

My custom branche(s) on searx, a meta-search engine git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/searx.git

settings.yml (21141B)

  1. general:
  2. debug : False # Debug mode, only for development
  3. instance_name : "Searx HacKtivism" # displayed name
  4. search:
  5. safe_search : 0 # Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict
  6. autocomplete : "" # Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "google", "startpage", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off by default
  7. language : "en-US"
  8. ban_time_on_fail : 5 # ban time in seconds after engine errors
  9. max_ban_time_on_fail : 120 # max ban time in seconds after engine errors
  10. server:
  11. port : 8888
  12. bind_address : "" # address to listen on
  13. secret_key : "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
  14. base_url : https://hacktivis.me/searx/
  15. image_proxy : False # Proxying image results through searx
  16. http_protocol_version : "1.0" # 1.0 and 1.1 are supported
  17. ui:
  18. static_path : "" # Custom static path - leave it blank if you didn't change
  19. templates_path : "" # Custom templates path - leave it blank if you didn't change
  20. default_theme : lanodan # ui theme
  21. default_locale : "" # Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or use codes from the 'locales' config section
  22. theme_args :
  23. oscar_style : logicodev # default style of oscar
  24. # searx supports result proxification using an external service: https://github.com/asciimoo/morty
  25. # uncomment below section if you have running morty proxy
  26. #result_proxy:
  27. # url :
  28. # key : your_morty_proxy_key
  29. outgoing: # communication with search engines
  30. request_timeout : 2.0 # seconds
  31. useragent_suffix : "" # suffix of searx_useragent, could contain informations like an email address to the administrator
  32. pool_connections : 100 # Number of different hosts
  33. pool_maxsize : 10 # Number of simultaneous requests by host
  34. # uncomment below section if you want to use a proxy
  35. # see http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#proxies
  36. # SOCKS proxies are also supported: see http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#socks
  37. # proxies :
  38. # http :
  39. # https:
  40. # uncomment below section only if you have more than one network interface
  41. # which can be the source of outgoing search requests
  42. # source_ips:
  43. # -
  44. # -
  45. engines:
  46. - name : arch linux wiki
  47. engine : archlinux
  48. shortcut : al
  49. - name : archive is
  50. engine : xpath
  51. search_url : https://archive.is/{query}
  52. url_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)/@href
  53. title_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)
  54. content_xpath : //div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/ul/li
  55. categories : general
  56. timeout : 7.0
  57. disabled : True
  58. shortcut : ai
  59. - name : arxiv
  60. engine : arxiv
  61. shortcut : arx
  62. categories : science
  63. timeout : 4.0
  64. - name : asksteem
  65. engine : asksteem
  66. shortcut : as
  67. - name : base
  68. engine : base
  69. shortcut : bs
  70. - name : wikipedia
  71. engine : wikipedia
  72. shortcut : wp
  73. base_url : 'https://{language}.wikipedia.org/'
  74. - name : bing
  75. engine : bing
  76. shortcut : bi
  77. - name : bing images
  78. engine : bing_images
  79. shortcut : bii
  80. - name : bing news
  81. engine : bing_news
  82. shortcut : bin
  83. - name : bing videos
  84. engine : bing_videos
  85. shortcut : biv
  86. - name : bitbucket
  87. engine : xpath
  88. paging : True
  89. search_url : https://bitbucket.org/repo/all/{pageno}?name={query}
  90. url_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href
  91. title_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]
  92. content_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p
  93. categories : it
  94. timeout : 4.0
  95. disabled : True
  96. shortcut : bb
  97. - name : ccc-tv
  98. engine : xpath
  99. paging : False
  100. search_url : https://media.ccc.de/search/?q={query}
  101. url_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/@href
  102. title_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/text()
  103. content_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h4/@title
  104. categories : videos
  105. disabled : True
  106. shortcut : c3tv
  107. - name : crossref
  108. engine : json_engine
  109. paging : True
  110. search_url : http://search.crossref.org/dois?q={query}&page={pageno}
  111. url_query : doi
  112. title_query : title
  113. content_query : fullCitation
  114. categories : science
  115. shortcut : cr
  116. - name : currency
  117. engine : currency_convert
  118. categories : general
  119. shortcut : cc
  120. - name : deezer
  121. engine : deezer
  122. shortcut : dz
  123. - name : deviantart
  124. engine : deviantart
  125. shortcut : da
  126. timeout: 3.0
