.muttrc (2593B)
- set mbox_type=Maildir
- set edit_headers=yes
- set reverse_name
- alternates 'lanodan.eu$' 'hacktivis.me$' 'the-delta.net.eu.org$' 'urtu.be$' 'girldick.pw$'
- mailboxes `echo -n "$MAIL " '~/sent + '; find ~/Mail $MAIL -name '.*' -type d -printf '+"%f" '`
- ## caching
- set header_cache = ~/.cache/mutt/header
- # Assume that mutt is the only client
- set maildir_header_cache_verify = no
- ## Sidebar
- set sidebar_visible
- set sidebar_on_right
- set sidebar_format="%B %> (%N/%S)"
- set sidebar_short_path=yes
- set sidebar_folder_indent=yes
- macro index G '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><refresh>'
- macro pager G '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><redraw-screen>'
- bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev
- bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next
- bind index,pager \Cl sidebar-open
- ## Visual
- alternative_order text/plain text/html
- auto_view 'text/html' 'application/tlsrpt+gzip'
- ignore *
- unignore 'Date' 'Subject' 'From' 'To' 'Cc' 'Reply-To' 'List-*' 'Message-ID' 'In-Reply-To' 'References'
- hdr_order 'Date' 'Subject' 'From' 'To' 'Cc' 'Reply-To' 'List-*' 'Message-ID' 'In-Reply-To' 'References'
- set pager_index_lines=10
- set markers=no
- set index_format = "%2C | %Z [%D] %-30.30F (%-4.4c) %s"
- set date_format = "%F %T%z"
- set attribution = '[%d] %n:\n'
- set sort = 'threads'
- set sort_aux = 'last-date-received'
- ## Keybindings
- bind pager j next-line
- bind pager k previous-line
- macro index,pager S s=.spam
- ## Theme
- color index cyan black ~O
- color index brightcyan black ~N
- color index brightyellow black ~F
- color index black green ~T
- color index brightred black ~D
- mono index bold ~O
- mono index bold ~N
- mono index bold ~F
- mono index bold ~T
- mono index bold ~D
- color header yellow black "^from:"
- color header yellow black "^to:"
- color header yellow black "^subject:"
- color header yellow black "^date:"
- mono header bold "^from:"
- mono header bold "^to:"
- mono header bold "^subject:"
- mono header bold "^date:"
- color quoted cyan black
- color quoted1 yellow black
- color quoted2 red black
- color quoted3 green black
- color quoted4 cyan black
- color quoted5 yellow black
- color quoted6 red black
- color quoted7 green black
- color error red black
- # Patch file highlighting
- # Based on https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-July/msg01100.html
- color body green black "^diff \-.*"
- color body green black "^index [a-f0-9].*"
- color body green black "^[\-]{3} .*"
- color body green black "^[\+]{3} .*"
- color body cyan black "^[\+][^\+]+.*"
- color body red black "^\-[^\-]+.*"
- color body white black "^\ [^\ ]+.*"
- color body brightblue black "^@@ .*"
- mono bold bold
- mono underline underline
- mono indicator reverse