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How-to-go-to-war.md (9971B)

  1. ---
  2. title: How to go to war with your employer
  3. date: 2023-06-12
  4. ---
  5. There is a power differential between you and your employer, but that doesn't
  6. mean you can't improve your working conditions. Today I'd like to offer a little
  7. bit of advice on how to frame your relationship with your employer in terms
  8. which empower you and afford you more agency. I'm going to talk about the
  9. typical working conditions of the average white-collar job in a neo-liberal
  10. political environment where you are mostly happy to begin with and financially
  11. stable enough to take risks, and I'm specifically going to talk about individual
  12. action or the actions of small groups rather than large-scale collective action
  13. (e.g. unions).
  14. I wish to subvert the expectation here that employees are subordinate to their
  15. employers. A healthy employment relationship between an employee and employer is
  16. that of two entities who agree to work together on equal terms to strive towards
  17. mutual goals, which in the simplest form is that you both make money and in the
  18. subtleties also suggests that you should be happy doing it. The sense of "going
  19. to war" here should rouse in you an awareness of the resources at your disposal,
  20. a willingness to use them to forward your interests, and an acknowledgement of
  21. the fact that tactics, strategy, propaganda, and subterfuge are among the tools
  22. you can use -- and the tools your employer uses to forward their own interests.
  23. You may suppose that you need your employer more than they need you, but with
  24. some basic accounting we can get a better view of the veracity of this
  25. supposition. Consider at the most fundamental that your employer is a for-profit
  26. entity that spends money to make money, and they spend money on you: as a rule
  27. of thumb, they expect a return of at least your salary ×1.5 (accounting
  28. for overhead, benefits et al) for their investment in you, otherwise it does not
  29. make financial sense for them to employ you.
  30. If you have finer-grained insights into your company's financial situation, you
  31. can get a closer view of your worth to them by dividing their annual profit by
  32. their headcount, adjusted to your discretion to account for the difference in
  33. the profitability of your role compared to your colleagues. It's also wise to
  34. run this math in your head to see how the returns from your employment are
  35. affected by conditions in the hiring market, layoffs, etc -- having fewer
  36. employees increases the company's return per employee, and a busier hiring
  37. market reduces your leverage. In any case, it should be relatively easy for you
  38. to justify, in the cold arithmetic of finance that businesses speak, that
  39. employees matter to the employer, and the degree to which solidarity between
  40. workers is a meaningful force amplifier for your leverage.
  41. In addition to your fundamental value, there are some weak points in the
  42. corporate structure that you should be aware of. There are some big levers that
  43. you may already be aware of that I have already placed outside of the scope of
  44. this blog post, such as the use of collective bargaining, unionization, strikes,
  45. and so on, where you need to maximize your collective leverage to really put the
  46. screws to your employer. Many neo-liberal workplaces lack the class consciousness
  47. necessary to access these levers, and on the day-to-day scale it may be
  48. strategically wise to smarten up your colleagues on social economics in
  49. preparation for use of these levers. I want to talk about goals on the smaller
  50. scale, though. Suppose your goals are, for instance:
  51. - You don't like agile/scrum and want to interact with it from the other end of
  52. a six foot pole and/or replace it with another system
  53. - Define your own goals and work on the problems you think are important at your
  54. own discretion moreso than at the discretion of your manager
  55. - Skip meetings you know are wasting your time
  56. - Set working hours that suit you or take time off on your terms
  57. - Work from home or in-office in an arrangement that meets your own wants/needs
  58. - Exercise agency over your tools, such as installing the software you want
  59. to use on your work laptop
  60. You might also have more intimidating goals you want to address:
  61. - Demand a raise or renegotiating benefits
  62. - Negotiate a 4-day workweek
  63. - Replace your manager or move teams
  64. - Remove a problematic colleague from your working environment
  65. All of these goals are within your power to achieve, and perhaps more easily
  66. than you expect.
  67. First of all, you already have more agency than you know. Your job description
  68. and assigned tasks tells a narrow story of your role at the business: your real
  69. job is ultimately to make money for the business. If you install Linux on your
  70. work laptop because it allows you to work more efficiently, then you are doing
  71. your job better and making more money for the business; they have no right to
  72. object to this and you have a very defensible position for exercising agency in
  73. this respect. Likewise if you adapt the workflows around agile (or whatever) to
  74. better suit your needs rather than to fall in line with the prescription, if it
  75. makes you more productive and happy then it makes the business more money.