  127. - name : ddg definitions
  128. engine : duckduckgo_definitions
  129. shortcut : ddd
  130. weight : 2
  131. disabled : True
  132. - name : digbt
  133. engine : digbt
  134. shortcut : dbt
  135. timeout : 6.0
  136. disabled : True
  137. - name : digg
  138. engine : digg
  139. shortcut : dg
  140. - name : erowid
  141. engine : xpath
  142. paging : True
  143. first_page_num : 0
  144. page_size : 30
  145. search_url : https://www.erowid.org/search.php?q={query}&s={pageno}
  146. url_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/@href
  147. title_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/text()
  148. content_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dd[@class="result-details"]
  149. categories : general
  150. shortcut : ew
  151. disabled : True
  152. - name : wikidata
  153. engine : wikidata
  154. shortcut : wd
  155. timeout : 3.0
  156. weight : 2
  157. - name : duckduckgo
  158. engine : duckduckgo
  159. shortcut : ddg
  160. disabled : True
  161. - name : duckduckgo images
  162. engine : duckduckgo_images
  163. shortcut : ddi
  164. timeout: 3.0
  165. disabled : True
  166. - name : etymonline
  167. engine : xpath
  168. paging : True
  169. search_url : http://etymonline.com/?search={query}&p={pageno}
  170. url_xpath : //a[contains(@class, "word--")]/@href
  171. title_xpath : //p[contains(@class, "word__name--")]/text()
  172. content_xpath : //section[contains(@class, "word__defination")]/object
  173. first_page_num : 0
  174. shortcut : et
  175. disabled : True
  176. - name : faroo
  177. engine : faroo
  178. shortcut : fa
  179. disabled : True
  180. - name : 1x
  181. engine : www1x
  182. shortcut : 1x
  183. disabled : True
  184. - name : fdroid
  185. engine : fdroid
  186. shortcut : fd
  187. disabled : True
  188. - name : flickr
  189. categories : images
  190. shortcut : fl
  191. # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
  192. # See : https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/
  193. # engine : flickr
  194. # api_key: 'apikey' # required!
  195. # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
  196. engine : flickr_noapi
  197. - name : free software directory
  198. engine : mediawiki
  199. shortcut : fsd
  200. categories : it
  201. base_url : https://directory.fsf.org/
  202. number_of_results : 5
  203. # what part of a page matches the query string: title, text, nearmatch
  204. # title - query matches title, text - query matches the text of page, nearmatch - nearmatch in title
  205. search_type : title
  206. timeout : 5.0
  207. disabled : True
  208. - name : frinkiac
  209. engine : frinkiac
  210. shortcut : frk
  211. disabled : True
  212. - name : genius
  213. engine : genius
  214. shortcut : gen
  215. - name : gigablast
  216. engine : gigablast
  217. shortcut : gb
  218. timeout : 3.0
  219. disabled: True
  220. - name : gentoo
  221. engine : gentoo
  222. shortcut : ge
  223. - name : gitlab
  224. engine : json_engine
  225. paging : True
  226. search_url : https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects?search={query}&page={pageno}
  227. url_query : web_url
  228. title_query : name_with_namespace
  229. content_query : description
  230. page_size : 20
  231. categories : it
  232. shortcut : gl
  233. timeout : 10.0
  234. disabled : True
  235. - name : github
  236. engine : github
  237. shortcut : gh
  238. - name : google
  239. engine : google
  240. shortcut : go
  241. - name : google images
  242. engine : google_images
  243. shortcut : goi
  244. - name : google news
  245. engine : google_news
  246. shortcut : gon
  247. - name : google videos
  248. engine : google_videos
  249. shortcut : gov
  250. - name : google scholar
  251. engine : xpath
  252. paging : True
  253. search_url : https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start={pageno}&q={query}&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1
  254. results_xpath : //div[contains(@class, "gs_r")]/div[@class="gs_ri"]
  255. url_xpath : .//h3/a/@href
  256. title_xpath : .//h3/a
  257. content_xpath : .//div[@class="gs_rs"]
  258. suggestion_xpath : //div[@id="gs_qsuggest"]/ul/li
  259. page_size : 10
  260. first_page_num : 0
  261. categories : science
  262. shortcut : gos
  263. - name : google play apps
  264. engine : xpath
  265. search_url : https://play.google.com/store/search?q={query}&c=apps
  266. url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
  267. title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]
  268. content_xpath : //a[@class="subtitle"]
  269. categories : files
  270. shortcut : gpa
  271. disabled : True
  272. - name : google play movies
  273. engine : xpath
  274. search_url : https://play.google.com/store/search?q={query}&c=movies
  275. url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
  276. title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@title
  277. content_xpath : //a[contains(@class, "subtitle")]
  278. categories : videos
