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halloween_pumpkin_cookies.html (7294B)

  1. <!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en'><head><meta charset='utf-8'><meta name='description' content='Grim Grains is an illustrated food blog, it features plant-based (vegan) recipes.'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'><meta name='twitter:card' content='summary'><meta name='twitter:site' content='@hundredrabbits'><meta name='twitter:title' content='Grimgrains'><meta name='twitter:description' content='An illustrated food blog.'><meta name='twitter:creator' content='@hundredrabbits'><meta name='twitter:image' content='https://grimgrains.com/media/services/icon.jpg'><meta property='og:title' content='Grimgrains'><meta property='og:type' content='article'><meta property='og:url' content='http://grimgrains.com/'><meta property='og:image' content='https://grimgrains.com/media/services/icon.jpg'><meta property='og:description' content='An illustrated food blog.'><meta property='og:site_name' content='Grimgrains'><link rel='icon' type='image/x-icon' href='../media/services/favicon.ico'><link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='../media/services/icon.jpg'><link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='../media/services/apple-touch-icon.png' /><title>GrimGrains — halloween pumpkin cookies</title><link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS Feed' href='../links/rss.xml' /><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../links/main.css'></head><body class='recipe'><header><a id='logo' href='home.html'><img src='../media/interface/logo.png' alt='Grimgrains'></a></header><nav><ul><li class='home'><a href='home.html'>Home</a></li><li class='about'><a href='about.html'>About</a></li><li class='tools'><a href='tools.html'>Tools</a></li><li class='nutrition'><a href='nutrition.html'>Nutrition</a></li><li class='sprouting'><a href='sprouting.html'>Sprouting</a></li><li class='lactofermentation'><a href='lactofermentation.html'>Lacto-fermentation</a></li><li class='right'><a href='https://grimgrains.com/links/rss.xml'>RSS feed</a> | <a href='https://merveilles.town/@rek' target='_blank'>Mastodon</a></li></ul></nav><main class='recipe'><h1>halloween pumpkin cookies</h1><h2>15 cookies — 30 minutes</h2><img src='../media/recipes/halloween_pumpkin_cookies.jpg'/><div class='col2'><p>Been a while since we've baked cookies. It being pumpkin season, the choice was obvious.</p><p>These are not very sweet, namely because of the addition of coconut sugar which has a subtle and more complex taste. Coconut sugar will make your cookies a darker shade of orange, almost brown, and we think it fits nicely with the toned-down color of the pumpkin seeds. If you want a bold orange color, use white cane sugar instead.</p><p><b>Left over chocolate:</b> This recipe makes more chocolate than is needed for the recipe. If you want to keep it for later, pour it in a chocolate mold or shallow container and put it in the freezer. It will become solid and you'll have delicious homemade chocolate on the side for later times! Once it's solid, pop it out of the mold and put it in a closed container. Keep it in the freezer until you're ready to eat it!</p><p>Pumpkin puree how-to: Remove seeds and stringy flesh from pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin into large chunks and place on a baking sheet. Preheat oven at 180 °C (350 ºF). Roast pumpkin for 45 minutes until pumpkin is soft and tender. Let cool. Remove skin, and process into a food processor or use a handstick blender. If pumpkin puree is too wet, strain liquid through cheese cloth, if too dry, add a bit of water. The puree keeps for 3 days in the fridge, and up to 3 months frozen.</p></div><dl class='ingredients'><h3>cookie dough</h3><dt><a href='all_purpose_flour.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/all_purpose_flour.png'/><b>all purpose flour</b></a><u>60 g</u></dt><dt><a href='spelt_flour.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/spelt_flour.png'/><b>spelt flour</b></a><u>50 g</u></dt><dt><a href='baking_powder.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/baking_powder.png'/><b>baking powder</b></a><u>7 g</u></dt><dt><a href='coconut_sugar.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/coconut_sugar.png'/><b>coconut sugar</b></a><u>70 g</u></dt><dt><a href='canola_oil.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/canola_oil.png'/><b>canola oil</b></a><u>45 ml</u></dt><dt><a href='pumpkin.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/pumpkin.png'/><b>pumpkin</b></a><u>122 g, pureed</u></dt><dt><a href='pumpkin_seeds.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/pumpkin_seeds.png'/><b>pumpkin seeds</b></a><u>45 seeds</u></dt></dl><ul class='instructions'><li>Preheat oven to <u>180 °C (350 °F)</u>.</li><li>Stir <i>60 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='all_purpose_flour.html'>all purpose flour</a>, <i>50 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='spelt_flour.html'>spelt flour</a> and <i>7 g (1 1/2 tsp)</i> of <a href='baking_powder.html'>baking powder</a> together in a bowl.</li><li>See above description to make your own pumpkin puree.</li><li>In another bowl, add <i>122g (1/2 cup)</i> of pureed <a href='pumpkin.html'>pumpkin</a>, <i>(3 tbsp) 45 ml</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a> and <i>70 g (1/2 cup)</i> of <a href='coconut_sugar.html'>coconut sugar</a>. Stir everything together until smooth and well incorporated.</li><li>Add the wet to the dry ingredients, mix with a wooden spoon until you get a soft and consistent dough. It will be sticky, but that's fine, if it's too sticky add extra flour. Let the dough rest for <u>10 minutes</u>.</li><li>Line a baking sheet with a baking mat. Make little balls of dough, as round as you can make them, and flatten each one gently. Bake for <u>15 minutes</u>.</li><li>Decorate each cookie with <i>3</i> <a href='pumpkin_seeds.html'>pumpkin seeds</a>, sticking them at the top (pointy end in).</li></ul><dl class='ingredients'><h3>chocolate</h3><dt><a href='canola_oil.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/canola_oil.png'/><b>canola oil</b></a><u>60 ml</u></dt><dt><a href='cocoa_powder.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/cocoa_powder.png'/><b>cocoa powder</b></a><u>20 g</u></dt><dt><a href='vanilla_extract.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/vanilla_extract.png'/><b>vanilla extract</b></a><u>1.25 ml</u></dt><dt><a href='maple_syrup.html'><img src='../media/ingredients/maple_syrup.png'/><b>maple syrup</b></a><u>20 ml</u></dt></dl><ul class='instructions'><li>Mix <i>60 ml (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='canola_oil.html'>canola oil</a>, <i>20 g (1/4 cup)</i> of <a href='cocoa_powder.html'>cocoa powder</a>, <i>1.25 ml (1/4 tsp)</i> <a href='vanilla_extract.html'>vanilla extract</a>, <i>20 ml (2 tbsp)</i> <a href='maple_syrup.html'>maple syrup</a> and a pinch of <a href='salt.html'>salt</a> together in a glass bowl.</li><li>Put a bit of <a href='water.html'>water</a> to boil in a pot (large enough to fit your bowl, or to have it hanging overtop).</li><li>Lower the heat to a simmer, add the glass bowl with the chocolate into the pot, stir with a spoon until the chocolate is smooth and runny.</li><li>Remove from heat. Take a toothpick and dip into the chocolate, draw pumpkin faces on your cookies and serve as is!</li></ul></main><footer><a href='about.html'>Grimgrains</a> © 2014—2022 <a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/' target='_blank'> BY-NC-SA-4.0</a><br><a href='http://100r.co/' target='_blank'>Hundred Rabbits</a></footer></body></html>