USA asking social-network password
TL;DR: it’s stupid, it’s often the worse “I have nothing to hide” thing and a (dis-united) state wants to to it. A password is meant to be hidden, even/specially to governments.
- Do I give you the whole public/private keyring ? (at least 4096 bytes per account)
- I cannot, it’s my finger which does the id and the password is by using sequences of my fingers
- I have Two Factor Authentification
- I use avian carriers for receiving my tweets per packets of 200
- Oh, you want one word, here is the first word of the passphrases
- Do I give also the accounts where I’m still logged in but forget the password
- There is no password, the server is on my computer
Other questions
What is a social network, is it what’s allowing humans to communicate or more specific thing like Twitter or Facebook
How can you verify that you gave all your social accounts, or even not a fake account which is created just for that (like recycling a _ebook bot)