  279. shortcut : gpm
  280. disabled : True
  281. - name : google play music
  282. engine : xpath
  283. search_url : https://play.google.com/store/search?q={query}&c=music
  284. url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
  285. title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]
  286. content_xpath : //a[@class="subtitle"]
  287. categories : music
  288. shortcut : gps
  289. disabled : True
  290. - name : geektimes
  291. engine : xpath
  292. paging : True
  293. search_url : https://geektimes.ru/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}
  294. url_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]/@href
  295. title_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]
  296. content_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//div[contains(@class, "post__text")]
  297. categories : it
  298. timeout : 4.0
  299. disabled : True
  300. shortcut : gt
  301. - name : habrahabr
  302. engine : xpath
  303. paging : True
  304. search_url : https://habrahabr.ru/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}
  305. url_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]/@href
  306. title_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]
  307. content_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//div[contains(@class, "post__text")]
  308. categories : it
  309. timeout : 4.0
  310. disabled : True
  311. shortcut : habr
  312. - name : hoogle
  313. engine : json_engine
  314. paging : True
  315. search_url : https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?mode=json&hoogle={query}&start={pageno}
  316. results_query : results
  317. url_query : location
  318. title_query : self
  319. content_query : docs
  320. page_size : 20
  321. categories : it
  322. shortcut : ho
  323. - name : ina
  324. engine : ina
  325. shortcut : in
  326. timeout : 6.0
  327. disabled : True
  328. - name: kickass
  329. engine : kickass
  330. shortcut : kc
  331. timeout : 4.0
  332. disabled : True
  333. - name : library genesis
  334. engine : xpath
  335. search_url : http://libgen.io/search.php?req={query}
  336. url_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"bookfi.net")]/@href
  337. title_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"book/")]/text()[1]
  338. content_xpath : //td/a[1][contains(@href,"=author")]/text()
  339. categories : general
  340. timeout : 7.0
  341. disabled : True
  342. shortcut : lg
  343. - name : lobste.rs
  344. engine : xpath
  345. search_url : https://lobste.rs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q={query}&what=stories&order=relevance
  346. results_xpath : //li[contains(@class, "story")]
  347. url_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a/@href
  348. title_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a
  349. content_xpath : .//a[@class="domain"]
  350. categories : it
  351. shortcut : lo
  352. - name : microsoft academic
  353. engine : microsoft_academic
  354. categories : science
  355. shortcut : ma
  356. - name : mixcloud
  357. engine : mixcloud
  358. shortcut : mc
  359. - name : nyaa
  360. engine : nyaa
  361. shortcut : nt
  362. disabled : True
  363. - name : acgsou
  364. engine : acgsou
  365. shortcut : acg
  366. disabled : True
  367. timeout: 5.0
  368. - name : openairedatasets
  369. engine : json_engine
  370. paging : True
  371. search_url : http://api.openaire.eu/search/datasets?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
  372. results_query : response/results/result
  373. url_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
  374. title_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
  375. content_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
  376. categories : science
  377. shortcut : oad
  378. timeout: 5.0
  379. - name : openairepublications
  380. engine : json_engine
  381. paging : True
  382. search_url : http://api.openaire.eu/search/publications?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
  383. results_query : response/results/result
  384. url_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
  385. title_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
  386. content_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
  387. categories : science
  388. shortcut : oap
  389. timeout: 5.0
  390. - name : openstreetmap
  391. engine : openstreetmap
  392. shortcut : osm
  393. - name : openrepos
  394. engine : xpath
  395. paging : True
  396. search_url : https://openrepos.net/search/node/{query}?page={pageno}
  397. url_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a/@href
  398. title_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a
  399. content_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//div[@class="search-snippet-info"]//p[@class="search-snippet"]
  400. categories : files
  401. timeout : 4.0
  402. disabled : True
  403. shortcut : or
  404. - name : pdbe
  405. engine : pdbe
  406. shortcut : pdb
  407. # Hide obsolete PDB entries.
