeast, "10 g");
  1644. add_serving(&stovetop_popcorn_toppings, &smoked_paprika, "5 g");
  1645. add_part(&stovetop_popcorn, &stovetop_popcorn_toppings);
  1646. // uzumaki hummus bites
  1647. Recipe uzumaki_hummus_bites = create_recipe("uzumaki hummus bites", sidedish, "11 tortillas", 20150429, 50);
  1648. set_description(&uzumaki_hummus_bites, "<p><b>Uzumaki</b> means 'spiral' in Japanese, it is also the name of Rekka's favorite Junji Ito story. We thought this to be a good name for these savoury beet hummus bites.</p><p>Making tortillas at home is overall easy, but making perfect circles is a challenge and comes with practice. A tortilla press is only ever necessary if you care about the shape. I've gotten good results with a simple rolling pin.</p><p>Making the tortillas black is optional, but it adds a nice contrast to the beet hummus.</p>");
  1649. RecipePart uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus = create_part("beet hummus");
  1650. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, "Preheat oven to <u>190 °C (375 °F)</u>.");
  1651. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, "Wash and cut <i>2 small</i> <a href='red_beets.html'>red beets</a> into 4, rub quarters lightly with <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a>.");
  1652. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, "Roast for <u>30-40 minutes</u> or until fork tender.");
  1653. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, "Cook <i>125 g (3/4 cup)</i> of dried chickpeas (see <a href='chickpeas.html'>instructions</a>), or use 1 can (15oz)." );
  1654. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, "Purée the roasted beets, with the cooked <i>250 g (1x400g can)</i> <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a>, <i>2 minced cloves</i> of <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a>, a <i>65 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='tahini.html'>tahini</a>, <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> and <i>15 ml (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='balsamic_vinegar.html'>balsamic vinegar</a>. Mix in <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> at the end. If the hummus feels too thick, add a few tbsp of water until you the desired consistency.");
  1655. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &red_beets, "2");
  1656. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &chickpeas, "250g, cooked");
  1657. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &garlic, "2 cloves, minced");
  1658. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &tahini, "65 g");
  1659. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &sea_salt, "1.25 g");
  1660. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &balsamic_vinegar, "15 ml");
  1661. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus, &olive_oil, "30 ml");
  1662. add_part(&uzumaki_hummus_bites, &uzumaki_hummus_bites_beet_hummus);
  1663. RecipePart uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas = create_part("tortillas");
  1664. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, "Put <i>360 g (3 cups)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> <a href='bamboo_powder.html'>bamboo powder</a> and <i>1.25 g (1/4tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> in a bowl. Mix well.");
  1665. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, "Add <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='olive_oil.html'>olive oil</a> and <i>180 ml (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='cold_water.html'>cold water</a>.");
  1666. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, "Knead into a smooth dough, and separate into <i>11 balls</i>. Dust the balls lightly with flour, and let rest for <u>5 minutes</u>.");
  1667. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, "Roll the balls out into circles. Put the tortillas under a moist cloth until you're ready to cook them so they don't dry up (I usually spray a bit of water over the cloth).");
  1668. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, "Heat a non-stick pan at medium heat, cook tortillas for <u>30 seconds</u> on each side. Again, put the warmed tortillas under a cloth so they stay nice and moist.");
  1669. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, &all_purpose_flour, "360 g");
  1670. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, "5 g");
  1671. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, &sea_salt, "5 g");
  1672. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, &olive_oil, "60 ml");
  1673. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas, &water, "180 ml, cold");
  1674. add_part(&uzumaki_hummus_bites, &uzumaki_hummus_bites_tortillas);
  1675. RecipePart uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling = create_part("filling");
  1676. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling, "Brush some beet hummus onto a tortilla, add <i>~150g (1 cup)</i> of chopped <a href='black_olives.html'>black olives</a> and some <a href='arugula.html'>arugula</a> overtop. Be sure to put the fillings near the edge to make it easier to roll.");
  1677. add_instruction(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling, "Roll the tortillas tightly and then slice into bite-sized bits.");
  1678. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling, &black_olives, "150 g");
  1679. add_serving(&uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling, &arugula, "few bunches");
  1680. add_part(&uzumaki_hummus_bites, &uzumaki_hummus_bites_filling);
  1681. // vegemite caramel
  1682. Recipe vegemite_caramel = create_recipe("vegemite caramel", sweet, "250 ml", 20150927, 20);
  1683. set_description(&vegemite_caramel, "<p>Vegemite is very salty, and we thought it would pair well with something sweet.</p><p>We used deglet noor dates for this recipe, but feel free to use medjool dates instead. Medjool dates are great, but expensive, and their cheaper counterpart works just fine. The added soy milk helps cut the salty/sweet of the mixture.</p>");
