activity.rb (2768B)
- # frozen_string_literal: true
- class ActivityPub::Activity
- include JsonLdHelper
- def initialize(json, account, **options)
- @json = json
- @account = account
- @object = @json['object']
- @options = options
- end
- def perform
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- class << self
- def factory(json, account, **options)
- @json = json
- klass&.new(json, account, options)
- end
- private
- def klass
- case @json['type']
- when 'Create'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Create
- when 'Announce'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Announce
- when 'Delete'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Delete
- when 'Follow'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Follow
- when 'Like'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Like
- when 'Block'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Block
- when 'Update'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Update
- when 'Undo'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Undo
- when 'Accept'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Accept
- when 'Reject'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Reject
- when 'Flag'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Flag
- when 'Add'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Add
- when 'Remove'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Remove
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def status_from_uri(uri)
- ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(uri, Status)
- end
- def account_from_uri(uri)
- ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(uri, Account)
- end
- def object_uri
- @object_uri ||= value_or_id(@object)
- end
- def redis
- Redis.current
- end
- def distribute(status)
- crawl_links(status)
- notify_about_reblog(status) if reblog_of_local_account?(status)
- notify_about_mentions(status)
- # Only continue if the status is supposed to have
- # arrived in real-time
- return unless @options[:override_timestamps] || status.within_realtime_window?
- distribute_to_followers(status)
- end
- def reblog_of_local_account?(status)
- status.reblog? && status.reblog.account.local?
- end
- def notify_about_reblog(status)
-, status)
- end
- def notify_about_mentions(status)
- status.mentions.includes(:account).each do |mention|
- next unless mention.account.local? && audience_includes?(mention.account)
-, mention)
- end
- end
- def crawl_links(status)
- return if status.spoiler_text?
- LinkCrawlWorker.perform_async(
- end
- def distribute_to_followers(status)
- ::DistributionWorker.perform_async(
- end
- def delete_arrived_first?(uri)
- redis.exists("delete_upon_arrival:#{}:#{uri}")
- end
- def delete_later!(uri)
- redis.setex("delete_upon_arrival:#{}:#{uri}", 6.hours.seconds, uri)
- end
- end