  408. # Default is not to hide obsolete structures
  409. # hide_obsolete : False
  410. - name : photon
  411. engine : photon
  412. shortcut : ph
  413. - name : piratebay
  414. engine : piratebay
  415. shortcut : tpb
  416. url: https://pirateproxy.red/
  417. timeout : 3.0
  418. - name : pubmed
  419. engine : pubmed
  420. shortcut : pub
  421. categories: science
  422. timeout : 3.0
  423. - name : qwant
  424. engine : qwant
  425. shortcut : qw
  426. categories : general
  427. disabled : True
  428. - name : qwant images
  429. engine : qwant
  430. shortcut : qwi
  431. categories : images
  432. - name : qwant news
  433. engine : qwant
  434. shortcut : qwn
  435. categories : news
  436. - name : qwant social
  437. engine : qwant
  438. shortcut : qws
  439. categories : social media
  440. - name : reddit
  441. engine : reddit
  442. shortcut : re
  443. page_size : 25
  444. timeout : 10.0
  445. disabled : True
  446. - name : scanr structures
  447. shortcut: scs
  448. engine : scanr_structures
  449. disabled : True
  450. - name : soundcloud
  451. engine : soundcloud
  452. shortcut : sc
  453. - name : stackoverflow
  454. engine : stackoverflow
  455. shortcut : st
  456. - name : searchcode doc
  457. engine : searchcode_doc
  458. shortcut : scd
  459. - name : searchcode code
  460. engine : searchcode_code
  461. shortcut : scc
  462. disabled : True
  463. - name : framalibre
  464. engine : framalibre
  465. shortcut : frl
  466. disabled : True
  467. # - name : searx
  468. # engine : searx_engine
  469. # shortcut : se
  470. # instance_urls :
  471. # -
  472. # - ...
  473. # disabled : True
  474. - name : semantic scholar
  475. engine : xpath
  476. paging : True
  477. search_url : https://www.semanticscholar.org/search?q={query}&sort=relevance&page={pageno}&ae=false
  478. results_xpath : //article
  479. url_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a/@href
  480. title_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a
  481. content_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-abstract"]
  482. shortcut : se
  483. categories : science
  484. - name : spotify
  485. engine : spotify
  486. shortcut : stf
  487. - name : subtitleseeker
  488. engine : subtitleseeker
  489. shortcut : ss
  490. # The language is an option. You can put any language written in english
  491. # Examples : English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese...
  492. # language : English
  493. - name : startpage
  494. engine : startpage
  495. shortcut : sp
  496. timeout : 6.0
  497. disabled : True
  498. - name : swisscows
  499. engine : swisscows
  500. shortcut : sw
  501. disabled : True
  502. - name : tokyotoshokan
  503. engine : tokyotoshokan
  504. shortcut : tt
  505. timeout : 6.0
  506. disabled : True
  507. - name : torrentz
  508. engine : torrentz
  509. shortcut : tor
  510. url: https://torrentz2.eu/
  511. timeout : 3.0
  512. - name : twitter
  513. engine : twitter
  514. shortcut : tw
  515. # maybe in a fun category
  516. # - name : uncyclopedia
  517. # engine : mediawiki
  518. # shortcut : unc
  519. # base_url : https://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/
  520. # number_of_results : 5
  521. # tmp suspended - too slow, too many errors
  522. # - name : urbandictionary
  523. # engine : xpath
  524. # search_url : http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term={query}
  525. # url_xpath : //*[@class="word"]/@href
  526. # title_xpath : //*[@class="def-header"]
  527. # content_xpath : //*[@class="meaning"]
  528. # shortcut : ud
  529. - name : yahoo
  530. engine : yahoo
  531. shortcut : yh
  532. disabled : True
  533. - name : yandex
  534. engine : yandex
  535. shortcut : yn
  536. disabled : True
  537. - name : yahoo news
  538. engine : yahoo_news
  539. shortcut : yhn
  540. - name : youtube
  541. shortcut : yt
  542. # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
  543. # See : https://console.developers.google.com/project
  544. # engine : youtube_api
  545. # api_key: 'apikey' # required!
