- # Mass highlight blocker for WeeChat by arza <>, distributed freely and without any warranty, licensed under GPL3 <>
- weechat::register('mass_hl_blocker', 'arza <arza\>', '0.1', 'GPL3', 'Block mass highlights', '', '');
- my $version=weechat::info_get('version_number', '') || 0;
- my $limit=5;
- if(weechat::config_is_set_plugin('limit')){ $limit=weechat::config_get_plugin('limit'); }
- else{ weechat::config_set_plugin('limit', $limit); }
- if($version>=0x00030500){ weechat::config_set_desc_plugin('limit', 'minimum amount of nicks in line to disable highlight (default: 5)'); }
- weechat::hook_config('plugins.var.perl.mass_highlight_block.limit', 'set_limit', '');
- weechat::hook_modifier('2000|weechat_print', 'block', '');
- sub block { my $message=$_[3];
- $_[2]=~/(\S+);(\S+)\.(\S+);(\S+)/ || return $message;
- my ($plugin, $server, $channel, $tags) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
- index($message, weechat::info_get('irc_nick', $server)) != -1 && index($tags, 'notify_message') != -1 && index($tags, 'no_highlight') == -1 || return $message;
- my $count=0;
- foreach my $word (split(' ', $message)){
- my $infolist=weechat::infolist_get('irc_nick', '', "$server,$channel,$word");
- if($infolist){ $count++; }
- weechat::infolist_free($infolist);
- }
- if($count>=$limit){
- weechat::print_date_tags(weechat::buffer_search($plugin, "$server.$channel"), 0, "$tags,no_highlight", $message);
- return '';
- }
- return $message;
- }
- sub set_limit {
- $limit=$_[2];
- return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
- }