

My website can't be that messy, right? git clone https://anongit.hacktivis.me/git/blog.git/

domains.mask (1774B)

  1. # Facebook
  2. facebook.com
  3. facebook.net
  4. instagram.com
  5. # Google // used their TLS certificate and modified it by hand
  6. android.com
  7. g.co
  8. goo.gl
  9. google-analytics.com
  10. google.ca
  11. google.cl
  12. google.co.in
  13. google.co.jp
  14. google.co.uk
  15. google.com
  16. google.com.ar
  17. google.com.au
  18. google.com.br
  19. google.com.co
  20. google.com.mx
  21. google.com.tr
  22. google.com.vn
  23. google.de
  24. google.es
  25. google.fr
  26. google.hu
  27. google.it
  28. google.nl
  29. google.pl
  30. google.pt
  31. googleadapis.com
  32. googleapis.cn
  33. googlecommerce.com
  34. googlevideo.com
  35. gstatic.cn
  36. gstatic.com
  37. gvt1.com
  38. gvt2.com
  39. metric.gstatic.com
  40. urchin.com
  41. url.google.com
  42. www.goo.gl
  43. youtu.be
  44. youtube-nocookie.com
  45. youtube.com
  46. youtubeeducation.com
  47. ytimg.com
  48. ampproject.org
  49. # Amazon
  50. amazon.com
  51. cloudfront.net
  52. # Privacy
  53. solvemedia.com
  54. gravatar.com
  55. # Tracker-service
  56. mailchimp.com
  57. mandrill.com
  58. tinyletter.com
  59. list-manage.com
  60. # Useless shit
  61. wikiwand.com
  62. # Pay-wall
  63. presseocean.fr
  64. # Hackers for GAFAMs
  65. hackerone.com
  66. # Cookie-wall and not-trustable anymore
  67. # http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/05/sourceforge-grabs-gimp-for-windows-account-wraps-installer-in-bundle-pushing-adware/
  68. fsdn.org
  69. slashdotmedia.com
  70. slashdot.org
  71. sourceforge.org
  72. # Terms/cookie-wall
  73. curiouscat.me
  74. # Not trustable
  75. # https://twitter.com/lanodan/status/769442479020072961
  76. # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRUSTe
  77. truste.com
  78. truste.org
  79. # Sexist and LGBT-hating
  80. doublehop.me
  81. # Trump shit
  82. ilovevitaly.com
  83. ɢoogle.com
  84. # Unuseable without too-much whitelists
  85. medium.com
  86. # Social-Intranetwork
  87. dlvr.it
  88. # TOXIC
  89. jeuxvideo.com
  90. webedia.fr
  91. # Fuckware (define that for yourself)
  92. 01net.com
  93. # Transphobie / pas-safe
  94. fr.wikipedia.org
  95. # Les Survivants (anti-avortement)
  96. lessurvivants.fr
  97. lescharlatans.fr
  98. simoneveil.com
  99. # “Let’s make web shit again” — AMP
  100. amp.*
  101. amproject.org
  102. # GDPR-Wall
  103. tumblr.com