share (819B)
- @{flatpak_exports_root} = {flatpak/exports,flatpak/{app,runtime}/*/*/*/*/export}
- # System-wide directories with behaviour analogous to /usr/share
- # in patterns like the basedir spec. These are
- # owned by root or a system user, appear in XDG_DATA_DIRS, and
- # are the parent directory for `applications`, `themes`,
- # `dbus-1/services`, etc.
- @{system_share_dirs} = /{usr,usr/local,var/lib/@{flatpak_exports_root}}/share
- # Per-user/personal directories with behaviour analogous to
- # ~/.local/share in patterns like the basedir spec.
- # These are owned by the user running an application, appear in
- # XDG_DATA_DIRS or XDG_DATA_HOME, and are the parent directory
- # for the same subdirectories as @{system_share_dirs}
- @{user_share_dirs} = @{HOME}/.local{,/share/@{flatpak_exports_root}}/share