

My little blog can’t be this cute! git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/blog.git

anti-cohort.js (803B)

  1. // Copyright 2021 Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier <contact+anti-cohort@hacktivis.me>
  2. // Distributed under CC0
  3. // Spreading is highly-encouraged
  4. // detection grabbed from https://amifloced.org/
  5. // To test it run google-chrome with the following options: --enable-blink-features=InterestCohortAPI --enable-features="FederatedLearningOfCohorts:update_interval/10s/minimum_history_domain_size_required/1,FlocIdSortingLshBasedComputation,InterestCohortFeaturePolicy"
  6. if('interestCohort' in document) {
  7. alert("Your browser seems to support ‘Federated’ Learning of Cohorts, which means it assigns you to a herd by tracking your browsing habits. Check https://AmIFLoCed.org/ for more information.");
  8. }
  9. // https://github.com/WICG/floc
  10. // Yes the Web platform Incubator Community Group is full of shit like this