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- <title>Désintox’ : Going towards ethical computing — Cyber-habitat de lanodan</title>
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- <h1>Désintox’: Going towards ethical computing</h1>
- <h2>Done</h2>
- <dl class="list">
- <dt>2009</dt><dd>Deleted</dd>
- <dt>2010(~)</dt><dd>Abandonned few days after creation</dd>
- <dt>2015(~) Adobe Flash Player</dt>
- <dt>2016-10 XMPP</dt><dd><a href="">R.I.P Jappix</a></dd>
- <dt>2016-11-05</dt><dd>Deleted on 2016-11-05, made <a href="/git/sshpaste">sshpaste</a> to upload to my server</dd>
- <dt>2017-06-19</dt><dd>Deactivated on 2017-05-20, deleted on 2017-06-19.</dd>
- <dt>2018</dt><dd>Subscriptions via RSS/Atom feeds, deletion of the account and Personnal Indentifying Information (so not everything)</dd>
- <dt>2019-02-17</dt>
- <dt>Alphabet (Google)</dt><dd>Deleted, archives downloaded, blocked wth (<a href="/domains.mask">my filter</a>). <br />Using youtube via RSS/Atom feeds, youtube-dl(hooked with mpv), searx</dd>
- <dt>Microsoft Hotmail/MSN</dt>
- <dt>Microsoft Skype</dt>
- <dt>Microsoft LinkedIn</dt>
- <dt></dt>
- <dt></dt>
- <dt>DNS</dt><dd>Fully self-hosted (primary and secondary)</dd>
- <dt></dt><dd>Not really unethical, but it’s basically a silo for activists</dd>
- <dt>Amazon</dt><dd>Not used</dd>
- <dt>NVidia</dt><dd>Replaced my GTX 650 Ti Boost with an AMD Radeon RX 560, replaced my laptop with a Thinkpad T495</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Work in Progress</h2>
- <dl class="list">
- <dt>2018-11: Email</dt><dd>Fully self-hosted (2018-11, primary and secondary), announce and then closing accounts on silos to be done</dd>
- <dt></dt><dd>Still used for patches and tickets for some external projects</dd>
- <dt>Jolla SailfishOS</dt><dd>Slowly building a gentoo for phones (with few android parts for the blobs)</dd>
- <dt>Smartphone (OnePlus One)</dt><dd>Waiting for the PinePhone to be done…</dd>
- <dt>Discord</dt><dd>Deletion request done on 2020-05-16 should be deleted in 14 days</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Stalled</h2>
- <dl class="list">
- <dt>Steam</dt><dd>Keeping the account for GOG Connect</dd>
- <dt>Ordinateur Portable <abbr title="Open-Source HardWare">OSHW</abbr></dt><dd>Project DIY arrêté</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Not started</h2>
- <dl class="list">
- <dt>Paypal, Patreon, Tipeee</dt><dd>Hopefully moving to Wire Transfer (I’m in EU)</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>To see what I host at home, see <a href="/notes/services">Services hosted</a>. If you prefer co-hosting (or a bit of both) I would recommend to look for something like <a href="">CHATONS</a> in your area.</p>
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