  1684. RecipePart vegemite_caramel_caramel = create_part("caramel");
  1685. add_instruction(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, "Soak <i>150 g (1 cup)</i> chopped of <a href='deglet_noor_dates.html'>deglet noor dates</a> in boiling water for <u>5-10 minutes</u>. Drain.");
  1686. add_instruction(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, "Mix <a href='dates.html'>dates</a> with the following ingredients - <i>7 ml (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='vegemite.html'>vegemite</a>, <i>5 g (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='lemon_juice.html'>lemon juice</a>, <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> and <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>.");
  1687. add_instruction(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, "Blend to a smooth purée using a hand mixer or food processor. Serve as a dip for apple slices!");
  1688. add_serving(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, &deglet_noor_dates, "150 g");
  1689. add_serving(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, &vegemite, "7 g");
  1690. add_serving(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, &lemon_juice, "5 ml");
  1691. add_serving(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, &soy_milk, "45 ml");
  1692. add_serving(&vegemite_caramel_caramel, &vanilla_extract, "5 ml");
  1693. add_part(&vegemite_caramel, &vegemite_caramel_caramel);
  1694. // wakame bites
  1695. Recipe wakame_bites = create_recipe("wakame bites", snack, "30 small cookies", 20140913, 50);
  1696. set_description(&wakame_bites, "<p>Seaweed bites, a great snack packed with a good dose of iodine, necessary for good health.</p><p>We used our fancy cookie cutters, but most times we just cut the sheets of dough into small squares with a regular knife. Using cookie cutters is longer, because we want to use every bit of the dough and that means re-using the bits around the cut-outs.</p><p>The cookies were adapted from a recipe by <a href='http://www.food-sommelier.jp/recipe/R0123/173155.html' target='_blank'>Kiuchi Yuki-san</a></p>");
  1697. RecipePart wakame_bites_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1698. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "Mix <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> of ground <a href='flax_seeds.html'>flax seeds</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a>. Let it sit until it thickens.");
  1699. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "In a bowl, mix <i>90 g (3/4 cup)</i> of <a href='flour.html'>flour</a> with <i>10 g (4 tsp)</i> of <a href='cornstarch.html'>cornstarch</a>.");
  1700. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "In a separate bowl, cream <i>45 g (5 tbsp) </i> of <a href='coconut_sugar.html'>coconut sugar</a> with <i>90 ml (6 tbsp)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>. Stir in the flax seeds and water mix. Put the wet ingredients with the dry ones. ");
  1701. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, ", add <i>10 g (2 tsp)</i> of shredded <a href='wakame.html'>wakame</a> and mix well.");
  1702. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "Form into a ball, put it in a bowl with a cover and stick it in the fridge for approximately <u>20 minutes</u>.");
  1703. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "Preheat your oven to <u>175 °C (350 °F)</u>. After the <u>20 minutes</u> is up, take the dough out of the fridge and flatten it into a rectangle with a rolling pin to a thickness of about <u>1/2 cm</u>. Cut into whatever shape you want! I had small flower-shaped cookie cutters so i used that, you can cut the dough into squares with a knife.");
  1704. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "Prepare a baking sheet lined with a baking mat, bake for about <u>15 minutes</u> until they brown on top.");
  1705. add_instruction(&wakame_bites_cookies, "Place on a cooling rack and enjoy!");
  1706. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &flax_seeds, "7 g, ground");
  1707. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &all_purpose_flour, "90 g");
  1708. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &cornstarch, "10 g");
  1709. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &coconut_sugar, "45 g");
  1710. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &canola_oil, "90 ml");
  1711. add_serving(&wakame_bites_cookies, &wakame, "10 g");
  1712. add_part(&wakame_bites, &wakame_bites_cookies);
  1713. // wasabi swirl chocolate cookies
  1714. Recipe wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies = create_recipe("wasabi swirl chocolate cookies", sweet, "13 cookies", 20150518, 30);
  1715. set_description(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies, "<p>Black sesame chocolate cookies with a wasabi glaze, it's surprising how well these two things go together.</p><p>we wanted to mix the wasabi directly in the cookies at first, but after reading a lot about baking wasabi, we decided to apply it after in the form of a glaze because the taste of wasabi fades significantly when heated.</p><p>It doesn't taste too strong, and adds just the right amount of kick.</p><p><b class='head'>Quick Yogurt</b></p><p>To make quick yogurt or sour milk, add apple cider vinegar to soy milk. The vinegar makes soy curdle and thicken, and adds sourness that makes it taste more complex.</p>");
  1716. RecipePart wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies = create_part("cookies");
  1717. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.");
  1718. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Mix <i>7 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='ground_flax_seeds.html'>ground flax seeds</a> with <i>45 ml (3 tbsp)</i> of <a href='water.html'>water</a> (this is your 'flax egg'). Let thicken.");