  76. Remember your real job -- to make money -- and you can adjust the parameters of
  77. your working environment relatively freely provided that you are still aligned
  78. with this goal.
  79. Often you can simply exercise agency in cases like these, but in other cases you
  80. may have to reach for your tools. Say you don't just want to have maintain a
  81. personal professional distance from agile, but you want to replace it entirely:
  82. now you need to talk to your colleagues. You can go straight to management and
  83. start making your case, but another option -- probably the more effective one --
  84. is to start with your immediate colleagues. Your team also possesses a
  85. collective agency, and if you agree together, without anyone's permission, to
  86. work according to your own terms, then so long as you're all doing your jobs --
  87. making money -- then no one is going to protest. This is more effective than
  88. following the chain of command and asking them to take risks they don't
  89. understand. Be aware of the importance of optics here: you need not only to make
  90. money, but to be *seen* making money. How you are seen to be doing this may
  91. depend on how far up the chain you need to justify yourself to; if your boss
  92. doesn't like it then make sure your boss's boss does.
  93. Ranked in descending order of leverage within the business: your team, your
  94. boss, you.
  95. More individual-oriented goals such as negotiating a different working schedule
  96. or skipping meetings calls for different tools. Simple cases, such as coming in
  97. at ten and leaving at four every day, are a case of simple exercise of agency;
  98. so long as you're making the company money no one is going to raise a fuss. If
  99. you want, for instance, a four day work-week, or to work from home more often,
  100. you may have to justify yourself to someone. In such cases you may be less
  101. likely to have your team's solidarity at your disposal, but if you're seen to be
  102. doing your job -- making money -- then a simple argument that it makes you
  103. better at that job will often suffice.
  104. You can also be clever. "Hey, I'll be working from home on Friday" works better
  105. than "can I work from home on Friday?" If you want to work from home *every*
  106. Friday, however, then you can think strategically: keeping mum about your final
  107. goal of taking all Fridays from home may be wise if you can start by taking
  108. *some* Fridays at home to establish that you're still productive and fulfilling
  109. the prime directive[^money] under those terms and allow yourself to
  110. "accidentally" slip into a new normal of working home every Friday without
  111. asking until it's apparent that the answer will be yes. Don't be above a little
  112. bit of subversion and deception; your employer is using those tools against you
  113. too.
  114. [^money]: Making money, of course.
  115. Then there are the big guns: human resources. HR is the enemy; their job is to
  116. protect the company from you. They can, however, be useful if you understand the
  117. risks they're trying to manage and press the right buttons with them. If your
  118. manager is a dick, HR may be the tool to use to fix this, but you need to
  119. approach it the right way. HR does not give two fucks that you don't like your
  120. manager, if your manager is making money then they are doing their job. What HR
  121. does give a fuck about is managing the company's exposure to lawsuits.
  122. They can also make your life miserable. If HR does not like you then you are
  123. going to suffer, so when you talk to them it is important to know your enemy and
  124. to make strategic use of them without making them realize you know the game.
  125. They present themselves as your ally, let them think you believe it's so. At the
  126. same time, there is a coded language you can use that will get them to act in
  127. your interest. HR will perk up as soon as they smell "unsafe working
  128. conditions", "sexual harassment", "collective action", and so on -- the risks
  129. they were hired to manage -- over the horizon. The best way to interact with HR
  130. is for them to conclude that you are on a path which ends in these problems
  131. landing on their desk without making them think you are a subversive element
  132. within the organization. And if you are prepared to make your knowledge of and
  133. willingness to use these tools explicit, all communication which suggests as
  134. much should be delivered to HR with your lawyer's signature and only when you
  135. have a new job offer lined up as a fallback. HR should either view you as mostly
  136. harmless or look upon you with fear, but nothing in between.
  137. These are your first steps towards class consciousness as a white-collar
  138. employee. Know your worth, know the leverage you have, and be prepared to use
  139. the tools at your disposal to bring about the outcomes you desire, and know your
  140. employer will be doing the same. Good luck out there, and don't forget to
  141. actually write some code or whatever when you're not busy planning a corporate
  142. coup.