  546. # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
  547. engine : youtube_noapi
  548. - name : dailymotion
  549. engine : dailymotion
  550. shortcut : dm
  551. - name : vimeo
  552. engine : vimeo
  553. shortcut : vm
  554. - name : wolframalpha
  555. shortcut : wa
  556. # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
  557. # See : http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/
  558. # engine : wolframalpha_api
  559. # api_key: '' # required!
  560. engine : wolframalpha_noapi
  561. timeout: 6.0
  562. categories : science
  563. - name : seedpeer
  564. engine : seedpeer
  565. shortcut: speu
  566. categories: files, music, videos
  567. disabled: True
  568. - name : dictzone
  569. engine : dictzone
  570. shortcut : dc
  571. - name : mymemory translated
  572. engine : translated
  573. shortcut : tl
  574. timeout : 5.0
  575. disabled : True
  576. # You can use without an API key, but you are limited to 1000 words/day
  577. # See : http://mymemory.translated.net/doc/usagelimits.php
  578. # api_key : ''
  579. - name : voat
  580. engine: xpath
  581. shortcut: vo
  582. categories: social media
  583. search_url : https://searchvoat.co/?t={query}
  584. url_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/a[@class="title"]/@href
  585. title_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/a[@class="title"]
  586. content_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/span[@class="domain"]
  587. timeout : 10.0
  588. disabled : True
  589. - name : 1337x
  590. engine : 1337x
  591. shortcut : 1337x
  592. disabled : True
  593. - name : Duden
  594. engine : duden
  595. shortcut : du
  596. disabled : True
  597. - name : seznam
  598. shortcut: szn
  599. engine: xpath
  600. paging : True
  601. search_url : https://search.seznam.cz/?q={query}&count=10&from={pageno}
  602. results_xpath: //div[@class="Page-content"]//div[@class="Result "]
  603. url_xpath : ./h3/a/@href
  604. title_xpath : ./h3
  605. content_xpath : .//p[@class="Result-description"]
  606. first_page_num : 0
  607. page_size : 10
  608. disabled : True
  609. - name : mojeek
  610. shortcut: mjk
  611. engine: xpath
  612. paging : True
  613. search_url : https://www.mojeek.com/search?q={query}&s={pageno}
  614. results_xpath: /html/body//div[@class="results"]/ul[@class="results-standard"]/li
  615. url_xpath : ./h2/a/@href
  616. title_xpath : ./h2
  617. content_xpath : ./p[@class="s"]
  618. suggestion_xpath : /html/body//div[@class="top-info"]/p[@class="top-info spell"]/a
  619. first_page_num : 1
  620. page_size : 10
  621. disabled : True
  622. # - name : yacy
  623. # engine : yacy
  624. # shortcut : ya
  625. # base_url : 'http://localhost:8090'
  626. # number_of_results : 5
  627. # timeout : 3.0
  628. # Doku engine lets you access to any Doku wiki instance:
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  630. # - name : ubuntuwiki
  631. # engine : doku
  632. # shortcut : uw
  633. # base_url : 'http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org'
  634. locales:
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  674. doi_resolvers :
  675. oadoi.org : 'https://oadoi.org/'
  676. doi.org : 'https://doi.org/'
  677. doai.io : 'http://doai.io/'
  678. sci-hub.tw : 'http://sci-hub.tw/'
  679. default_doi_resolver : 'oadoi.org'