  1719. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Sautee <i>35 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='black_sesame_seeds.html'>black sesame seeds</a> in a non-stick pan at medium heat, roast until they begin to pop. Let cool.");
  1720. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Mix the sesame seeds with <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_yogurt.html'>soy yogurt</a> and pulse in an immersion blender. Alternatively, you can crush the sesame seeds into a mortar and pestle first, then mix it into the soy yogurt.");
  1721. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "In a bowl, add the flax seed 'egg' to the sesame mix, along with a <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>, <i>130 g (2/3 cup)</i> of <a href='natural_brown_sugar.html'>natural commercial brown sugar</a> and <i>5 ml (1 tsp)</i> of <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>. Stir well.");
  1722. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Take <i>140 g (1 1/2 cups)</i> of <a href='rolled_oats.html'>rolled oats</a>, break it down into 'coarse' flour with a mortar and pestle. Don't grind it too finely, having bigger bits gives an interesting texture to the cookie!");
  1723. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Add the dry ingredients one by one, mixing thoroughly in-between. Add <i>1.25 g (1/4 tsp)</i> of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a>, <i>10 g (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='unsweetened_cocoa_powder.html'>unsweetened cocoa powder</a>, the coarsely ground 'oat' flour as well as <i>10 ml (2 tsp)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a>");
  1724. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Take <i>1 generous spoonful</i> of cookie dough and form into a ball. Put the balls onto a baking sheet lined with a baking mat. Flatten the balls a bit with the palm of your hand.");
  1725. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, "Bake for <u>13 minutes</u>, let cool.");
  1726. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &flax_seeds, "7 g, ground");
  1727. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &water, "45 ml");
  1728. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &black_sesame_seeds, "35 g");
  1729. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &canola_oil, "60 ml");
  1730. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &soy_yogurt, "30 ml");
  1731. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &natural_brown_sugar, "130 g");
  1732. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &vanilla_extract, "5 ml");
  1733. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &sea_salt, "1.25 g");
  1734. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &cocoa_powder, "10 g");
  1735. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &rolled_oats, "140 g, ground");
  1736. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies, &soy_milk, "10 ml");
  1737. add_part(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies, &wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_cookies);
  1738. RecipePart wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze = create_part("glaze");
  1739. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze, "Mix <i>55 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='powdered_sugar.html'>powdered sugar</a> and <i>15 g (1 tbsp)</i> of <a href='wasabi_powder.html'>wasabi powder</a> together.");
  1740. add_instruction(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze, "Add <i>30 ml (2 tbsp)</i> of <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> in gradually while mixing, add more if need be. Apply glaze to cookies! I don't have any fancy glazing tools so i just used a ziploc bag (can clean to re-use later). Just put the glaze in the bag and cut the end off one of the corners and squeeze the glaze through the hole.");
  1741. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze, &powdered_sugar, "55 g");
  1742. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze, &wasabi_powder, "15 g");
  1743. add_serving(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze, &soy_milk, "30 ml");
  1744. add_part(&wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies, &wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies_glaze);
  1745. Recipe *recipes[] = {&chunky_apple_jam, &quick_flat_bread, &roasted_eggplant_dip, &anise_bread_with_sweet_pear_sauce, &arame_soba, &balsamic_banana_ice_cream, &black_sesame_brittle, &black_sesame_rice_pancakes, &black_sesame_syrup, &breaded_chickpea_tofu_fingers, &brownies, &carrot_kinpira_onigirazu, &corn_pone, &quick_cheese, &cheese_and_spinach_ravioli, &choco_peanut_blondies, &basic_black_bread,&basic_toothpaste, &beer_bread, /*&borscht_with_tofu_sour_cream,*/ &breadfruit_gnocchi, &breadfruit_pasta, &buckwheat_dumplings, &buckwheat_tea, &chickpea_salad_sandwich, &chocolate_chip_cookies, &coffee_jelly, &corn_dumplings, &crackers, &soy_flour_tofu, &fresh_pesto_pasta, &halloween_pumpkin_cookies, &veganaise, &hop_ice_cream, &houjicha_overnight_oatmeal, &red_lentil_stew, &lentils_with_roasted_beet_sauce, &mason_jar_bread_pudding, &mustard_from_seed, &no_knead_bread, &okonomiyaki, &pandanus_fruit_bread, &pan_fried_breadfruit, &papaya_bruschetta_topping, &shepherds_pie, &quick_sunflower_seed_parmesan, &raisin_beet_bread, &roasted_carrots_with_beluga_lentils, &roasted_pumpkin_seeds, &scrambled_chickpea_flour, &spicy_brownies_with_pomegranate_syrup, &stovetop_blackberry_cake, &stovetop_choco_oat_cookies, &cheesy_sunflower_seed_sauce, &sourdough_spelt_flatbread, &sweet_mock_eel_nigiri, &tzatziki, &seitan, &shichimi_togarashi_crackers, &spicy_stirfry_chickpeas, &spinach_oatmeal_cookies, &stovetop_popcorn, &sweet_and_sour_lentils, &uzumaki_hummus_bites, &vegemite_caramel, &vege_pate, &wakame_bites, &wasabi_swirl_chocolate_cookies, &golden_bread, &sourdough_starter, &soybean_hummus_with_jalapenos, &bean_chili};